Navaleno, which means "Meadow of Hay", is a municipality located to the northwest of theprovince of Soria, in the autonomous community ofCastile and León, inSpain.
Located in the zone of Low Pine Groves (Pinares Bajos) between the mountain ranges of Urbión and Resomo by the north, the mountain ranges of Nafria to the south and Cabrejas to the east.
It belongs to the jurisdiction district ofSoria, and is crossed by the roadN-234 (Burgos-Soria), maincommunication way of the zone.
Population: 974 inhabitants according to the National Institute of Statistic (2005).
It considerably increases the population in summer for being site of leisure, ideal for hikers.
It belongs to the "Hermandad de la Cabaña Real de Carreteros, Burgos-Soria", (Brotherhood of the Royal Route of CartwrightsBurgos--Soria), created in the 15th century during the reign ofCatholic Monarchs.
The Parish Church is dedicated to "San Esteban Protomártir".
The economy comes mainly from the forest industry for the creation of furniture, plank, board etc. Formerly great part of the population was dedicated to the transport ofcarts, like the neighbour villages.Navaleno and the zone are well known by the abundance andmycological quality that is in itspine groves.
A scene from the filmDoctor Zhivago by David Lean was filmed in the local railway station. Artificial snow had to be used that year because it didn't snow as expected when they wanted to film.