Quail eggs orQuails' eggs (British English) are a kind ofeggs as food, eaten and considered adelicacy in many parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and North America. InJapanese cuisine, they are sometimes used raw or cooked astamago insushi and often found inbento lunches.
In some other countries,eggs ofquail are considered less exotic. InBrazil,Colombia,Ecuador, andVenezuela, a singlehard-boiledquail egg is a common topping onhot dogs andhamburgers, often fixed into place with atoothpick. In thePhilippines,kwek-kwek is a popular street-food delicacy, which consists of soft-boiled quail eggs dipped in orange-colored batter before being skewered and deep-fried. InIndonesia, small packages of hard-boiled quail eggs are sold by street vendors as snacks, and skewered quail eggs are sold assatay to accompany main dishes such assoto andbubur ayam. InVietnam, bags of boiled quail eggs are sold on street stalls as inexpensive beer snacks.[1] InSouth Korea, large, inexpensive bags of boiled quail eggs are sold in grocery stores. InChina (includingHong Kong) andTaiwan, they are often braised and served with rice andbraised pork orsiu mei.