Military terminology refers to theterms and language ofmilitary organizations,personnel, andmilitary doctrine. Much like other forms ofcorporate jargon, military terminology is distinguishable from colloquial language by its use of new or repurposed words and phrases typically only understandable by current and former members of the military or associated companies and agencies.
The operational pressure for uniform understanding has developed since the early 20th century with the importance ofjoint operations between different services (army, navy, air force) of the same country. International alliances and operations, includingpeacekeeping,[1] have added additional complexity. For example, theNATO alliance now maintains a largedictionary[2] of common terms for use by member countries. Development work is also taking place[3] between NATO and Russia on common terminology for extended air defence, in English, French and Russian.
Some claim military terms serve todepoliticise,dehumanise, or otherwiseabstract discussion about itsoperations from an actual description thereof. Similar to "legal terminology" and related to "political terminology", military terms are known for an oblique tendency to incorporatetechnical language. In many cases, it reflects a need to be precise. It can also reflect a perceived need foroperational security, giving away no more information than needed. It can also serve to disguise or distort meaning as withdoublespeak. "Kinetic activity" as abuzzword forcombat, in use since the inception of theWar on Terror, has been criticized as adon’t-ask-don’t-tell policy for murder.[4]
One man uses a bomb to kill another and he's a terrorist. Another does the same and it's a form ofkinetic activity. I guess that makes the latter a kineticist.