It was launched on March 3, 1972, at 01:49:00 UTC (March 2 local time), by anAtlas-Centaur rocket fromCape Canaveral,Florida. Between July 15, 1972, and February 15, 1973, it became the first spacecraft to traverse theasteroid belt. Photography of Jupiter began on November 6, 1973, at a range of 25 millionkilometers (16 millionmiles), and about 500 images were transmitted. The closest approach to the planet was on December 3, 1973, at a range of 132,252 kilometers (82,178 mi). During the mission, the on-board instruments were used to study the asteroid belt, the environment around Jupiter, thesolar wind,cosmic rays, and eventually the far reaches of the Solar System andheliosphere.[6]
Radio communications were lost withPioneer 10 on January 23, 2003, because of the loss of electric power for itsradio transmitter. At the time, the probe was 12 billionkm (80 AU; 7.5 billion mi) from Earth.
In the 1960s, American aerospace engineerGary Flandro of the NASAJet Propulsion Laboratory conceived of a mission, known as thePlanetary Grand Tour, that would exploit a rare alignment of the outer planets of the Solar System. This mission would ultimately be accomplished in the late 1970s by the twoVoyager probes, but in order to prepare for it, NASA decided in 1964 to experiment with launching a pair of probes to theouter Solar System.[7] An advocacy group named the Outer Space Panel and chaired by American space scientistJames A. Van Allen, worked out the scientific rationale for exploring the outer planets.[8][9] NASAGoddard Spaceflight Center put together a proposal for a pair of "Galactic Jupiter Probes" that would pass through the asteroid belt and visit Jupiter. These were to be launched in 1972 and 1973 during favorable windows that occurred only a few weeks every 13 months. Launch during other time intervals would have been more costly in terms of propellant requirements.[10]
Approved by NASA in February 1969,[10] the twin spacecraft were designatedPioneer F andPioneer G before launch; later, they were namedPioneer 10 andPioneer 11 respectively. They formed part of thePioneer program,[11] a series of United States uncrewed space missions launched between 1958 and 1978. This model was the first in the series to be designed for exploring the outer Solar System. Based on proposals issued throughout the 1960s, the early mission objectives were to explore the interplanetary medium past the orbit of Mars, study the asteroid belt and assess the possible hazard to spacecraft traveling through the belt, and explore Jupiter and its environment.[6] Later development-stage objectives included the probe closely approaching Jupiter to provide data on the effect the environmental radiation surrounding Jupiter would have on the spacecraft instruments.
More than 150 scientific experiments were proposed for the missions.[12] The experiments to be carried on the spacecraft were selected in a series of planning sessions during the 1960s, then were finalized by early 1970. These would be to perform imaging andpolarimetry of Jupiter and several of its satellites, make infrared and ultraviolet observations of Jupiter, detect asteroids and meteoroids, determine the composition of charged particles, and to measure magnetic fields, plasma, cosmic rays and thezodiacal light.[6] Observation of the spacecraft communications as it passed behind Jupiter would allow measurements of the planetary atmosphere, while tracking data would improve estimates of the mass of Jupiter and its moons.[6]
NASA Ames Research Center, rather than Goddard, was selected to manage the project as part of the Pioneer program.[10] The Ames Research Center, under the direction of Charles F. Hall, was chosen because of its previous experience with spin-stabilized spacecraft. The requirements called for a small, lightweight spacecraft which was magnetically clean and which could perform an interplanetary mission. It was to use spacecraft modules that had already been proven in thePioneer 6 through9 missions.[6] Ames commissioned a documentary film by George Van Valkenburg titledJupiter Odyssey. It received numerous international awards, and is visible on Van Valkenburg's YouTube channel.
In February 1970, Ames awarded a combined US$380 million contract toTRW Inc. for building both of thePioneer 10 and11 vehicles, bypassing the usual bidding process to save time. B. J. O'Brien and Herb Lassen led the TRW team that assembled the spacecraft.[13] Design and construction of the spacecraft required an estimated 25 million man-hours.[14] An engineer from TRW quipped, "This spacecraft is guaranteed for two years of interplanetary flight. If any component fails within that warranty period, just return the spacecraft to our shop and we will repair it free of charge."[15]
To meet the schedule, the first launch would need to take place between February 29 and March 17 so that it could arrive at Jupiter in November 1974. This was later revised to an arrival date of December 1973 in order to avoid conflicts with other missions over the use of theDeep Space Network for communications, and to miss the period when Earth and Jupiter would be at opposite sides of the Sun. The encounter trajectory forPioneer 10 was selected to maximize the information returned about the radiation environment around Jupiter, even if this caused damage to some systems. It would come within about three times the radius of the planet, which was thought to be the closest it could approach and still survive the radiation. The trajectory chosen would give the spacecraft a good view of the sunlit side.[16]
Pioneer 10 andPioneer 11 spacecraft diagram
Pioneer 10 in the final stages of construction (December 1971)
Pioneer 10 tested in a space simulation chamber (January 1972)
Pioneer 10 on aStar-37E kick motor just prior to being encapsulated for launch (February 1972)
Pioneer 10 during encapsulation into payload fairing
ThePioneer 10 bus measures 36 centimeters (14 in) deep and with six 76-centimeter (30 in) long panels forming the hexagonal structure. The bus houses propellant to control the orientation of the probe and eight of the eleven scientific instruments. The equipment compartment lay within an aluminum honeycomb structure to provide protection frommeteoroids. A layer of insulation, consisting of aluminizedmylar andkapton blankets, provides passive thermal control. Heat was generated by the dissipation of 70 to 120watts (W) from the electrical components inside the compartment. The heat range was maintained within the operating limits of the equipment by means of louvers located below the mounting platform.[3] The spacecraft had a launch mass of about 260 kilograms (570 lb).[6]: 42
At launch, the spacecraft carried 36 kilograms (79 lb) of liquidhydrazinemonopropellant in a 42-centimeter (17 in) diameter spherical tank.[3] Orientation of the spacecraft is maintained with six 4.5N,[17] hydrazine thrusters mounted in three pairs. Pair one maintained a constant spin-rate of 4.8rpm, pair two controlled the forward thrust, and pair three controlled the attitude. The attitude pair were used inconical scanning maneuvers to track Earth in its orbit.[18] Orientation information was also provided by astar sensor able to referenceCanopus, and twoSun sensors.[19]
SNAP-19 RTGs mounted on an extension boom ofPioneer 10 replica
Pioneer 10 uses fourSNAP-19radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs). They are positioned on two three-rod trusses, each 3 meters (9.8 ft) in length and 120 degrees apart. This was expected to be a safe distance from the sensitive scientific experiments carried on board. Combined, the RTGs provided 155 W at launch, and decayed to 140 W in transit to Jupiter. The spacecraft required 100 W to power all systems.[6]: 44–45 The generators are powered by the radioisotope fuelplutonium-238, which is housed in a multi-layer capsule protected by a graphite heat shield.[20]
The pre-launch requirement for the SNAP-19 was to provide power for two years in space; this was greatly exceeded during the mission.[21] The plutonium-238 has ahalf-life of 87.74 years, so that after 29 years the radiation being generated by the RTGs was at 80% of its intensity at launch. However, steady deterioration of thethermocouple junctions led to a more rapid decay in electrical power generation, and by 2001 the total power output was 65 W. As a result, later in the mission only selected instruments could be operated at any one time.[3]
The space probe includes a redundant system oftransceivers, one attached to the narrow-beam,high-gain antenna, the other to an omni-antenna and medium-gain antenna. The parabolic dish for the high-gain antenna is 2.74 meters (9.0 ft) in diameter and made from an aluminum honeycomb sandwich material. The spacecraft was spun about an axis that is parallel to the axis of this antenna so that it could remain oriented toward the Earth.[3] Each transceiver is an 8 W one and transmits data across theS-band using 2110 MHz for the uplink from Earth and 2292 MHz for the downlink to Earth with theDeep Space Network tracking the signal. Data to be transmitted is passed through aconvolutional encoder so that most communication errors could becorrected by the receiving equipment on Earth.[6]: 43 The data transmission rate at launch was 256 bit/s, with the rate degrading by about 1.27 millibit/s for each day during the mission.[3]
Much of the computation for the mission is performed on Earth and transmitted to the spacecraft, where it was able to retain in memory up to five commands of the 222 possible entries by ground controllers. The spacecraft includes two command decoders and a command distribution unit, a very limited form of a processor, to direct operations on the spacecraft. This system requires that mission operators prepare commands long in advance of transmitting them to the probe. A data storage unit is included to record up to 6,144 bytes of information gathered by the instruments. The digital telemetry unit is used to prepare the collected data in one of the thirteen possible formats before transmitting it back to Earth.[6]: 38
This instrument measures the fine structure of the interplanetary magnetic field, mapped the Jovian magnetic field, and provided magnetic field measurements to evaluate solar wind interaction with Jupiter. The magnetometer consists of a helium-filled cell mounted on a 6.6 m boom to partly isolate the instrument from the spacecraft's magnetic field.[22]
Surveys the intensities, energy spectra, and angular distributions of electrons and protons along the spacecraft's path through the radiation belts of Jupiter.[27]
Includes anunfocusedCerenkov counter that detects the light emitted in a particular direction as particles passed through it recording electrons of energy, 0.5 to 12MeV, anelectron scatter detector for electrons of energy, 100 to 400 keV, and aminimum ionizing detector consisting of a solid-state diode that measure minimum ionizing particles (<3 MeV) and protons in the range of 50 to 350 MeV.[28]
Principal investigator: R. Fillius / University of California San Diego[24]
Twelve panels of pressurized cell detectors mounted on the back of the main dish antenna record penetrating impacts of small meteoroids.[29]
Principal investigator: William Kinard / NASA Langley Research Center[24]
Data: NSSDC data archive list
Asteroid/Meteoroid Detector (AMD)
Meteoroid-asteroid detector look into space with four non-imaging telescopes to track particles ranging from close by bits of dust to distant large asteroids.[30]
Principal investigator: Robert Soberman / General Electric Company[24]
The imaging experiment relies upon the spin of the spacecraft to sweep a small telescope across the planet in narrow strips only 0.03 degrees wide, looking at the planet in red (5800 to 7000Å) and blue (3900 to 4900 Å) light. These strips were then processed to build up a visual image of the planet.[32]
Principal investigator:Tom Gehrels / University of Arizona[24]
Pioneer 10 was launched on March 3, 1972, at 01:49:00 UTC (8:49 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on March 2) by theNational Aeronautics and Space Administration fromSpace Launch Complex 36A in Florida, aboard anAtlas-Centaur. The third stage of theexpendable vehicle consisted of a solid fuelStar-37E stage (TE-M-364-4) developed specifically for the Pioneer missions. This stage provided about 67 kilonewtons (15,000 lbf) of thrust and spun up the spacecraft.[34] The spacecraft had an initial spin rate of 30 rpm. Twenty minutes following the launch, the vehicle's three booms were extended, which slowed the rotation rate to 4.8 rpm. This rate was maintained throughout the voyage. The launch vehicle accelerated the probe for a net interval of 17 minutes, reaching a velocity of 51,682 km/h (32,114 mph).[35]
After the high-gain antenna was contacted, several of the instruments were activated for testing while the spacecraft was moving through the Earth's radiation belts. Ninety minutes after launch, the spacecraft reached interplanetary space.[35]Pioneer 10 passed by the Moon in 11 hours,[36] and became the fastest human-made object at that time.[37] Two days after launch, the scientific instruments were turned on, beginning with the cosmic ray telescope. After ten days, all of the instruments were active.[36]
During the first seven months of the journey, the spacecraft made three course corrections. The on-board instruments underwent checkouts, with thephotometers examining Jupiter and theZodiacal light, and experiment packages being used to measure cosmic rays, magnetic fields and the solar wind. The only anomaly during this interval was the failure of the Canopus sensor, which instead required the spacecraft to maintain its orientation using the two Sun sensors.[35]
While passing throughinterplanetary medium,Pioneer 10 became the first mission to detect interplanetary atoms of helium. It also observed high-energy ions of aluminum and sodium in thesolar wind. The spacecraft recorded importantheliophysics data in early August 1972 by registering asolar shock wave when it was at a distance of 2.2 AU (330 million km; 200 million mi).[38] On July 15, 1972,Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to enter the asteroid belt,[4] located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The project planners expected a safe passage through the belt, and the closest the trajectory would take the spacecraft to any of the known asteroids was 8.8 million kilometers (5.5 million miles). One of the nearest approaches was to the asteroid307 Nike on December 2, 1972.[39]
The on-board experiments demonstrated a deficiency of particles below amicrometer (μm) in the belt, as compared to the vicinity of the Earth. The density of dust particles between 10 and 100 μm did not vary significantly during the trip from the Earth to the outer edge of the belt. Only for particles with a diameter of 100 μm to 1.0 mm did the density show an increase, by a factor of three in the region of the belt. No fragments larger than a millimeter were observed in the belt, indicating these are likely rare; certainly much less common than anticipated. As the spacecraft did not collide with any particles of substantial size, it passed safely through the belt, emerging on the other side about February 15, 1973.[40][41]
NASA map showing trajectories of thePioneer 10,Pioneer 11,Voyager 1, andVoyager 2 spacecraft.
Pioneer 10's trajectory through the Jovian system
Animation ofPioneer 10's trajectory from March 3, 1972, to December 31, 1975 Pioneer 10·Earth·Jupiter
Animation of Pioneer 10's trajectory around Jupiter Pioneer 10· Jupiter· Io· Europa· Ganymede· Callisto
On November 6, 1973, thePioneer 10 spacecraft was at a distance of 25 million km (16 million mi) from Jupiter. Testing of the imaging system began, and the data were successfully received back at the Deep Space Network. A series of 16,000 commands were then uploaded to the spacecraft to control the flyby operations during the next sixty days. The orbit of the outer moonSinope was crossed on November 8. Thebow shock of Jupiter's magnetosphere was reached on November 16, as indicated by a drop in the velocity of thesolar wind from 451 km/s (280 mi/s) to 225 km/s (140 mi/s). Themagnetopause was passed through a day later. The spacecraft instruments confirmed that the magnetic field of Jupiter was inverted compared to that of Earth. By the 29th, the orbits of all of the outermost moons had been passed, and the spacecraft was operating flawlessly.[42]
Red and blue pictures of Jupiter were being generated by the imaging photopolarimeter as the rotation of the spacecraft carried the instrument's field of view past the planet. These red and blue colors were combined to produce a synthetic green image, allowing a three-color combination to produce the rendered image. On November 26, a total of twelve such images were received back on Earth. By December 2, the image quality exceeded the best images made from Earth. These were being displayed in real-time back on Earth, and the Pioneer program would later receive anEmmy award for this presentation to the media. The motion of the spacecraft produced geometric distortions that later had to be corrected by computer processing.[42] During the encounter, a total of more than 500 images were transmitted.[43]
The trajectory of the spacecraft took it along the magnetic equator of Jupiter, where theion radiation was concentrated.[44] Peakflux for this electron radiation is 10,000 times stronger than the maximum radiation around the Earth.[45] Pioneer 10 passed through the inner radiation belts within 20 RJ, receiving an integrated dose of 200,000rads fromelectrons and 56,000 rads fromprotons (in comparison, a whole body dose of 500 rads is fatal to humans).[46] The level of radiation at Jupiter was ten times more powerful than Pioneer's designers had predicted, leading to fears that the probe would not survive. Starting on December 3, the radiation around Jupiter caused false commands to be generated. Most of these were corrected by contingency commands, but an image ofIo and a few close-ups of Jupiter were lost. Similar false commands would be generated on the way out from the planet.[42] Nonetheless,Pioneer 10 did succeed in obtaining images of the moonsGanymede andEuropa. The image of Ganymede showed lowalbedo features in the center and near the south pole, while the north pole appeared brighter. Europa was too far away to obtain a detailed image, although some albedo features were apparent.[47]
The trajectory ofPioneer 10 was chosen to take it behind Io, allowing therefractive effect of the moon's atmosphere on the radio transmissions to be measured. This demonstrated that theionosphere of the moon was about 700 kilometers (430 mi) above the surface of the day side, and the density ranged from 60,000 electrons per cubic centimeter on the dayside to 9,000 electrons per cubic centimeter on the night face. An unexpected discovery was that Io was orbiting within a cloud of hydrogen that extended for about 805,000 kilometers (500,000 mi), with a width and height of 402,000 kilometers (250,000 mi). A smaller, 110,000-kilometer (68,000 mi) cloud was believed to have been detected near Europa.[47]
It was not until afterPioneer 10 had cleared the asteroid belt that NASA selected a trajectory towards Jupiter which included a slingshot effect to send the spacecraft out of the Solar System.Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to attempt such a maneuver, a model for future missions. Such an extended mission was not in the initial proposal, but was planned for prior to launch.[48]
At the closest approach, the velocity of the spacecraft reached 132,000 km/h (82,000 mph; 37,000 m/s),[49] and it came within 132,252 kilometers (82,178 mi) of the outer atmosphere of Jupiter. Close-up images of the Great Red Spot and the terminator were obtained. Communication with the spacecraft then ceased as it passed behind the planet.[44] Theradio occultation data allowed the temperature structure of the outer atmosphere to be measured, showing a temperature inversion between the altitudes with 10 and 100 mbar pressures. Temperatures at the 10-mbar level ranged from −133 to −113 °C (140 to 160 K; −207 to −171 °F), while temperatures at the 100 mbar level were −183 to −163 °C (90.1 to 110.1 K; −297.4 to −261.4 °F).[50] The spacecraft generated an infrared map of the planet, which confirmed the idea that the planet radiated more heat than it received from the Sun.[51]
Crescent images of the planet were then returned asPioneer 10 moved away from the planet.[52] As the spacecraft headed outward, it again passed the bow shock of Jupiter's magnetosphere. As this front is constantly shifting in space because of dynamic interaction with the solar wind, the vehicle crossed the bow shock a total of 17 times before it escaped completely.[53]
Pioneer 10 crossed the orbit of Saturn in 1976 and the orbit of Uranus in 1979.[54] On June 13, 1983, the craft crossed the orbit ofNeptune, and so became the first human-made object to leave the proximity of the major planets of the Solar System. The mission came to an official end on March 31, 1997, when it had reached a distance of 67 AU (10.0 billion km; 6.2 billion mi) from the Sun, though the spacecraft was still able to transmit coherent data after this date.[3]
After March 31, 1997,Pioneer 10's weak signal continued to be tracked by the Deep Space Network to aid the training of flight controllers in the process of acquiring deep-space radio signals. There was anAdvanced Concepts study applyingchaos theory to extract coherent data from the fading signal.[55]
The last successful reception oftelemetry was received fromPioneer 10 on April 27, 2002; subsequent signals were barely strong enough to detect and provided no usable data. The final, very weak signal fromPioneer 10 was received on January 23, 2003, when it was 12 billion km (80 AU; 7.5 billion mi) from Earth.[56] Further attempts to contact the spacecraft were unsuccessful. A final attempt was made on the evening of March 4, 2006, the last time the antenna would be correctly aligned with Earth. No response was received fromPioneer 10.[57] NASA decided that the RTG units had probably fallen below the power threshold needed to operate the transmitter. Hence, no further attempts at contact were made.[58]
Pioneer 10 and 11 speed and distance from the SunHeliocentric positions of the fiveinterstellar probes (squares) and other bodies (circles) until 2020, with launch and flyby dates. Markers denote positions on1 January of each year, with every fifth year labelled. Plot 1 is viewed from thenorth ecliptic pole, to scale. Plots 2 to 4 arethird-angle projections at 20% scale. Inthe SVG file, hover over a trajectory or orbit to highlight it and its associated launches and flybys.
Crossed orbit ofPluto, still defined as a planet at the time (Pluto's irregular orbit meant it was closer to the Sun than Neptune).[59]
Crossed orbit ofNeptune, the farthest planet away from the Sun at the time, to become the first human-made object to depart the Solar System.[1] By dialing 1-900-410-4111, one could access a recording provided by TRW that was made by slowing down and convertingPioneer 10's data feed to analog sounds.[60]
End of mission. Contact is maintained with spacecraft to record telemetry.[61]
Voyager 1 overtakesPioneer 10 as the most distant human-made object from the Sun, at 69.419 AU.Voyager 1 is moving away from the Sun over 1 AU per year faster thanPioneer 10.[61]
Successful reception of telemetry. 39 minutes of clean data received from a distance of 79.83 AU[62]
Last successful reception of telemetry. 33 minutes of clean data received from a distance of 80.22 AU[62]
Final signal received from the spacecraft. Reception was very weak and subsequent signals were barely strong enough to detect.[62]
Unsuccessful attempt to contact the spacecraft.[62]
Final attempt, again unsuccessful, to contact the spacecraft.
Projections indicate thatVoyager 2 overtook Pioneer 10 as the second farthest spacecraft from the Sun[63][64]
Pioneer H, a backup unit, at the National Air and Space Museum.
On July 18, 2023,Voyager 2 overtookPioneer 10, makingPioneer 10 the third farthest spacecraft from the Sun afterVoyager 1 andVoyager 2.[63][64] As of June 2024, the probe is estimated to be 137.3 AU (20.5 billionkm; 12.8 billion mi) from Earth and 136.3 AU (20.4 billionkm; 12.7 billion mi) from the Sun.[65] Sunlight takes 18.9 hours to reachPioneer 10. The brightness of the Sun from the spacecraft is magnitude −16.0.[65]Pioneer 10 is currently travelling in the direction of the constellationTaurus.[65]
If left undisturbed,Pioneer 10 and its sister craftPioneer 11 will join the two Voyager spacecraft and theNew Horizons spacecraft in leaving the Solar System to wander theinterstellar medium. ThePioneer 10 trajectory is expected to take it in the general direction of the starAldebaran, currently located at a distance of about 68 light years. If Aldebaran had zerorelative velocity, it would require more than two million years for the spacecraft to reach it.[3][65] Well before that, in about 90,000 years,Pioneer 10 will pass about 0.23parsecs (0.75light-years) from the lateK-type starHIP 117795.[66] This is the closest stellar flyby in the next few million years of all thePioneer,Voyager, andNew Horizons spacecraft, which are leaving the Solar System.
Because it was strongly advocated byCarl Sagan,[13]Pioneer 10 andPioneer 11 carry a 152 by 229 mm (6.0 by 9.0 in) gold-anodized aluminumplaque in case either spacecraft is ever found by intelligent life-forms from another planetary system. The plaques feature the nude figures of a human male and female along with several symbols that are designed to provide information about the origin of the spacecraft.[69] The plaque is attached to the antenna support struts where it would be shielded from interstellar dust.[70]
^E. A. Skrabek; J. W. McGrew (January 12–16, 1987). "Pioneer 10 and 11 RTG performance update".Transactions of the Fourth Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems. Albuquerque, New Mexico. pp. 201–204.Bibcode:1987snps.symp..201S.
^G. L. Bennett; E. A. Skrabek (March 26–29, 1996). "Power performance of US space radioisotope thermoelectric generators".Fifteenth International Conference on Thermoelectrics. Pasadena, California. pp. 357–372.doi:10.1109/ICT.1996.553506.
^Infogrames (1995).Chaos Control (Philips CD-i, Sega Saturn, Sony Playsation, MS-DOS, Apple Macintosh). Infogrames.Opening narration describes Pioneer 10 being encountered by aliens, leading to the war.
Simpson, J. A. (2001)."The Cosmic Radiation". In Johan A. M. Bleeker; Johannes Geiss; Martin C. E. Huber (eds.).The Century of Space Science. Vol. 1. Springer. p. 146.ISBN978-0-7923-7196-0.
Van Allen, James A. (2001)."Magnetospheric Physics". In Johannes Alphonsus Marie Bleeker; Arturo Russo (eds.).The Century of Space Science. Vol. 1. Springer. p. 155.ISBN978-0-7923-7196-0.
Missions are ordered by launch date. Sign† indicates failure en route or before intended mission data returned.‡ indicates use of the planet as agravity assist en route to another destination.
Payloads are separated by bullets ( · ), launches by pipes ( | ). Crewed flights are indicated inunderline. Uncatalogued launch failures are listed initalics. Payloads deployed from other spacecraft are denoted in (brackets).