Pademangan is a port-associateddistrict (kecamatan) ofNorth Jakarta Administrative City,Indonesia. It stretches from theSunda Kelapa Harbour in the west to the western area ofTanjung Priok Harbor in the east. Geographically, it is a plain with an average height of 75 centimeters above the high tide sea level.[1]
Pademangan is bordered on the west bySunda Kelapa Harbor, on the south by Kemayoran Railway, on the east by the Kali Ancol and Kali Japat canals, and on the north by Jakarta Bay.
The district of Pademangan is divided into threeKelurahan / Administrative Villages:
Settlement of the 19th century was similarly port-focussed and thus was among the settled urban parts that suffered in the early 19th century severe malaria outbreak. This prompted building theWeltevreden, "well-contented", the new administrative heart of the city, which was at the time the city of Batavia. Industry and associated housing, needing port direct connectivity followed for much of the 20th century. Development continues to focus on other districts where the land is easier to drain and thus less costly to build high-rise, whilst keeping a partially green, tree-rich prospect from many coastal locations along this shore.