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InGreek mythology,Orseïs (/ɔːrsiːɪs/;Ancient Greek: Ὀρσηΐς, derived from ὄρσω -orsô, "to rouse, stir, awaken, excite or arise") was the water-nymph (Naiad) of a spring inThessalia,Greece, and the mythical ancestor of theGreeks. According toM. L. West, her name may have been corrupt for "Othryis", who he suggests was a nymph of MountOthrys.[1]
According to theLibrary, Orseis marriedHellen, son ofDeucalion andPyrrha and brother ofPandora, the legendaryeponymous ancestor of the Greeks. Their sons,Dorus,Xuthus, andAeolus, according toHesiod'sEoiae orCatalogue of Women[2] together with the sons of Pandora,Graecus,Magnetas andMakedon with Zeus, became the founders of the seven primordial tribes of Hellas (Graecians,Magnetes,Makedones,Dorians,Achaeans,Ionians, andAeolians).[3] In some accounts,Xenopatra was also called the daughter of Hellen and Orseis.[4]