Acoach is a large, closed, four-wheeled, passenger-carrying vehicle orcarriage usually drawn by two or more horses controlled by acoachman, apostilion, or both. A coach has doors in its sides and a front and a back seat inside. The driver has a raised seat in front of the carriage to allow better vision. It is often called a box, box seat, orcoach box. There are many types of coaches depending on the vehicle's purpose.
In the early 14th century England, coaches were still extremely rare. It is unlikely there were more than a dozen, and even then they were very costly until the end of the century. These coaches had four six-spoke, six-foot high wheels that were linked by greased axles under the body of the coach and they had no suspension. The chassis was made from oak beams and the barrel shaped roof was covered in brightly painted leather or cloth. The interior included seats, beds, cushions, tapestries and even rugs. They were pulled by four to five horses.[1]
Kocs was the Hungarian post town in the 15th century onwards that gave its name to a fast light vehicle, which later spread across Europe. Therefore, the English wordcoach, the Spanish and Portuguesecoche, the GermanKutsche, the Slovak koč, Czechkočár, and Slovenekočija all probably derive from theHungarian word "Kocsi", literally meaning "of Kocs".[2][3]
One source says that in, “1564, Boonen, a Dutchman, became the Queen’s coachman, and was the first that brought the use of coaches into England.”[4]: 675 Another source says it was not until 1580, in the reign of QueenElizabeth I, that coaches were introduced to England from France byHenry FitzAlan, 19th Earl of Arundel.[5]These were designed to be pulled by a pair of horses. In 1619George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham introduced the coach drawn by six horses.[6]
A coach with four horses is acoach-and-four.[7]: 97 [8] A coach together with the horses, harness and attendants is aturnout.[7]: 286 [9]
The bodies of early coaches were hung on leather straps. In the eighteenth century steel springs were also used insuspension systems. An advertisement in theEdinburgh Courant for 1754 reads:
The Edinburgh stage-coach, for the better accommodation of passengers, will be altered to a new genteel two-end glass coach-machine, hung on steel springs, exceedingly light and easy...
Strap suspensions persisted, however; the 19th century AmericanConcord coaches used leather straps exactly as the first Berline from 1660 did.
A coach might have a built-in compartment called aboot, used originally as a seat for the coachman and later for storage. A luggage case for the top of a coach was called animperial; the top, roof or second-story compartment of a coach was also known as an imperial.[10] The front and rearaxles were connected by a main shaft called theperch orreach.[11] A crossbar known as asplinter bar supported the springs.
In 1772, Robert Norris described the use of two coaches inDahomey during a ceremonial procession. They were drawn by 12 men instead of horses probably as a result of the small number of horses in Dahomey.[12]
Coaches are nowadays also used on ceremonial occasions. Here, a coach is used to convey PresidentGuðni Th. Jóhannesson of Iceland during astate visit to Sweden.
There are a number of coach types, including but not limited to:
Coach: a large heavy vehicle designed to carry passengers
State coach: A coach of state is used to carry very important persons, like a visiting head of state, royalty and high nobility such as princes and dukes on state occasions.
Funeral coach: not a coach but a US name for ahearse, a wagon adapted to carry a coffin. Can also be used to describe a coach used by mourners following a hearse
Hackney coach or a coach for hire. The use of these in England began in 1625. They did not stand in the streets, but at the principal inns. By 1637 there were 50 Hackney coaches for hire in London and Westminster.[4]: 676
Stagecoach: heavy, usually four-in-hand, closed; built to carry passengers on scheduled long-distance services changing exhausted horses at stage stations, carrying as many as twenty passengers and goods
Mail coach or post coach: same as a stagecoach, used to transport mail but also for carrying premium-fare passengers. The first mail coach in Britain travelled from London to Edinburgh in about 1785, and to Glasgow in 1788.[4]: 676
Concord coach: as stagecoach — designed with its body swung on leather thorough-braces was to help cope with bad roads.
Stage wagon or mud wagon: (U.S.) lighter and smaller than a stagecoach, flat sides, simpler joinery
Omnibus, a type of long-bodied horse-drawn coach used to transport passengers in cities and large towns. The first omnibus in London was introduced in 1829.[17] In 1833, legislation was passed to allow these vehicles to ply the streets of that city provided the drivers and conductors took out a license and wore a badge with a number on it.[4]: 676
Tally-ho, a common name given to many road coaches. SometimesTally-Ho was the name of a specific coach. Sometimes all the coaches in a road coach fleet were painted with "Tally-Ho" on the sides, as was the case in England.[c]
Types of coaches
Drag of His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, president of the Four-in-HandDriving Club
Coach-building had reached a high degree of specialization in Britain by the middle of the 19th century. Separate branches of the trade dealt with the timber, iron, leather, brass and other materials used. And there were many minor specialists within each of these categories. The “body-makers” produced the body or vehicle itself, while the “carriage-makers” made the stronger timbers beneath and around the body. The timbers used includedash,beech,elm,oak,mahogany,pine,birch andlarch. The tools and processes were similar to those used incabinet-making, plus others specific to coach-making. Making the curved woodwork alone called for considerable skill. Making the iron axels, springs and other metal used was the work of the “coach-smith,” one of the most highly paid classes of workmen in London.[4]: 677 Lining the interior of the coach with leather and painting, trimming, and decorating the exterior required the work of specialist tradesmen. Building carts and wagons involved similar skills, but of a coarser kind.
A Portuguese Royal Coach driver's uniformPark Drag Paris 1906
The business of a coachman, like the pilot of an aircraft, was to expertly direct and take all responsibility for a coach or carriage and its horses, their stabling, feeding and maintenance and the associated staff. He was also called ajarvey orjarvie, especially inIreland.
If he drove dangerously fast or recklessly he was ajehu (fromJehu, king ofIsrael, who was noted for his furious attacks in achariot (2Kings 9:20), or aPhaeton (from GreekPhaethon, son ofHelios, who attempted to drive the chariot of the sun but managed to set the earth on fire).
Apostilion orpostillion sometimes rode as a guide on the near horse of a pair or of one of the pairs attached to a coach, especially when there was no coachman. A guard on a horse-drawn coach was called ashooter.
Traveling by coach, or pleasure driving in a coach, as in atally-ho, was called coaching. In driving a coach, the coachman used acoachwhip, usually provided with a long lash. Experienced coachmen never used the lash on their horses. They used the whip to flick the ear of the leader to give them the office to move on, or cracked it next to their heads to request increased speed.
box coat: a heavy overcoat with or without shoulder capes used by coachmen (riding on the box seat) exposed to all kinds of weather.[18][19][20]: 356
hammercloth: ornamented and often fringed; was hung over the coachman's seat, especially on a ceremonial coach.[7]: 350
cockhorse: an extra horse led behind a coach to be hitched when passing over steep or difficult terrain.
astable was a building to shelter horses, usually close to the owner's house. Staff accommodation would also be close– often within the same building.
a coach house was a special building for sheltering a coach or coaches, but coaches were more often kept within the stable building.
acoaching inn or coaching house provided accommodation for travellers, and usually provided a change of horses and offered stabling.
coach dog or carriage dog was trained to run in attendance on a coach, particularlyDalmatians.
A coach horse or coacher bred for drawing a coach is typically heavier than a saddle horse and exhibits good style and action.[21]: 71-74 Breeds have included:
^Quotation, page 239: "the term now recognized as properly descriptive of a coach for private driving is 'drag.'"[15]: 239
^John M. Seabrook shows his park drag made byF & R Shanks (at 8:50-10:00 minutes), and Thomas Ryder explains the difference between a park drag and a road coach (at 10:00-12:15 minutes)[16]
^Quotation from pages 236 & 239, "A curious error into which people generally have fallen is that of calling the four-in-hand coach a Tally-ho. Even the lexicographers have perpetuated it, and so I suppose it will stand, although it may be interesting to point it out. De Lancey Kane named the four-in-hand road coach which he drove between New York and Pelham, a quarter of a century ago, the Tally-ho. It was merely the name of the vehicle, given according to English usage to the coaches which rumbled over their highways, for convenience in advertising and in conversation, the same as the name of a sea-going vessel."[15]: 236–9
^Law, Robin (1980). "Wheeled Transport in Pre-Colonial West Africa".Africa: Journal of the International African Institute.50 (3):249–262.doi:10.2307/1159117.JSTOR1159117.