Anaming law restricts the names that parents can legally give to their children, usually to protect the child from being given an offensive or embarrassing name. Many countries around the world have such laws, with most governing the meaning of the name, while some only govern the scripts in which it is written.
In Australia, naming laws are governed by the states and territories which may have differing restrictions.[1][2][3] Most states prohibit names that are too long, include unpronounceable symbols such as !, @ or # (apart from hyphens between names), that include official titles or are otherwise obscene or offensive. In 2017 a list of purportedly prohibited names was leaked from the Victorian register of Births, Deaths and Marriages some examples of which are below:[4]
Some examples of names banned nationally are:[5]
First names that are uncommon or detrimental to the child's welfare must not be registered. Additionally, at least the first name of the child must correspond to the child's gender.[6]
Over 200 names have been proscribed by Azerbaijan as of 2015,[7][8] including "the names of persons who have perpetrated aggression against the people of Azerbaijan" (including names seen as "Armenian"[9][10]) and "names whose meaning is offensive in the Azerbaijani language".[11]
Naming laws vary from province to province. InBritish Columbia, theVital Statistics Act requires the registrar general to reject a proposed name or an amendment to an existing name if the name "might reasonably be expected to cause (i) mistake or confusion, or embarrassment to the child or another person, is sought for an improper purpose, or is, on any other ground, objectionable".[12]
In Imperial China, anaming taboo prevented people from using the same names as the reigning emperor.
Under the Law on Personal Names,[13] first names are picked from a list of approved names (18,000 female names and 15,000 male names as of 1 January 2016).[14] One can also apply toAnkestyrelsen [da] for approval of new names, e.g. common first names from other countries. Names cannot have surname character, and must follow Danish orthography (e.g. Cammmilla with threem's is not allowed).[15]
The Names Act of 1985 requires that all Finnish citizens and residents have at least one and at the most four first names. Persons who do not have a first name are obligated to adopt one when they are entered into the Finnish national population database. Parents of new-born children must name their child and inform the population registry within two months of the child's birth. The name may be chosen freely, but it must not be
Waivers may be granted if valid family, religious or ethnic reasons give grounds to use a name contrary to these principles. Persons may change their first names once without a specific reason. For subsequent changes, valid reasons must be presented.[16]
Since 1993 the choice has been free in France unless it is decided that the name is contrary to the interests of the child. Before that time the choice of first names was dictated by French laws that decreed which names were acceptable.[17]Napoleon Bonaparte created the law.[18]
Names have to be approved by the local registration office, calledStandesamt, which generally consults a list of first names and foreign embassies for foreign names. The name cannot be a last name or a product, and it cannot negatively affect the child. If the name submitted is denied, it can be appealed; otherwise a new name has to be submitted. A fee is charged for each submission.[19]
Umlauts (ä, ö, ü) and/or the letterß in family names are recognized as an important reason for a name change. (Even just the change of the spelling, e.g. fromMüller toMueller or fromWeiß toWeiss, is regarded as name change. In German ID cards and passports, however, such names are spelled in two different ways: the correct way in the non-machine-readable zone of the document [Müller] and transcribed [Mueller] in the machine-readable zone of the document, so persons unfamiliar with German orthography may get the impression that the document is a forgery. German credit cards may use the correct or the transcribed spelling only. It is recommended to use the exactly same spelling in the machine-readable zone of the passport for airline tickets, visas, etc. and to refer to this zone if being asked questions.) Internationally and by many electronic systems,ä / ö / ü are transcribed asae / oe / ue, andß is transcribed asss.
During the Nazi period, Germany had a list of approved names to choose from that was passed on 5 January 1938 as the "Second Regulation under the law re The changing of Family and Given names." The law had one list of names for ethnic Germans and another for Jews.[20]
A child's name must be chosen from a list of pre-approved names.[21][22] If the intended name is not on the list, the parents need to apply for approval. Applications are considered by theResearch Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences following a set of principles.[23]Children born to a foreign citizen may have their name chosen according to foreign law.[24]
Parents are limited to choosing children's names from the Personal Names Register, which as of 2013 approved 1800 names for each gender.[25] Since 2019 given names are no longer restricted by gender.[26]TheIcelandic Naming Committee maintains the list and hears requests for exceptions.
TheMinistry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation no. 73 of 2022 about Recording of Names on Residence Document regulates naming in Indonesia. The document requires names to be written in theLatin script, not amononym (at least consisting of 2 words) and not more than 60 characters, including spaces (although the Citizenship and Civil Registry claimed in 2021 that names were limited to 55 characters[27]). Names hard to read, have negative meanings and multiple meanings, being abbreviated, using numbers and symbols, and those with academic degrees, are also prohibited.[28] Before 2022, there had been no regulation on names in Indonesia,[29] effectively allowing the emergence of various unusual names. However,Karanganyar government attempted to regulate naming by introducing ban of "Western names" in 2019, causing criticism from severalDPR members.[30]
There are several regulations regarding personal names in theIslamic Republic of Iran.
Names must not insult theIslamic religion orpublic morality, and they must not be associated with the opposite sex.
Converts to Islam may change their name for religious reasons; however, changing Islamic names is prohibited.[31]
A person can request that the componentAbd (meaning 'servant') be removed from their name. Additional names may also be omitted on official documents.
According to a law from 1956, a person should have a first name (more than one is permitted) and surname (adouble-barrelled name is permitted). Children receive the surname of their married parents or the surname of their father if the surnames of their parents differ one from another. If their parents were not married or have a common-law marriage, children receive the surname of their mother unless both parents agreed to give them a double surname. Names can be double if there was no agreement about it between both parents who at least have a common-law marriage. If the parents do not have a common-law marriage children receive the surname of their mother only.
It is permitted to change one's name or surname once in seven years, or even earlier provided the Ministry of Interior agrees. The Ministry may reject a name or surname if the possibility exists that the name is deceptive or that may be an offence to public policy and the public sentiment.
In the case of adoption a child receives the adoptive parents' surname but keeps the original first name.
In a case of person with no name, the Minister of Interior chooses the name in accordance with names of person's parents, grandparents, or the spouse in the case of marriage. However, the person can change this name within two months of the announcement.
The father's name is provided by the mother of the person until the age of 16, or by the individuals themselves if they are above age 16.[35]
Names considered ridiculous or shameful are banned by law.[36]
Similar to China, Japan has a certain set of characters that cannot be used in a child's name.
Some Kyrgyz have been Russifying their names.[37][38][39]
A law to ban Russified names was proposed.[40]
On and after 2006, the National Registration Department of Malaysia (JPN) may decline to register objectionable or undesirable names, including names based on titles, numbers, colors, vegetables, fruits, vulgarities, and equipment. Parents who wish to register such names despite JPN objection must make a statutory declaration to that effect.[41][42]
In 2014, DeputyForeign Affairs MinisterPeya Mushelenga proposed banning offensive baby names such as "Shame on you" and "Ndalipo" (lit. 'I was there"').[43]
Under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act of 1995, names are prohibited which "might cause offence to a reasonable person; or [...] is unreasonably long; or without adequate justification, [...] is, includes, or resembles, an official title or rank."[19][44] This is determined by the Department of Internal Affairs, which is responsible for registering names at birth.[18] The most commonly rejected name is "Justice", which is a formal title for judges in New Zealand.[45]Below is a list of banned names[44][46] in New Zealand:
Names are regulated by the Norwegian Names Act of 2002.[47] Parents may not choose a first name for their child that may become a significant disadvantage for the child. A citizen may change their family name to any common family name, i.e. any name shared by more than 200 Norwegians. In order to change to a rare family name, permission from every citizen with the name is required. Exceptions to the restrictions on taking a protected surname can be made if you have "a connection to the name", for example through kinship (family name held by a parent, step-parent or foster-parent, grandparent, great grandparent or great great grandparent), by marriage, cohabitation where you have lived together for at least two years or have children together, or through adoption.[48]
In April 2009, a six-year-old Norwegian boy named Christer pressed his parents to send a letter to KingHarald V to approve his name being changed to "Sonic X". They allowed Christer to write it himself but did not send it until he badgered them further, and the king responded that he could not approve the change because Christer was not eighteen years old.[49][50]
Portugal has a set list of approved names published periodically by the Institute of Registration at the Ministry of Justice.[51]
There is a list of 50 names that are banned in Saudi Arabia. Western namesAlice,Ben (a form of the similarly bannedBenjamin),Elaine, andLinda are among the names banned in that list.[52][53][54]
The older Names Act of 1982 states that Swedish first names "shall not be approved if they can cause offense or can be supposed to cause discomfort for the one using it, or names which for some obvious reason are not suitable as a first name." The newer naming law (Swedish:lag om personnamn) states it identically.[55]
In Spain, people have freedom to choose any name as long as the name does not make identification confusing, is not the same name as one of their living siblings, and does not offend the person who is named.[56][57]
The authorities ofTajikistan have announced the preparation of a list of 3,000 pre-approved names, all referred to Tajik culture, thus banning Arabic/Islamic names and suffixes, deemed divisive.[58][59]
Among increasingly religious Tajiks, Islamic-Arabic names have become more popular over Tajik names.[60]
The Tajik government has used the word "prostitute" to label hijab wearing women and enforced shaving of beards, in addition to considering the outlawing of Arabic-Islamic names for children and making people use Tajik names.[61][62][63][64][65] Tajikistan President Rakhmon (Rahmon) has said that the Persian epic Shahnameh should be used as a source for names, with his proposed law hinting that Muslim names would be forbidden after his anti hijab and anti beard laws.[66]
The UK has no law restricting names, but names that containobscenities,numerals, misleading titles, or are impossible to pronounce are likely to be rejected by the Registering Officer, when registering a child.[67]
There are no restrictions on adults assuming any new name, unless the purpose of the name change is fraudulent.[68]
Restrictions vary by state, and most are imposed for the sake of practicality. For example, several states limit the number of characters in a name, due to limitations in the software used for official record keeping. For similar reasons, some states ban the use ofnumerals orpictograms. A few states ban the use ofobscenities. Conversely, a few states, such asKentucky, have no naming laws whatsoever. Courts have interpreted theDue Process Clause of theFourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and theFree Speech Clause of theFirst Amendment as generally supporting the traditional parental right to choose their children's names.
One practice that some have found restrictive was California's practice of not recording names withdiacritical marks, such as in the name José. The Office of Vital Records in theCalifornia Department of Public Health does not require that names containing other than the 26alphabetical characters of the English language be accepted. In 2017, the California legislature passed bill AB-82, which would have required the State Registrar to record names containing diacritical marks to be recorded.[69] However, GovernorJerry Brownvetoed the bill on the ground that mandating the use of diacritical marks on some state and local vital records without a corresponding requirement for all state and federal government records would create inconsistencies and require significant state funds to replace or modify existing registration systems.[70]
Zairians were urged to drop their Western or Christian names in favor of Zairian names as part ofAuthenticité.[71] Zairian dictator Joseph-Désiré Mobutu changed his name to Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga (more commonly abbreviated toMobutu Sese Seko).