Theharp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus), also known asSaddleback Seal orGreenland Seal, is a species ofearless seal, or true seal, native to the northernmostAtlantic Ocean andArctic Ocean. Originally in the genusPhoca with a number of other species, it was reclassified into themonotypic genusPagophilus in 1844. In Greek, itsscientific name translates to "ice-lover from Greenland," and itstaxonomic synonym,Phoca groenlandica translates to "Greenlandic seal."[2] This is the only species in the genusPagophilus.
The mature harp seal has pure black eyes. It has a silver-gray fur covering its body, with blackharp- orwishbone-shaped markingsdorsally, accounting for itscommon name.[3] Adult harp seals grow to be 1.7 to 2.0 m (5 ft 7 in to 6 ft 7 in) long and weigh from 115 to 140 kg (254 to 309 lb).[1] The harp seal pup often has a yellow-white coat at birth due to staining fromamniotic fluid, but after one to three days, thepelage turns white and stays white for 2–3 weeks, until the firstmolt.[2] Adolescent harp seals have a silver-gray coat spotted with black.
Harp seals are consideredsexually dimorphic, as the males are slightly larger, and posses more patterns on his fur. Males weigh an average of 135 kg (298 lb), and reach a length up to 1.9 m (6.2 ft), while females weigh an average of 120 kg (260 lb) and reach up to 1.8 metres (5.9 ft). Males generally have a more defined dorsal harp marking and a darker head, while some females never develop the marking and remain spotted.[2]
Compared to other phocid seals, the harp seal from shallow to moderately deep depths.[2] Dive depth varies withseason,time of day andlocation. In theGreenland Sea sub-population, the average dive rate is around 8.3 dives per hour and dives range from a depth of less than 20 m (66 ft) to over 500 m (1,600 ft).[4] Dive duration ranges from less than two minutes to just over 20 minutes.[4] During the spring and summer when seals forage along thepack ice in the Greenland Sea, most dives are less than 50 m (160 ft).[4] In the late fall and winter, dive depth has been found to increase, particularly in theDenmark Strait, where the mean dive depth was found to be 141 m (463 ft).[4]
Lactating female harp seals spend about 80% of the time in the water and 20% of the time on thefast ice,weaning or staying near their pups. However, almost half of the time spent in the water is at the surface, well beyond what is expected to recover from dives.[5] This behavior allows the mother harp seal to conserve energy and avoid the harsh conditions of the fast-ice while remaining near her pup. As with most phocids, she requires vast amounts of energy to ensure sufficient mass transfer to her growing, weaning pup. Harp seals remain within their aerobic dive limit for 99% of dives.[5]
Harp sealinsulation changes over the course of a seal's lifetime. Young harp seals rely on a lanugopelt from nursing all the way up to theirweaning age.[6] The insulating quality of this fur depends on its ability to keep a layer of air trapped inside or between the hairs.[7] It takes a year for their blubber to develop and for their first-yearpelage to grow. This transition from thicklanugo fur toblubber is important because lanugo fur does not insulate well in water.[6] Adult harp seals primarily use blubber for insulation.[8]
Harp seals combineanatomical andbehavioral approaches to managing theirbody temperatures, instead of elevating theirmetabolic rate and subsequently their energy requirements.[9] Their lower critical temperature is believed to be under −10 °C (14 °F) in air.[10] A thick coat ofblubber insulates its body and provides energy when food is scarce or duringfasting.[8] Blubber alsostreamlines its body for more efficient swimming.Brown fat warmsblood as it returns from the body surface as well as providing energy, most importantly for newly weaned pups.[2] This blubber insulates the harp seal's core but does not insulate the flippers to the same extent. Instead, the flippers have circulatory adaptations to help prevent heat loss.[11]Flippers act as heat exchangers, warming or cooling the seal as needed. On ice, the seal can press its fore flippers to its body and its hind flippers together to reduce heat loss.[2]
They can also redirect blood flow from the periphery to minimize heat loss;[8] the nostrils and eyes of harp seals are adapted to conserve heat, possessing acountercurrent heat exchange system andretia mirabile, respectively.[12]
The harp seal's eyes are large for its body size and contain a largespherical lens that improves focusing ability. Its mobilepupil helps it adapt to the intenseglare of the Arctic ice. Itsretina isrod-dominated and backed by acat-like and reflectivetapetum lucidum, enhancing its low light sensitivity. Itscones are most sensitive to theblue-green spectra, while its rods help sense light intensity and may provide some color discrimination. Itscornea is lubricated bylacrimal glands, to protect the eye from sea water damage. The lack oftear ducts to drain secretions to the nasal passages contribute to the harp seals "eye rings" on land. This can be an indication of the hydration level of the seal.[2]
On ice, the mother identifies her offspring bysmell. This sense may also warn of an approachingpredator. Underwater, the seal closes its nostrils, disabling its sense of smell.[2]
Its whiskers, orvibrissae, lie in horizontal rows on either side of its snout. They provide a touch sense with labeled line coding,[clarification needed] and underwater, also respond to low-frequencyvibrations, such as the movement of water.[2]
Like mostpinnipeds, harp seals arecarnivorous.[13] They have a diverse diet including several dozenfish and invertebrate species.[14] TheWhite Sea population migrates northward in the summerto forage extensively in theBarents Sea. Where common prey items includekrill, capelin (Mallotus villosus),herring (such asClupea harengus),flat fish, andGadiform fish, such as various species ofcod.[15] Harp seals prefer some prey,[which?] though their diet depends largely on prey abundance.[16] Diet and abundance analysis of theSvalbard population found that this population predominantly eats krill, followed closely by polar cod (Arctogladus glacialis).[15] Some individuals from the Greenland Sea sub-population have been observed to forage in the Barents Sea alongside the White Sea sub-population during late summer and fall.[4] Barents Sea harp seals eat mostly herring and polar cod but less krill oramphipods, likely because these seals usually dive deeper than such prey.[16]
Western North Atlantic harp seals forage both near and offshore ofNewfoundland, most preferring such prey as Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), capelin, Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) and American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides).[17] As in other populations and foraging areas, diet varies with distance from shore, with arctic cod comprising more of itnearshore and capelin more of itoffshore.[17] However, capelin is the preferred prey in both locales.[17]
Harp seals spend relatively little time on land compared with time at sea. They aresocial animals and can be quitevocal in groups. Within their large colonies, smaller groups with their ownhierarchies form.[2] Groups of several thousand form during pupping and mating season.[18] Harp seals can live over 30 years in the wild.[2] On the ice, pups call their mothers by "yelling," and "mumble" while playing with other pups. Adults "growl" and "warble" to warn offconspecifics and predators.[2] Underwater, adults have been recorded using more than 19 types of vocalization during courting and mating.[2]
The harp seal is a fast ice breeder and is believed to have a promiscuousmating system.[19] Breeding occurs between mid-February and April.[18] Whilecourtship starts on the ice, mating usually takes place in the water.[20] Courtship peaks during mid-March and involves males performing underwaterdisplays, using bubbles, vocalizations, and paw movements to court females.[21] Females, who remain on the ice, will resistcopulation unless underwater.[21]
Females becomesexually mature between ages five to six.[2] Annually thereafter, they may bear one pup, usually in late February.[2] The gestation period lasts about 11.5 months, with afetal development phase of 8 months.[21] There have been reported cases oftwin births, but singletons are vastly more common.[22][better source needed] The fertilized egg grows into an embryo which remains suspended in the womb for up to three monthsbefore implantation, to delay birth until sufficient pack ice is available.[2]
Harp sealbirths are rapid, with recorded lengths as short as 15 seconds in duration.[21] In order to cope with theshock of a rapid change in environmental temperature and undeveloped blubber layers, the pup relies on solar heating, and behavioral responses such asshivering or seeking warmth in the shade or even water.[21]
A weaned harp seal pup
Juvenile harp seal—a "bedlamer"
Newborn pups weigh 11 kilograms (24 lb) on average and are 80–85 cm (31–33 in) long.[2] After birth, the mother feeds only her own pup. During the approximately 12-day long nursing period, the mother does not hunt, and loses up to 3 kilograms (6.6 lb) per day.[2] Harp seal milk initially contains 25%fat (this number increases to 40% by weaning as the mother fasts) and pups gain over 2.2 kilograms (4.9 lb) per day whilenursing, quickly thickening theirblubber layer.[21] During this time, the juvenile's "greycoat" grows in beneath the white neonatal coat, and the pup increases its weight to 36 kg (79 lb). Weaning is abrupt; the mother swiftly turns from nursing topromiscuous mating, leaving the pup behind on the ice.[20] In the post-weaning phase (after abandonment), the pup becomessedentary to conserve body fat. Within a few days, itsheds its white coat, reaching the "beater" stage.[2] This name comes from the sound a beater's tail makes as the seal learns to swim.[22] Pups begin to feed at 4 weeks of age, but still draw on internal sources of energy, relying first on energy stored in the body core rather than blubber.[21] This fast can reduce their weight up to 50%. As many as 30% of pups die during their first year, due in part to their early immobility on land.[2] During this time the ice begins to melt, leaving them vulnerable topolar bears and marine predators such askiller whales andgreenland sharks.[23][24]
Around 13–14 months old, the pups molt again, becoming "bedlamers".[22] Juveniles molt several times, producing a "spotted harp", before the male adults' harp-marked pelt fully emerges after several years. In females, it may not emerge.[2]
Seals congregate annually on the ice tomolt, pup and breed before migrating to summer feeding grounds. Their lifespan can be over 30 years.[2]
Global harp seal population estimates total around 4.5 million individuals.[1] Due to their dependence on pack ice for breeding, the harp seal range is restricted to areas where pack ice forms seasonally.[2] The western North Atlantic stock or population, which is the largest, is located offeastern Canada.[22] This population is further divided into two separate "herds" based on the breeding location. The Front "herd" breeds off thecoast ofLabrador andNewfoundland, and the Gulf herd breeds near theMagdalen Islands in the middle of theGulf of St. Lawrence. A second stock breeds on the "West Ice" off eastern Greenland. A third stock breeds on the "East Ice" in theWhite Sea, which is off the north coast ofRussia below the Barents ea. Breeding occurs between mid-February and April, and varies somewhat for each stock.[18] The three stocks areallopatric and do not interbreed.[25]
The number of pups born in the traditional pupping area of the southernGulf of St. Lawrence was greatly reduced,[clarification needed] with an estimated pup production of only 18,300 (95% CI, 15,400-21,200 rounded to the nearest hundred). Another 13,600 (95% CI, 7,700-19,500) pups were born in the northern Gulf. An estimated 714,600 (95% CI, 538,800-890,400) pups were born off the northeastern coast of Newfoundland (Front); accounting for 96% of all pupping in 2017. Combining the estimates from all areas resulted in an estimated total pup production of 746,500 (95% CI, 570,300-922,700).[26]
Harp seals are stronglymigratory, the northwest population regularly moves up to 4,000 kilometres (2,500 mi) northeast outside of the breeding season;[27] one individual was located off the north Norwegian coast, 4,640 kilometres (2,880 mi) east northeast of its tagging location.[28] Their navigational accuracy is high, with good eyesight an important factor.[27][29] They are occasionally found asvagrants, south of their normal range. InGreat Britain, a total of 31 vagrants were recorded between 1800 and 1988.[30]
More recently, they reachedLindisfarne inNorthumberland in September 1995,[31] and theShetland Islands in 1987. The latter was linked to a mass movement of harp seals into Norwegian waters; by mid-February 1987, 24,000 were reported drowned in fishing nets and perhaps 30,000 (about 10% of the world population) had invadedfjords as far south asOslo. The animals were emaciated, likely due to commercial fishing causing competition for the seals' prey.[32]
Harp seals can strand on Atlantic coasts, often in warmer months, due to dehydration andparasite load.[33] In March 2020, a harp seal was spotted nearSalvo, North Carolina.[34] Harp seals often consume snow to stay hydrated, but in mild winters may not have enough available. Several centers are active in seal rescue and rehabilitation, includingIFAW,NOAA, and theNew England Aquarium. Harp seals are protected by theMarine Mammal Protection Act in theUnited States.
In Canada, commercial hunting season is from November 15 to May 15. Most sealing occurs in late March in theGulf of St. Lawrence, and during the first or second week of April offNewfoundland, in an area known as "the Front". This peak spring period is generally what is referred to as the "Canadian seal hunt". Hunting Canadian whitecoats has been banned since 1987. Since 2000, harp seals that are targeted during the hunt are often found to be less than a year old, known as "beaters".[36] In 2006, the St. Lawrence hunt officially started on March 25 due to thin ice caused by the year's milder temperatures.Inuit living in the region hunt mainly for food and, to a lesser extent, commerce.[35]
In 2019, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans estimated sustainable harvest levels for the next five years. The identified annual Canadian Total Allowable Catch (TAC) levels were 425,000 assuming harvest age structures of 95% young of the year (YOY).[37] In 2016, 66,800 harp seals and 1,612 grey seals were harvested in Atlantic Canada.[38]
In 2005, the Independent Veterinarians' Working Group (IVWG) recommended a three-step process for hunters to kill the seals with little or no pain for the seals, as long as the process is completed in rapid succession.[36] The process is as follows:
Stun the seal on the head using tools, such as a rifle or a club, to immediately kill the animal or cause it to permanently lose consciousness.
Ensure that step 1 was completed correctly, and the skull is irreversibly damaged.
Cut the axillary arteries along both armpits and cut along the belly to prevent blood from reaching the brain, confirming its death.
In 2009, this process was included in both the 'Conditions of License' for the Canadian hunt as well as the Canadian Marine Mammal Regulations.[36]
The Canadian seal hunt is monitored by the Canadian government. Although approximately 70% of the hunt occurs on "the Front", most private monitors focus on the St. Lawrence hunt, due to its more convenient location.
The annual quota off the coast of Greenland for 2017–2019 was set at 26,000 1+ animals, where two pups are equivalent to removing one 1+ animal. The total catches of harp seals were 2000 (including 1934 pups) in 2017, 2703 (including 1218 pups) in 2018, and 5813 (including 2168 pups) in 2019.[39]
The 2004 West Ice total allowable catch (TAC) was 15,000, almost double the sustainable catch of 8,200. Actual catches were 9,895 in 2004 and 5,808 in 2005.[35] The 2004 White Sea TAC was 45,000. The catch was 22,474.[35]
Hunting has tremendously affected the population size of harp seals. Over the past 150 years, the harp seal population has fluctuated from over 9 million to as little as 1 million.[40] The current population is estimated to be around 4.5 million or less.[1] The Northwest Atlantic populations was found to have decreased by at least 50 percent from 1952 to 1970[41] but nowadays, seal populations all are hunted under quotas and other restrictions.[42][43][44]
Sealing ship off Newfoundland with a haul of dead harp seals
^abLydersen, Christian; Kovacs, Kit M. (1993). "Diving behaviour of lactating harp seal,Phoca groenlandica, females from the Gulf of St Lawrence, Canada".Animal Behaviour.46 (6):1213–1221.doi:10.1006/anbe.1993.1312.S2CID53203432.
^abLindstrøm, Ulf; Nilssen, Kjell (2013). "Harp seal foraging behaviour during summer around Svalbard in the northern Barents Sea: diet composition and the selection of prey".Polar Biology.36 (3):305–320.Bibcode:2013PoBio..36..305L.doi:10.1007/s00300-012-1260-x.S2CID17370939.
^abRonald, K., & Healey, P. J. (1981). Harp Seal. Chapter 3 in Ridgeway, S. H., & Harrison, R. J., eds.Handbook of Marine Mammals, vol. 2Seals. Academic Press, London.
^Sergeant, D.E. (1973). "Transatlantic migration of a Harp Seal,Pagophilus groenlandicus".Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada.30:124–125.doi:10.1139/f73-020.
^King, J. E. (2015).Seals of the World, 2nd. ed. British Museum, London.
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^Frankis, M. P.; Davey, P. R. & Anderson, G. Q. A. (1997). "Harp Seal: a new mammal for the Northumberland fauna".Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumbria.57 (4):239–241.
^abcDaoust, P-Y; Caraguel, C (2012-11-01). "The Canadian harp seal hunt: observations on the effectiveness of procedures to avoid poor animal welfare outcomes".Animal Welfare.21 (4):445–455.doi:10.7120/09627286.21.4.445.ISSN0962-7286.S2CID72487796.
^Bowen, W. Don; Capstick, Charles K.; Sergeant, David E. (1981). "Temporal Changes in the Reproductive Potential of Female Harp Seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus)".Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.38 (5):495–503.Bibcode:1981CJFAS..38..495B.doi:10.1139/f81-071.
Shelton, P.A.; Healey, B.P. (1999). "Should depensation be dismissed as a possible explanation for the lack of recovery of the northern cod (Gadus morhua) stock?".Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.56 (9):1521–1524.Bibcode:1999CJFAS..56.1521S.doi:10.1139/f99-124.