This member of theVirgo Cluster, located on its outskirts,[5] is known as theUmbrella Galaxy due to theumbrella-shaped structure that extends from its disk to theeast and that is composed of stellar streams, being the remnants of a much smaller galaxy that has beentorn apart by NGC 4651'stidal forces,[2][6] something that explains why NGC 4651 has been included onHalton Arp'sAtlas of Peculiar Galaxies asArp 189 -galaxy with filaments-.
Studies usingradiotelescopes of the distribution of itsneutral hydrogen show distortions on NGC 4651's outer regions and a gas clump associated with adwarf galaxy that may have been born in the event that produced the mentioned stellar streams.[7]
Unlike most spiral galaxies of the Virgo Cluster, NGC 4651 is rich in neutral hydrogen, also extending beyond theoptical disk,[7] and itsstar formation is typical for a galaxy of its type.[5]