Taguieff is the author of a number of books and papers onracism andantisemitism, includingThe Force of Prejudice: On Racism and Its Doubles (2001) andRising from the Muck: The New Antisemitism in Europe (2004). He is known in particular for his studies on the FrenchNational Front andpopulism.[2]
The second type is insidiously hosted by theEnlightenment philosophy ofuniversalism: its dream of unity of mankind may bring it, in specific and extreme cases, to the will to annihilate all cultural differences, amounting to effectivegenocide orethnocides. Taguieff's point is not in declaring that the Enlightenment philosophy is racist in itself, but extreme forms of this will of universality may lead, in practice, to the destruction of the plurality of cultures and to the rejection of even moderate forms ofmulticulturalism.
The third and more recent type has integrated thecultural relativists' attacks against racism. This new form of racism has reversed the famous anti-racist arguments ofethnologistClaude Lévi-Strauss. According to Lévi-Strauss, different cultures are incommensurable, and, because of this, each one thinks progress and superiority is on its side - Lévi-Strauss, in his 1952 essay for theUNESCO, used the famous metaphor of two trains crossing each other's path: each one thinks he is going the right way, while the other seems not to move or to move backward. Because of this,ethnocentrism is a necessary optical illusion, which in turn racistdiscourse uses to justify itself.
Taguieff was himself accused of racism on several occasions, for instance when he praisedOriana Fallaci's bookThe Rage and the Pride.[3][4] He was also criticized for his contribution to the controversial websiteDreuz.info, which French newspaperLe Monde described as "ultra-Zionist" and islamophobic.[5]
Pierre-André Taguieff wroteLes Contre-réactionnaires in 2007, in which he opposed bothantiracism andantifascism. He considers them as ideologies which are instrumentalized byfar-left groups "aiming to regularize as many illegal immigrants as possible without any regulation".[6]
The New Cultural Racism in France,Telos 83 (Spring 1990). New York: Telos Press.
(dir.),Face au racisme, t. 1,Les moyens d'agir ; t. 2,Analyses, hypothèses, perspectives, Paris, La Découverte, "Cahiers libres, essais", 1991 ; rééd. Paris, Seuil, "Points essais", 2 t., 1993.ISBN2-02-020981-0
(co-directed with Gil Delannoi),Théories du nationalisme, Paris, Kimé, "Histoire des idées, théorie politique et recherches en sciences sociales", 1991.ISBN2-908212-10-2
(dir. and ed.),Les Protocoles des sages de Sion. Faux et usages d'un faux, t. I,Introduction à l'étude des "Protocoles" : un faux et ses usages dans le siècle, t. II,Études et documents, Paris, Berg International, "Faits et représentations", 1992 ; new edition, Berg International et Fayard, 2004.ISBN2-213-62148-9
Sur la Nouvelle Droite. Jalons d'une analyse critique, Paris, Galilée, "Descartes et Cie", 1994.ISBN2-910301-02-8
La République menacée. Entretien avec Philippe Petit, Paris, Textuel, "Conversations pour demain", 1996.ISBN2-909317-20-X
Le Racisme. Un exposé pour comprendre, un essai pour réfléchir, Paris, Flammarion, "Dominos", 1998.ISBN2-08-035456-6
(with Michèle Tribalat),Face auFront national. Arguments pour une contre-offensive, Paris, La Découverte, 1998.ISBN2-7071-2877-5
La Couleur et le sang : doctrines racistes à la française, Paris, Mille et une Nuits, "Les petits libres", 1998 ; new edition, coll. "Essai Mille et une Nuits", 2002.ISBN2-84205-640-X
(with Grégoire Kauffmann and Michaël Lenoire, dir.),L'Antisémitisme de plume (1940–1944). La propagande antisémite en France sous l'Occupation. Études et documents, Paris, Berg International, "Pensée politique et sciences", 1999.ISBN2-911289-16-1
L’Effacement de l’avenir, Paris, Galilée, "Débats", 2000.ISBN2-7186-0498-0
Résister au bougisme. Démocratie forte contre mondialisation techno-marchande, Paris, Mille et une Nuits, "Essai", 2001.ISBN2-84205-584-5
(co-directed with Gil Delannoi),Nationalismes en perspective, Paris, Berg International, "Pensée politique et sciences sociales", 2001.ISBN2-911289-37-4
Du Progrès. Biographie d’une utopie moderne, Paris, EJL, "Librio", 2001.ISBN2-290-30864-1
La Nouvelle judéophobie, Paris, Mille et une Nuits, "Essai", 2002.ISBN2-84205-650-7
Rising from the muck: The New anti-Semitisme in Europe. Ivan R. Dee, 2004.
L'Illusion populiste : de l'archaïque au médiatique, Paris, Berg International, "Pensée politique et sciences sociales", 2002 ; new edition :L'Illusion populiste. Essais sur les démagogies de l'âge démocratique, Paris, Flammarion, "Champs", 2007.ISBN978-2-08-120365-5