Milk coffee is a category ofcoffee-based drinks made withmilk.Johan Nieuhof, the Dutch ambassador to China, is credited as the first person to drink coffee with milk when he experimented with it around 1660.[1]
A breve is an espresso made with a steamed mixture of half milk and half cream (i.e., half and half). Its size can vary. The name relates to the use of cream and milk.[2][3]
Acafé au lait is the French way of preparing 'coffee with milk' both at home and in cafés in Europe. Café au lait stems from the same continental tradition ascaffè latte inItaly,café con leche inSpain,kawa biała ('white coffee') inPoland,tejeskávé inHungary,Milchkaffee inGermany,Wiener Melange inAustria,[4]koffie verkeerd in theNetherlands,lait russe inBelgium, andcafé com leite inPortugal andBrazil, meaning simply 'coffee with milk'.
In northern Europe,café au lait is the name most often used in coffee shops for what other places is acaffè latte. The termcafé au lait has been used forespresso and milk since the 1950s in places including theUnited Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany,Denmark, Norway andSweden. In the United States,café au lait is defined as a coffee drink consisting of strong or bold coffee (sometimes espresso) mixed withscalded milk in approximately a 1:1 ratio.[citation needed]
Vietnamesecà phê sữa đá or 'iced milk coffee', is made with a dark roast, often withchicory, brewed with a small metal Vietnamese drip filter (Phin Filter) into a cup containingsweetened condensed milk. The condensed milk and coffee are stirred together and then poured over ice.Cà phê sữa nóng – literally, 'hot milk coffee' – excludes the ice.
Café bombón was made popular inValencia,Spain, and spread gradually to the rest of the country. It might have been re-created and modified to suit European tastebuds as in many parts of Asia such asIndonesia,Malaysia,Thailand andSingapore the same recipe for coffee which is calledkopi susu panas (Malaysia) orgafeh rornlit. 'hot coffee' (Thailand) has already been around for decades and is very popular inmamak stalls andkopitiams in Malaysia. Acafé bombón, however, usesespresso served with sweetened condensed milk in a 1:1 ratio whereas the Asian version uses ground coffee and sweetened condensed milk at the same ratio. On theCanary Islands a variety namedcafé proprio orlargo condensada is served using the same amount of condensed milk but acafé largo or espresso lungo. Forcafé bombón, the condensed milk is added to the espresso. For visual effect, a glass is used, and the condensed milk is added slowly to sink underneath the coffee and create two separate bands of contrasting colour – though these layers are customarily stirred together before consumption. Some establishments merely serve an espresso with a sachet of condensed milk for patrons to make themselves.[citation needed]
Cafe hafuch or 'upside down coffee' is a popular drink inIsrael.[5] Steamed milk is first added to the cup, then espresso is carefully added to give a layered appearance. Milk foam is sometimes spooned on to the top to finish. 'Upside down' refers to this method of adding the ingredients, as in most milk-and-coffee drinks, the coffee is first in the cup, and the milk goes in second.[6]
Cappuccino is a coffee-based drink prepared withespresso, hot milk, and steamed milk foam. A cappuccino differs from a caffè latte in that it is prepared with much less steamed or textured milk than the caffè latte with the total of espresso and milk/foam making up between approximately 150 and 180 millilitres (5 and 6 US fluid ounces). A cappuccino usually exceeds the height of the cup, making the foam visible above the side of the cup. A cappuccino is traditionally served in aporcelain cup, which has far better heat retention characteristics than glass or paper. The foam on top of the cappuccino acts as an insulator and helps retain the heat of the liquid, allowing it to stay hotter longer.[citation needed]
Acortado (also known aspingado orgaroto) is an espresso "cut" (from theSpanish andPortuguesecortar) with warm milk to reduce the acidity. The ratio of milk to coffee is between 1:1 – 1:2, and the milk is added to the espresso. Though the steamed milk has little foam, many baristas make somemicrofoam to makelatte art. It is popular in Spain and Portugal, in Norway as well as throughoutLatin America, where it is drunk in the afternoon. InCuba, it is known as acortadito. It is usually served in a special glass, often with a metal ring base and a metal wire handle. There are several variations, includingcortado condensada (espresso with condensed milk) andleche y leche (withcondensed milk and cream on top). In theUnited States it is sometimes known as a Gibraltar. It differs fromcappuccino in having little or no milk foam, and fromflat white in that the cortado'scorto shot of espresso is reduced in volume and caffeine content to the flat white'scortissimo.
Café con leche is one of the most common Spanish drinks that includecoffee. It consists basically of two ingredients: coffee (as an infusion) and milk, with a proportion that varies according to localSpanish provinces, but is around the same amount. Generally, the termcafé con leche also implies the size of the cup used, which is usually large, between 200 and 250 ml (this cup is also called breakfast cup in some countries). The mixture of coffee and milk in a slightly smaller container is called acortado (although in addition to the size the proportion of the constituents also changes).
Egg coffee is a Vietnamese drink which is traditionally prepared withegg yolks, sugar, condensed milk andRobusta coffee in theCentral Highlands of Vietnam, where 70% of global Robusta coffee is cultivated.[7][8]
An autumn and winter seasonal blend of steamed milk andeggnog, plusespresso and a pinch ofnutmeg.[citation needed]
Eiskaffee, literally 'ice cream coffee', is a popular German drink consisting of chilled coffee, vanilla ice cream, and sometimes sugar orwhipped cream.[citation needed]
Anespressino is made fromespresso, steamed milk, and cocoa powder, similar to theMarocchino.[citation needed]
Espresso con panna is coffee with whipped cream.
Flat white is anespresso with a similar proportion of coffee to milk as a latte and a cappuccino, the main difference being the texture of the milk and (in some regions) the number of espresso shots.
It became popular inNew Zealand in the late 1980s and has since spread to the UK, where it was first served at independent cafes inLondon such as Department of Coffee and Social Affairs and Speak Easy where owners and staff from Australia and New Zealand brought the style of coffee into the UK before being adopted by chainsCosta Coffee andStarbucks.[9] Available in the form of a 12 oz. double latte fromStarbucks in the US since January 6, 2015,[10] it is rarely found in continental Europe.
InAustralia and New Zealand it is traditionally made with two shots of espresso topped with stretched and textured milk. The milk is prepared by steaming air into the milk and folding the top layer into the lower layers. To achieve the "flat", non-frothy texture the steamed milk is poured from the bottom of the jug, holding back the lighter froth on the top in order to access milk with smaller bubbles, making the drink smooth and velvety in texture. This leads to a white coffee with the crema on top still intact. The drink was traditionally served in a ceramic cup used for cappuccinos (approximately 220–260 ml in capacity), though present-day speciality cafes are more likely to serve it in smaller (150–160 ml) cups with tworistretto shots used, resulting in a drink noticeably stronger and less milky than a caffè latte.[citation needed]
Galão is a hot drink fromPortugal made ofespresso and foamed milk. Similar to caffè latte or café au lait, it comes in a tall glass with plenty of milk. With only half milk, it is known asmeia de leite.[11] InMadeira, a large, milky coffee is known as achinesa (literally, 'Chinese lady').[12][13]
A shot of espresso poured over a single marshmallow. This originated in the coffeehouses of America's Pacific Northwest. The resulting drink is sweet and thick, leading to the namecaffè gommosa, meaning 'rubbery coffee'.[citation needed]
SouthIndian filter coffee is a coffee drink made by mixing frothed and boiled milk with the decoction obtained by brewing finely ground coffee powder in a traditional Indian filter. The drink known askaapi is the Tamil phonetic rendering ofcoffee.
Kopi susu 'milk coffee' is found in (at least)Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia and very similar to the Vietnamesecà phê sữa nóng. Served in a glass,kopi susu is made by mixing black coffee (Arabica) with about a quarter to half a glass of sweetened condensed milk, which is then let stand to cool and allow the grounds to sink to the bottom. Another version ofkopi susu uses fresh milk.[14]
In Indonesia, milk coffee with ice and palm sugar is calledes kopi susu gula aren.[15]Kopi tubruk is as above but uses sugar instead of milk.
A latte is an espresso and steamed milk,[16][17] generally in a 1:3 to 1:5 ratio of espresso to milk, with a little foam on top.
In Italy it is called caffè latte or caffelatte, which means 'coffee and milk'. In northern Europe and Scandinavia the term 'café au lait' has traditionally been used for the combination of espresso and milk, but this term is used in the US for brewed coffee andscalded milk. InFrance, caffè latte is mostly known from American coffee chains; a combination of espresso and steamed milk equivalent to a latte is in French calledgrand crème and in GermanMilchkaffee orMelange. In Portuguese it is calledgalão.
Variants include the chocolate-flavoredmocha, or replacing the coffee with another drink base such asmasala chai (spiced Indian tea),maté ormatcha, and other types of milk, such assoy milk oralmond milk are also used.
Latte macchiato literally means 'stained milk'. This refers to the method of preparation, wherein the milk gets "stained" by the addition ofespresso. It differs from latte firstly in that espresso is added to milk (rather than milk to espresso), secondly that it features more foam, rather than simply hot milk, thirdly in that often only ½ (or less) of an espresso shot is used, and fourthly in that it is often alayered drink, rather than being mixed as in a caffè latte. Simply, in a latte, the emphasis is on the coffee, while in a latte macchiato, the emphasis is on the milk.[citation needed]
Macchiato, meaning 'stained', is anespresso with a dash of foamed milk. At first sight it resembles a small cappuccino, but even if the ingredients are the same as those used for cappuccino, a macchiato has a much stronger and aromatic taste. The milk is foamed directly into the espresso cup, which is then put under the coffee outlet. The espresso is then drawn into the cup. Cocoa is sometimes sprinkled over the drink.[18] Often the process is reversed and milk foam is floated on top of extracted coffee. A long macchiato will have two shots of espresso and a small amount of hot water (as per long black). A short macchiato will usually have one shot of coffee and less water (as per short black).
Melange is popular inAustria,Switzerland and the Netherlands, and is traditionally similar tolatte andcappuccino. It consists ofespresso, steamed milk, and milk foam served in a large cup. It is sometimes topped with whipped cream. Outside Austria,Melange is referred to asWiener Melange. TheMelange originated in the 1700s as a café drink in Austria.[citation needed]
AWiener Melange is a speciality coffee drink similar to acappuccino. The difference is sometimes assumed to be that theMelange is made with milder coffee[19] but the Viennese coffee companyJulius Meinl describes aWiener Melange as "One small espresso served in a large cup of coffee. Steam milk and add milk foam to coffee (=small milk coffee)".[20] AtCafe Sperl inVienna, theMelange is 1/2 cup "black coffee" and 1/2 cup creamy milk, completed by milk foam.[21]
A splashed americano is a variation of thecaffè americano with an added dash of milk. The quantity of milk or cream can be adjusted according to personal taste, but is typically a small amount, less than would be used in a latte or cappuccino. Often, the hot milk is served on the side to account for personal preferences.[citation needed]
Ipoh white coffee is a popular coffee drink originating inIpoh,Perak, Malaysia. The coffee beans are roasted with palm-oil margarine, and the resulting coffee is served with condensed milk. The taste is smooth and sweet, and is often served iced.[citation needed]
'White coffee' is the British alternative to a 'black coffee;' it is any form of black coffee with fresh cold milk added. Sometimes, hot milk (boiled or not) is used instead of cold.[citation needed]
A Vienna coffee (not to be confused with "Vienna roast" coffee), is coffee or espresso topped with whipped cream. Milk is sometimes poured into the coffee/espresso before adding the whipped cream. Vanilla, chocolate or cinnamon is sometimes sprinkled on the cream.[22]Melange mit schlag (orschlagobers) is the Austrian term for coffee with whipped cream.[23] Austria has a number of coffees with whipped cream.[24]
A "regular coffee" or "coffee regular" is a popular coffee drink inNew England. In much of New England, a "regular coffee" refers to coffee with cream and sugar. The most common amount usually includes three creams and three sugars. A "coffee regular" can be had either hot or asiced coffee.[25][26]