NGC 3521 has amorphological classification of SAB(rs)bc,[2] which indicates that it is a spiral galaxy with a trace of a bar structure (SAB), a weak inner ring (rs), and moderate to loosely wound arm structure (bc).[7] The bar structure is difficult to discern, both because it has a lowellipticity and the galaxy is at a high inclination[2] of 72.7° to theline of sight.[4] The relatively bright bulge is nearly 3/4 the size of the bar, which may indicate the former is quite massive.[2] Thenucleus of this galaxy is classified as an HII LINER,[8] as there is anH II region at the core and the nucleus forms alow-ionization nuclear emission-line region.
Onesupernova has been observed in NGC 3521: SN2024aecx (typeIc, mag. 14.543) was discovered byATLAS on 16 December 2024.[9] Astronomers originally classified it astypeIIb, but spectroscopy suggests this supernova is very similar toSN 1994I.[9]