TheNeptunian desert orsub-Jovian desert is broadly defined as the region close to a star(period < 2–4 days) where noNeptune-sized(> 0.1MJ)exoplanets are found.[1] This zone receives strong irradiation from the star, meaning the planets cannot retain their gaseous atmospheres: they evaporate, leaving just arocky core.[2]
Neptune-sized planets should be easier to find in short-period orbits, and many sufficiently massive planets have been discovered with longer orbits from surveys such asCoRoT andKepler.[1] The physical mechanisms that result in the observed Neptunian desert are currently unknown, but have been suggested to be due to a different formation mechanism for short-periodsuper-Earth andJovian exoplanets, similar to the reasons for thebrown-dwarf desert.[1]
The exoplanet NGTS-4b, with mass of 20 ME, and a radius 20% smaller than Neptune, was found to still have an atmosphere while orbiting every 1.3 days within the Neptunian desert ofNGTS-4, a K-dwarf star located 922 light-years from Earth.[2] The atmosphere may have survived due to the planet's unusually high core mass, or it might have migrated to its current close-in orbit after this epoch of maximum stellar activity.[1]
LTT 9779 b is anultra-hot Neptune in the Neptunian desert. It has an unusually highalbedo of 0.8, and likely has a metal-rich atmosphere.[3]
Vega b, reported in 2021, is a candidate ultra-hot Neptune with a mass of ≥21.9ME that revolves aroundVega every 2.43 days, a mere 0.04555 AU (6,814,000 km) from its luminous host star. Theequilibrium temperature of the planet is a white-hot 3,250 K (2,980 °C; 5,390 °F) assuming aBond albedo of 0.25, which, if confirmed, would make it thesecond-hottest exoplanet afterKELT-9b.[4]