Mount Parnassus (/pɑːrˈnæsəs/;Greek:Παρνασσός,Parnassós) is a mountain range of centralGreece that is, and historically has been, especially valuable to the Greek nation and the earlier Greek city-states for many reasons. In peace, it offers scenic views of the countryside and is a major international recreational site with views of mountain landscapes. Economically, its rolling foothills and valleys host extensive groves ofolive, a cash crop marketed world-wide since prehistory. The mountain is also the location of historical, archaeological, and other cultural sites, such asDelphi perched on the southern slopes of the mountain in a rift valley north of theGulf of Corinth.[2]
Parnassus has an abundance of trails for hiking in the three warm seasons. In the winter, the entire range is open to skiing, especially from the resorts ofArachova. Its melting snows are a source of municipal water for the surrounding communities. The mountain is composed oflimestone, but also containsbauxite aluminum ore, which is mined and processed. In war, Parnassus has been a center of resistance if need be, providing cover and refuge to partisans.
Parnassus is mentioned in early Ancient Greek literature. Many of its ancient communities are cited inHomer'sIliad. From a linguistic point of view, it was home to states of theDorians, such as thePhokians, who spoke aDoric dialect, Phokian. According toGreek mythology, this mountain was sacred toDionysus and theDionysian mysteries; it was also sacred toApollo and theCoryciannymphs, and it was the home of theMuses.
However, there is a significant gap in the proto-history of the name, Parnassos.Mycenaean settlements were abundant to the south and east. They had good views of Parnassus, and climbed some part of it frequently, and yet the name remains unattested in what is known of their language,Mycenaean Greek, which is written inLinear B script.
The philologistLeonard Robert Palmer suggested that Parnassus is a name derived fromLuwian language, one of theAnatolian languages. In his view, the name derives fromparnassas, the possessive adjective of theLuwian wordparna meaninghouse, or specificallytemple, so the name effectively means themountain of the house of the god.[3] Such a derivation, being consistent with the reputation of the mountain as being a holy one, where the power of divinity is manifested, has always been considered a strong one, even by critics of the theory. Palmer goes on to postulate that some pre-Greek people were Anatolian, perhaps from an earlier wave of conquest, and that their country and facilities were taken by the proto-Greeks.
The consistency, however, ends there. With regard to a possible preponderance of the evidence, this one word remains an isolate[dubious –discuss]. There is no historical or archaeological evidence to tie the name to an Anatolian presence.G. Mylonas, reviewing the possibilities, found nothing at all to tie the archaeology around the mountain to anything Anatolian, and although a probable Cretan connection has been detected, there is nothing to tie the Cretans to the Luwians.[4]Linear A, the script of theMinoans, as the Cretans have been called, remains yet undeciphered. In summary, the ethnicity of the pre-Greek people or peoples, after many decades of scholarship, remains unknown, and there is yet no explanation of how and when this mountain was named with a Luwian name.
Parnassus is one of the largest mountainous regions of Mainland Greece and one of the highest Greek mountains. It spreads over three municipalities, namelyBoeotia,Phthiotis andPhocis, where its largest part lies. Its altitude is 2,457 meters (8,061 feet), and its highest peak is Liakouras. To the northwest, it is connected toMount Giona and to the south to Kirphe.
The mountain is delimited to the east by the valley of the Boeotian Kephissus and to the west by the valley ofAmfissa. An unusual geological feature of Parnassus is its rich deposits ofbauxite, which has led to their systematic mining since the end of the 1930s, resulting in ecological damage to part of the mountain.[5]
Mount Parnassus is named after Parnassos, son of thenymphKleodora and the man Kleopompus. A city of which Parnassos was the leader was flooded by torrential rains. The citizens ran from the flood, following the howling of wolves, up the mountain slope. There, the survivors built another city called Lykoreia, which inGreek means "the howling of the wolves." WhileOrpheus was living[9] with his mother and his eight beautiful aunts on Parnassus, he metApollo, who was courting the laughing museThalia. Becoming fond ofOrpheus, Apollo gave him a little goldenlyre and taught him to play it. Orpheus's mother taught him to write verses for singing. As theOracle of Delphi was sacred to the godApollo, so did the mountain itself become associated withApollo. According to some traditions, Parnassus was the site of the fountainCastalia and the home of the Muses; according to other traditions, that honor fell toMount Helicon, another mountain in the same range. As the home of the Muses, Parnassus became known as the home of poetry, music, and learning.
Parnassus was also the site of several unrelated minor events in Greek mythology.
In some versions of the Greekflood myth, the ark ofDeucalion comes to rest on the slopes of Parnassus. This is the version of the myth recounted inOvid'sMetamorphoses.
Orestes spent his time in hiding on Mount Parnassus.
This relation of the mountain to theMuses offered an instigation for its "mystification" by the poetic-artisticParnassism movement, established in France in the decade of 1866 to 1876 as a reaction toRomanticism. Parnassism was characterized by a return to someclassicistic elements and belief in the doctrine of "Art for the Art", first articulated byTheophile Gautier. The periodicalModern Parnassus, issued by Catul Mendes and Xavier Ricard, contained direct references to Mt. Parnassus and its mythological feature as habitation of the Muses. The Parnassists, who did not exceed a group of twenty poets, exercised a relatively strong influence on the cultural life of Paris, particularly due to their tenacity in the perfection of rhyme and vocabulary. Parnassism influenced several French poets, but it also exercised an influence onmodern Greek poets, particularlyKostis Palamas and Ioannis Gryparis.[10]
The name of the mountain (Mont Parnasse) was given to a quarter ofParis on the left bank of theSeine, where artists and poets used to gather and recite their poems in public.Montparnasse is nowadays one of the most renowned quarters of the city, and in its cemetery, many personalities of the arts and culture are buried.[5]
Parnassus figures earlier in Jonathan Swift'sThe Battle of the Books (1697) as the site of an ideological war between the ancients and the moderns.[11]
The National Park of Parnassus was founded in 1938. The idea behind the park was to preserve the natural habitat, for which it was necessary to govern the disposition of its natural resources. However, the park did not include all the terrain considered to be in the range. The highest peaks were omitted.
Within a few years the park aspect of the land became dormant as Greece turned its attention toward ending the German occupation, and then after World War II, settling the Greek Civil War. Parnassus was in a unique position to serve as a center for resistance, as it had for the Greek war of independence. Battles were fought in the valleys surrounding the range.
When the wars were over and the region went back to being an active park, the new science of ecology brought changes to the park administration. Species were inventoried, endemic and endangered ones were identified, and the concept of a protected area was established. Parnassus National Park became a protected area for birds under the "Birds Directive." Subsequently, it acquired other protections under other laws as required by the EU. After 2000, it became Oros Parnassos, "Mount Parnassus," Natura 2000 protected area ID GR2410002. The two are not exactly identical. The national park is about 150 km2 (37,000 acres). The Natura 2000 area is about 344 km2 (85,000 acres), bringing the terrain not covered by the park under protection..
Among the endemic flora species under protection are theCephalonian fir tree and the Parnassianpeony (Paeonia parnassica). In the Park are to be found birds of prey, wolves, boars, badgers, and weasels.
The slopes of Mount Parnassus are composed of twoski sections, Kellaria and Fterolakka, which together make up the largest ski center in Greece. A smaller ski center (only two drag lifts) called Gerontovrahos is across a ridge from Kellaria. Parnassus is mined for its abundant supply of bauxite which is converted toaluminium oxide and then toaluminium.[12]
The construction of the ski resort started in 1975 and was completed in 1976, when the first two drag lifts operated in Fterolaka. In 1981 the construction of a new ski area was completed in Kelaria, while in winter season 1987–1988 the chair lift Hermes started operating and connected the two ski areas. Both ski resorts continued expanding, and in 1993, the first high-speed quad in Greece was installed, named Hercules. In 2014–2015, two new hybrid lifts were installed along with a new eight-seater, replacing the old infrastructure.
Today, the Ski Center operates with 16 lifts, two hybrid ski lifts that combine an eight-seater Cabin and a six-seater chair, an eight-seater Cabin, a 4-seater chair lift, a 2-seater chair lift, six drag lifts, and four baby lifts. The ski center boasts 25 marked ski runs and about 15 ski routes of 36 km (22 mi) total length, while the longest run is 4 km (2 mi).
^abRacot, A., 1967,"Les Parnassiens, introduction and commentaries by M. Pakenham", presented by Louis Forestier,Aux Lettres modernes: collection avant-siècle
^The Greek Gods by Hoopes And Evslin,ISBN0-590-44110-8,ISBN0-590-44110-8, 1995, page 77His father was a Thracian king; His mother the muse Calliope. For a while he lived on Parnassus with his mother and his eight beautiful aunts, and there met Apollo who was courting the laughing muse Thalia. Taken with Orpheus, Apollo gave him his little golden lyre and taught him to play. His mother taught him to make verses for singing.