Several historians have tried to explain the origins of the city's name. It was traditionally accepted that the word "orenburg" means a fortress on theRiver Or.[11] In all probability, the word combination "orenburg" was proposed byI. K. Kirillov [ru], the founder of the city. In 1734, in accordance with his project, a package of governmental documents was worked out. This was the starting point for Orenburg as a fortress city near the meeting of theOr and Ural rivers.
On 7 June 1734, "A Privilege for Orenburg" (tsar's edict) was ordered byEmpress Anna Ioannovna.
While the construction site of the main fortress changed many times (down the River Ural), the name "Orenburg" has not changed since its founding in 1743. Between 1938 and 1957, the city was referred to as Chkalov,[12][13] named after the famous Soviet pilotValery Chkalov, although he was not born in and never lived in Orenburg, and never visited Orenburg. In 1954, Chkalov's five-meter bronze sculpture was erected on the occasion of his 50th birth anniversary; this was installed on a seven-meter pedestal on the Boulevard (the riverside promenade of the city, commonly named "Belovka").
In 1734, theRussian Empire began to expand its dominance and influence in Asia by building a fortified city called Orenburg on its eastern border (Southern Urals). For this purpose, in 1735, Ivan Kirilov, a cartographer and statistician, began to develop the settlement at the confluence of the riversOr andUral, and the first settlement was chosen during his expedition. He claimed that the town was needed "to open a transit route to Bukhara, Badakhshan, Balkh and India" and that "riches in the form of gold, lapis lazuli and garnets could be obtained from it". After his death, a new manager of the Orenburg expedition,Vasily Tatishchev, was appointed who did not consider the place suitable for building a city. Therefore, in 1739 he began preparations for the construction of a new town with the old name on Krasnaya Gora (Red Mountain), downstream of the Ural (Yaik)River. The old settlement was named the Orsk fortress (now the city ofOrsk).[14]
On August 6, 1741, the new town was laid out. However, its construction never started. The place on Krasnaya Gora was not suitable for the construction of the city, as it was treeless, rocky and far from the river. A new manager of the Orenburg expeditionIvan Neplyuev was appointed, and on April 19, 1743, Orenburg was built up on the third attempt, at the place where the Berd settlement was earlier located, 75 km (46miles) from the Krasnaya Gora. In the summer of 1742, Neplyuev was assigned to build the city on the site of the riversYaik andSakmara. The new place, surrounded by forests and fields where the Yaik and Sakumara rivers converge, was chosen by Neplyuev himself. Today it is the historical center of the city. The town built on the Red Mountain was named Krasnogorsk. Thus, in 1743 Ivan Neplyuev founded Orenburg on thesite of present-day Orsk, about 250 kilometers west of the Urals. This third Orenburg served as an important military outpost on the border with the nomadicKazakhs. It became the center of the Orenburg Cossacks. In the first half of the 18th century, theRussian Empire constructed theIrtysh line [ru], a series of forty-six forts, including Orenburg,[15] to prevent Kazakh andDzungar raids into Russian territory.[16]
Orenburg played a major role inPugachev's Rebellion (1773–1774), the largest peasant revolt in Russian history. At the time, it was the capital of a vast district and the seat of the governor. Yemelyan Pugachev besieged the city and its fortress from nearbyBerda from October 1773 to March 26, 1774. The defense was organized by Governor of Orenburg lieutenant-generalReinsdorf.[17]GeneralGolytsin defeated Pugachev at Berda, and later again atKargala (north of Orenburg).[18] Most of the city was left in ruins, and thousands of inhabitants had died in the siege. Government forces crushed revolt towards the end of 1774 by GeneralMichelsohn atTsaritsyn. Further reprisals against rebel areas were carried out by GeneralPeter Panin.
Orenburg functioned as the capital of theKirghiz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (in present-dayKazakhstan) within Russia from 1920 to 1925. When that republic was renamedKazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic in 1925, Orenburg joined Russia andKyzylorda became the new capital.Almaty became the capital in 1929 after the construction of theTurkestan–Siberia Railway. Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was promoted to union republic status as the Kazakh Soviet Socialist RepublicKazakh SSR in 1936. Orenburg remained in Russia. From 1938 to 1957, the city bore the nameChkalov (Чка́лов) (after the prominent test pilotValery Chkalov). The city's distance from the German invasion duringWorld War II led many Soviet enterprises to flee there, helping to spur the city's economic growth.
The city is in the basin of the middle branch of theRiver Ural, near its confluence with theRiver Sakmara. The highest point of the city is 154.4 meters (507 ft).[citation needed]
Orenburg is home to several large companies or their subsidiaries:Orenburggazprom,[20] the subsidiary ofGazprom;Orenburgneft,[21] the subsidiary ofTNK-BP oil company;Orenburgenergy, one of the biggest energy generating companies in Russia.
Orenburg has been a major railway centre ever since the Samara-Zlatoust andOrenburg-Tashkent railroads were completed, respectively in 1876 and 1905.[22] Orenburg's main airport is theOrenburg Tsentralny Airport,[23] located about 25 kilometers (16 mi) east of the city, on the Orsk destination, and used to be the headquarters of now defunctOrenair.[23] City public transport includes bus, trolleybus and alsomarshrutkas (fixed-route cabs).
Orenburg State University. The university was founded in 1955 as a branch of Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute. In 1971 it converted into Orenburg Polytechnic Institute. In 1994 it became Orenburg State Technical University. In 1996, converted into Orenburg State University. In 2014 Orenburg State Institute of Management integrated with Orenburg State University.
Orenburg State Medical University. Established in 1944 as Chkalov State Medical Institute. It was renamed to Orenburg State Medical Institute in 1957 (at that time Orenburg city regained its original name after being named Chkalov from 1937 till 1957). It gained the status of academy in 1994. Currently there are eightfaculties: Medicine, Pediatric, Stomatology (Dentistry), Pharmacy, Clinical Psychology, Nursing, Public Health (Медико-профилактический), and Continuing Education.
Orenburg State Agrarian University. Established in 1930 as Orenburg Agricultural Institute. It was transformed to Orenburg State Agricultural Academy in 1992. Since 1995 named as Orenburg State Agrarian University. There are 8 faculties and four institutes.
Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Established in 1919 as Institute of Public Education. Renamed to Pedagogical Institute in 1930. Transformed to Pedagogical University in 1996. There are 10 faculties and four research institutes.
Mountain and river tourism are developed in the region. There are a number of fast mountain rivers and rocks in pleated spurs of the southern edge of the Urals range, popular with tourists.The city is known for its location between Europe and Asia. TheUral River marks the border ofAsia andEurope, and there is a bridge which connects the two sides.
The city is famous for its downOrenburg shawls. The thinnest lacy design, knitted by hand shawls and cobweb-like kerchiefs (pautinkas), is not only warm, but also is used for decorative purposes.
A famous boulevard on the embankment of theUral River is one of the most notable places in Orenburg. Orenburg TV Tower is a guyed mast of unusual design. It is a 200-meter (660 ft) tall mast equipped with six crossbars running from the mast structure to the guys.[28]
Alexander Alexandrovich Prokhorenko (1990–2016), a Senior lieutenant with theSpecial Operations Forces of the Russian Armed Forces. He was killed during the Palmyra offensive of the Syrian Civil War. Prokhorenko was identifying targets for Russian airstrikes when he was surrounded by ISIS fighters near Palmyra and ordered an airstrike on his own location
^"Об исчислении времени".Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). June 3, 2011. RetrievedJanuary 19, 2019.
^Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. (Russian Post).Поиск объектов почтовой связи (Postal Objects Search)(in Russian)
^Поспелов Е.М. Географические названия мира: топонимический словарь. — М.: Русские словари; Астрель; ACT, 2002. —ISBN5-17-002938-1; 5-271-00446-5; 5-93259-014-9; 5-17-001389-2.
^Оренбург — статья из Большой советской энциклопедии.
^Город был переименован Указом ПрезидиумаПрезидиума Верховного Совета СССР от 26 декабря 1938 г.
^С.М.Стрельников. Географические названия Оренбургской области. — Изд. 2-е, доп. и испр. — Кувандык, 2002. — 176 с.
^"Russian Colonization and the Genesis of Kazak National Consciousness". S. Sabol (2003). Springer. p.27ISBN0230599427
^"Central Asia, 130 Years of Russian Dominance: A Historical Overview". Edward A. Allworth, Edward Allworth (1994). Duke University Press. p. 10.ISBN0822315211
Законодательное Собрание Оренбургской области. Закон №1370/276-IV-ОЗ от 11 июля 2007 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Оренбургской области», в ред. Закона №2826/783-V-ОЗ от 15 декабря 2014 г. «О внесении изменений в Закон Оренбургской области "Об административно-территориальном устройстве Оренбургской области"». Вступил в силу после официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Южный Урал", №№134–135 (спецвыпуск №40 с документами Законодательного Собрания Оренбургской области), 21 июля 2007 г. (Legislative Assembly of Orenburg Oblast. Law #1370/276-IV-OZ of July 11, 2007On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Orenburg Oblast, as amended by the Law #2826/783-V-OZ of December 15, 2014On Amending the Law of Orenburg Oblast "On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Orenburg Oblast". Effective as of after the official publication date.).
Законодательное Собрание Оренбургской области. Закон №2367/495-IV-ОЗ от 15 сентября 2008 г. «Об утверждении перечня муниципальных образований Оренбургской области и населённых пунктов, входящих в их состав», в ред. Закона №3322/917-V-ОЗ от 24 августа 2015 г. «О внесении изменений в Закон Оренбургской области "Об утверждении перечня муниципальных образований Оренбургской области и населённых пунктов, входящих в их состав"». Вступил в силу через 10 дней после официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Бюллетень Законодательного Собрания Оренбургской области", 22 заседание, I часть, 29 августа 2008 г. (Legislative Assembly of Orenburg Oblast. Law #2367/495-IV-OZ of September 15, 2008On Adopting the Registry of the Municipal Formations of Orenburg Oblast and the Inhabited Localities They Comprise, as amended by the Law #3322/917-V-OZ of August 24, 2015On Amending the Law of Orenburg Oblast "On Adopting the Registry of the Municipal Formations of Orenburg Oblast and the Inhabited Localities They Comprise". Effective as of after 10 days following the official publication.).