Anest box, also spellednestbox, is a man-made enclosure provided for animals tonest in. Nest boxes are most frequently utilized forbirds, in which case they are also calledbirdhouses or abirdbox/bird box, but somemammals such asbats may also use them. Placing nestboxes or roosting boxes may also be used to help maintain populations of particular species in an area.[1]
Nest boxes were used sinceRoman times to capture birds for meat. The use of nest boxes for other purposes began in the mid-18th century, and naturalistAugust von Berlepsch was the first to produce nest boxes on a commercial scale.[2]
Nest boxes are getting more attention because increasing industrialization,urban growth, modern construction methods,deforestation and other human activities since the mid-20th century have caused severe declines in birds' natural habitats, introducing hurdles to breeding. Nest boxes can help prevent bird extinction,[3] as it was shown in the case ofscarlet macaws in the Peruvian Amazon.[1]
Nest boxes are usuallywooden, although thepurple martin will nest in metal.[4][unreliable source?] Some boxes are made from a mixture of wood andconcrete, calledwoodcrete.[5] Ceramic and plastic nestboxes are not suitable.[6]
Nest boxes should be made from untreated wood with an overhanging, sloped roof, a recessed floor, drainage and ventilation holes, a way to access the interior for monitoring and cleaning, and have no outside perches which could assist predators.[7] Boxes may either have an entrance hole or be open-fronted.[8] Some nest boxes can be highly decorated and complex, sometimes mimicking human houses or other structures. They may also containnest box cameras so that use of, and activity within, the box can be monitored.[9]
The diameter of the opening in a nest-box has a very strong influence on the species of birds that will use the box. Many small birds select boxes with a hole only just large enough for an adult bird to pass through. This may be an adaptation to prevent other birds from raiding it. In European countries, an opening of 2.5 cm in diameter will attractPoecile palustris,Poecile montanus; an opening of 2.8 cm in diameter will attractFicedula hypoleuca, and an opening of 3 cm in diameter will attractParus major,Passer montanus, an opening of 3.2 cm in diameter will attractPasser domesticus.[10]
The size of the nest box also affects the bird species likely to use the box. Very small boxes attractwrens andtreecreepers and very large ones may attractducks andowls. Seasonally removing old nest material and parasites is important if they are to be successfully re-used.
The material used in the construction may also be significant.Sparrows have been shown to prefer woodcrete boxes rather than wooden ones. Birds nesting in woodcrete sites had earlier clutches, a shorter incubation period, and more reproductive success, perhaps because the synthetic nests were warmer than their wooden counterparts.[11]
Placement of the nest box is also significant. Some birds (including birds of prey[12][13]) prefer their nest box to be at a particular height, while others (such asducks) may prefer them to be very low or even at ground level. Orientation relative to the sun is also important, with many birds preferring their boxes to be away from direct sun and sheltered from the prevailing rain.[14]
Bat boxes differ from bird nest-boxes in typical design, with the larger opening on the underside of the box, and are more often referred to as bat boxes, although in regard to the rearing of young, they serve the same purpose. Some threatened bat species can be locally supported with the provision of appropriately placed bat-boxes; however, species that roost in foliage or large cavities will not use bat boxes. Bat boxes are typically made out of wood, and there are several designs for boxes with single or multiple chambers. Directions for making the open bottom bat houses for small and large colonies,[15][16] as well as locations to purchase them are available on the internet.[17] Colour and placement is important to ensuring that bat boxes are used; bat boxes that are too shaded will not heat up enough to attract amaternity colony of bats. Australian bat box projects have been running for over 12 years in particular at theOrgan Pipes National Park. Currently there are 42 roost boxes using the "Stebbings Design" which have peaked at 280 bats roosting in them. The biggest problem with roosting boxes of any kind is the ongoing maintenance; problems include boxes falling down, wood deteriorating, and pests such as ants, the occasional rat, possums, and spiders.[18]
Nest boxes are marketed not only forbirds, but also forbutterflies[19][20] and mammals, especiallyarboreal ones such assquirrels andopossums. Depending on the animal, these boxes may be used for roosting,breeding, or both, or, as in the case with butterflies,hibernation.[20]
Wasps, bumble-bees, or other insects may build their nests inside a nest box intended for other animals, and may exclude the intended species.[21]