Norbert Oscar Gugen (20 January 1910 – 19 March 1992)[1][2] co-founded theBritish Sub-Aqua Club, "the largest and most successful diving club in the world",[3] and the partnership E. T. Skinner & Co. Ltd., which became Typhoon International, "the world’s largest manufacturer of drysuits".[4] Born Norbert Oscar Gugenbichler inParis with dualAustrian andFrench nationality, he wasnaturalisedBritish as "Manager and Secretary (Toy Manufacturers)" on 29 August 1951.[5]
Gugen was born in Paris in 1910 to an Austrian father and a French mother. He started as a hotel kitchen hand in Austria, peeling carrots. By the age of 21 he was a hotel director in the south of France. WhenWorld War II started, he joined theFrench Army. After the Germans broke through into France, he destroyed his papers, swam across the mouth of the Loire and boarded the last Britishdestroyer which was evacuating British troops. As he had no papers, he wasinterned on theIsle of Man, and released at the end of the war. He became a swimming pool attendant, and then managed an American ArmyOfficers' Club. After the Americans left, he became a partner of Eric Skinner, who was sellingjigsaw puzzles.[6][7]
Gugen's partnership was named E. T. Skinner & Co. Ltd after Eric Skinner. The firm traced its origins back to 1948.[8] E. T. Skinner & Co. Ltd. traded from premises at 400 Harrow Road, London W9, then from 1955 at 2 Lochaline Street, Hammersmith, London W6. Gugen used his knowledge of languages and business acumen to expand by importingswimming goggles andswimfins from France, as theDunlop Rubber company, who had made wartimefrogmen's fins, had decided that there would be no market for them in peace time. Soon he was selling 300 pairs of fins a week, mainly toGamages and to Colin McLeod[9] atLillywhites.
The 1956[10] and 1966[11] editions ofSkinner's handbook for skin divers served as the company's product catalogues during the 1950s and 1960s. This guide provided basic safety advice and listed the company's full range of underwater swimming products, both imported lines and its own-brand "Typhoon" articles of British design and manufacture. Both editions contained product descriptions ofdiving masks (the Typhoon Super Star and Blue Star diving masks pictured right appeared in both issues),breathing tubes,swimfins (the Typhoon Clubmaster swimming fins pictured right appeared in both issues, while the Typhoon Speedmaster swimming fins pictured alongside them only appeared in the 1956 edition),dry suits,wetsuits andharpoon guns. The 1966 issue also listed anunderwater camera anddemand valves.
In the 1970s, E. T. Skinner & Co. Ltd. was renamed Typhoon and a factory was built inRedcar, where the company continues to operate. Typhoon is a manufacturer ofdry suits for diving and other water sport, rescue, commercial and military applications, and lifejackets and buoyancy aids.
During the 1950s and 1960s, E. T. Skinner & Co. Ltd. filed several successful British patent applications:
To form a national diving club, Gugen tried tomerge with Harold Penman'sUnderwater Explorers Club, but the attempt failed over policy differences: Penman insisted that either he, or Gugen, should own the club and control the finances, while Gugen was adamant that it should be run by the members and their elected committee.
Gugen determined that he would need a dedicated and persuasive journalist to cover publicity and public relations. He found the journalist he wanted inPeter Small who had already expressed enormous enthusiasm for science and the sea in articles published inPicture Post, theDaily Herald,New Scientist, theSunday Times and theNews Chronicle. Like Gugen, he had used theaqualung, but only briefly. The two obtained scubadiving training fromTrevor Hampton atWarfleet Creek. Gugen had two dives, while Small finished the five-lesson course. In the evenings they worked out BSAC'sconstitution. The "Sub-Aqua" in its name was likeliest Oscar's idea, as Penman and Hampton had used "Underwater" in their organizations' titles. Jack Atkinson, an ex-RAFflight sergeant, joined them as Training Officer; he soon after took Trevor Hampton's diving course.
Gugen retired fromchairing the BSAC in 1958. In the club's magazineTriton,[12] Peter Small paid tribute to Oscar Gugen's service as club chairman: "It is impossible to over-estimate what Oscar Gugen has accomplished for the club. He and I started it over a glass of beer, but it was mainly his inspiration (the Club, not the beer) and it was he, rather than any other single person, who has guided the Club from those humble beginnings to its present position of national, even international, authority." According to an article elsewhere in the same issue,[13] Gugen was subsequently elected president of theBSAC London Branch, which is the original branch No.1 of the British Sub-Aqua Club.
History of British Sub-Aqua Club.