New Testament manuscript | |
Name | Pap. Vindobonensis Gr. 26214 |
Text | John 1 † |
Date | 6th / 7th century |
Script | Greek |
Found | Egypt |
Now at | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek |
Cite | P. Sanz,Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien, N.S., IV (Baden: 1946), pp. 58-59. |
Type | Alexandrian text-type |
Category | II |
Papyrus 55 (in theGregory-Aland numbering), signed by𝔓55, is a copy of theNew Testament inGreek. It is apapyrusmanuscript of theGospel of John. The surviving texts of John are verses 1:31-33, 35–38.
The manuscriptpaleographically has been assigned to the 6th century or the 7th century.
The Greek text of this codex is a representative of theAlexandrian text-type.Aland placed it inCategory II.[1]
It is currently housed at thePapyrus Collection of the Austrian National Library (Pap. Vindob. G. 26214) inVienna.[1][2]