Park started his career in theater and has played a large number of leading and supporting roles in plays and musicals. He subsequently expanded his career into film and television and achieved his breakthrough withPrison Playbook (2017–2018), one of thehighest-rated Korean dramas on cable television. He is also known for his frequent collaborations with Netflix, includingTime to Hunt (2020),Yaksha: Ruthless Operations (2022), andNarco-Saints (2022).[3][a]
Park was born inSuwon, South Korea, on November 21, 1981. He got his first taste of acting when he joined the theater club at Bundang Jungang High School. With a dream of becoming a theater actor, Park enrolled in the Department of Theater and Film atDankook University.[4] During this time, he also worked part-time jobs at sushi and barbeque restaurants and in concert venues.[5][6] After graduating with aBachelor of Arts, Park enlisted formandatory military service. He served in the 50th Infantry Division and worked as a teaching assistant in a recruit training center.[7][8]
Park started out primarily as a stage actor and has been active in both plays and musicals since his debut in 2007.[9] In 2012, directorKim Jin-min saw a poster of Park for the musicalSamcheon – Flower of Ruin and offered him a role in the television seriesGod of War, which became Park's on-screen debut.[10] Over the next few years, he continued to play minor and supporting roles in film and television. In March 2016, after gaining attention with his supporting role in the historical dramaSix Flying Dragons, Park signed withBH Entertainment.[11]
In 2017, Park made a breakthrough in his career when he landed the lead role in the drama seriesPrison Playbook after directorShin Won-ho saw his performance in the playMale Impulse.[12] The series was a hit and brought Park widespread recognition.[13][14]
In February 2020, Park appeared in the dystopian thrillerTime to Hunt, which premiered at the70th Berlin International Film Festival, becoming the first South Korean film to be selected for the Berlinale Special Gala.[17] DirectorYoon Sung-hyun cast him in the film after watching the playMale Impulse in 2017.[18] Due to theCOVID-19 pandemic, the film was released worldwide onNetflix in April 2020.[19]
In November 2020, Park appeared in prima ballerinaKim Joo-won's stage productionSagunja – Seasons of Change, which combined acting and dancing. Back in 2014, Kim saw Park practicing for the Korean production ofNick Dear'sFrankenstein and had expressed a wish to work with him in the future. In preparation forSagunja, he took ballet and modern dance classes for three months.[20][21] Prior to that, he studied dance as part of his acting training.[22]
In 2023, Park returned to theater with the playFaust. The production was a critical and commercial success,[29] with Park receiving rave reviews for his performance.[30][31]
^abTime to Hunt andYaksha: Ruthless Operations were intended for theatrical release. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the worldwide distribution rights were sold to Netflix.
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