Awater molecule, a commonly used example of polarity. Two charges are present with a negative charge in the middle (red shade), and a positive charge at the ends (blue shade).
Polar molecules must contain one or more polarbonds due to a difference inelectronegativity between the bonded atoms. Molecules containing polar bonds have no molecular polarity if thebond dipoles cancel each other out by symmetry.
In a molecule ofhydrogen fluoride (HF), the moreelectronegative atom (fluorine) is shown in yellow. Because the electrons spend more time by the fluorine atom in the H−F bond, the red represents partially negatively charged regions, while blue represents partially positively charged regions.
Not all atoms attract electrons with the same force. The amount of "pull" an atom exerts on its electrons is called itselectronegativity. Atoms with high electronegativities – such asfluorine,oxygen, andnitrogen – exert a greater pull on electrons than atoms with lower electronegativities such asalkali metals andalkaline earth metals. In a bond, this leads to unequal sharing of electrons between the atoms, as electrons will be drawn closer to the atom with the higher electronegativity.
Because electrons have a negative charge, the unequal sharing of electrons within a bond leads to the formation of anelectric dipole: a separation of positive and negative electric charge. Because the amount of charge separated in such dipoles is usually smaller than afundamental charge, they are calledpartial charges, denoted as δ+ (delta plus) and δ− (delta minus). These symbols were introduced bySir Christopher Ingold andEdith Hilda (Usherwood) Ingold in 1926.[1][2] The bond dipole moment is calculated by multiplying the amount of charge separated and the distance between the charges.
Bonds can fall between one of two extremes – completely nonpolar or completely polar. A completely nonpolar bond occurs when the electronegativities are identical and therefore possess a difference of zero. A completely polar bond is more correctly called anionic bond, and occurs when the difference between electronegativities is large enough that one atom actually takes an electron from the other. The terms "polar" and "nonpolar" are usually applied tocovalent bonds, that is, bonds where the polarity is not complete. To determine the polarity of a covalent bond using numerical means, the difference between the electronegativity of the atoms is used.
Bond polarity is typically divided into three groups that are loosely based on the difference in electronegativity between the two bonded atoms. According to thePauling scale:
Nonpolar bonds generally occur when the difference inelectronegativity between the two atoms is less than 0.5
Polar bonds generally occur when the difference in electronegativity between the two atoms is roughly between 0.5 and 2.0
Ionic bonds generally occur when the difference in electronegativity between the two atoms is greater than 2.0
Pauling based this classification scheme on thepartial ionic character of a bond, which is an approximate function of the difference in electronegativity between the two bonded atoms. He estimated that a difference of 1.7 corresponds to 50% ionic character, so that a greater difference corresponds to a bond which is predominantly ionic.[3]
As aquantum-mechanical description, Pauling proposed that thewave function for a polar molecule AB is alinear combination of wave functions for covalent and ionic molecules: ψ = aψ(A:B) + bψ(A+B−). The amount of covalent and ionic character depends on the values of the squared coefficients a2 and b2.[4]
A diagram showing the bond dipole moments ofboron trifluoride. δ- shows an increase in negative charge and δ+ shows an increase in positive charge. Note that the dipole moments drawn in this diagram represent the shift of the valence electrons as the origin of the charge, which is opposite the direction of the actual electric dipole moment.
Thebond dipole moment[5] uses the idea ofelectric dipole moment to measure the polarity of a chemical bond within amolecule. It occurs whenever there is a separation of positive and negative charges.
The bond dipole is modeled as δ+ — δ– with a distanced between thepartial charges δ+ and δ–. It is a vector, parallel to the bond axis, pointing from minus to plus,[6] as is conventional forelectric dipole moment vectors.
Chemists often draw the vector pointing from plus to minus.[7] This vector can be physically interpreted as the movement undergone by electrons when the two atoms are placed a distanced apart and allowed to interact, the electrons will move from their free state positions to be localised more around the moreelectronegative atom.
TheSI unit for electric dipole moment is the coulomb–meter. This is too large to be practical on the molecular scale. Bond dipole moments are commonly measured indebyes, represented by the symbol D, which is obtained by measuring the charge in units of 10−10statcoulomb and the distanced inAngstroms. Based on theconversion factor of10−10 statcoulomb being 0.208 units of elementary charge, so 1.0 debye results from an electron and a proton separated by 0.208 Å. A useful conversion factor is 1 D = 3.335 64×10−30 C m.[8]
For diatomic molecules there is only one (single or multiple) bond so the bond dipole moment is the molecular dipole moment, with typical values in the range of 0 to 11 D. At one extreme, a symmetrical molecule such asbromine,Br 2, has zero dipole moment, while near the other extreme, gas phasepotassium bromide, KBr, which is highly ionic, has a dipole moment of 10.41 D.[9][page needed][10][verification needed]
For polyatomic molecules, there is more than one bond. The totalmolecular dipole moment may be approximated as thevector sum of the individual bond dipole moments. Often bond dipoles are obtained by the reverse process: a known total dipole of a molecule can be decomposed into bond dipoles. This is done to transfer bond dipole moments to molecules that have the same bonds, but for which the total dipole moment is not yet known. The vector sum of the transferred bond dipoles gives an estimate for the total (unknown) dipole of the molecule.
A molecule is composed of one or more chemical bonds betweenmolecular orbitals of different atoms. A molecule may be polar either as a result of polar bonds due to differences inelectronegativity as described above, or as a result of an asymmetric arrangement of nonpolar covalent bonds and non-bonding pairs of electrons known as a fullmolecular orbital.
While the molecules can be described as "polar covalent", "nonpolar covalent", or "ionic", this is often a relative term, with one molecule simply beingmore polar ormore nonpolar than another. However, the following properties are typical of such molecules.
When comparing a polar and nonpolar molecule with similar molar masses, the polar molecule in general has a higher boiling point, because the dipole–dipole interaction between polar molecules results in stronger intermolecular attractions. One common form of polar interaction is thehydrogen bond, which is also known as the H-bond. For example, water forms H-bonds and has a molar mass M = 18 and a boiling point of +100 °C, compared to nonpolarmethane with M = 16 and a boiling point of –161 °C.
Due to the polar nature of the water molecule itself, other polar molecules are generally able to dissolve in water. Most nonpolar molecules are water-insoluble (hydrophobic) at room temperature. Many nonpolarorganic solvents, such asturpentine, are able to dissolve nonpolar substances.
Polar liquids have a tendency to be moreviscous than nonpolar liquids.[citation needed] For example, nonpolar hexane is much less viscous than polar water. However, molecule size is a much stronger factor on viscosity than polarity, where compounds with larger molecules are more viscous than compounds with smaller molecules.[citation needed] Thus, water (small polar molecules) is less viscous than hexadecane (large nonpolar molecules).
The water molecule is made up of oxygen and hydrogen, with respective electronegativities of 3.44 and 2.20. The electronegativity difference polarizes each H–O bond, shifting its electrons towards the oxygen (illustrated by red arrows). These effects add as vectors to make the overall molecule polar.
A polar molecule has a netdipole as a result of the opposing charges (i.e. having partial positive and partial negative charges) from polar bonds arranged asymmetrically.Water (H2O) is an example of a polar molecule since it has a slight positive charge on one side and a slight negative charge on the other. The dipoles do not cancel out, resulting in a net dipole. The dipole moment of water depends on its state. In the gas phase the dipole moment is ≈ 1.86debye (D),[11] whereas liquid water (≈ 2.95 D)[12] and ice (≈ 3.09 D)[13] are higher due to differing hydrogen-bonded environments. Other examples include sugars (likesucrose), which have many polaroxygen–hydrogen (−OH) groups and are overall highly polar.
If the bond dipole moments of the molecule do not cancel, the molecule is polar. For example, thewater molecule (H2O) contains two polar O−H bonds in abent (nonlinear) geometry. The bond dipole moments do not cancel, so that the molecule forms amolecular dipole with its negative pole at the oxygen and its positive pole midway between the two hydrogen atoms. In the figure each bond joins the central O atom with a negative charge (red) to an H atom with a positive charge (blue).
Thehydrogen fluoride, HF, molecule is polar by virtue of polar covalent bonds – in the covalent bond electrons are displaced toward the more electronegative fluorine atom.
The ammonia molecule, NH3, is polar as a result of its molecular geometry. The red represents partially negatively charged regions.
Ammonia, NH3, is a molecule whose three N−H bonds have only a slight polarity (toward the more electronegative nitrogen atom). The molecule has two lone electrons in an orbital that points towards the fourth apex of an approximately regular tetrahedron, as predicted by theVSEPR theory. This orbital is not participating in covalent bonding; it is electron-rich, which results in a powerful dipole across the whole ammonia molecule.
Resonance Lewis structures of the ozone molecule
Inozone (O3) molecules, the two O−O bonds are nonpolar (there is no electronegativity difference between atoms of the same element). However, the distribution of other electrons is uneven – since the central atom has to share electrons with two other atoms, but each of the outer atoms has to share electrons with only one other atom, the central atom is more deprived of electrons than the others (the central atom has aformal charge of +1, while the outer atoms each have a formal charge of −1⁄2). Since the molecule has a bent geometry, the result is a dipole across the whole ozone molecule.
A molecule may be nonpolar either when there is an equal sharing of electrons between the two atoms of a diatomic molecule or because of the symmetrical arrangement of polar bonds in a more complex molecule. For example,boron trifluoride (BF3) has a trigonal planar arrangement of three polar bonds at 120°. This results in no overall dipole in the molecule.
In a molecule ofboron trifluoride, the trigonal planar arrangement of three polar bonds results in no overall dipole.Carbon dioxide has two polar C-O bonds in a linear geometry.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has two polar C=O bonds, but the geometry of CO2 is linear so that the two bond dipole moments cancel and there is no net molecular dipole moment; the molecule is nonpolar.
Inmethane, the bonds are arranged symmetrically (in a tetrahedral arrangement) so there is no overall dipole.
Examples of household nonpolar compounds include fats, oil, and petrol/gasoline.
In themethane molecule (CH4) the four C−H bonds are arranged tetrahedrally around the carbon atom. Each bond has polarity (though not very strong). The bonds are arranged symmetrically so there is no overall dipole in the molecule. The diatomicoxygen molecule (O2) does not have polarity in the covalent bond because of equal electronegativity, hence there is no polarity in the molecule.
Large molecules that have one end with polar groups attached and another end with nonpolar groups are described asamphiphiles oramphiphilic molecules. They are goodsurfactants and can aid in the formation of stable emulsions, or blends, of water and fats. Surfactants reduce the interfacial tension between oil and water byadsorbing at the liquid–liquid interface.
This amphiphilic molecule has several polar groups (hydrophilic,water-loving) on the right side and a long nonpolar chain (lipophilic,fat-loving) at the left side. This gives itsurfactant properties
Amicelle – thelipophilic ends of the surfactant molecules dissolve in the oil, while thehydrophilic charged ends remain outside in the water phase, shielding the rest of thehydrophobic micelle. In this way, the small oil droplet becomes water-soluble.
Phospholipids are effective natural surfactants that have important biological functions
Determining thepoint group is a useful way to predict polarity of a molecule. In general, a molecule will not possess dipole moment if the individual bond dipole moments of the molecule cancel each other out. This is because dipole moments areeuclidean vector quantities with magnitude and direction, and a two equal vectors that oppose each other will cancel out.
Any molecule with a centre of inversion ("i") or a horizontal mirror plane ("σh") will not possess dipole moments. Likewise, a molecule with more than one Cn axis of rotation will not possess a dipole moment because dipole moments cannot lie in more than onedimension. As a consequence of that constraint, all molecules withdihedral symmetry (Dn) will not have a dipole moment because, by definition, D point groups have two or multiple Cn axes.
Since C1, Cs,C∞h Cn and Cnvpoint groups do not have a centre of inversion, horizontal mirror planes or multiple Cn axis, molecules in one of those point groups will have dipole moment.
Contrary to popular misconception, the electrical deflection of a stream of water from a charged object is not based on polarity. The deflection occurs because of electrically charged droplets in the stream, which the charged object induces. A stream of water can also be deflected in a uniform electrical field, which cannot exert force on polar molecules. Additionally, after a stream of water is grounded, it can no longer be deflected. Weak deflection is even possible for nonpolar liquids.[14]
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