Aponcho (Spanish pronunciation:[ˈpontʃo];Quechua:punchu;Mapudungun:pontro; "blanket", "woolen fabric")[1][2][3] is a kind of plainly formed, loose outer garment originating in theAmericas, traditionally and still usually made of fabric, and designed to keep the body warm. Ponchos have been used by theNative American peoples of theAndes,Patagonia, and theValley of Mexico sincepre-Hispanic times, in places now under the territory ofArgentina,Bolivia,Brazil,Chile,Colombia,Ecuador,Mexico,Peru,Uruguay, andVenezuela, and have also become familiar in parts of theU.S. Arain poncho is made from awatertight material designed to keep the body dry from therain.
In its simplest form, the poncho is essentially a single large sheet of fabric with an opening in the center for the head. It often has an extra piece of fabric serving as a hood. Rainproof ponchos are normally fitted with fasteners to close the sides once the poncho is draped over the body, with openings provided for the arms. Many ponchos have hoods attached to ward off wind and rain.
Alternative ponchos are now designed as fashion items.[4] They are the same shape but of different material. They are designed to look fashionable and provide warmth and to remain breathable and comfortable, rather than to ward off wind and rain. They are often made out ofwoolenyarn,knitted orcrocheted. Ponchos with festive designs or colors can be worn at special events as well.
The poncho was one of the typical clothes of many South American and Mexican cultures. Although investigations have concluded that its origins could be Mexico, Ecuador or Peru, it is not known where the first ponchos[5] were made. The poncho is now commonly associated with theAmericas. As traditional clothing, the local names and variants are:
The poncho was first used on a regular basis in the 1850s for irregular U.S. military forces operating on the U.S.Western Plains.[6] These early military ponchos were made ofgutta perchamuslin, alatex-coated, waterproof cloth.[7] Ponchos made of gutta-percha orIndia rubber coated cloth were officially adopted during theAmerican Civil War, both as rain clothing and as a ground sheet for sleeping. While originally intended forcavalry forces, they were widely used byinfantry as well;Major GeneralSherman'sUnion troops, lightly equipped and living offprocurement demand from the local populace, wore ponchos during wet weather encountered during themarch throughConfederateGeorgia to the sea.[7]
Discontinued after the Civil War, theU.S. Army again issued ponchos of waterproof rubberized canvas to its forces during theSpanish–American War of 1898.[8] Two years later, both the Army and theMarines were forced to issue waterproof rubberized cloth ponchos with high neck collars during thePhilippine–American War in 1900.[7] With the entry of the United States intoWorld War I, bothdoughboys andMarines inFrance wore the poncho; it was preferred over the raincoat for its ability to keep both the wearer and his pack dry, as well as serving as a roof for a makeshift shelter.[9]
Just prior toWorld War II, ponchos were significantly improved during testing with the U.S. Army Jungle Experimental Platoon in the jungles ofPanama, incorporating new, lighter materials and a drawcord hood that could be closed off to form a rain fly or ground sheet.[7] Ponchos were widely used by United States armed forces during World War II; even lightly equipped foot-mounted forces such asMerrill's Marauders, forced to discard tentage and all other unnecessary equipment, retained their blanket and poncho.[10] During the 1950s, new lightweight coatednylon and other synthetic materials were developed for military ponchos. The poncho has remained in service ever since as a standard piece of U.S. military field equipment.[7] Today, theUnited States armed forces issue ponchos that may be used as a field expedient shelter. These garments are also used byhunters,campers, andrescue workers.
During World War II, the German Army (Wehrmacht) issued theZeltbahn (seeShelter half), a poncho that could be combined to formtents. A typical four-man tent used fourZeltbahnen.
Hikers and soldiers may use military ponchos for improvised tents, sleeping mats, and other purposes besides clothing.[11] Soldiers tend to use ponchos as a substitute for a tent because it is portable and easy to install. Poncho Hooch, Poncho Lean-to, Poncho Litter, and "Australian" Poncho Raft[12] are examples of possible poncho configuration.
In the late 18th century, Basque navigatorJosé de Moraleda wrote that the ponchos of theHuilliche ofOsorno were less colorful than those ofChiloé Archipelago.[13] The Huilliche are the principal indigenous population of Chile fromToltén River toChiloé Archipelago.[14]Mapuche ponchos were once highly valued, in the 19th century a poncho could be traded for several horses or up to seventy kilos ofyerba mate.[15] 19th-century Mapuche ponchos were clearly superior to non-indigenous Chilean textiles and of good quality when compared to contemporary European wool textiles.[15]
The dictionary definition ofponcho at Wiktionary