Apendant is a loose-hanging piece ofjewellery, generally attached by a small loop to anecklace, which may be known as a "pendant necklace".[1] A pendantearring is an earring with a piece hanging down. Its name stems from theLatin wordpendere andOld French wordpendr, both of which translate to "to hang down". In modernFrench,pendant is thegerund form ofpendre ("to hang") and also means "during". The extent to which the design of a pendant can be incorporated into an overall necklace makes it not always accurate to treat them as separate items.[2]
In some cases, though, the separation between necklace and pendant is far clearer.[2]
Pendants are among the oldest recorded types of bodily adornment. Stone, shell, pottery, and more perishable materials were used. Ancient Egyptians commonly wore pendants, some shaped likehieroglyphs.
Pendants can have several functions, which may be combined:
The many specialized types of pendants includelockets which open, often to reveal an image, andpendilia, which hang from larger objects ofmetalwork.
Throughout the ages, pendants have come in a variety of forms to serve a variety of purposes.
Thoughamulets come in many forms, a wearable amulet worn around the neck or on the arm or leg in the form of a pendant is the most common. These are objects believed to possess magical or spiritual power to protect the wearer from danger or dispel evil influences.[3]
Similar to anamulet, a talisman is an object believed to possess supernatural traits. However, while an amulet is strictly a defensive object, a talisman is meant to confer special benefits or powers upon the wearer.[4]
A locket is a small object that opens to reveal a space which serves to hold a small object, usually a photograph or a curl of hair. They typically come in the form of a pendant hanging from a necklace, though they will occasionally be hung from a charm bracelet.[5]
A medallion is most often a coin-shaped piece of metal worn as a pendant around the neck or pinned onto clothing. These are generally granted as awards, recognitions, or religious blessings.[6]
Pendant is the name given to one of two paintings conceived as a pair. They usually are gift from couples and some cultures consider the act of giving one a marry proposition.[7]
Tools worn as pendants include Maoripounamu pendants.Shepherd's whistles,bosun's whistles, andocarinas can also be made as pendants. Portableastronomical andnavigational instruments were made as pendants.
In the first decade of the 21st century, jewellers started to incorporateUSB flash drives into pendants.[8][9]
Fashion pendants include a small creative piece often made from precious or non-precious stones and metals like diamonds or pearls hanging freely from a chain or necklace. These are generally worn as a statement piece or a fashion ornament.[10]