The following listing of genera and tribes is based on Josef Moucha'sSynoptic Catalogue,[2] with tribeScionini revised as in Lessard (2014) with the creation of two new tribes,Goniopsini andMycteromyiini.[3]
^abcMackerras, I.M. (1955). "The classification and distribution of Tabanidae (Diptera). II. History. Morphology. Classification. Subfamily. Pangoniinae".Australian Journal of Zoology.3:439–511.doi:10.1071/ZO9550439.
^Macquart, P.J.M. (1838).Insectes diptères nouveaux ou peu connus. Tome premier.-1re partie. Paris: Roret. pp. 5–221, 25 pls.
^Rondani, C. (1863).Diptera exotica revisa et annotata. Novis non nullis descriptis. Modena: E. Soliani. pp. 1–99 pp., 1 pl.
^Murdoch, W.P.; Takahasi, H. (1961). "Descriptions of a new genus and six new species of Tabanidae from Japan".Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology.12:111–116.
^Latreille, P.A. (1802).Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, des crustaces et des insectes. Tome troisieme. Paris: Dufart. pp. xii + 13–467 + 1 pp.
^Philip, C.B. (1954). "New North American Tabanidae. VIII. Notes on and keys to the genera and species of Pangoniinae exclusive ofChrysops".Revista Brasileira de Entomologia.2:13–60.
^Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1820).Diptera exotica. Sectio I. Antennis multiarticulatis. [Edition1]. Kilae [= Kiel]: No publisher. pp. xix + 38.
^Lessard, B.D.; Yeates, D.K. (2012). "Anzomyia (Diptera: Tabanidae: Pangoniinae: Scionini): A new genus of Australian and New Zealand horse fly, including the description of three new species".Insect Systematics & Evolution.43 (2):101–116.doi:10.1163/187631212X637526.
^Schiner, I.R. (1868). "Zweiter Bericht über die von der Weltumseglungsreise der k. Fregatte Novara mitgebrachten Dipteren".Abh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien. 17 [1867]:303–314.
^abcdefWalker, F. (1850).Diptera. Part I, pp. 1-76, pls. 1-2. In [Saunders, W. W. (ed.)], Insecta Saundersiana: or characters of undescribed insects in the collection of William Wilson Saunders, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Vol. 1. London: Van Voorst. p. 474.