Thenewton-metre ornewton-meter (also non-hyphenated,newton metre ornewton meter; symbolN⋅m[1] orN m[1])[a] is the unit oftorque (also calledmoment) in theInternational System of Units (SI). One newton-metre is equal to the torque resulting from aforce of onenewton applied perpendicularly to the end of amoment arm that is onemetre long.
The unit is also used less commonly as a unit ofwork, orenergy, in which case it is equivalent to the more common and standard SI unit of energy, thejoule.[2] In this usage the metre term represents the distance travelled or displacementin the direction of the force, and not theperpendicular distance from a fulcrum (i.e. the lever arm length) as it does when used to express torque. This usage is generally discouraged,[3] since it can lead to confusion as to whether a given quantity expressed in newton-metres is a torque or a quantity of energy.[4] "Even though torque has the same dimension as energy (SI unit joule), the joule is never used for expressing torque".[4]
Newton-metres and joules aredimensionally equivalent in the sense that they have the same expression inSI base units,
but are distinguished in terms of applicablekind of quantity, to avoid misunderstandings when a torque is mistaken for an energy or vice versa. Similar examples of dimensionally equivalent units includePa versus J/m3,Bq versusHz, andohm versusohm per square.
^For example: Eshbach's handbook of engineering fundamentals - 10.4 Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer "In SI units the basic unit of energy is newton-metre".
^Fundamentals of Physics, 9th edition by Halliday Resnick Walker, p. 309. "The SI unit of torque is the newton-meter. In our discussion of energy we called this combination the joule. But torque isnot work and torque should be expressed in newton-meters,not books link