salt-boiled fish,[7] cooked in salt and spices including tamarind juice, garlic, shallot, ginger, turmeric, lemongrass, galangal, chili pepper, Indonesian bayleaf, citrus leaf, shrimp paste, and palm sugar.
TheIndonesian dictionary describespindang as "salted and seasoned fish, and then smoked or boiled until dry for preservation".[11] In Indonesia, various boiled fish products are generally known aspindang.[12] In Malaysia, it is known aspindang in Southwest coast of Malay peninsula, andsinggang in Northeast coast of Malay peninsula.[13]
Pindang is often described as Indonesian salt-boiled fish, particularly in Java.[7] On the other hand, inBali pindang specifically refers to seasoned fishbrine, whererujak kuah pindang, or Bali style fruitrujak with fish brine stock is a popular dish.[14]
Although cooking methods and dishes described aspindang could be found all across Indonesia, from Jepara and Banyuwangi in coastal Java to fishing towns of Sumatra,pindang is strongly associated withthe local cuisine of Palembang, wherepindang patin (Pangasius fish pindang) is its specialty,[5] and theprovince has rich variety of pindang dishes.[15]
In Malaysia, pindang is consumed in Southwest coast of Malay peninsula, the region that facing Malacca strait and Sumatra,[13] with some region has its own variation and different names. For example, pindang recipes have been pass down for generation byChitty, thePeranakan Tamils ofMalacca that is unique to the state.[18]
Bamboo-packed mackerel pindang sold in Kalibaru traditional market in Banyuwangi, East JavaPindang making in Blimbing, East Java circa 1920s
The termpindang refer to the cooking process of boiling the ingredients insalt together with certain spices that containstannin,[10] usually soy sauce, shallot skin, guava leaves, teak leaves, tea or other spices common in Southeast Asia. This gives the food a yellowish to brown color and lasts longer compared to plainly boiled fish or eggs, thuspindang is an Indonesian traditional method to preserve food, usually employed for fish and eggs.[10] In Indonesia,ikan pindang (fish pindang) is also known asikan cue. Both terms are often erroneously used interchangeably, although not all pindang fish are made ofcue fish (Caranx sp.).[19]
Pindang is regarded as one offish preservation method through boiling with salt addition. Although the method is used in other parts of the world, it is only of major commercial significance in Southeast Asia. The shelf life of the products varies from one or two days to several months.[12] The technique is native to Java and Sumatra. In Indonesia, various preserved pindang fish are available in traditional markets. Common fish being processed as pindang aretongkol (mackerel tuna orEuthynnus),bandeng (milkfish),kembung (mackerel orRastrelliger),lejang (Decapterus), and alsokuwe orcue (Caranx sp.).[12]
Pindang preparation is often called the "wet preservation", i.e. after covered in coarse salt, instead of being dried in the sun likesalted fish, it is boiled on a low flame until the liquids are evaporated and the salt seasoning absorbed well into fish.[20] Compared to salted fish, pindang uses less salt, thus the taste is not as salty as salted fish. Other preserving methods common in Indonesian cuisine includeasin (salted) or cured and dried in salt, anddendeng which is cured and dried in sugar,acar (pickling), and alsoasap (smoked).[4]
Pindang variants can be differentiated according to the kind of fish species used, or according to specific regional recipes which use different ingredients andspices combination. Pindang recipes can be found in various cooking traditions of Southeast Asia; fromJavanese,Betawi,Palembang, andMalay cuisine. In Indonesia, pindang recipes show exceptional diversity inSouth Sumatra.[15]
Pindang bandeng, milkfish pindang served inJepara, Central Java
Pindang bandeng orpindang serani:Milkfish pindang, specialty ofBetawi,Jakarta.[21] The name "serani" is corrupted fromnasrani or Christian, which refer toMardijker ofKampung Tugu in North Jakarta.[21] Pindang serani is also common inJepara, Central Java, is made from various kinds of seafood, but the most popular one is milkfish.[22]
Pindang gabus:Snakehead pindang, specialty of South Sumatra.[25]
Pindang gunung pangandaran: Fish pindang that usestorch ginger, specialty ofPangandaran, West Java, Indonesia.[26]
Pindang gurame kuning:Gourami pindang in yellowish sauce, this Indonesian pindang has its typical sour, hot and spicy flavour.[27]
Pindang ikan bunga kecombrang: Fish pindang that useskecombrang (Etlingera elatior) flower which is quite popular in Indonesia.[28] The pink flower reduce the fishy aroma of the ingredient. It usually usestengiri (wahoo) fish, but other more common fish such ascarp might be used.[29]
Pindang kepala ikan manyung orpindang gombyang: Pindang that uses the head ofikan manyung orikan jambal (Ariidae). It is commonly found inIndramayu in West Java, Pati and Semarang in Central Java.[31][32]
Pindang kerapu:Grouper pindang served with pineapple.[34]
Pindang kerupuk: Pindang soup that useskrupuk keriting,fish cracker, specialty of South Sumatra.[15] Using krupuk cracker in soup is quite similar to Sundaneseseblak.
Pindang lampung:Lampung style fish pindang from Lampung province, Sumatra, Indonesia. Fish that usually made into pindang lampung arepatin (pangasius),gabus (snakehead),baung (Hemibagrus), andbawal (pomfret). Spices used are red chili pepper, lemongrass, galangal,daun salam (Indonesian bay leaf), citrus leaf, turmeric, shallot and garlic.[35]
Pindang meranjat: Its soup is generally reddish or brown; the most hot and spicy among South Sumatran pindang variants due to the generous use of red chili pepper, turmeric, andshrimp paste. Traditionally made ofiwak salai (smoked fish) from catfish,patin,baung, orlais fish. Specialty of the Meranjat area, southernOgan Ilir, South Sumatra.[15][36][37]
Pindang musi rawas: Sour and freshpindang with a rather clear-colored soup, fromMusi Rawas, South Sumatra. Uses mashedtomato instead of tamarind as its souring agent, addsginger andgarlic.[36][38][37]
Pindang palembang: Its soup is generally sweet and sour, specialty of Palembang.Pangasius fish is a popular choice for this variant.[5][15][36]
Pindang pegagan: Its soup is lighter thanpindang meranjat and not oily, since the spices are boiled directly, and not stir fried inpalm oil. Traditionally made ofWallago fish, though other types of fish may also be used based on availability. Specialty of the Pegagan area, northern Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra.[38][39][37]
Pindang sekayu: Sweet tasting fish pindang fromSekayu, Musi Banyuasin, using a sweet soy sauce.[38]
Pindang telur gabus: Pindang that usesfish roe ofgabus,snakehead's egg, specialty of South Sumatra.[15]
Pindang tongkol: A pindang variant using pindang processedmackerel tuna. Pindang tongkol is quite common across Indonesia; however, it is especially popular inBangka Belitung islands.[40]
Pindang udang: A pindang variant that usesshrimp,pineapple andlemon basil, another specialty of Palembang.[41] A similar recipe is also found in Melaka Chetti pindang variant.[citation needed]
Pindang ikan parang: A Melaka Chetti pindang variant using coconut milk.[citation needed]
Pindang kerang/sotong: A Perak Malay pindang variant using cockles or squid, a specialty of Lenggong Valley, Perak.[citation needed]
Pepes pindang tahu kemangi: Shredded pindang fish mixed with tofu andlemon basil, cooked in Indonesianpepes (insidebanana leaf wrappings) method.[42]
Sambal pindang tongkol suwir: Indonesiansambal chili paste mixed and cooked with shreddedtongkol (mackerel tuna) that already processed as pindang. This dish can be consumed as side dish withnasi rames or as condiment; i.e. hot and spicy fish relish.[43]
Pindang telur bebek orpindang telur itik:Duck egg pindang, in Indonesia it is considered as a variant of the commonpindang telur that mostly uses chicken egg, as both employs same ingredients and cooking method.[45] In Malaysia, it is a pindang variant from Negeri Sembilan using duck egg.[citation needed]
Pindang hati ayam dan kacang botol: Negeri Sembilan pindang variant using chicken heart and vegetables.[46]
Nasi pindang semarang or also known aspindang kudus:Beefbrisket cooked in pindang method spiced withkeluwek and served upon steamed rice, specialty ofSemarang andKudus in Central Java, Indonesia.[48][49]
Pindang iga orpindang tulang:Beef ribs pindang or bone pindang,[15] unlike other pindangs that mostly uses fish or eggs, this unique meat pindang is another specialty of Palembang, South Sumatra.[51]
Pindang kambing:Goat meat pindang found in Indonesia.[52]
^"Pindang".Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (in Indonesian).pindang/pin·dang/ n ikan yang digarami dan dibumbui kemudian diasapi atau direbus sampai kering agar dapat tahan lama