Photonics is closely related to quantum electronics, where quantum electronics deals with the theoretical part of it while photonics deal with its engineering applications.[1] Though covering all light's technical applications over the wholespectrum, most photonic applications are in the range of visible and near-infrared light.
The termphotonics developed as an outgrowth of the first practical semiconductor light emitters invented in the early 1960s and optical fibers developed in the 1970s.
The word 'Photonics' is derived from the Greek word "phos" meaning light (which has genitive case "photos" and in compound words the root "photo-" is used); it appeared in the late 1960s to describe a research field whose goal was to use light to perform functions that traditionally fell within the typical domain of electronics, such as telecommunications, information processing, etc.[citation needed]
Incidentally, I’ve decided to invent a new science — photonics. It bears the same relationship to Optics that electronics does to electrical engineering. Photonics, like electronics, will deal with the individual units; optics and EE deal with the group-phenomena! And note that you can do things with electronics that are impossible in electrical engineering![3]
Photonics as a field began with the invention of themaser andlaser in 1958 to 1960.[1] Other developments followed: thelaser diode in the 1970s,optical fibers for transmitting information, and theerbium-doped fiber amplifier. These inventions formed the basis for the telecommunications revolution of the late 20th century and provided the infrastructure for theInternet.
During the period leading up to thedot-com crash circa 2001, photonics was a field focused largely on optical telecommunications. However, photonics covers a huge range of science and technology applications, including laser manufacturing, biological and chemical sensing, medical diagnostics and therapy, display technology, andoptical computing. Further growth of photonics is likely if currentsilicon photonics developments are successful.[4]
Photonics is closely related tooptics. Classical optics long preceded the discovery that light is quantized, whenAlbert Einstein famously explained thephotoelectric effect in 1905. Optics tools include the refractinglens, the reflectingmirror, and various optical components and instruments developed throughout the 15th to 19th centuries. Key tenets of classical optics, such asHuygens Principle, developed in the 17th century,Maxwell's Equations and the wave equations, developed in the 19th, do not depend on quantum properties of light.
Photonics is related toquantum optics,optomechanics,electro-optics,optoelectronics andquantum electronics. However, each area has slightly different connotations by scientific and government communities and in the marketplace. Quantum optics often connotes fundamental research, whereas photonics is used to connote applied research and development.
The termphotonics more specifically connotes:
The particle properties of light,
The potential of creating signal processing device technologies using photons,
The termoptoelectronics connotes devices or circuits that comprise both electrical and optical functions, i.e., a thin-film semiconductor device. The termelectro-optics came into earlier use and specifically encompasses nonlinear electrical-optical interactions applied, e.g., as bulk crystal modulators such as thePockels cell, but also includes advanced imaging sensors.
An important aspect in the modern definition of Photonics is that there is not necessarily a widespread agreement in the perception of the field boundaries. Following a source on,[5] the response of a query from the publisher of Journal of Optics: A Pure and Applied Physics to the editorial board regarding streamlining the name of the journal reported significant differences in the way the terms "optics" and "photonics" describe the subject area, with some description proposing that "photonics embraces optics". In practice, as the field evolves, evidences that "modern optics" and Photonics are often used interchangeably are very diffused and absorbed in the scientific jargon.
Polaritonics, which differs from photonics in that the fundamental information carrier is apolariton. Polaritons are a mixture of photons andphonons, and operate in the range of frequencies from 300gigahertz to approximately 10terahertz.
Programmable photonics, which studies the development of photonic circuits that can be reprogrammed to implement different functions in the same fashion as anelectronic FPGA
Just as applications of electronics have expanded dramatically since the firsttransistor was invented in 1948, the unique applications of photonics continue to emerge. Economically important applications forsemiconductor photonic devices include optical data recording, fiber optic telecommunications,laser printing (based on xerography), displays, andoptical pumping of high-power lasers. The potential applications of photonics are virtually unlimited and include chemical synthesis, medical diagnostics, on-chipdata communication, sensors, laser defense, andfusion energy, to name several interesting additional examples.
Consumer equipment:barcode scanner, printer, CD/DVD/Blu-ray devices,remote control devices
Light can be transmitted through anytransparent medium.Glass fiber orplastic optical fiber can be used to guide the light along a desired path. Inoptical communications optical fibers allow fortransmission distances of more than 100 km without amplification depending on the bit rate and modulation format used for transmission. A very advanced research topic within photonics is the investigation and fabrication of special structures and "materials" with engineered optical properties. These includephotonic crystals,photonic crystal fibers andmetamaterials.
Modulation of a light source is used to encode information on a light source. Modulation can be achieved by the light source directly. One of the simplest examples is to use aflashlight to sendMorse code. Another method is to take the light from a light source and modulate it in an externaloptical modulator.[9]
An additional topic covered by modulation research is the modulation format.On-off keying has been the commonly used modulation format in optical communications. In the last years more advanced modulation formats likephase-shift keying or evenorthogonal frequency-division multiplexing have been investigated to counteract effects likedispersion that degrade the quality of the transmitted signal.
Photonics also includes research on photonic systems. This term is often used foroptical communication systems. This area of research focuses on the implementation of photonic systems like high speed photonic networks. This also includes research onoptical regenerators, which improve optical signal quality.[citation needed]
Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are optically active integrated semiconductor photonic devices. The leading commercial application of PICs are optical transceivers for data center optical networks. PICs fabricated on III-Vindium phosphide semiconductor wafer substrates were the first to achieve commercial success;[10] PICs based on silicon wafer substrates are now also a commercialized technology.
Key Applications for Integrated Photonics include:
Data Center Interconnects: Data centers continue to grow in scale as companies and institutions store and process more information in the cloud. With the increase in data center compute, the demands on data center networks correspondingly increase. Optical cables can support greater lane bandwidth at longer transmission distances than copper cables. For short-reach distances and up to 40 Gbit/s data transmission rates, non-integrated approaches such asvertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers can be used for optical transceivers onmulti-mode optical fiber networks.[11] Beyond this range and bandwidth, photonic integrated circuits are key to enable high-performance, low-cost optical transceivers.
Analog RF Signal Applications: Using the GHz precision signal processing of photonic integrated circuits, radiofrequency (RF) signals can be manipulated with high fidelity to add or drop multiple channels of radio, spread across an ultra-broadband frequency range. In addition, photonic integrated circuits can remove background noise from an RF signal with unprecedented precision, which will increase the signal to noise performance and make possible new benchmarks in low power performance. Taken together, this high precision processing enables us to now pack large amounts of information into ultra-long-distance radio communications.[citation needed]
Sensors: Photons can also be used to detect and differentiate the optical properties of materials. They can identify chemical or biochemical gases from air pollution, organic produce, and contaminants in the water. They can also be used to detect abnormalities in the blood, such as low glucose levels, and measure biometrics such as pulse rate. Photonic integrated circuits are being designed as comprehensive and ubiquitous sensors with glass/silicon, and embedded via high-volume production in various mobile devices.[citation needed] Mobile platform sensors are enabling us to more directly engage with practices that better protect the environment, monitor food supply and keep us healthy.
LIDAR and otherphased arrayimaging: Arrays of PICs can take advantage of phase delays in the light reflected from objects with three-dimensional shapes to reconstruct 3D images, and Light Imaging, Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) with laser light can offer a complement toradar by providing precision imaging (with 3D information) at close distances. This new form ofmachine vision is having an immediate application in driverless cars to reduce collisions, and in biomedical imaging. Phased arrays can also be used for free-space communications and novel display technologies. Current versions of LIDAR predominantly rely on moving parts, making them large, slow, low resolution, costly, and prone to mechanical vibration and premature failure. Integrated photonics can realize LIDAR within a footprint the size of a postage stamp, scan without moving parts, and be produced in high volume at low cost.[12][13]
Biophotonics employs tools from the field of photonics to the study ofbiology. Biophotonics mainly focuses on improving medical diagnostic abilities (for example for cancer or infectious diseases)[14] but can also be used for environmental or other applications.[15][16] The main advantages of this approach are speed of analysis,non-invasive diagnostics, and the ability to workin-situ.
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^Hervé Rigneault; Jean-Michel Lourtioz; Claude Delalande; Ariel Levenson (5 January 2010).Nanophotonics. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 5–.ISBN978-0-470-39459-5.
^Bhargava, P.; Kim, T.; Poulton, C. V.; Notaros, J.; Yaacobi, A.; Timurdogan, E.; Baiocco, C.; Fahrenkopf, N.; Kruger, S.; Ngai, T.; Timalsina, Y.; Watts, M. R.; Stojanovic, V. (June 2019). "Fully Integrated Coherent LiDAR in 3D-Integrated Silicon Photonics/65nm CMOS".2019 Symposium on VLSI Circuits. pp. C262 –C263.doi:10.23919/VLSIC.2019.8778154.ISBN978-4-86348-720-8.
^Lorenz, Björn; Wichmann, Christina; Stöckel, Stephan; Rösch, Petra; Popp, Jürgen (May 2017). "Cultivation-Free Raman Spectroscopic Investigations of Bacteria".Trends in Microbiology.25 (5):413–424.doi:10.1016/j.tim.2017.01.002.ISSN1878-4380.PMID28188076.
^Wichmann, Christina; Chhallani, Mehul; Bocklitz, Thomas; Rösch, Petra; Popp, Jürgen (5 November 2019). "Simulation of Transportation and Storage and Their Influence on Raman Spectra of Bacteria".Analytical Chemistry.91 (21):13688–13694.doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.9b02932.ISSN1520-6882.PMID31592643.S2CID203924741.
^Taubert, Martin; Stöckel, Stephan; Geesink, Patricia; Girnus, Sophie; Jehmlich, Nico; von Bergen, Martin; Rösch, Petra; Popp, Jürgen; Küsel, Kirsten (January 2018). "Tracking active groundwater microbes with D2 O labelling to understand their ecosystem function".Environmental Microbiology.20 (1):369–384.doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14010.ISSN1462-2920.PMID29194923.S2CID25510308.