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Panoan languages

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Family of languages spoken in Peru, western Brazil, and Bolivia
southwestern Amazon
Linguistic classificationPano–Tacanan?
  • Panoan
  • Mayoruna
  • Mainline
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Panoan languages (dark green) and Takanan languages (light green). Spots indicate documented locations.

Panoan (alsoPánoan,Panoano,Panoana,Páno) is a family of languages spoken in westernBrazil, easternPeru, and northernBolivia. It is possibly a branch of a largerPano–Tacanan family.

Genetic relations


The Panoan family is generally believed to be related to theTacanan family, forming with itPano–Tacanan, though this has not yet been established (Loos 1999).

Language contact


Jolkesky (2016) notes that there are lexical similarities with theKechua,Mapudungun,Moseten-Tsimane,Tukano,Uru-Chipaya,Harakmbet,Arawak,Kandoshi, andPukina language families due to contact.[1]



There are some 18 extant and 14 extinct Panoan languages.[2] In the list of Panoan languages below adapted from Fleck (2013), (†) means extinct, and (*) obsolescent (no longer spoken daily). Dialects are listed in parentheses.

Boundaries between the Poyanawa, Chama, and Headwaters groups are somewhat blurred. Karipuna and Môa River Nawa may not be distinct languages, and Chiriba may not be Panoan at all.

Hundreds of other Panoan "languages" have been reported in the literature. These are names of groups that may have been ethnically Panoan, but whose language is unattested. They sometimes are assumed to be Panoan on no other evidence than that the name ends in-nawa or-bo. A few, such asMaya (Pisabo), are unattested but reported to be mutually intelligible with a known Panoan language (in this case Matsés).[citation needed] The people speaking one of these supposed languages,Kontanáwa,[3] was rediscovered in 2002. However, no linguistic information is available, and it is not known if they speak a distinct language.[4]

Amarante Ribeiro (2005)


Classification of the Panoan languages according to Amarante Ribeiro (2005):[5]

Oliveira (2014)


Internal classification by Oliveira (2014: 123):[6]

  • Panoan
    • Group 1: Kashíbo
    • Group 2
      • Shípibo-Kónibo, Kapanáwa
      • Marúbo (?)
    • Group 3: Chákobo, Kaxararí (?)
    • Group 4: Yamináwa, Chanináwa, Sharanáwa
    • Group 5: Shanenáwa, Katukína
    • Group 6: Poyanáwa (?), Amawáka
    • Group 7
      • Kaxinawá, Marináwa
      • Yawanawá
    • Group 8: Mayorúna, Matís, Korúbo

Jolkesky (2016)


Internal classification by Jolkesky (2016):[1]

(† = extinct)



Much of the confusion surrounding Panoan languages is the number of homonyms among different languages. The principal ambiguous names are as follows:[2]

Panoan languages with the same name
NameLocation or other nameLanguage
Kapanawaon the Tapichedialect of Shipibo-Konibo
on the Juruádialect of Ibuaçu Kashinawa
Kashinawaon the IbuaçuHeadwaters group
on the TarauacáMainline branch
Kulinaon the CuruçáMayoruna branch
of São Paulo de OlivençáMainline branch
Maruboin the Javari BasinMainline branch
of Maucallacta [no data]Mayoruna branch
Remoon the BlancoNawa group
on the MôaHeadwaters group
on the JaquiranaPoyanawa group
Southern Remo [no data]Chama group
Sinaboof the MamoréBolivian group
of the Ucayali BasinChama group
KatukinaWaninawaMarubo group
of Feijo' (Shanenawa)dialect of Yaminawa
Nawaon the Môa [little data]Poyanawa group
Parkenawadialect of Yaminawa
Maroyuna(various)three languages in list above
Barbudo [no data]Chama group
DemushboMatses group
Chemadialect of Curuçá Kulina

Neighboring languages of other families may also share the names of Panoan language. The table below ignores other homonyms further afield:

Non-Panoan languages with the same names as Panoan languages
ArawakanKanamari, Kasharari, Kunibo, Mayoruna, Pakaguara
TakananChama, Arasa, Atsahuaca, Yamiaka



Below is a full list of Panoan language varieties listed byLoukotka (1968), including names of unattested varieties.[7]

Northern languages
Yaminaua group
Sensi group
Central group
  • Yamiaca /Haauñeiri - spoken by a small tribe on theYaguarmayo River, department of Madre de Dios, Peru.
  • Arazaire - language spoken by a few families in the same region on theMarcapata River.
  • Atsahuaca /Chaspa - spoken on theCarama River in Peru.
  • Araua - extinct language once spoken on theChiva River, territory of Colonia, Bolivia. (Unattested.)
Eastern group
  • Chacobo - spoken aroundLake Rogoaguado, Beni province, Bolivia.
  • Capuibo - once spoken on theBiata River in Beni province, Bolivia. (Unattested.)
  • Pacaguara - language now probably extinct, once spoken between theBeni River andAbuña River.
  • Sinabo /Shenabu /Gritones - language now probably extinct, once spoken on theMamoré River near Los Almendrales, Beni Province. (Unattested.)
  • Caripuna /Jaunavô /Shakáre /Éloe /Yacariá - spoken in the nineteenth century along theMadeira River and the sources of theBeni River, now only in a single village at the mouth of theMutumparaná River, Rondônia.
  • Pama /Pamainá - language of an unknown tribe of theCaldeirão River, territory of Rondônia. (Unattested.)

Grammatical features


Body-part prefixation


Exceptional to Panoan languages' predominantly suffixal morphology are sets of approximately 30 morphemes primarily referring to parts or features of prototypical human and animal bodies (and, by analogical extension, of botanicals, manufactures, landscapes, and abstract space) which have been found to occur in almost all attested languages of the family (Fleck 2006: 59; Ferreira 2007, 2008; Amarante Ribeiro and Cândido 2008; Zariquiey and Fleck 2012: 385–386).

That these monosyllabic forms are productively affixed to the front of verbal, nominal, or adjectival roots has led many Panoanists to describe them as prefixes (e.g. Prost 1967 and Zingg 1998 [for Chakobo]; Faust 1973, Loriot et al. 1993, and Valenzuela 2003 [for Shipibo-Konibo]; Hyde 1980 [for Amawaka]; Eakin 1991[for Yaminawa]), while the forms' resemblance and loose semantic correspondence to unbound, polysyllabic 'body-part terms' has led others to describe them as incorporated nouns (e.g. Loos 1999). More recent and detailed analyses of this feature in Matses (Fleck 2006) and Kashibo-Kakataibo (Zariquiey and Fleck 2012) have demonstrated that most body-part prefixes in these languages are not readily analyzable as synchronic allomorphs of the nouns they resemble.

Many Panoan body-part prefixes semantically encompass a range of denotata beyond the strictly 'corporeal' by means of analogical extension. In Matses, for example, the prefixan- corresponds to the nounsana 'mouth, tongue, palm (of hand), sole (of foot), (arm)pit';anmaëşh 'gill slits (of fish)'; andanşhantuk 'swampy depression in the ground'; but can itself be glossed also as 'cavity, concave surface, interior, underside'; and 'center (of path of stream)' (Fleck 2006: 64). In the examples below, the prefixan- with the verb rootkiad 'learn' expresses the learning of a specifically 'oral activity' while the prefixmë- 'hand, mortar, forearm, wrist, projecting carpal bones, elbow, finger, knuckles, fingernail, branch' expresses the learning of a specifically 'manual' one:





'I learned with respect to (my) mouth', i.e., 'I learned an oral activity' (a language, to speak, a song, to sing, to recite the alphabet, to whistle, to eat a type of food, etc.) (Fleck 2006: 78)





'I learned to weave, write, do math problems, fire shotgun, fletch arrows, or other manual tasks' (Fleck 2006: 78)

The following example illustrates howan- can express locative information in non-corporeal, topographical space:














nëid-øan-san-aşh we-ta ø ke-pa-ak ka-denne-k ke-onda-şh>S lie-IMP 3.ABS say-TOP.CONT-NARR.PAST tell-REM.PAST.IND tell-DIST.PAST-3

'"Put this one in the middle [of the path] and then lie down!" he [the moon] said, they used to tell, I was told' (Fleck 2006: 80).

While body-part prefixes in Kashibo-Kakataibo, as in Matses, are highly productive with verbs, they are used regularly with only a modest array of adjectives and nouns (Fleck 2006: 72; Zariquiey and Fleck 2012: 394–5). Zariquiey and Fleck (2012: 394) note that the Kashibo-Kakataibo "words for 'skin', 'hair', and 'flesh'" are regularly prefixed:









kapë të-şhaka mëra-aşh ...

caiman neck-skin.ABS find-S/A>S {}

'finding the caiman's neck skin ...' (Zariquiey and Fleck 2012: 395).

Due to the paucity of detailed studies of Panoan body-part prefixes, explanations of their grammaticalization remain largely speculative. Fleck has hypothesized that "Panoan (verb) prefixation evolved from past noun incorporation that co-existed with noun-noun and noun-adjective compounding that involved synchronic reduction of body-part roots" (2006: 92). In light of their analysis of Kashibo-Kakataibo prefixation, Zariquiey and Fleck present two diachronic scenarios to orient future comparative work: "(1) prefixation evolved from productive noun incorporation (prefixes have come from longer body-part nouns); or (2) Proto-Panoan body-part terms were monosyllabic forms that became bound, and most of the current body-part terms were later built up from these" (2012: 408).



Loukotka (1968) lists the following basic vocabulary items.[7]

YawanáwaYaminaua IImaposhetahána
XanináwaYaminaua IImi-fushhashʔtahádatahʔ
WanináwaYaminaua IImapushötahanatahö
SensiYaminaua IIomátsiküödsayátanawuístikoerawuénaravuekoe
YaminauaYaminaua Iwoshkashatahankataihuístirháhuimapo
PoyanáwaYaminaua Ivoukáritáandátaeuesteːarabiːaranan
YumanáwaYaminaua Ibuskashetaxándatáha
Paran-NawaYaminaua Ibuskashetahánataheusterane
NixináwaYaminaua Ivuskexétahánda
YawanáwaYaminaua IIwákashʔneshʔkipuiwa
XanináwaYaminaua IIhʔdfwauishʔhiawapʔsh
WanináwaYaminaua IIwakahwarishökeawishubu
SensiYaminaua IIenipáxavaríxishínkiáwuapuöxe
YaminauaYaminaua Ihuakawanishikiáhuashúhuo
PoyanáwaYaminaua Iwákavorivouerouauáutá
YumanáwaYaminaua Ihóndewárixátiámapítc
Paran-NawaYaminaua Iumpashwárishekiáwashobo
NixináwaYaminaua Iwákumaóarishekia


Reconstruction ofPanoan languages

Below are Proto-Panoan reconstructions by de Oliveira (2014).[8] For the full list of original Portuguese glosses, see the correspondingPortuguese article.

Proto-Panoan reconstructions by de Oliveira (2014)
'to make, to kill'*ʔak-
'big, large'*ʔani
'paca (Cuniculus paca)'*ʔano
'intransitive concord suffix'*-ʔaʂ
'kind of poison'*ʔaʂ(an)-
'tapir (Tapirus terrestris)'*ʔawaɽ
'woman, wife'*ʔawi(n)
'to swallow, to inhale'*ʔaya-
'I (1sg)'*ʔɨ
'big, large'*ʔɨwa
'bird species'*ʔiʔtsak
'hot, heat'*ʔitsis
'heat, hot'*yoʔo
'to embrace, to keep in one's arms'*ʔikok-
'to keep/carry in one's arms'*ʔikoʔiko-
'to rise, to go up'*ʔira-
'livestock, domestic animal'*ʔinak
'to give'*ʔinar-
'jaguar species'*ʔi(n)o
'fish species (of familyLoricariidae)'*ʔipo
'pain, to hurt'*ʔisir-
'blackbird species (of familyIcteridae)'*ʔisko
'monkey species (of familyAtelidae)'*ʔiso
'monkey species'*ɽiɽo
'howler monkey (monkey species)'*ɽoʔo
'monkey species'*ʃiro
'monkey species (Callitrichidae?)'*sipi
'monkey species'*wasa
'to run'*ʔisto-
'very, much'*ʔitsak
'king vulture'*ʔiʃmi(n)
'to look'*ʔoi(n)-
'to cough'*ʔok(o)-
'to know, to learn'*ʔo(n)a(n)-
'freshwater (lit. new liquid)'*ʔoma-paʂa
'to laugh'*ʔosa(n)-
'to sleep'*ʔoʂ(a)-
'to suck'*ʔoyo-
'he, that'*ha(a)
'to run, to flee'*haβa(t)-
'heron species'*haka
'to tread (on)'*hamak-
'to vomit'*ha(n)a(n)-
'curassow (bird species of familyCracidae)'*hãsi(n)
'this much'*hatit
'what, which'*haw(ɨ/a)
'his, her(s)'*hawɨn
'path, way, forest trail'*βaʔi
'night, dark'*βaʔki(ʃ)i
'dark, night'*yamɨ(t)
'cloth (?)'*βatʃi
'grazed, cleared'*βai(C)
'son, child'*βakʷɨ
'to plant'*βana-
'to whisper'*βaʂɨʂɨ-
'fish species'*βato(m)
'parrot (species of familyPsittacidae)'*βawa
'fish species (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans)'*βawi(n)
'to fetch, to search'*βɨ-
'comitative'*-βɨt, *-bɨta(n)
'boy, adolescent'*βɨʔra(C)
'to forget, to lose'*βɨʔ(n)oÇ
'forehead, face'*βɨmãnan
'husband, male'*βɨnɨ
'man, male'*βɨ̃βo
'tree species (of familyPhyllanthaceae)'*βɨp(on)
'to cut'*βɨstɨ-
'frog species'*βɨʂko
'thin, flat'*βɨʂ(n)a(n)
'soup, broth'*βɨtɨm
'face (body part prefix)'*βɨ-
'to catch'*βiÇ-
'skin, leather, hide'*βitsi
'heron species'*βitʃo
'mosquito species'*βi
'moriche palm (Mauritia vinifera)'*βinon
'woodpecker species (of familyPicidae)'*βoir
'kind of box'*βoʔ(n)a(n)-ti
'palm species'*βoʔɽɨ(t)
'stump, trunk'*βoʔɽo(Ç)
'fish species (of familyPimelodidae)'*βoɨ
'tree species (Cecropia?)'*βoko(n)
'a small tree whose bark is used to make ropes'*βoko
'bee species'*βo(n)a
'hair, coat'*βo
'kind of beetle'*βõpa
'otter species'*βõsi(m)
'to sit (down)'*tsaʔo(t)-
'fish species'*tsatsa
'hiccup, to hiccup'*tsɨko-
'charcoal, ember'*tsitsɨ
'ember, firewood charcoal'*(ts)is(t)o
'to catch, to grab with the hand'*tsoma-
'to sting, to pierce, to inject'*tʃaʔtʃi-
'to crush, to beat, to hit'*tʂaka-
'to lie'*tʃa(n)i-
'clam species'*tʃãpiʃ
'cricket, locust'*tʂãpo
'deer species'*tʂaʂo
'ashes (lit. fire dust)'*tʃiʔi mapo
'to steer (a canoe) from behind'*tʃiβi-
'rear part'*tʃipo
'to wash, to wash oneself'*tʃoka-
'cloth, clothes'*tʃopa
'hard, strong'*tʃoɽiʃ
'hard, strong'*kɨɽɨʂ
'liquid, water'*hɨ(n)ɨ
'fish species'*hɨ(n)ɨ ʔino
'to leave, to let go of'*hɨ(n)ɨÇ
'palm species'*hɨpɨ
'to shine, to burn'*hɨɽɨ-
'to put out (fire)'*(n)oka-
'to enter'*hiʔki-
'ant species'*hiʔima
'ant species'*hi(ts)i
'to see, to look'*his-
'kind of ant'*hitsis
'to urinate, urine'*hisor-
'kind of tree as well as its fruit'*hiʃtʃiβi
'tree (generic), log (generic)'*hiwi-
'to hear, to listen, to understand'*kʷak-
'edge, lips'*kʷɨβi
'Penelope (bird species)'*kʷɨβo
'to want, to desire'*kʷɨ̃ɨ̃-
'to want'*katsi, *-kas
'to love, to like, to want'*(n)oi-
'to call'*kʷɨ(n)a-
'kind of bench'*kʷɨ(n)a(n)
'to draw, to paint'*kʷɨ(n)ɨ-
'end, extreme'*kʷɨ(n)o-
'to skewer'*kʷɨo(n)-
'macaw species'*kaʔi(n)
'kind of basket'*kaka(n)
'snake species'*kaʔmoʂ
'macaw species'*kara
'flash of lightning'*karak
'kind of squirrel'*kapa
'cará (kind of yam)'*kaɽi
'back (body part prefix)'*ka-
'to sew'*kɨʔʂɨ-
'vessel, dish, plate'*kɨ̃tʃa(C)
'piece, shard'*kɨʂɨ
'kind of pan'*kɨ̃ti(C)
'to end, to finish'*kɨyo-
'locative ablative suffix, directional, towards'*-ki
'hole, opening'*kiri
'to boil'*koβi(n)-
'mother's brother'*koka
'mother's brother'*koko
'to swallow soft food'*koko-
'tinamou (bird species)'*koma
'fungus species'*ko(n)o
'ashes, greyish'*koɽo
'causative verbal suffix'*-m(a)-
'fish species'*maʔi(r)
'to sweep'*matso-
'animal horn'*mãtʃa(n)
'earth, land'*mai
'on earth, on the ground'*mai(n)
'to bury'*mai(n)-, *maiwa-
'headband, hat'*maiti
'stone, rock'*maka
'piranha (fish species)'*makɨ
'to wish'*mara-
'over, about'*ma(n)a(n)
'to long'*(ma)(n)o(t)-
'to climb (a hill)'*mapɨ-
'clay, dust'*mapok
'plant species'*maɽaʂ
'agouti (rodent species)'*maɽi
'calabash species'*masɨ(n)
'urucum (the tree and its fruit)'*maʂɨ
'on top, peak'*maʂka(t)
'to cut hair'*maʂkoɽ-
'animal horn'*mãʂo
'to hit the head'*matas
'to die'*mawa-
'ant species'*mawis
'to twist, to spin, to move in circles'*maya-
'to touch, to touch with the hand, to feel'*mɨʔ(ɨ)-
'to wet, wet'*mɨʔtʃa-
'hand, arm'*mɨβi
'claw, nail'*hõtsis
'right hand'*mɨkɨrɨ kʷaya
'to find, to look for'*mɨɽa-
'to crawl'*mɨʂo
'slough, muddy area'*mɨwɨ
'pamonha (traditional corn pastry)'*mɨsi
'hook, fishhook'*miʃkiti
'poison, bitter'*moka
'sloth species'*naʔir
'mosquito species'*(n)akʷa
'to dream'*(n)ama-
'below, under, underneath'*nama
'genipap (kind of fruit)'*(n)a(n)ɨ
'to put inside, to submerge'*nan(ɨ)-
'inside, in the middle'*(n)apo
'to bathe, to take a bath'*(n)as(i)-
'wide, broad'*(n)aʂβa
'to bite'*(n)atɨʂ-
'rainbow'*(n)awa βaʔi
'cut vegetation, abandoned land'*(n)awɨ
'trumpeter bird'*(n)ɨa
'to unite, to put together'*(n)ɨʔa-
'to tie'*(n)ɨʂa-
'bird species'*(n)ɨʂ(n)ɨʂ
'to stand'*niÇ
'forest, woods'*(n)iʔi
'centipede, scorpion'*(n)iβo
'to listen, to hear'*(n)ĩka
'to drag, to pull'*(n)i(n)-
'to sweat'*(n)iska(n)-
'palm species'*(n)isi
'to be bored'*(n)iʃ-
'snail species'*(n)oʔtʃo
'snail species'*(n)oβo
'tasty, delicious'*(n)o(ɨ)
'to swim'*(n)on(a)-
'to swim'*nono-
'to fly'*(n)o(ya)-
'to come, to arrive'*ho-
'language, voice, word'*hoi
'to breathe'*hoin
'to hide'*hon(ɨ)-
'man, human'*honi
'wild hog species'*ho(n)o
'to wash'*paʔtsa-
'to get drunk, drunk'*paʔɨn-
'bamboo species (Guadua weberbaueri,taboca)'*paka
'to fall'*pakɨt-
'armadillo species'*paɨ(n)o
'ear adornment, earring'*pa(ʔ)o(t)
'to deceive'*paɽa(n)-
'ear (body part prefix)'*pa-
'new, fresh, raw'*paʂa
'blossoming small branch on a stem'*paʂko
'to shake'*paya-
'wing, feather'*pɨʔi
'to eat'*pi-
'nephew, son of one's sister'*piʔak
'toucan species'*pisa
'cujubi(m) (Pipile cujubi, bird species), wild turkey'*koʂo
'large toucan species'*ʂokɨ
'snake species'*pisika
'small bag (?)'*piʃa
'kind of tubercle (yam?)'*poa
'sister or brother of the opposite sex'*poi
'intestine, belly'*poko
'owl species'*popo
'sloth species'*posɨ(n)
'to throw, to abandon'*pota-
'during, while'*ɽaʔma
'remedy, drug, traditional medicine'*ɽaʔo
'to be afraid, to get scared'*ɽaʔtɨ-
'to be ashamed'*ɽaβi(n)-
'knee, kneecap'*ɽãβoʂo(ko)
'to fear, to be afraid of'*ɽakʷɨ-
'to lie down'*ɽaka-
'to cover, to surround'*ɽako-
'body hair, coat'*ɽani
'to kill'*ɽɨʔtɨ-
'end, headwater (?) ("ponta, cabeceira do rio")'*ɽɨβo
'forward, upwards (of river)'*ɽɨβo+ki
'hole in nose, nostril'*ɽɨ+kini
'to grind'*ɽɨnɨ-
'nasal septum'*ɽɨpaC
'to knock down, to fall over'*ɽɨɽ-
'musical instrument'*ɽɨwɨ
'equal, the same way, also'*-ɽiʔβi, *ɽiʔβa
'thread, string, cord'*ɽisiβitʃi
'to be on a diet, to fast'*sama-
'to lift, to suspend'*sa(n)á(n)-
'fish species'*sa(n)í(n)
'kind of small fish'*sani(n)
'to put on clothes, to dress'*sawɨÇ-
'coati species (Nasua nasua)'*sisi
'good, pretty'*ʃaɽa
'chest (body part prefix)'*ʃik
'plant species'*ʃiko(n)
'spider species'*ʃi(n)a
'to think'*sina(n)-
'pium (fly species)'*ʃio
'tamandua (kind of anteater)'*ʂaʔɨ
'to cut'*ʂaʔtɨ-
'to yawn'*ʂaβa-
'tree bark, skin'*ʂakaÇ
'sister-in-law, wife, cross-cousin (?)'*ʂa(n)o
'pestle, stone'*ʂaʂo
'calabash species'*ʂata(n)
'macaw species'*ʂawar
'sugar cane (?)'*ʂawi
'to drink'*ʂɨʔa-
'to thresh corn'*ʂɨʔmɨ-
'palm species'*ʂɨβo(n)
'gecko species'*ʂɨkɨÇ
'caterpillar species'*ʂɨ(n)a
'tree species'*ʂɨ(n)a(n)
'fat, grease, oil'*ʂɨ(n)i
'tooth, beak (of bird)'*ʂɨta
'to smell'*ʂɨtɨ-
'smell, scent'*wia
'stinky, stench'*pisi
'ceiling, roof (made of straw), to thatch'*ʂɨwa-
'transitive concord suffix'*-ʂon
'to roast'*ʂoʔi-
'to scratch, to itch, itch'*ʂoa-
'to peel'*ʂoka-
'to cast skin (?)'*ʂokoC-
'breasts, milk'*ʂoma
'green, unripe'*ʂoo
'down feather'*ʂopoÇ
'girl, young girl'*ʂõtako
'temporary house, shelter (?)'*taʔpas
'to try, to taste (?)'*tara-
'palm species'*taoaÇ
'bridge, platform'*tapo
'old log, rotten log'*taɽa
'to spin (?)'*taɽá(n)-
'kind of basket'*tasa
'pile of logs floating down the river'*taʂa
'bamboo used for making arrows'*tawa
'to break'*tɨʔk(ɨ)-
'sprout, shoot'*tɨʂka(n)
'neck, nape, throat'*tɨʂo
'Adam's apple'*tɨto(n)
'hawk species'*tɨtɨC
'instrumental nominalizer'*-ti
'to hit, to beat'*tima-
'rifle, shotgun'*to...
'to make pregnant, to give birth'*to(ʔo)-
'frog or toad species'*toa
'dark blue'*to(n)a(n)
'to make'*-wa
'farm, garden'*wai
'water, river'*waka
'fish species'*wamɨ
'palm species'*wani(m)
'pumpkin species'*waɽa(m)
'to sweep, to forage'*was
'spider's web'*was(n)o(n)
'imperative verbal suffix'*-wɨ
'narrow strait between two islands'*wɨa
'other, another'*wɨts(a)
'one (numeral)'*wɨsti
'lower leg'*wiʔtaʂɨ
'to row'*wi(n)a-
'to cry, to weep'*wi(n)-
'club, baton'*wino
'to pass'*wi(n)o-
'with, in possession of'*-ya
'town, settlement'*yakat-
'negative suffix'*(-ya)ma
'late; afternoon'*yãtan
'wild hog species'*yawa
'armadillo species'*yawis
'to say, to speak'*yoʔi-
'to have fever, to get annoyed'*yo(n)a-
'pepper species'*yotʃi
'to ask'*yoka-
'fish species'*yoma
'thread, line, cord'*yoma(n)
'to steal'*yomɨtso-
'people, human body'*yoɽa
'to grow'*yo(o)si
'woman, old woman'*yoʂa


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  • Faust, Norma. (1973). "Lecciones Para el Aprendizaje del Idioma Shipibo-Conibo."Documento de Trabajo no. 1. Yarinacocha, Peru: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.
  • Ferreira, Rogério Vincente. (2007). "Afixos verbais em uma lingua da familia Pano."V Congreso Internacional de Investigaciones Lingüísticos-Filológicas: La Enseñanza de la Lengua en el Tercer Milenio. Lima: Universidad Ricardo Palma.
  • Ferreira, Rogério Vincente. (2008). "Morfemas "partes do corpo" em Matis e algumas línguas da família Pano."Raído (Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados) 2, no. 4:35–39.
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  1. ^abJolkesky, Marcelo Pinho De Valhery. 2016.Estudo arqueo-ecolinguístico das terras tropicais sul-americanas. Ph.D. dissertation,University of Brasília.
  2. ^abFleck, David. 2013.Panoan Languages and Linguistics. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 99.
  3. ^Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2017)."Kontanawa".Glottolog 3.0. Jena, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
  4. ^Hammarström (2015) Ethnologue 16/17/18th editions: a comprehensive review: online appendices
  5. ^Amarante Ribeiro, Lincoln Almir (2005).Uma proposta de classificação interna das línguas da família Pano.Revista Investigações, v. 19, n. 2, p. 157-182.
  6. ^Oliveira, Sanderson Castro Soares de (2014).Contribuições para a reconstrução do Protopáno. Doctoral dissertation. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília.
  7. ^abLoukotka, Čestmír (1968).Classification of South American Indian languages. Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center.
  8. ^Oliveira, S. C. Soares de (2014).Contribuições para a Reconstrução do Protopáno. PhD dissertation, Universidade de Brasília. Accessed fromDiACL, 9 February 2020.

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Mayoruna Panoan
Mainline Panoan
(Nawa Panoan)
Madre de Dios
Italics indicateextinct languages
Official language
Regional languages
Sign languages
Based onCampbell 2012 classification
Language families
and isolates
Eastern Brazil
Orinoco (Venezuela)
Andes (Colombia andVenezuela)
Amazon (Colombia,JapuráVaupés area)
Pacific coast (Colombia and Ecuador)
Pacific coast (Peru)
Amazon (Peru)
Amazon (west-central Brazil)
Andes (Peru, Bolivia, and Chile)
Far South (Chile)
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