The words are a blend ofPortuguese andEnglish. The earliest isPortuglish first recorded in 1997, followed byPortinglish (2001),Portlish (2005),Pinglish (2004) andPorglish (2006).[1] The Portuguese term is a portmanteau of the Portuguese wordsportuguês andinglês.
It is the name often given to any unsystematic mixture of Portuguese with English (code-switching). This is sometimes used by speakers of the two languages to talk to each other.
Portuglish is similar toSpanglish, and it is basically composed of combined English and Portuguese lexicon and a Portuguese grammar.
Many of these examples can also apply to otherLusophone diasporas as Portuguese speakers raised in an English-speaking environment, and English speakers learning Portuguese, or any otherwise native speakers of one language used to the other.
Note: Those with ** are generally accepted in colloquial Brazilian Portuguese as this language variety is more open to receiveloanwords than its European standard counterpart.[citation needed]Deletar,escanear andresetar are even very unlikely to be deemed as unacceptable words in the standard norm of Brazil as much more recently usedbullying, instead of pre-existing Portuguese words asbulimento (bullying),bulir (to bully) andbulidor (bully), has been promoted fromslang and now it is accepted in the variety's educated norm, to the dismay of somelanguage purists.[2]
Aplicação – application (instead of Port.formulário)
Apontamento – appointment (instead of Port.horário,encontro)
Attachar or atachar – to attach (instead of Port.anexar)
Bizado or bisado – busy (instead of Port.ocupado)
Bootar or butar – to boot, usually computers (instead of Port.iniciar)
Chattear – to chat (instead of Port.conversar,bater papo – the Portuguesehomophonechatear has the meaning of to annoy, to pester someone)
Dar um suit – to sue (instead of Port.processar)
Deletar** – to delete (instead of Port.excluir,apagar,suprimir,delir – while originally aLatin word asdeletare, its popularity revived together with the adoption of the English usage)
Dropar – to drop (instead of Port.derrubar,descartar,descer,largar)
Escanear** or scanear** – to scan (instead of Port.digitalizar,varrer,ler,examinar)
Escore – score (instead of Port.pontuação)
Espreiar or spreiar – to spray (instead of Port.pulverizar,borrifar)
Eslaidar orslidar – to slide (instead of Port.escorregar,deslizar,resvalar)
Estartar or startar – to start (instead of Port.iniciar,inicializar)
Frizar or frisar – to freeze (instead of Port.congelar – the correct use offrisar has the meaning of to emphasize; so it can be the correct Portuguese usage depending on context)
Hoovar – to vacuum, to hoover (UK) (instead of Port.aspirar o pó,passar o aspirador de pó)
Inicializar** – to initialize (instead of Port.iniciar)
Mopear – to mop (UK) (instead of Port.esfregar,usar o esfregão)
Ordenar – to place an order (instead of Port.encomendar,pedir,fazer um pedido,requisitar – the correct use ofordenar has the meaning of to command, to ordain; so it can be the correct Portuguese usage depending on context)
Parkear or parquear – to park (instead of Port.estacionar)
Performar - to perform (instead of Port.desempenhar,realizar)
Plotar – to plot (instead of Port.traçar,imprimir mapa ou gráfico)
Printar – to print out (instead of Port.imprimir); also: to make ascreen capture (derived from the computer key "Print Screen")
Realizar – to realize/realise (instead of Port.perceber,compreender – the correct use ofrealizar has the meaning of perform, accomplish, achieve; so it can be the correct Portuguese usage depending on context)
Resetar** – to reset (instead of Port.reiniciar,reinicializar)
Ser suposto a/estar suposto a** – to be supposed to (also Port.dever,dever de – while very rare and sounding odd to most Portuguese speakers, it is a correct Portuguese usage)
Upar** or uppar – to up (on a level; slang term used for RPG games by Brazilian players, instead of Port.evoluir) or to upload (instead of rarely used Port.subir – the opposite ofbaixar, the literal translation of download)
Vacuumar orvequiar – to vacuum (instead of Port.aspirar o pó,passar o aspirador de pó)
Manuel Da Costa Fontes (October 1975). "A New Portuguese Ballad Collection from California".Western Folklore.34 (4). Western Folklore, Vol. 34, No. 4:299–310.doi:10.2307/1499294.JSTOR1499294.
Multiple other citations at thePortuguese-American Historical & Research Foundation