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Extinct marine lizards of the Late Cretaceous
Not to be confused withmesosaurs, marine reptiles of the Permian.

Mounted skeleton of arussellosaurine (Plesioplatecarpus planifrons)
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Gervais, 1853

Mosasaurs (fromLatinMosa meaning the 'Meuse', andGreekσαύροςsauros meaning 'lizard') are an extinct group of large aquatic reptiles within the familyMosasauridae that lived during the Late Cretaceous. Their firstfossil remains were discovered in a limestone quarry atMaastricht on the Meuse in 1764. They belong to the orderSquamata, which includeslizards andsnakes.

During the last 20 million years of the Cretaceous period (TuronianMaastrichtian ages), with the extinction of theichthyosaurs andpliosaurs, mosasaurids became the dominant marine predators. They themselves became extinct as a result of theK-Pg event at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 66 million years ago.


Life restoration of a mosasaur (Platecarpus tympaniticus) informed byfossil skin impressions

Mosasaurs breathed air, were powerful swimmers, and were well-adapted to living in the warm, shallowinland seas prevalent during the LateCretaceous period. Mosasaurs were so well adapted to this environment that they most likelygave birth to live young, rather than returning to the shore to lay eggs assea turtles do.[2]

The smallest-known mosasaur wasDallasaurus turneri, which was less than 1 m (3.3 ft) long. Larger mosasaurs were more typical, with many species growing longer than 4 m (13 ft).Mosasaurus hoffmannii, the largest known species reached up to 17 m (56 ft),[3] but it has been considered to be probably overestimated by Clearyet al. (2018).[4] Currently, the largest publicly exhibited mosasaur skeleton in the world is on display at theCanadian Fossil Discovery Centre inMorden,Manitoba. The specimen, nicknamed "Bruce", is just over 15 m (49 ft) long,[5] but this might be an overestimate as the skeleton was assembled for display prior to a 2010 reassessment of the species that found its original number of vertebrae to be exaggerated, implying that the actual size of the animal was likely smaller.[6][7]

Mosasaurs had a body shape similar to that of modern-daymonitor lizards (varanids), but were more elongated and streamlined for swimming. Their limb bones were reduced in length and their paddles were formed by webbing between their long finger and toe bones. Their tails were broad, and supplied their locomotive power.

Until recently, mosasaurs were assumed to have swum in a method similar to the one used today byconger eels andsea snakes, undulating their entire bodies from side to side. However, new evidence suggests that many advanced mosasaurs had large, crescent-shaped flukes on the ends of their tails, similar to those ofsharks and someichthyosaurs. Rather than use snake-like undulations, their bodies probably remained stiff to reduce drag through the water, while their tails provided strong propulsion.[8] These animals may have lurked and pounced rapidly and powerfully on passing prey, rather than chasing after it.[9] At least some species were also capable of aquaflight, flapping their flippers likesea lions.[10][11]

Early reconstructions showed mosasaurs with dorsal crests running the length of their bodies, which were based on misidentified remains oftracheal cartilage. By the time this error was discovered, depicting mosasaurs with such crests in artwork had already become a trend.[12][13]


Fossil shell of ammonitePlacenticeras whitfieldi showing punctures caused by the bite of a mosasaur,Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale
A tooth from a mosasaur

Mosasaurs had double-hinged jaws and flexible skulls (much like those ofsnakes), which enabled them to gulp down their prey almost whole. A skeleton ofTylosaurus proriger fromSouth Dakota included remains of the divingseabirdHesperornis, a marinebony fish, a possibleshark, and another, smaller mosasaur (Clidastes). Mosasaur bones have also been found with shark teeth embedded in them.

One of the food items of mosasaurs wereammonites, molluscs with shells similar to those ofNautilus, which were abundant in the Cretaceous seas. Holes have been found in fossil shells of some ammonites, mainlyPachydiscus andPlacenticeras. These were once interpreted as a result of limpets attaching themselves to the ammonites, but the triangular shape of the holes, their size, and their presence on both sides of the shells, corresponding to upper and lower jaws, is evidence of the bite of medium-sized mosasaurs. Whether this behaviour was common across all size classes of mosasaurs is not clear.

Virtually all forms were active predators of fish and ammonites; a few, such asGlobidens, had blunt, spherical teeth, specialized for crushing mollusk shells. The smaller genera, such asPlatecarpus andDallasaurus, which were about 1–6 m (3.3–19.7 ft) long, probably fed on fish and other small prey. The smaller mosasaurs may have spent some time in fresh water, hunting for food. The largest mosasaurMosasaurus hoffmannii was theapex predator of the Late Cretaceous oceans, reaching more than 11 metres (36 ft) in length and weighing up to 10 metric tons (11 short tons) in body mass.[14]

Soft tissue

Scales ofTylosaurus proriger (KUVP-1075)

Despite the many mosasaur remains collected worldwide, knowledge of the nature of their skin coverings remains in its early stages. Few mosasaurid specimens collected from around the world retain fossilized scale imprints. This lack may be due to the delicate nature of the scales, which nearly eliminates the possibility of preservation, in addition to the preservation sediment types and the marine conditions under which the preservation occurred. Until the discovery of several mosasaur specimens with remarkably well-preserved scale imprints from lateMaastrichtian deposits of the Muwaqqar Chalk Marl Formation ofHarrana[15] inJordan, knowledge of the nature of mosasaur integument was mainly based on very few accounts describing early mosasaur fossils dating back to the upperSantonian–lowerCampanian, such as the famousTylosaurus specimen (KUVP-1075) from Gove County, Kansas.[16]

Material from Jordan has shown that the bodies of mosasaurs, as well as the membranes between their fingers and toes, were covered with small, overlapping, diamond-shaped scales resembling those of snakes. Much like those of modern reptiles, mosasaur scales varied across the body in type and size. In Harrana specimens, two types of scales were observed on a single specimen: keeled scales covering the upper regions of the body and smooth scales covering the lower.[15] As ambush predators, lurking and quickly capturing prey using stealth tactics,[17] they may have benefited from the nonreflective, keeled scales.[15] Additionally, mosasaurs had large pectoral girdles, and such genera asPlotosaurus may have used their front flippers in a breaststroke motion to gain added bursts of speed during an attack on prey.[18]

Soft tissues in the head and neck ofPlatecarpus tympaniticus specimen LACM 128319: Tracheal rings are shown in the bottom three photographs.

More recently, a fossil ofPlatecarpus tympaniticus has been found that preserved not only skin impressions, but also internal organs. Several reddish areas in the fossil may represent the heart, lungs, and kidneys. The trachea is also preserved, along with part of what may be theretina in the eye. The placement of the kidneys is farther forward in the abdomen than it is in monitor lizards, and is more similar to those ofcetaceans. As in cetaceans, thebronchi leading to the lungs run parallel to each other instead of splitting apart from one another as in monitors and other terrestrial reptiles. In mosasaurs, these features may be internal adaptations to fully marine lifestyles.[8]

Fibrous tissues and microstructures recovered fromPrognathodon specimen IRSNB 1624

In 2011,collagen protein was recovered from aPrognathodon humerus dated to theCretaceous.[19]

In 2005, acase study by A.S. Schulp, E.W.A Mulder, and K. Schwenk outlined the fact that mosasaurs had pairedfenestrae in their palates. In monitor lizards and snakes, paired fenestrae are associated with aforked tongue, which is flicked in and out to detect chemical traces and provide a directional sense ofsmell. They therefore proposed that mosasaurs probably also had a sensitive forked tongue.[20]



A study published in 2016 by T. Lyn Harrell, Alberto Pérez-Huerta andCelina Suarez showed that mosasaurs wereendothermic. The study contradicted findings published in 2010 indicating mosasaurs wereectothermic. The 2010 study did not use warm-blooded animals for comparison but analogous groups of common marine animals. Based on comparisons with modern warm-blooded animals and fossils of known cold-blooded animals from the same time period, the 2016 study found mosasaurs likely had body temperatures similar to those of contemporary seabirds and were able to internally regulate their temperatures to remain warmer than the surrounding water.[21]



The coloration of mosasaurs was unknown until 2014, when the findings of Johan Lindgren ofLund University and colleagues revealed the pigmentmelanin in the fossilized scales of a mosasaur. Mosasaurs were likelycountershaded, with dark backs and light underbellies, much like agreat white shark orleatherback sea turtle, the latter of which had fossilized ancestors for which color was also determined. The findings were described inNature.[22]



Mosasaurs possessed athecodont dentiton, meaning that the roots were cemented deeply into the jaw bone. Mosasaurs did not use permanent teeth but instead constantly shed them. Replacement teeth developed within a pit inside the roots of the original tooth called the resorption pit. This is done through a distinctively unique eight-stage process. The first stage was characterized by the mineralization of a small tooth crown developed elsewhere that descended into the resorption pit by the second stage. In the third stage, the developing crown firmly cemented itself within the resorption pit and grew in size; by the fourth stage, it would be of the same size as the crown in the original tooth. Stages five and six were characterized by the development of the replacement tooth's root: in stage five the root developed vertically, and in stage six the root expanded in all directions to the point that the replacement tooth became exposed and actively pushed on the original tooth. In the seventh stage, the original tooth was shed and the now-independent replacement tooth began to anchor itself into the vacancy. In the eighth and final stage, the replacement tooth has grown to firmly anchor itself.[23]

Ontogeny and growth


Mosasaur growth is not well understood, as specimens of juveniles are rare, and many were mistaken for hesperornithine birds when discovered 100 years ago. However, the discovery of several specimens of juvenile and neonate-sized mosasaurs unearthed more than a century ago indicate that mosasaurs gave birth to live young, and that they spent their early years of life out in the open ocean, not in sheltered nurseries or areas such as shallow water as previously believed. Whether mosasaurs provided parental care, like other marine reptiles such as plesiosaurs, is currently unknown. The discovery of young mosasaurs was published in the journalPalaeontology.[24]

Possible eggs


A 2020 study published inNature described a large fossilized hatched egg fromAntarctica from the very end of theCretaceous, about 68 million years ago. The egg is considered one of the largestamniote eggs ever known, rivalling that of theelephant bird, and due to its soft, thin, folded texture, it likely belonged to a marine animal. While the organism that produced it remains unknown, the egg's pore structure is very similar to that of extantlepidosaurs such as lizards and snakes, and presence of mosasaur fossils nearby indicates that it may have been a mosasaur egg. It is unknown whether the egg was laid on land or in the water. The egg was assigned to the newly describedoospeciesAntarcticoolithus bradyi.[25][26][27] However, it has been proposed that this egg belonged to a dinosaur.[28]



Paleontologists compared the taxonomic diversity and patterns of morphological disparity in mosasaurs with sea level,sea surface temperature, and stable carbon isotope curves for the Upper Cretaceous to explore factors that may have influenced their evolution. No single factor unambiguously accounts for all radiations, diversification, and extinctions; however, the broader patterns of taxonomic diversification and morphological disparity point to niche differentiation in a "fishing up" scenario under the influence of "bottom-up" selective pressures. The most likely driving force in mosasaur evolution was high productivity in the Late Cretaceous, driven by tectonically controlled sea levels and climatically controlledocean stratification and nutrient delivery. When productivity collapsed at the end of the Cretaceous, coincident with bolide impact, mosasaurs became extinct.[29]

Fossil jaw fragment of a mosasaurid reptile from Dolní Újezd byLitomyšl,Czech Republic

Sea levels were high during the Cretaceous period, causing marine transgressions in many parts of the world, and agreat inland seaway in what is now North America. Mosasaurfossils have been found in theNetherlands,Belgium,Denmark,Portugal,Sweden,South Africa,Spain,France,Germany,Poland, theCzech Republic,Italy[30]Bulgaria, theUnited Kingdom,[31][32]Russia,Ukraine,Kazakhstan,Azerbaijan,[33]Japan,[34]Egypt,Israel,Jordan,Syria,[35]Turkey,[36]Niger,[37][38]Angola,Morocco,Australia,New Zealand, and onVega Island off the coast ofAntarctica. Tooth taxonGlobidens timorensis is known from the island ofTimor; however, the phylogenetic placement of this species is uncertain and it might not even be a mosasaur.[39]

Mosasaurs have been found inCanada inManitoba andSaskatchewan[40] and in much of the contiguous United States. Complete or partial specimens have been found inAlabama,Mississippi,New Jersey,Tennessee, andGeorgia, as well as in states covered by the Cretaceous seaway:Texas, southwestArkansas,New Mexico,Kansas,[41]Colorado,Nebraska,South Dakota,Montana,Wyoming, and thePierre Shale/Fox Hills formations ofNorth Dakota.[42] Lastly, mosasaur bones and teeth are also known fromColombia,[43]Brazil,[35] andChile.[44]

Many of the so-called 'dinosaur' remains found onNew Zealand are actually mosasaurs andplesiosaurs[citation needed], both being Mesozoic predatory marine reptiles.

The largest mosasaur currently on public display is Bruce, a 65-70%-complete specimen ofTylosaurus pembinensis dating from the lateCretaceous Period, approximately 80 million years ago, and measuring 13.05 m (42.815 ft) from nose tip to tail tip. Bruce was discovered in 1974 north of Thornhill, Manitoba, Canada, and resides at the nearbyCanadian Fossil Discovery Centre inMorden, Manitoba. Bruce was awarded the Guinness Record for the largest mosasaur on public display in 2014.[45]


See also:Timeline of mosasaur research
TheMosasaurus hoffmannii skull found in Maastricht between 1770 and 1774

The first publicized discovery of a partial fossil mosasaur skull in 1764 by quarry workers in a subterranean gallery of a limestone quarry inMount Saint Peter, near the Dutch city ofMaastricht, preceded any major dinosaur fossil discoveries, but remained little known. However, a second find of a partial skull drew theAge of Enlightenment's attention to the existence of fossilized animals that were different from any known living creatures. When the specimen was discovered between 1770 and 1774,Johann Leonard Hoffmann, a surgeon and fossil collector, corresponded about it with the most influential scientists of his day, making the fossil famous. The original owner, though, was Godding, a canon of Maastricht cathedral.

When the Frenchrevolutionary forces occupied Maastricht in 1794, the carefully hidden fossil was uncovered, after a reward, it is said, of 600 bottles of wine, and transported to Paris. After it had been earlier interpreted as a fish, a crocodile, and a sperm whale, the first to understand its lizard affinities was the Dutch scientistAdriaan Gilles Camper in 1799. In 1808,Georges Cuvier confirmed this conclusion, althoughle Grand Animal fossile de Maëstricht was not actually namedMosasaurus ('Meuse reptile') until 1822 and not given its full species name,Mosasaurus hoffmannii, until 1829. Several sets of mosasaur remains, which had been discovered earlier at Maastricht but were not identified as mosasaurs until the 19th century, have been on display in theTeylers Museum,Haarlem, procured from 1790.

The Maastrichtlimestone beds were rendered so famous by the mosasaur discovery, they have given their name to the final six-million-year epoch of the Cretaceous, theMaastrichtian.



Relationship with modern squamates

Scientists continue to debate on whethermonitor lizards (left) orsnakes (right) are the closest living relatives of mosasaurs.
See also:Mosasauria § Relation with snakes or monitor lizards

Lower classifications

Restoration ofOpetiosaurus bucchichi, a basal mosasauroid
Life restoration of a mosasaurine,Globidens alabamaensis
Life restoration of a mosasaurine,Plotosaurus bennisoni
Restoration of a tylosaurine,Tylosaurus pembinensis

The traditional view of mosasaur evolution held that all paddle-limbed (hydropedal) mosasaurs originated from a single common ancestor with functional legs (plesiopedal). However, this was shaken with the discovery ofDallasaurus, a plesiopedal mosasauroid more closely related to the Mosasaurinae than other mosasaurs. Bell and Polycn (2005) grouped these outside mosasaurs into two clades: the Russellosaurina, whose basal members include plesiopedal genera (Tethysaurinae) of their own and derived members consisting of the Plioplatecarpinae and Tylosaurinae; and the Halisauromorpha, containing the Halisaurinae. The placement ofDallasaurus suggested that the Russellosaurina and Halisauromorpha may have evolved a hydropedal form independently, the former through the tethysaurines, meaning that their placement within the Mosasauridae creates an unnaturalpolyphyly and thus potentially invalid.[46][47] Caldwell informally proposed in a 2012 publication that the definition of a mosasaur must thus be redefined into one that does not consider russellosaurines and halisauromorphs as true mosasaurs, but as an independent group of marine lizards.[47]

However, phylogenetic studies of mosasaurs can be fickle, especially when wild card taxa likeDallasaurus remain poorly understood. For example, some studies such as a 2009 analysis by Dutchak and Caldwell instead found thatDallasaurus was ancestral to both russellosaurines and mosasaurines,[48] although results were inconsistent in later studies.[49] A 2017 study by Simoeset al. noted that utilization of different methods of phylogenetic analyses can yield different findings and ultimately found an indication that tethysaurines were a case of hydropedal mosasaurs reversing back to a plesiopedal condition rather than an independent ancestral feature.[49]

The following cladograms illustrate the two views of mosasaur evolution. Topology A follows an ancestral state reconstruction from an implied weighted maximum parsimony tree by Simoes et al. (2017), which contextualizes a single marine origin with tethysaurine reversal.[49] Topologies B and C illustrate the multiple-origins hypothesis of hydropedality; the former follows Makádi et al. (2012),[50] while the latter follows a PhD dissertation by Mekarski (2017) that experimentally includes dolichosaur and poorly-represented aigialosaur taxa.[51] Placement of major group names follow definitions by Madzia and Cau (2017).[52]

Topology A:
Ancestral state reconstruction by Simoes et al. (2017)

  Iliac crest attached tosacral ribs
  Free-standing iliac crest
  Ambiguous state
Topology B:
Strict consensus of maximum parsimony by Makádi et al. (2012)

  Plesiopedal and plesiopelvic taxa
  Plesiopedal and hydropelvic taxa
  Hydropedal and hydropelvic taxa
  Taxa with unknown limb structure
Topology C:
Maximum clade credibility tree by Mekarski (2017)

  'Dolichosaur' taxa
  'Aigialosaur' taxa
  Mosasaur taxa


See also:List of mosasaurs

The following diagram illustrates simplified phylogenies of the three major mosasaur groups as recovered by Strong et al. (2020), Longrich et al. (2021), and Longrich et al. (2022).

Implied weighting maximum parsimony by Strong et al. (2020)[53]

Strict consensus of maximum parsimony by Longrich et al., (2021)[54]

Maximum parsimony by Longrich et al. (2022)[55]


Main article:List of mosasaur-bearing stratigraphic units

Though no individual genus or subfamily is found worldwide, the Mosasauridae as a whole achieved global distribution during theLate Cretaceous with many locations typically having complex mosasaur faunas with multiple different genera and species in differentecological niches.

Two African countries are particularly rich in mosasaurs: Morocco[56] and Angola.[57][58]


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