Offal (/ˈɒfəl,ˈɔːfəl/), also calledvariety meats,pluck ororgan meats, is the internalorgans of abutcheredanimal. The word does not refer to a particular list of edible organs, and these lists of organs vary with culture and region, but usually excludeskeletal muscle.[citation needed] Offal may also refer to the by-products ofmilledgrains, such as corn or wheat.[1]
Some cultures strongly consider offal consumption to betaboo, while others use it as part of their everyday food or, in many instances, asdelicacies. Certain offal dishes—includingfoie gras andpâté—are often regarded asgourmet food in the culinary arts. Others remain part of traditionalregional cuisine and are consumed especially during holidays; some examples aresweetbread, Jewishchopped liver, Scottishhaggis, U.S.chitterlings, and Mexicanmenudo. On the other hand,intestines are traditionally used as casing forsausages.
Depending on the context,offal may refer only to those parts of ananimal carcass discarded afterbutchering orskinning; offal not used directly for human or animal consumption is often processed in arendering plant, producing material that is used forfertilizer orfuel; or in some cases, it may be added to commercially producedpet food.[citation needed] In earlier times, mobs sometimes threw offal and other rubbish at condemned criminals as a show of public disapproval.[2]
The word shares its etymology with several Germanic words:West Frisianôffal, GermanAbfall (Offall in some Western German dialects and Luxembourgish),afval in Dutch andAfrikaans,avfall in Norwegian and Swedish, andaffald in Danish. These Germanic words all mean "garbage/rubbish" or "waste" or—literally—"off-fall", referring to that which has fallen off during butchering. However, these words are not often used to refer to food except for Afrikaans in theagglutinationafvalvleis (lit. "off-fall-flesh"), which does indeed mean offal.[3] For instance, the German word for offal isInnereien meaning innards and the Swedish word isinälvsmat literally meaning "inside-food". According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word entered Middle English from Middle Dutch in the formafval, derived fromaf (off) andvallen (to fall).
It is not related to the English wordawful, which originally meant "inspiringawe," then shifted meaning to "terrifying" and then to "very bad."[4][5]
Organ meat is typically referred to with established terms used for other edible parts of the animal, such that the heart of a cow would be known asbeef heart, while that of a pig would be known aspork heart.
Inmedieval times, "humble pie" (originally "umble pie") made from animal innards (especially deer) was apeasant food and is the source of the commonly usedidiom "eating humble pie", although it has lost its original meaning as meat pies made from offal are no longer referred to by this name. The traditional Scottishhaggis consists of a sheep's stomach stuffed with a boiled mix of liver, heart, lungs, rolled oats, and other ingredients. In theEnglish Midlands andSouth Wales,faggots are made from ground or minced pig offal (mainly liver and cheek), bread, herbs, and onion wrapped in pig'scaul fat.
Only two offal-based dishes are still routinely served nationwide at home and in restaurants and are available as pre-cooked package meals in supermarket chains:steak and kidney pie (typically featuring veal or beef kidneys), still widely known and enjoyed in Britain, and liver (of lamb, calf, pig or cow) and onions served in a rich sauce (gravy).
Brawn (theBritish English term for 'head cheese') is the collection of meat and tissue found on an animal's skull (typically a pig) that is cooked, chilled and set ingelatin. Another British food isblack pudding, consisting of congealed pig's blood with oatmeal made into sausage-like links with pig intestine as a casing, then boiled and usually fried on preparation.
"Luncheon tongue" refers to reformed pork tongue pieces. "Ox tongue" made from the pressed complete tongue, is more expensive. Both kinds of tongue are found in tinned form and in slices in supermarkets and local butchers. Home cooking and pressing of tongue have become less common over the last fifty years.
Bleachedtripe was a popular dish in Northern England (especially inSouth Lancashire), with many specialist tripe shops in industrial areas. Today in South Lancashire, certain markets (for example, inWigan) may still sell tripe, but all the specialist tripe shops have now closed.[6]
"Elder" is the name given to cooked cow's udder—anotherLancashire offal dish rarely seen today. Offal connoisseurs such as Ben Greenwood OBE have frequently campaigned to bring Elder back on the menu of restaurants acrossYorkshire and Lancashire.[7]
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the poor in Ireland ate offal as they could not afford the more prized cuts;black pudding,pig's feet, lambliver, lamb and vealkidney andsweetbreads were all popular.[8] In the late 18th century, Dublin saw rioting when local butchers began to export offcuts of beef, instead of selling them locally.[9]
Mr. Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thickgiblet soup, nuttygizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liver slices fried with crustcrumbs, friedhencod'sroes. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine.[10]
— Ulysses episode 4, "Calypso"
Ireland exports large amounts of offal (€134 million in 2022),[11] with Irish beeftongue being popular in Japan.[12]
Offal consumption has risen in recent years as there is growing awareness of the nutritional benefits, including from fitnessinfluencers.[13][14]
InNorway thesmalahove is a traditional dish, usually eaten around and beforeChristmas time, made from asheep's head. The skin and fleece of the head is torched, the brain is removed, and the head is salted, sometimes smoked, and dried. The head isboiled for about three hours and served with mashedrutabaga/swede andpotatoes. The ear and eye (half of a head is one serving) are normally eaten first, as they are the fattiest area and must be eaten warm. The head is often eaten from the front to the back, working around the bones of the skull.Smalahove is considered by some to be unappealing or even repulsive. It is mostly enjoyed by enthusiasts and is often served totourists and more adventurous visitors.
Other Norwegian specialities includesmalaføtter, a traditional dish similar tosmalahove, but instead of a sheep's head, it is made of lamb's feet.Syltelabb is a boiled, salt-cured pig's trotter, known as a Christmas delicacy for enthusiasts. Syltelabb is usually sold cooked and salted.
Liver pâté (leverpostei) and patéd lung (lungemos) are common dishes, as arehead cheese (sylte) and blood pudding (blodklubb).Fish roe and liver are also central to several Norwegian dishes, such asmølje.
InDenmark, a version of liverpâté known asleverpostej and used as a spread (often in anopen sandwich onrye bread) is popular. The most common main ingredients ofleverpostej are pork liver,lard, andanchovies, but numerous alternative recipes exist. The 5.5 million Danes consume roughly 14,000 tons ofleverpostej per year, the most popular commercial brand beingStryhn's.[15] Versions ofbrawn (often served on rye bread as an open sandwich with a garnish of cucumber slices orDijon mustard and pickledbeetroot) andblood sausage (served pan-fried withmuscovado) are eaten mainly during wintertime, including as part of the traditional Danish Christmas lunch orjulefrokost.Heart is commonly eaten, either calf, cow, or pork.Grydestegte hjerter is a Sunday dish of stuffed pork heart, served with carrots, Brussels sprouts, and mashed potatoes.[citation needed]
Svið served with mashed potatoes and mashed turnips inReykjavík
Iceland has several traditional dishes using offal. The Icelandicslátur (lit. slaughter) consists ofblóðmör (blood sausage) andlifrarpylsa (liver sausage), typically boiled and served with mashed potatoes.Blóðmör is a sausage made of lamb's blood,suet and rye, whilelifrarpylsa is made of lamb's liver,suet and rye. Similar to the Norwegiansmalahove, the Icelandicsvið is the head of a sheep with the wool singed off, boiled and typically served with mashed potatoes and mashedrutabaga.
Sweden has a version of the Britishblack pudding calledblodpudding (blood pudding). The Swedish analogue of Scottishhaggis is calledpölsa orlungmos (mashed lung). The Swedishpölsa is made of offal likeliver orheart, onions,rolled barley and spices, and is served with boiled potatoes, fried eggs, and slicedbeetroot.Blodpudding is mostly served sliced and fried withlingonberry preserve, grated carrot or cabbage, and fried bacon. Other popular offal dishes arelevergryta (liver stew) andleverpastej (liver pâté).
Finland also has its own version of black pudding,mustamakkara (black sausage). There is also liver sausage, usually eaten as a spread on bread, similar to the Danishleverpostej. Liver is also eaten in various other forms including fried slices and minced liver patties.Liver casserole, traditionally made with minced liver, rice, butter, onions,egg, syrup, and usually, raisins used to be mainly a Christmas dish, but is now available and eaten all year round. Many traditional and moderngame recipes use offal. One of the most popular offal dishes isverilettu (orveriohukainen orverilätty) which translates to blood pancake, a pan-fried thin bread-like snack traditionally enjoyed with lingonberry jam.Verilettu is common in Sweden and Norway, going by the nameBlodplättar.
Especially in southernGermany, some offal varieties are served in regional cuisine. TheBavarian expressionKronfleischküche includesskirt steak and offal as well, e.g.,Milzwurst [de], a sausage containing small pieces ofspleen, and even dishes based onudder.Swabia is famous forSaure Kutteln—sour tripes served steaming hot with fried potatoes.Herzgulasch is a (formerly cheaper) type ofgoulash using heart. Liver is part of various recipes, such as some sorts ofKnödel andSpätzle, and inLiverwurst. As a main dish, together with cooked sliced apple and onion rings, liver (Leber Berliner Art, liverBerlin style) is a famous recipe from the German capital.Helmut Kohl's preference forSaumagen was a challenge to various political visitors during his terms as German Chancellor.Markklößchen [de] are small dumplings made with bone marrow; they are served as part ofHochzeitssuppe (wedding soup), a soup served at marriages in some German regions. In Bavaria, lung stew is served withKnödel, dumplings.Blood tongue, orZungenwurst, is a variety of German head cheese with blood. It is a large head cheese made with pig's blood, suet, bread crumbs, and oatmeal with chunks of pickled beef tongue added. It has a slight resemblance to blood sausage. It is commonly sliced and browned in butter or bacon fat prior to consumption. It is sold in markets pre-cooked, and its appearance is maroon to black in color.
InAustrian, particularlyViennese cuisine, theBeuschel is a traditional offal dish. It is a sort ofragout containing veal lungs and heart. It is usually served in a sour cream sauce and with bread dumplings (Semmelknödel). A type of black pudding by the name ofBlunzn orBlutwurst is also common. In traditional Viennese cuisine, many types of offal including calf's liver (Kalbsleber), sweetbread (Kalbsbries), or calf's brain with egg (Hirn mit Ei) have played an important role, but their popularity has strongly dwindled in recent times.
InBelgium several classic dishes include organ meat. Beef or veal tongue in tomato-Madeira sauce with mushrooms and kidneys in mustard cream sauce are probably the most famous ones. The famous "stoofvlees" orcarbonade flamande, a beef stew with onions and brown beer, used to contain pieces of liver or kidney, to reduce the costs. Pork tongues are also eaten cold with bread and a vinaigrette with raw onions or mustard.
InItaly consumption of entrails and internal organs is widespread. Among the most popular are fried or stewed brains; boiled stomach (trippa), often served in a tomato sauce;lampredotto (the fourth stomach of the cow), boiled in broth and seasoned with parsley sauce and chilli; liver (stir-fried with onions, roasted); kidneys; heart and coronaries (coratella [fr;it] oranimelle); head, eyes, and testicles of a pig; and several preparations based on chicken entrails.Pajata, a traditional dish fromRome, refers to the intestines of an unweaned calf, i.e., fed only on its mother's milk. Soon after nursing, the calf is slaughtered, and its intestines are cleaned, but the milk is left inside. When cooked, the combination of heat and the enzymerennet in the intestines coagulates the milk to create a thick, creamy, cheese-like sauce.Pajata and tomatoes are often used to prepare a sauce forrigatoni. InSicily, many enjoy a sandwich called "pani câ mèusa", bread with spleen andcaciocavallo cheese. In the Italian neighborhoods ofBrooklyn,New York, where it is also commonly eaten, it goes by the name "vastedda,", which inSicilian refers to the bread only. InNorcia and other parts ofUmbria, pig's bowels are also cured with herbs, chili peppers, and spices, then dried and smoked to make a tough, spicy sausage in which the bowel, instead of serving only as the usual casing, is the main ingredient.
InSpain, the visceral organs are used in many traditional dishes, but the use of some of them is falling out of favor with the younger generations. Some traditional dishes arecallos (cow tripe, very traditional inMadrid andAsturias), liver (often prepared with onion or with garlic and parsley, and also as breaded steaks), kidneys (often prepared withsherry or grilled), sheep's brains,criadillas (bull testicles), braised cow's tongue, pig's head and feet (inCatalonia; pig's feet are also traditionally eaten with snails), pork brains (part of the traditional "tortilla sacromonte" inGranada), and pig's ears (mostly inGalicia). There are also many varieties of blood sausage (morcilla), with various textures and flavours ranging from mild to very spicy. Some of the strongest are as hard in texture aschorizo orsalami, while others are soft, and some types incorporaterice, giving the stuffing a haggis-like appearance.Morcillas are added to soups or boiled on their own, in which case the cooking liquid is discarded. They are sometimes grilled but rarely fried. Also coagulated, boiled blood is a typical dish inValencia (cut into cubes and often prepared with onion or tomato sauce).
InPortugal traditionally, viscera and other animal parts are used in many dishes. Trotters (also known aschispe), tripe, and pig's ears are cooked in bean broths. Tripe is famously cooked inPorto, where one of the most traditional dishes is tripe in the fashion of Porto,tripas à moda do Porto. Pig's ears are usually diced into squares of cartilage and fat and pickled, after which they are eaten as an appetizer or a snack. Also common the use of stew of chicken stomach (moelas), mostly used as an appetizer. The cow's brain (mioleira) is also a delicacy, although consumption has decreased since theCreutzfeldt–Jakob outbreak. The blood of the pig is used to produce a form of black pudding known asfarinhato, which includes flour and seasonings. A wide variety of offal and pig blood is made into a traditional soup of the north of Portugal calledpapas de sarrabulho. Chicken feet are also used in soups.
InGreece (and similarly inTurkey,Albania andNorth Macedonia),splinantero consists of liver, spleen, and small intestine, roasted over an open fire. A festive variety iskokoretsi (fromTurkishkokoreç,Macedoniankukurek), traditional forEaster; pieces of lamb offal (liver, heart, lungs, spleen, kidney and fat) are pierced on a spit and covered by washed small intestine wound around in a tube-like fashion, then roasted over a coal fire. Another traditional Easter food ismagiritsa, a soup made with lamb offal and lettuce in a white sauce, eaten at midnight onEaster Sunday as an end to thelentenfast.Tzigerosarmas (from Turkishciğer sarması, meaning "liver wrap") andgardoumba are two varieties ofsplinantero andkokoretsi made in different sizes and with extra spices. InTurkey,mumbar, beef or sheep tripe stuffed with rice, is a typical dish inAdana in southern Turkey.Paça soup is made from lamb or sheep feet, except in summer.[17] If lamb or sheep head is added, it becomesKellePaça. Liver is fried, grilled, skewed and additive of pilaf. Liver shish can be eaten at breakfast inŞanlıurfa,Diyarbakır,Gaziantep and Adana.Brain can be fried or baked. It can also be consumed as salad.
InRomania, there is a dish similar tohaggis calleddrob, which is served at Easter. Romanian families make a kind of traditional sausage from pork offal, calledcaltaboş [fr;ro], the main difference being thatdrob is enclosed in abdominal membranes (prapore) of the animal, while chitterlings is used forcaltaboş. A popular dish oftripe soup calledciorbă de burtă is similar toshkembe chorba. Also inBulgaria,North Macedonia andTurkey,shkembe chorba is a widespread soup variety.
There is also a twofold variation on the concept of head cheese:piftie which does contain gelatin, is served cold and is usually only made from pork or beef (traditionally only pork), but does not contain as much head material (usually only the lower legs and ears are used since they contain large amounts of gelatin) andpacele which is exclusively made of meat and tissue found on the head (save for the eyes and usually only made from lamb; addition of brain and tongue varies by local habit).Pacele is made by first boiling the head whole (to soften the meat and make it easier to peel off) and then peeling/scraping off all meat and tissue from it. A generous amount of garlic or garlic juice, themujdei, is then added and the dish is served warm.
Finally, there are many dishes in Romania that are based on whole offal, such as grilled pig and cow kidney (served with boiled or steam cooked vegetables—usually peas and carrot slices); butcher's brain calledcreier pane (usually lamb's brains, rolled in batter and deep-fried); tongue and olives stew (mostly done with cow tongue) and many others.
TheArmenian traditional dish known askhash is a traditional meal with inexpensive ingredients, originating in theShirak region. The main ingredient inkhash is pig's or cow's feet, although other animal parts, such as the ears and tripe, may also be used. Formerly a nutritious winter food for the poor, it is now considered a delicacy, and is enjoyed as a festive winter meal.
InHungary, a variety of traditional dishes are based on offal.Pacal orpacalpörkölt (tripe stew), a popular spicy stew, considered a national dish, is made from beef tripe. Ground or chopped pork offal is usually made into a hearty sausage known as "disznósajt" (lit. "pig cheese") somewhat resembling haggis. Puddings and sausages made with blood (véres hurka) and liver (májas hurka) are also quite common, especially as part of the"disznótoros", a dish of different sausages produced from pork. Heart, liver and gizzards of chicken are a traditional part of chicken soup. Gizzards can also be made into a stew ("zúzapörkölt"). While decreasing in popularity, stews made from poultry testicles (kakashere pörkölt) are still considered a delicacy and a dish of high prestige in the countryside. Another dish which became less common is "vese-velő" (pig kidneys with brain).Szalontüdő is made out of the heart and lungs of pork.
Offal is not an uncommon ingredient inPolish cuisine.Kaszanka, a traditional sausage similar toblack pudding, is made with a mixture of pig's blood, pig offal and buckwheat or barley usually served fried with onions or grilled. Beef tripe is used to cook a popular soup simply calledflaki (pl.guts). Chickengizzards or hearts can be a base for various stews or soups, such askrupnik, apearl barley soup (not to be confused with a vodka brand of the same name). Other offal-based soups, less popular today, are Polish blood soup (czernina) and tail soup (zupa ogonowa), based on a cooked beef tail. Pork or beef liver is often consumed sautéed or grilled with onions; liver is also used as one of the ingredients for stuffing baked whole duck or other poultry, or a piglet. Pâtés containing liver are popular. Pork, beef or veal kidneys, known in Polish ascynadry, are typically braised and eaten as a main dish. Pork tongues can be served hot, in a sauce, or cold, set intoaspic. Cold pork trotters in aspic are very popular, especially as a companion to vodka. In the past, braised pork or veal brain was a popular snack, but today it is rare.
InRussia, beef liver and tongue are considered valuable delicacies, which may be cooked and served on their own. Kidneys and brains are sometimes used in cooking. The heart is often eaten on its own or used as an additive to the ground meat, as do lungs which give a lighter, airier texture to it. Pig's or sheep's stomach is sometimes used fornyanya[clarification needed], a dish similar to haggis. Head and collagen-rich extremities are used to makekholodets—a version of aspic, whereby these body parts are slowly boiled for several hours with meat and spices, removed and discarded, and the remaining broth is cooled until it congeals.
InBrazil,churrasco (barbecue) often includeschickenhearts, roasted on a big skewer. The typicalfeijoada sometimes contains pork trimmings (ears, feet and tail). Gizzard stews, fried beef liver and beef stomach stews used to be more popular dishes in the past, but are nonetheless still consumed.Buchada, a popular dish from the northeast of the country, consists of the diced organs of a goat, which are seasoned and then sewn inside the goat's stomach ("bucho") and boiled.Dobradinha is a dish made with tripe, a variation of the northern Portuguese dish. In the Northeast of Brazil thesarapatel is a very common dish, usually prepared with pork organs (heart, liver, intestine, and kidneys) boiled along with coagulated pork blood in a spiced stew.
InArgentina andUruguay, the traditionalasado is often made along with several offal types (called "achuras"), likechinchulines andtripa gorda (chitterlings),mollejas (sweetbreads) andriñón (cow'skidney).Sesos (brains) are used to makeravioli stuffing. The tongue is usually boiled, sliced and marinated with a mixture of oil, vinegar, salt, chopped peppers and garlic.
InColombia,menudencias is the name given to the chicken leftovers or offal such as the head, neck, gizzard, and feet. A popular cheap dish containing all this and more is calledsopa de menudencias.Head cheese is also common. Just like in Argentina, and depending on the region, Colombian asado andpicada involve many offal types, includingchunchullo (chitterlings), chicken hearts, andbofe (beef lung).Pelanga is a dish from the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyaca that contains beef or pork snout (jeta), trachea, tongue, and ears.Pepitoria is a dish in the department ofSantander that involves offal from billy goats (kidney, liver, heart).
InPeru andBolivia, beef heart is used foranticuchos—a sort ofbrochette.InChile, the tongue is boiled, sliced and served in a walnut-based sauce in New year and Christmas festivities ("lengua nogada") while the soup is used later to cook a wheat, milk and spice ball mix called "albóndigas de sémola". There is also a blood drink called "Ñachi", made from spiced, fresh blood from a recently slaughtered animal.Criadillas orhuevos de toro ("bull's eggs", testicles) are eaten mostly in cattle-raising regions, while cow udder ("ubres") is served fried or boiled.
Sopa de mondongo is a soup made from diced tripe (the stomach of a cow or pig) slow-cooked with vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, carrots, cabbage, celery, tomatoes, cilantro (coriander), garlic or root vegetables. Variations can also be found in Nicaragua, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela.
Typical Zimbabwean meal, with sadza, greens, and goat offal 'Zvinyenze' in Shona. The goat intestines are wrapped around the stomach before cooking.
Sausage is made from the small intestine of a goat, cow or sheep, stuffed with chilli and small chunks of meat, fatty meat, and blood (although some people prefer the bloodless kind). InKenya, it is commonly referred to as 'mutura', which is theKikuyu name for it. Sheep's or goat's stomach is also stuffed in a similar way.
In the Kikuyu traditions, grilled goat/sheep kidneys are a delicacy usually reserved for young ladies, although today, anybody can consume it. Similarly, the tongue was reserved for men and the ears were to be eaten by little girls. The testicles were for the young men.The livers are also consumed. The heads, lungs, and hooves of animals are boiled to make soup and sometimes mixed with herbs for medicinal purposes.
InSouth Africa offal, locally known as tripe, is enjoyed by South Africans of diverse backgrounds. Due to the popularity of this dish, it is one of the few customs that white (especially Afrikaners) and black South Africans share.
Offal dishes in South Africa do not usually consist of any organs and are mostly limited to stomach skin, sheep's head, shin, and very rarely brains. Sheep's head has gained many nicknames over the years such as 'skopo' (township colloquial term meaning head) and 'smiley' (referring to the expression of the head when cooked).
There are numerous recipes to cook the above-mentioned items available on many South African websites. One of the more popular way to cook offal in South Africa is to cook it with small potatoes in a curry sauce served on rice. Alternatively, it can be served with samp or maize rice.
InZimbabwe, as in most of sub-Saharan Africa, little of a slaughtered animal goes to waste. Offal is a common relish enjoyed by people of all cultures. Beef and goat offal dishes include the stomach, hooves (trotters), shin, intestines, liver, head, tongue, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, udders, and, very rarely in certain communities, testicles. Beef or goat blood, sometimes mixed with other offal pieces, is often cooked to make a dish known in Ndebele as"ububende" and Shona as "musiya". Chicken dishes include feet, liver, intestines, and gizzards. A popular preparation of goat or sheep offal involves wrapping pieces of the stomach with the intestines before cooking.
InNigeria offal is consumed by all the people in Nigeria, in delicacies such as Abula, Edika ikong and white soup. It is called 'Inu eran' inYoruba literally meaning the insides of an animal. They have names for some parts which include roundabout, shaki (tripes), Edo (liver).
InChina, many organs and animal-parts are used for food ortraditional Chinese medicine. Since pork is the most consumed non-seafood meat in China, popular pork offal dishes include stir-fried pork kidneys withoyster sauce, ginger and scallions, "五更肠旺—Wu Geng Chang Wang", a spicy stew with preserved mustard,tofu, pork intestine slices and congealed pork blood cubes. "炸肥肠—Zha Fei Chang", deep fried pork intestine slices and dipped in asweet bean sauce, is commonly offered by street hawkers. Pork tongue slices with salt and sesame oil is also a popular dish, especially in Sichuan province. Braised pork ear strips in soy sauce,five-spice powder and sugar is a common "cold plate" appetizer available as hawker food or in major local supermarkets. Stir-fried pork kidneys or liver slices with oyster sauce, ginger and scallions or in soups is a regular dish in southern provinces.Pork blood soup is at least 1,000 years old since the NorthernSong dynasty, when the quintessential Chinese restaurant and eateries became popular. Pork blood soup and dumplings,jiaozi, were recorded as food for night labourers in Kaifeng. InShanghai cuisine, the soup has evolved into the well-known "酸辣湯—Suan La Tang", Hot and Sour Soup, with various additional ingredients. As well as pork, the offal of other animals is used in traditional Chinese cooking, most commonly cattle, duck, and chicken.
Offal dishes are particularly popular in the southern region ofGuangdong and inHong Kong. For example,Cantonese "燒味—Siu mei", (Barbecued/Roasted Delicacies) shops, have achieved their foundation of influence here. Besides the popularcha siu barbecued pork, "siu yuk" crispy skin pork, along with assorted types of poultry, there are also the roasted chicken liver with honey, and the very traditional, and very expensive now, "金錢雞—Gum Chin Gai", another honey-roasted dim sum that is a sandwich of a piece each of pork fat, pork/chicken liver, ginger and cha siu.
The use of offal indim sum does not stop there. In dim sum restaurants, the feet of chicken, ducks and pork are offered in various cooking styles. For example, "豬腳薑—Jui Kerk Gieng" (pork feet in sweet vinegar stew) is a popular bowl now besides its traditional function as a supplement forpostpartum mother care. Young ginger stems, boiled eggs, and blanched pork feet are stew in sweet black rice vinegar for a few hours to make this. "鴨腳紮—Ap Kerk Jat" (literally Duck leg Wrap) is a piece each of ham,shiitake mushroom and deep-friedfish maw wrapped with duck feet in a dried bean curd sheet in and steamed. The use of fish offal inCantonese cuisine is not limited to the maw. For example, there is the folksy dish of "東江魚雲煲—Tung Gong Yu Wan Bo", a casserole with the lips of freshwater large head fish; andshark fin soup.
In the more pragmatic folksy eateries, however, maximum utilization of the food resource is the traditional wisdom. The fish is used in its entirety and nothing is wasted. Deep-fried fish skin is a popular side dish atfish ball noodle shops. The intestines are steamed with egg and other ingredients inHakka cuisine. Finally, the bones are wrapped in a cotton bag to boil in the soup for noodles.
Teochew cuisine shows its best manifestation also in Hong Kong. The goose meat, liver, blood, intestine, feet, neck and tongue are all major ingredients to various dishes. There is also the must-try soup, pork stomach with whole peppercorns and pickled mustard.
The use of beef organs is classically represented in noodle shops here. Each respectable operation has its own recipe for preparing the stews ofbrisket, intestine, lung, and varieties of tripe. The big pots are often placed facing the street and next to the entrance such that the mouth-watering aroma is the best draw for the shop's business.
Contrary to a common Westerners' disgust for these dishes due to cultural unfamiliarity and sanitary concerns, these offal items are very well cleaned. The pork intestines' tough inner skin (which is exposed tobolus and pre-fecal materials) is completely removed. Then, the intestine is exhaustively soaked, cleaned and rinsed. Thenephrons of pork kidneys are skillfully excised, and the kidneys are soaked for several hours and cleaned.
The use of thepancreas,liver,kidney,gall bladder, lung and even bronchus of various farm animals together with herbs inChinese medicine have strong empirical theories and studies are being conducted to try to understand their nature in modern scientific terms. However, there are other strange offal usages in folk practice. Taoist and rural folk beliefs have their influence. The idea of essences and energy, heat and cold, is key. Snake wine with a live snake gallbladder is thought to promote stamina due to the "essences of energy and heat", which is derived from a snake's attributes, such as aggressive behavior (fiery) and venom (energy). When bears were more common in the Chinese northeast, bears claw and dried bear offal were used as medicines, seen as a source of vitality. Dry deer antlers are still a common medicine, thought to provide "yang energy" to complement the male sex and the tail, "yin energy" for the female sex. Extractions ofanimal penises and testes are still believed to contribute to better male performance and those of the embryo and uterus to the eternal youth of the female. However, these are being marginalized as synthetic hormones get more popular and affordable.
The Cantonese consumed monkey brains, but this is now rare to non-existent, and primarily offered to rich, Western tourists.[citation needed]
Japan also has a long history of eating offal, and the Manyoshu, an anthology compiled around the 7th to 8th century, mentions eating deer liver as a household dish and stomach as salted fish.There is a popular belief in Japan that people did not eat offal, and that Japan was a Buddhist country and did not eat meat before the Meiji period. In fact, meat was well eaten in Japan even before the Meiji period, and there are many records in written sources, and there is a long history of eating offal in Japan.A dish of horse offal cooked in a pot has been a common dish since the Edo period, and the Ryukyu Kingdom, which was located in present-day Okinawa, has been in existence since the 15th century and has a custom of eating pork in its entirety, including the offal.Although there was an official ban on eating meat in Japan during the Edo period, the culture of eating meat actually continued, and many meat dishes from various animals are recorded in literature. In addition, there are still meat specialty restaurants in Japan that have been in business for 300 years. Hormon-yaki was previously known as motsu-yaki, and this dish has long been on the menus of Edo-era restaurants.There is a popular belief that "nowadays, many restaurants specializing in offal (especially beef offal) can be found in the Korean style," but this is a misconception. In Japan, there is a dish called "Genghis Khan," which is a mutton barbecue dish invented in 1910, and together with "Horumonyaki," it is the root of Japanese yakiniku cuisine.Korean yakiniku was born in the 1970s when "Japanese yakiniku cuisine" was introduced to Korea, and Japanese yakiniku restaurants began to be established in Korea around 1980. In Japan, horumon-yaki (grilled hormone) existed as an established dish before that, and a variety of organ meats are eaten. The correct answer is not "Korean style can be seen," but "Japanese offal cuisine was introduced and the culture of eating offal in Korea was established.
InKorea, offal usage is very similar to mainland China but less frequent. Grilled intestine slices and pork blood are both consumed. Headcheese prepared with pork head meat was quite popular in the past. Steamed pork intestines are easy to be found in traditional markets. The popular traditional Korean sausage calledsundae is steamed pork small intestines filled with pork blood, seasoned noodles, and vegetables. Pork feet steamed in a special stock are considered a delicacy in Korea. Beef stomach and intestines are still quite popular for cooking. It is not difficult to find grilled chicken hearts, gizzards, and feet in traditional street bars. Medicinal usages are also similar to mainland China and less common with offal uses.
InIndonesia cow andgoat internal organs are popular delicacies, it can be fried, made intosoto soups or grilled assatay and almost all of the parts of the animal are eaten.Soto Betawi is known as the type of soto that uses various kinds of offal, whilesoto babat only uses tripes. WithinIndonesian cuisine traditions, theMinangkabau cuisine (popularly known as "Padang food") are known for their fondness of offal, mostly are made intogulai (a type of curry) such asgulai otak (brain),gulai babat (tripes),gulai usus (intestine),gulai sumsum (bone marrow), also friedhati (liver) andlimpa (spleen). The cartilage, skin and tendon parts of cow legs are also used in dishes calledtunjang,kaki sapi orkikil also can be made as gulai or soto.Cow's stomach (babat) and intestine (iso) are popular, fried or in soup, inJavanese cuisine. Cow's lung calledparu, coated with spices (turmeric and coriander) and fried is often eaten as a snack or side dish. The liver is also sometimes made into a spicy dish calledrendang. Cow or goat tongue is sliced and fried, sometimes in a spicy sauce, or more oftenbeef tongue are cooked assemur stew. Brain is sometimes consumed as soto or gulai. The eye is also consumed as soto, while bone marrow is consumed as soup or soto. Cows and goattesticles popularly calledtorpedo are also consumed as satay or soto. Due to their rarity, the testicles are among the most expensive offal in Indonesia.
A non-halal offal dish is popular amongChinese Indonesian community.Sekba is aChinese Indonesianpork offal stewed in mild soy sauce-based soup. The stew tastes mildly sweet and salty, made from soy sauce,garlic, and Chinese herbs. It is a popular fare street food in Indonesian Chinatowns, such as Gloria alley,Glodok Chinatown inJakarta. The types of pork offal being offered assekba are pig's ears, tongue, intestines and lungs.[18]
Avian offal are commonly consumed too.Giblets, liver and intestines of chicken, duck andburung ayam-ayaman (watercock) are consumed as delicacies, commonly skewered as satay and being deep-fried. Deep-fried crispy chicken intestine in particular is a popular snack.
In Malaysia, cow or goat lung, calledparu, coated in turmeric and fried is often served as a side dish to rice, especially in the ever popularnasi lemak. Tripe is used in a few dishes either stir fried or in a gravy. Tripe is also consumed assatay. The liver is deep-fried or stir-fried in some vegetable dishes.
In Malaysia and Singapore,pig's organ soup is a common feature ofhawker centres. Due to Singapore's proximity and ethnic makeup, many of the items written for Indonesia and Malaysia above are also found in Singapore.
In thePhilippines, people eat practically every part of the pig, including snout, intestines, ears, and innards. The dishsisig fromPampanga is traditionally made from the skin on a pig's head, and it also includes the ears and brain. The dishdinakdakan from theIlocos Region also includes the same pig parts, whilewarek-warek, also from the same region, uses pig innards.Dinuguan is a particular type of blood-stew (depending on region) made using pig intestines, pork meat and sometimes ears and cheeks usually with a vinegar base, and green chilli peppers. Pig's blood is also the main ingredient ofpinuneg, a blood sausage made in theCordilleras.Bopis (bópiz in Spanish) is a spicy Filipino dish made out of pork lungs and heart sautéed in tomatoes, chilies and onions. Pieces of pigs' lungs (baga) along with the tendons (litid) are also skewered and deep-fried and are served as street food in Metro Manila. Another treat ischicharong bulaklak which is made by frying a pig's bowel mesentery until crispy.
Isaw is a street food popular in thePhilippines made with pig and chicken intestine pieces which are skewered, barbecued, and dipped in vinegar before eating. Other street food that are prepared in a similar way are pig ears, skin, liver and coagulated blood cut into cubes, and chicken heads, necks, feet, and gizzards. On the other hand, chicken gizzard and liver are also cooked togetheradobo style and are served as a viand eaten with rice.
Papaitan, orsinanglaw, in theIlocos Region, is an offal stew whose signature ingredient is its broth made from animalbile. The original stew was made fromgoat offal or goattripe, however, offal from cattle orcarabao are also used.Papaitan means "bitterness", from the taste of the bile. In the province ofCagayan, a version of the dish without the bile is calledmenudencia. The dishkare-kare is made with beef tripe and tail stewed in peanut sauce. Beef tripe is also a main ingredient in a rice porridge dish calledgoto. Although, goto in the province ofBatangas refers to a soup dish with the same tripe ingredient, instead of rice porridge.Beef tongue, on the other hand, is stewed in a creamy dish calledlengua (Spanish for "tongue"). Beef liver, as well as pig liver, are also main ingredients in meat stews such asmenudo, and theIlocanoigado (from "hígado" or Spanish for "liver").
Sisig is made from pig snout, ears and brain.
Isaw is a popular street food that is made from skewered chicken or pig intestines.
InThai cuisine, offal is used in many dishes. The well-knownlap made with minced pork, which often features on menus in the West, will in Thailand often also contain some liver or intestines. Deep-fried intestines, known assai mu thot, are eaten with a spicy dipping sauce. Other dishes containing offal are the Thai-Chinese soup calledkuaichap (intestines, liver) and the northern Thaiaep ong-o (pig brains).Tai pla is a salty sauce ofsouthern Thai cuisine made from the fermented innards of theshort-bodied mackerel.[19] It is used in dishes such askaeng tai pla[20] andnam phrik tai pla.[21]
Sai mu thot, deep-fried pork intestines, here served with spicynam chim (Thai dipping sauce)
The sauce ofkaeng tai pla is made from fish innards.
Aep ong-o, a northern Thai dish of chopped pig's brain mixed with egg and aThai curry paste. It is wrapped in banana leaves and grilled.
Sa nuea sadung is a northernThai "salad" of semi-raw beef cuts, including sliced stomach. This particular version also containsnam phia, which are the contents of the first stomach of a cow.
Kuaichap is aThai Chinese noodle soup containing intestines and liver.
Yam hu mu is a spicy Thai salad made with slices of boiled pig's ears.
InVietnam, food made of internal organs is popular. Some dishes likeCháo lòng,Tiết canh use pig's internal organs as main ingredients.Cỗ lòng, a suite of boiled internal of pigs is a delicacy.Bún bò Huế is a noodle soup made withoxtail and pigs' knuckles, often made including cubes of congealed pigs' blood.Beef tendon andbeef tripe is used in southern Vietnamese versions ofPho.
Phá lấu, or beef offal stew, is a popular snack in southern Vietnam. The dish contains all sorts of organ meat and is often accompanied by Vietnamesebánh mì and sweet-and-sour dipping sauce.
InIndia andPakistan, the goat's brain (maghaz), feet (paey), head (siri), stomach (ojhari orbut), tongue (zabaan), liver (kaleji), kidney (gurda), udder (kheeri) and testicles (kapooray) as well as chickens' heart and liver are staple.Kata-Kat, a popular dish, is a combination of spices, brains, liver, kidneys, and other organs. In northern hilly regions of India, goat's intestines are cleaned and fried with spices to make a delicacy calledbhutwa. Barbecued chicken tail (dumchi) can be found on the menu of many street food sellers in Lahore, Pakistan.
InHyderabad, lamb and goat brain sautéed and stir-fried with spices (often calledbheja fry) is a delicacy and often conflated with the city. In the city ofMangalore, a spicy dish calledraghti, made of heavilyspiced porcine offal andcartilaginous tissue, is considered a homely indulgence by the localChristian community.
InTamilnadu, goat spleen is called "suvarotti". Suvarotti is also known as 'manneeral', even though some say that both are little different. Suvarotti means it sticks to the wall. It is believed because of this nature, the nutrients from the suvarotti sticks to our body.
Goat spleen/Suvarotti/Manneral is cleaned and in a whole piece. Goat spleen is highly rich in Iron, it drastically increases haemoglobin levels in blood and kicks out anemia. Goat spleen has both iron and vitamin C and so the iron in it is easily absorbed by the body.[citation needed]
Sorpatel is a popular pork gravy consumed by Christians inGoa and Mumbai. The name comes from the wordsarapatel meaning ‘confusion’ as the thick gravy is heady with spice, vinegar, and contains the heart, liver, ears, tongue and sometimes the blood of a pig. Less commonly, pig tails, noses and lungs are also added.
Among Goan Christians, roasted beef tongue is also a staple at any meal laid out for a party. Chicken dishes frequently include the gizzard, heart and liver of the bird, and Goan sausagechoris orchouriço contains spicy, tangy pork pickled in vinegar and the local liquorfeni before being cased in pig intestines. It is a popular Goan food regularly consumed during the monsoons when fish is scarce.
In the state ofMeghalaya, a number of offal dishes, primarily porcine, are prepared by theKhasi community.Jadoh (blood rice) is red rice dish that uses pig blood and is consumed as breakfast by theKhasi tribe during festival days.[22]Dohjem orDoh Neiiong (black sesame pork) has pork intestines and belly cooked in a spicy dark sauce.Doh Khleik is a traditional pork salad consisting of pig brains and meat.Doh Pheret is a pot of stew with various organs slow cooked for hours,Doh Snier are sausages in the form of spiced and molten fat in intestine casing, andDoh Snam are intestine-cased blood sausages.[23]
InBangladesh, a bull's or goat's brain (mogoj), feet (paya), head (matha), stomach skin (bhuri), tongue (jib-ba), liver (kolija), lungs (fepsha), kidney and heart (gurda) are delicacies. Chickens' heart, gizzard (gi-la) and liver are also enjoyed.
InNepal, a goat's brain (gidi), feet (khutta), head (tauko), bone marrow (masi), stomach skin (bhudi), tongue (jibro), liver (kalejo), kidney, lungs (fokso), fried intestines (aandra,vuton (means fried or fried stomach and intestine), fried solidified blood (rakti), ear and tail (charcoal-cooked), and, to a lesser extent, testicles are considered delicacies and are in very high demand inDashain when families congregate and enjoy them with whiskey and beer. Chickens' heart and liver are also enjoyed but it is chickens' gizzards that are truly prized. Buffalo leaf tripe stuffed with bone marrow (sapu mhichā), stuffed goat lung (swan pukā) and fried variety meats (pukālā) are delicacies in the Kathmandu Valley.[24][25]
Jerusalem mixed grill (Hebrew:מעורב ירושלמי,romanized: meorav yerushalmi) is a popular dish and local specialty originating in theMahane Yehuda Market that consists of chicken hearts, spleens, and liver mixed with bits of lamb cooked on a flat grill, seasoned with onion, garlic, black pepper, cumin, turmeric, and coriander.
InSyria, lamb brain is used innikhaat dishes and sometimes as asandwich filling. A tradition practised less often today would be to eat fish eyes either raw, boiled, or fried. Another popular dish in the region surrounding iskorouch, which is rice-stuffed sheep intestine. Raw mutton liver known asqasbeh nayyeh (sometimes lungs) is also occasionally consumed (when the animal's origin and processing is trusted). Themeelaq is a traditional dish based on liver, kidney and (sometimes) the heart (which is strictly speaking muscle).[26]
InIran, tongue (zabaan), feet (paa) orKaleh Pacheh, sheep liver (jigar), heart (del), lungs (shosh), testicles (donbalan) and kidneys are used as certain types ofkebab and have a high popularity among people, as well as sheep intestines and stomach, though the latter is boiled. Sheep skull and tongue, alongside knee joints, as a formal breakfast dish calledkale pache (lit. "head and leg"), are boiled in water with beans and eaten with traditional bread.
Pacha (Persian term), is a traditionalIraqi dish made from sheep's head, trotters, and stomach; all boiled slowly and served with bread sunken in the broth.[27] The cheeks and tongues are considered the best parts. Many people prefer not to eat the eyeballs, which could be removed before cooking.[28] The stomach lining would be filled with rice and lamb and stitched with a sewing thread (Arabic:كيبايات).[29]
The dish is known inKuwait,Bahrain, and otherPersian Gulf countries asPacha (پاچة), too. A variation of that is found in other Arab countries, such as inEgypt, and is known asKawari' (Arabic:كوارع). It is still eaten byIraqi Jews.
InEgypt, fried beef and lamb liver (kibda) with a cumin-based coating is a popular dish, most often served in sandwiches with a bit of onion from small shops in most major cities. Thin-sliced fried liver with slices of mild peppers, garlic, and lemon is considered a speciality ofAlexandria (asكبدة سكندراني Kibda Skandarani, "Alexandrian liver"), and is often served as a separate plate, sandwich, or topping forkushari.
Cow brain is eaten in Egypt,[30][31] as are sheep brains.[32]
InTurkey,Azerbaijan,Iranian Azerbaijan and some otherTurkic cuisines, there are varieties of offal dishes, especially those of sheep. For "Jağur Bağur", sheep liver and heart are diced and soaked with onion for some hours and then fried with other additives. For "Bağırsak Kebab", sheep intestine is wrapped and baked in a stove or by skewers on a barbeque.
Although the termoffal is used in the United Kingdom and Canada, in the United States the termsvariety meats ororgan meats are used instead.[37][38] In the United States, some regional cuisines make extensive use of certain organs of specific animals. The derisive term "mystery meat" is often used to describe offal which have been ground or otherwise heavily processed in order to obscure its origin.
In the United States, thegiblets of chickens, turkeys, and ducks are much more commonly consumed than the mammal offal. Traditional recipes for turkeygravy andstuffing typically include the bird's giblets (the traditionalThanksgiving meal in the US). Use of organs of mammals is not common, except for theliver, which is common to a certain degree. Examples includeliver sausage (braunschweiger) and pâté.Liver and onions is a traditional, "classic" menu item indiners throughout the country,[39] often as a "blue plate special".
Mammal offal is somewhat more popular in certain areas. In theAmerican South, some recipes includechitterlings,livers,brain, andhog maw.Scrapple, sometimes made from pork offal, is somewhat common in the Mid-Atlantic region, particularly inPhiladelphia and areas withAmish communities.Pepper Pot soup (frequently served in Philadelphia) is made from beeftripe.Fried-brain sandwiches are a speciality in theOhio River Valley.Rocky Mountain oysters, "prairie oysters", or "turkey fries" (beeftesticles) are a delicacy eaten in some cattle-raising parts of the western US and Canada. In South Carolina, pork liver and other organ meats are often cooked into "hash", a kind of stew.
Offal dishes from many other cultures exist but the appeal is usually limited to the immigrant communities that introduced the dish. For example,chopped liver, lungen stew, and beef tongue (especially as used byKosher delis) in American Jewish culture, ormenudo in Mexican-American culture.
Ironically, given its provenance and history, offal has started to be reintroduced as an item of haute cuisine, with stylish restaurants offering roasted bone marrow, friedpork rind, tongue or heart as part of their menus.
African-American slaves were often given throw-away parts of meat during slavery. Black slaves would consume chitterlings during the winter.[40] Undesirable parts of an animal such as neck bones, hog maws, pig ears and pig feet, were given to the African American slaves to eat.[41]
In some Latin American countries, such asMexico, almost all internal parts and organs are consumed regularly. Chicken hearts, gizzards and livers are usually eaten fried or boiled, either alone, or inbroth.
Several types of offal are commonly used intacos, including:
In many of the regional cuisines of Mexico there are dishes made of offal.Menudo is a typical dish made of tripe that is native of the border region with the United States. While Menudo is cooked withhominy, in Central Mexico the tripe does not have hominy. This dish is called "pancita". Cow offal such as kidneys and liver are popular in the entire country, in dishes such as "higado encebollado" or "riñones a la Mexicana". The bone marrow from the cow forms the basis of various soups such as the typical dish of Mexico City, such as "sopa de medula". The northern region is cattle country and is famous for its tacos de "tripa de leche", made of cow intestines and the south consumes pig intestines ("tripita"). The whole pig, from snout to tail including genitals (such as the boiled, then fried penis are named "machitos").Head cheese is common. The skin can be fried ("cueritos") or pickled ("cueritos en vinagre") and are found in stores and restaurants all over Mexico. Pig brains ("sesos"), cheeks and eyes and other parts are eaten throughout the country with many variations. These parts have curious names such as "nana", "bofe", "pajarilla" "nenepil". Pig throat tacos ["buche"] are very popular in the border region. Fried lamb offal, is popular in Central Mexico, especially the stomach ("panza"), which is somewhat similar tohaggis. Mexico City has taquerias that offer the whole pig in their menu. Chicken innards are ubiquitous in Mexico such as sweetbreads ("sopa de molleja" or innards ("sopa de dentros de pollo").[42]
Sheep's or goat's head are eaten as part of thebarbacoa, a dish originating with theTaino people.Cow cod soup is a traditional Jamaican dish made withbull penis.Morcilla (blood sausage),Chicharrón (fried pork rinds), and other pork offal are commonly served in a Puerto RicanCuchifrito.Sopa de mondongo, made with tripe, is common in the Caribbean and throughout Latin America. Gandinga is a hearty stew, well known in Cuba and Puerto Rico, prepared from the heart, liver, kidneys, and oesophagal tissue of either pork (gandinga de cerdo) or beef (gandinga de res).
In Australia offal is used in a few dishes inherited from British cuisine; liver may be used inliver and onions, and kidney insteak and kidney pie, as well as in some recipes forrissoles. Lamb brains are occasionally crumbed and fried. Other forms of offal are consumed in some ethnic dishes.Australian food standards require that products containing offal be labelled as such. The presence of brain, heart, kidney, liver, tongue or tripe must be declared either by specific type or more generally as offal. Other offal, such as blood, pancreas, spleen and thymus must be declared by name.[43]
The offal of certain animals is unsafe to consume:
The internal organs of thefugupufferfish are highly toxic—in Japan, fugu can only be prepared by trained master chefs, working under extremely strict regulations, sanitary conditions, and licensing. Even a residual portion of fugu toxin can be fatal.[44]
The liver of thepolar bear is unsafe to eat because it is very high invitamin A and can causehypervitaminosis A, a dangerous disorder. This has been recognized since at least 1597 whenGerrit de Veer wrote in his diary that, while taking refuge in the winter inNovaya Zemlya, he and his men became gravely ill after eating polar-bear liver. Seal liver is similarly toxic,[45] as is dog liver.[46]
Some animal intestines are very high incoliformbacteria and need to be washed and cooked thoroughly to be safe for eating.
Offal very high inpurines can precipitate an acute attack ofgout in someone with the condition.[48]
Certain types of offal, including kidneys, stomach, intestines, heart, tongue, and liver, can be very high in saturated fats.[49][50][51][52][53][better source needed]
The practice of feeding raw offal to dogs on farms and ranches can spreadechinococcosis, a potentially fatal parasitic disease of animals, including humans.
The United Kingdom banned the sale of animal brains in order to curtail the spread ofmad cow disease in the 1980s and 90s.[54]
A similar ban is imposed by theFood and Drug Administration on animal lungs in the United States due to concerns such asfungal spores or cross-contamination with other organs, although these concerns have been criticized as unfounded.[54]
^Rictor, Norton (7 August 2009)."The Vere Street Coterie, 1810".Gay History and Literature: Essays by Rictor Norton. The Gay Subculture in Georgian England.Archived from the original on 14 August 2009. Retrieved8 January 2016.Upwards of fifty women were permitted to stand in the ring [in front of the pillory], who assailed them incessantly with mud, dead cats, rotten eggs, potatoes, and buckets filled with blood,offal, and dung, which were brought by several butchers' men from St James's Market.
^Kjeld Hybel (5 June 2010)."Vi er pjattede med Stryhn's" [We are obsessed with Stryhn's].Politiken (in Danish). Archived fromthe original on 2017-11-04. Retrieved2023-10-05.
^Akkasit Jongjareonrak, et al.Antioxidant activity of fermented fish viscera (Tai-Pla) from short-bodied mackerel. Faculty of Agro-Industry,Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai