Group of molluscs
TheNeotaenioglossa is ataxonomic name for a large group of mostlysea snails. The name was originally created by Haller in 1882.Ponder and Warén (1988),[2] and Marquet (1997), assigned this name to the superorderCaenogastropoda.ITIS considers the order Neotaenioglossa to be a synonym ofCerithioidea Férussac, 1819.[1]
Thetaxonomy of the Gastropoda (Bouchet & Rocroi, 2005) no longer used this name. All families were assigned to thecladesLittorinimorpha,Neogastropoda and to the informal groupPtenoglossa, all within the cladeHypsogastropoda.
List of families in the order Neotaenioglossa:[1]
- AclididaeG.O. Sars, 1878
- AmnicolidaeTryon, 1863
- Annulariidae
- Aporrhaididae
- AssimineidaeH. and A. Adams, 1856
- AtlantidaeWiegmann and Ruthe, 1832
- Barleeiidae
- Batillariidae
- Bithyniidae
- BursidaeThiele, 1925
- CaecidaeGray, 1815
- CalyptraeidaeBlainville, 1824
- CapulidaeFleming, 1822
- CarinariidaeBlainville, 1818
- CassidaeLatreille, 1825
- CerithiidaeFleming, 1822
- CerithiopsidaeH. and A. Adams, 1854
- CypraeidaeRafinesque, 1815
- Elachisinidae
- EpitoniidaeS.S. Berry, 1910
- Eulimidae
- Falsicingulidae
- FicidaeConrad, 1867
- Haloceratidae
- HipponicidaeTroschel, 1861
- HydrobiidaeSimpson, 1865
- JanthinidaeLeach, 1823
- LamellariidaeOrbigny, 1841
- LithoglyphidaeTryon, 1866
- Litiopidae
- LittorinidaeGray, 1840
- Modulidae
- NaticidaeGuilding, 1834
- Obtortionidae
- OvulidaeFleming, 1822
- Pelycidiidae
- Personidae
- Pickworthiidae
- PlanaxidaeGray, 1850
- Pleuroceridae
- PotamididaeH. and A. Adams, 1854
- PterotracheidaeGray, 1840
- RanellidaeGray, 1854
- RissoidaeGray, 1847
- SemisulcospiridaeMorrison, 1952
- SiliquariidaeAnton, 1839
- SkeneopsidaeIredale, 1915
- StrombidaeRafinesque, 1815
- TateidaeThiele, 1925
- Thiaridae
- TonnidaePeile, 1926
- Tornidae
- TriphoridaeGray, 1847
- TriviidaeTrochel, 1863
- TruncatellidaeGray, 1840
- TurritellidaeClarke, 1851
- VanikoridaeGray, 1845
- VelutinidaeGray, 1840
- VermetidaeRafinesque, 1815
- VitrinellidaeBush, 1897
- XenophoridaePhilippi, 1853