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Old form of chess
For the 1969 film, seeShatranj (1969 film). For the 1993 film, seeShatranj (1993 film).
Two shatranj players in a detail from aPersian miniature painting ofBayasanghori Shahname made in 1430

Shatranj (Arabic:شطرنج,pronounced[ʃaˈtˤrandʒ]; fromMiddle Persian:چترنگ,chatrang) is an old form ofchess, as played in theSasanian Empire. Its origins lie in the South Asian game ofchaturanga.[1] Modernchess gradually developed from this game, as it was introduced to Europe by contacts in MuslimAl-Andalus (modern Spain) and inSicily in the 10th century. In modernPersian, the term is also used as the translation of chess.[2]

Etymology and origins


The name of the game in adjoining countries appears to be derived from chaturanga - chatrang in Persian, shatranj in Arabic, Chanderaki in Tibetan are examples. This suggests that the game, as well as its name, came from India. Also, as will appear, it was believed in Persia that the game arrived there from India.[3] The Persian wordshatranj ultimately derives fromSanskrit (Sanskrit:चतुरङ्ग;caturaṅga) (catuḥ: "four";anga: "arm"), referring to the game of the same name:Chaturanga. InMiddle Persian the word appears aschatrang, with the 'u' lost due tosyncope and the 'a' lost toapocope, such as in the title of the textMâdayân î chatrang ("Book of Chess") from the 7th centuryAD.

Antique North Indian Mughul shatranj chess set made from sandalwood.

TheKar-Namag i Ardashir i Pabagan refers toArdashir I as a master of the game: "By the help of Providence, Ardeshir became more victorious and warlike than all, on the polo and the riding-ground, at Chatrang and Vine-Artakhshir,[a] and in several other arts."[4] However,Karnamak contains many fables and legends, and this only establishes the popularity of chatrang at the time of its composition.[5]

Iranian shatranj set, glazedfritware, 12th centuryNishapur (New York Metropolitan Museum of Art)

During the reign of the laterSassanid kingKhosrau I (531–579), a gift from an Indian king (possibly aMaukhari Dynasty king ofKannauj)[8] included a chess game with sixteen pieces ofemerald and sixteen ofruby (green vs. red).[5] The game came with a challenge which was successfully resolved by Khosrau's courtiers. This incident, originally referred to in theMâdayân î chatrang (c. 620 AD), is also mentioned inFerdowsi'sShahnama (c. 1010).

The rules of chaturanga seen in India today have enormous variation, but all involve four branches (angas) of the army: the horse (knight), the elephant (bishop), the chariot (rook) and the foot soldier (pawn), played on an 8×8 board. Shatranj adapted much of the same rules as chaturanga, and also the basic 16-piece structure. There is also a larger 10×11 board derivative; the 14th-centuryTamerlane chess, orshatranj kamil (perfect chess), with a slightly different piece structure.[citation needed]

In some later variants the darker squares were engraved. The game spread Westwards after theIslamic conquest of Persia and a considerable body of literature on game tactics and strategy was produced from the 8th century onwards.[citation needed]

In early Indian chaturanga (c. 500–700), the king could becaptured and this ended the game. Persian shatranj (c. 700–800) introduced the idea of warning that the king was under attack (announcingcheck in modern terminology). This was done to avoid the early and accidental end of a game. Later the Persians added the additional rule that a king could not be moved into check or left in check. As a result, the king could not be captured,[9] andcheckmate was the only decisive way of ending a game.[10]

With the spread of Islam, chess diffused into theMaghreb and then toAndalusian Spain. During theIslamic conquest of India (c. 12th century), some forms came back to India as well, as evidenced in the North Indian termmāt (mate, derivative fromPersianmāt) or theBengaliborey (pawn, presumed derived from theArabicbaidaq).[11] Over the following centuries, chess became popular in Europe, eventually giving rise to modern chess.[citation needed]


Shatranj starting setup

The initial setup in shatranj was essentially the same as in modern chess; however, the position of the white shah (king), on the right or left side was not fixed. Either the arrangement as in modern chess or as shown in the diagram were possible. In either case, the white and black shāh would be on the same file. The game was played with these pieces:

Shatranj pieces
shah (king)
ferz or wazir (counselor orferz)
rukh (rook)
pīl, or "alfil" in Arabic (elephant oralfil)
asb or faras (horse orknight)
sarbaz / piyadeh, or "baydaq" in Arabic (soldier, infantryman orpawn)
a4b4 black crossc4d4 black crosse4
a3b3c3 white queend3e3
a2b2 black crossc2d2 black crosse2
Moves of the ferz
a5 black crossb5c5d5e5 black cross
a3b3c3 white bishopd3e3
a1 black crossb1c1d1e1 black cross
Moves of the alfil, which can jump over other pieces
a5 white bishopb5 white knightc5 white rookd5 white knighte5 white bishop
a4 white knightb4 white queenc4 white rookd4 white queene4 white knight
a3 white rookb3 white rookc3 black crossd3 white rooke3 white rook
a2 white knightb2 white queenc2 white rookd2 white queene2 white knight
a1 white bishopb1 white knightc1 white rookd1 white knighte1 white bishop
Complementarity of the shatranj pieces' movements, excluding king and pawn.
  • Shāh ("king" in Persian) moves like theking in chess.
  • Ferz (Wazir) ("counselor"; also spelledfers; Arabicfirz, from Persianفرزينfarzīn) moves exactly one square diagonally, which makes it a rather weak piece. It was renamed "queen" in Europe. Even today, the word for the queen piece isферзь (ferz) in Russian,vezér in Hungarian,vezir in Turkish,vazīr in Persian andwazīr in Arabic. It has analogue to the guards inxiangqi.
  • Rukh ("chariot"; from Persianرخrokh) moves like therook in chess.
  • Pīl,alfil,aufin, and similar ("elephant"; from Persianپيلpīl; al- is theArabic for "the") moves exactly two squares diagonally, jumping over the square between. Each pīl could reach only one-eighth of the squares on the board, and because their circuits were disjoint, they could never capture one another. This piece might have had a different move sometimes inchaturanga, where the piece is also called "elephant". The pīl was replaced by thebishop in modern chess. Even today, the word for the bishop piece isalfil in Spanish,alfiere in Italian,fil in Turkish,fīl in Persian and Arabic, andслон ("elephant") in Russian. As chess spread from Iran northward to Russia, and westward into eastern Europe, south to Italy, and finally westward, it mostly retained the original name and look of the piece as an elephant. Usually, it was carved as a rounded shape with two blunt points representing the elephant's tusks. In Christian Europe, this piece became a bishop because the two points looked like a bishop'smitre to those unfamiliar with elephants in Western Europe. An early example of the bishop being used is theLewis chessmen chess set of the 12th century. The elephant piece survives inxiangqi with the limitations that the elephant in xiangqi cannot jump over an intervening piece and is restricted to the owner's half of the board. Injanggi, its movement was changed to become a slightly further-reaching version of the horse.
  • Asb (Faras) (current meaning of "horse" in Persian, from old PersianAsp (اسپ)), moves like theknight in chess.
  • Piyadeh ("infantryman"; from Persianپیادهpiyāde; also calledSarbaz "soldier") in Persian and adopted later toBaydaq (بيدق) in Arabic (a new singular extracted by treating the Persian form as an Arabicbroken plural), moves and captures like thepawns in chess, but not moving two squares on the first move. When they reach the eighth rank, they are promoted to ferz.

Pieces are shown on the diagrams and recorded in the notation using the equivalent modern symbols, as in the table above. In modern descriptions of shatranj, the names king, rook, knight and pawn are commonly used for shah, rukh, faras, and baidaq. However, the ferz and alfil are sometimes treated as distinct, and given their own symbols. Specific ferz and alfil symbols have been provisionally accepted for a future version ofUnicode.[12][13]

There were also other differences compared to modern chess:Castling was not allowed (it was invented much later).Stalemating the opposing king resulted in a win for the player delivering stalemate. Capturing all one's opponent's pieces apart from the king (baring the king) was a win, unless the opponent could capture the last piece on their next move, which was considered a draw in most places in the Islamic world (except forMedina, where it was a win).[5]

The possible movements of the main shatranj pieces, excluding that of the king and pawn, are complementary to one another, and without any omission or redundancy occupy all available squares with respect to the central position of a 5x5 grid, as shown in the figure to the right.[14]


Early shatranj
Ivory chess king or vizier, 9th century, islamic art

Middle Persian literature


Three books written inPahlavi,Kar-Namag i Ardashir i Pabagan,Khosrow and ridag, andWizārišn ī čhatrang ("Treatise on Chess"), also known as theChatrang Nama ("Book of Chess"), all mentionchatrang. InKār-nāmak it is said that Ardashīr "with the help of the gods became more victorious and experienced than all others in polo, horsemanship, chess, backgammon, and other arts," and in the small treatise onKhosrow and ridag, the latter declares that he is superior to his comrades in chess, backgammon, andhašt pāy.Bozorgmehr, the author ofWizārišn ī čhatrang, describes how the game of chess was sent as a test toKhosrow I (r. 531–79) by the "king of the Hindus Dēvsarm" with the envoy Takhtarītūs and how the test was answered by the vizier Bozorgmehr, who in his turn invented the gameBackgammon as a test for the Hindus. These three Middle Persian sources do not give any certain indication of the date when chess was introduced into Persia. The mentions of chess inKar-Namag i Ardashir i Pabagan andKhosrow and ridag are simply conventional and may easily represent late Sasanian or even post-Sasanian redactions.[15] According toTouraj Daryaee,Kar-Namag i Ardashir i Pabagan is from 6th century.[16]Wizārišn ī čhatrang was written in the 6th century.[17]

Early Arabic literature


During theIslamic Golden Age, many works on shatranj were written, recording for the first time the analysis ofopening moves,game problems, theknight's tour, and many more subjects common in modern chess books. Many of these manuscripts are missing, but their content is known due to compilation work done by the later authors.[5]

The earliest listing of works on chess is in theFihrist, a generalbibliography produced in 377AH (988 AD) byIbn al-Nadim.[18][19] It includes an entire section on the topic of chess, listing:

  • Al-Adli'sKitab ash-shatranj ('Book of Chess')
  • Ar-Razi'sLatif fi 'sh-shatranj ('Fun with Chess')
  • As-Suli'sKitab ash-shatranj (two volumes)
  • Al-Lajlaj'sKitab mansubat ash-shatranj ('Book: Strategies of Chess')
  • B. Aluqlidisi'sKitab majmu' fi mansubat ash-shatranj ('Book: Intent of Strategies of Chess')

There is a passage referring to chess in a work said to be byal-Hasan al-Basri, a philosopher fromBasra who died in 728 AD.[citation needed] The attribution of authorship is dubious, however.

Player classification


Al-Adli as well as As-Suli introduced classifications of players by their playing strength. Both of them specify five classes of players:

  • Aliyat (or aliya), grandees
  • Mutaqaribat, proximes – players who could win 2–4 games out of 10 in the match against grandee. They received odds of a pawn from grandee (better players g-, a- or h-pawn, weaker ones d- or e-pawn).
  • Third class – players who received odds of a ferz from grandee.
  • Fourth class – received odds of a knight.
  • Fifth class – received odds of a rook.

To determine a player's class, a series or match would be undertaken with a player of a known class without odds. If the player won 7 or more games out of 10, he belonged to a higher class.[citation needed]

Notable players


During the reign of theArabcaliphs, shatranj players of highest class were calledaliyat or grandees.[5] There were only a few players in this category including:

  • Jabir al-Kufi,Rabrab andAbun-Naam were three aliyat players during the rule of caliphal-Ma'mun.
  • Al-Adli was the strongest player during the rule of caliphal-Wathiq. At this time he was the only player in aliyat category.
  • Al-Razi (Persianpolymath) in 847 won a match against an already old al-Adli in the presence of caliphal-Mutawakkil and so become a player of aliyat category.
  • As-Suli was the strongest player during the reign of caliphal-Muktafi. Al-Razi was already dead and there were no players of comparable strength before as-Suli appeared on the scene. In the presence of al-Muktafi he easily won a match against a certain al-Mawardi and thus proved that he was the best player of that time. As-Suli considered Rabrab and al-Razi as the greatest of his predecessors.
  • Al-Lajlaj was a pupil of as-Suli and also a great shatranj master of his time.[citation needed]




Mujannah–Mashaikhi opening
In the opening, players usually tried to reach a specific position,tabiya.

Openings in shatranj were usually calledtaʿbīyaتَعبِيّة (pl. taʿbīyāt),تَعبِيّات in Arabic, which can be translated as "battle array". Due to slow piece development in shatranj, the exact sequence of moves was relatively unimportant. Instead players aimed to reach a specific position, tabiya, mostly ignoring the play of their opponent.

The works of al-Adli and as-Suli contain collections of tabiyat. Tabiyat were usually given as position on a half-board with some comments about them. The concrete sequence of moves to reach them was not specified. In his book Al-Lajlaj analyzed some tabiya in detail. He started his analysis from some given opening, for example "Double Mujannah" or "Mujannah–Mashaikhi", and then continued up to move 40, giving numerous variations.[citation needed]

Piece values


Both al-Adli and as-Suli provided estimation of piece values in their books on shatranj. They used a monetary system to specify piece values. For example, as-Suli gives piece values indirhem, the currency in use in his time:[5]

PieceValueShape of piece sometimes found
king king2  seat, representing a throne
rook rook5  rectangular block with V-shaped cut in top, representing a chariot
knight3  cone with beak-shaped sideways projection at top
ferz2  seat, smaller than king, depicting a smaller throne
alfil2  cone with notch cut in top
the horses pawn1  small cone, or sometimes a dome


Dilaram Problem, c. 10th century
White to move and win
This section usesalgebraic notation to describe chess moves.

Persian chess masters composed manyshatranj problems. Such shatranj problems were calledmanṣūbaمَنصوبة (pl.manṣūbāt),منصوبات. This word can be translated from Arabic as "arrangement", "position" or "situation". Mansubat were typically composed in such a way that a win could be achieved as a sequence of checks. One's own king was usually threatened by immediate checkmate.[citation needed]

One Mansuba is theDilaram Problem. Black threatens immediate checkmate by 1...Ra2#, Ra8#, or either Rb4#. But White can win with a two-rook sacrifice:

1. Rh8+ Kxh8 2. Bf5+ Kg8 3. Rh8+ Kxh8 4. g7+ Kg8 5. Nh6#

Note that thealfil (♗) moves two squares diagonally, jumping over intermediate pieces; this allows it to jump over the white knight to deliver thediscovered check from the second rook with 2.Bf5+. It was said that a nobleman (playing White) wagered his wife Dilārām on a chess game and this position arose. She appealed "Sacrifice your two Rooks, and not me."[20]

See also



  1. ^Vine-Artakhsir refers to the game later known asNard.


  1. ^Jean-Louis Cazaux (2012-04-20)."Shatranj". Retrieved2013-11-23.
  2. ^"شطرنج، دیکشنری آبادیس" (in Persian).
  3. ^"The name of the game in adjoining countries appears to be derived from chaturanga - chatrang in Persian, shatranj in Arabic, chanderaki in Tibetan are examples. This suggests that the game, as well as its name, came from India. Also, as will appear, it was believed in Persia that the game arrived there from India."Ancient board games in perspective : papers from the 1990 British Museum colloquium, with additional contributions. London: British Museum Press. 2007. p. 18.ISBN 978-0-7141-1153-7.
  4. ^"The Karnamik-I-Ardashir, or The Records of Ardashir".
  5. ^abcdefMurray 1913.
  6. ^Eder, Manfred A. J. (2010).South Asian Archaeology 2007 Proceedings of the 19th Meeting of the European Association of South Asian Archaeology in Ravenna, Italy, July 2007, Volume II(PDF). Archaeopress Archaeology. p. 69.ISBN 978-1-4073-0674-2.Archived(PDF) from the original on 2016-04-14.
  7. ^Bakker, Hans T. (2017).The Huns in Central and South Asia. How Two Centuries of War against Nomadic Invaders from the Steps are Concluded by a Game of Chess between the Kings of India and Iran.
  8. ^Jean-Louis Cazaux (12 March 2004)."The Enigma of Chess birth: The Old Texts: 6th, 7th and 8th centuries". Retrieved14 July 2007.
  9. ^Davidson, Henry (1949),A Short History of Chess, McKay,ISBN 0-679-14550-8 (1981 paperback)*Emms, John (2004),Starting Out: Minor Piece Endgames,Everyman Chess, p. 22,ISBN 1-85744-359-4
  10. ^Davidson, Henry (1949),A Short History of Chess, McKay,ISBN 0-679-14550-8 (1981 paperback)*Emms, John (2004),Starting Out: Minor Piece Endgames,Everyman Chess, pp. 63–64,ISBN 1-85744-359-4
  11. ^Jean-Louis Cazaux (16 June 2006)."Indian Chess Sets". Retrieved14 July 2007.
  12. ^Bala, Gavin Jared; Miller, Kirk (22 December 2023)."Unicode request forshatranj symbols"(PDF) Unicode. Retrieved4 February 2024.
  13. ^Unicode."Proposed New Characters: The Pipeline" The Unicode Consortium. Retrieved4 February 2024.
  14. ^Something similar also holds for both modernchess (rook-knight-bishop and knight-queen), as well asTamerlane chess (general-vizier-elephant-catapult-knight and rook-general-knight-camel-giraffe).
  15. ^"CHESS". ENCYCLOPÆDIA IRANICA. Retrieved18 January 2016.
  16. ^Daryaee, Touraj (2009).Sasanian Persia: The Rise and Fall of an Empire. I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd. p. 114.ISBN 9781850438984.
  17. ^Explanation of chess and disposition of backgammonArchived 2015-06-12 at theWayback Machine
  18. ^Nadīm (al), Abū al-Faraj Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq Abū Ya’qūb al-Warrāq (1970).Dodge, Bayard (ed.).The Fihrist of al-Nadim; a tenth-century survey of Muslim culture. Vol. i. New York & London: Columbia University Press. p. 341.
  19. ^Nadīm (al-), Abū al-Faraj Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq (1872).Flügel, Gustav (ed.).Kitāb al-Fihrist (in Arabic).Leipzig: F.C.W. Vogel. p. 567 (p.155).
  20. ^Murray 1913, p. 311 (bottom).


Further reading


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Orthodox rules
Different starting position
Different number of pieces
Unorthodox board
rules with
8×8 board
Multimove variants
Elements of chance
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an unorthodox board
rules using
Standard 8×8 board
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boards and pieces
Inspired games
Flank opening
King's Pawn Game
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