Genus of fungi
Metarhizium [ 1] is agenus ofentomopathogenic fungi in the familyClavicipitaceae . With the advent of genetic profiling, placing these fungi in proper taxa has now become possible. Most turn out to be the asexual forms (anamorphs ) of fungi in the phylumAscomycota , includingMetacordyceps spp.
Before molecular techniques were introduced at the end of the 20th century,Metarhizium species were identified on morphological (notablyconidial ) characteristics. The 'original' species included:M. anisopliae (withM.a. var. major ),M. brunneum ,M. cicadinum ,M. cylindrosporum ,M. flavoviride ,M. taii ,M. truncatum , andM. viridicolumnare . In 2009, nine former varieties of the type speciesM. anisopliae were assigned species status.[ 2] New species have continued to be identified, with original names sometimes re-instated (notablyM. brunneum ). The first complete chromosome length genome sequence for anyMetarhizium was carried-out for this species at Swansea University in 2021.[ 3]
TheIndex Fungorum currently (April 2024) lists:[ 4]
Metarhizium acridum (Driver & Milner) J.F. Bisch., S.A. Rehner & Humber (2009) Metarhizium alvesii R.B. Lopes, M. Faria, C. Montalva & R.A. Humber (2018) Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschn.) Sorokīn (1883) Metarhizium argentinense A.C. Gutierrez, A. Leclerque & C.C. Lopez Lastra (2019) Metarhizium atrovirens (Kobayasi & Shimizu) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium baoshanense Z.H. Chen, Ling Xu, X.N. Yang, Y.G. Zhang & Y.M. Yang (2018) Metarhizium bibionidarum Nishi & Hiroki Sato (2017) Metarhizium biotecense Luangsa-ard, Khons., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium blattodeae C. Montalva, Humber, K. Collier & C. Luz (2016) Metarhizium brachyspermum Koh. Yamam., Ohmae & Orihara (2019) Metarhizium brasiliense Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium brittlebankisoides (Zuo Y. Liu, Z.Q. Liang, Whalley, Y.J. Yao & A.Y. Liu) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium brunneum Petch (1935) Metarhizium campsosterni (W.M. Zhang & T.H. Li) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium candelabrum Luangsa-ard, Mongkols., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium cercopidarum Luangsa-ard, Mongkols., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium chaiyaphumense Tasan., Khons., Thanak., Mongkols. & Luangsa-ard (2017) Metarhizium cicadae Luangsa-ard, Tasan., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium cicadinum (Höhn.) Petch (1931) Metarhizium clavatum Luangsa-ard, Mongkols., Lamlertthon, Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium culicidarum Luangsa-ard, Khons., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium cylindrosporum Q.T. Chen & H.L. Guo (1986) Metarhizium dendrolimi Z.Q. Liang, Wan H. Chen, Y.F. Han & X. Zou (2017) Metarhizium eburneum Luangsa-ard, Noisrip., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium ellipsoideum Luangsa-ard, Khons., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium flavoviride W. Gams & Rozsypal (1973) Metarhizium flavum Luangsa-ard, Mongkols., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium frigidum J.F. Bisch. & S.A. Rehner (2007) Metarhizium fusoideum Luangsa-ard, Mongkols., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium gaoligongense Z.H. Chen & L. Xu (2018) Metarhizium globosum J.F. Bisch., S.A. Rehner & Humber (2009) Metarhizium granulomatis (Sigler) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium gryllidicola Khons., Thanakitp. & Luangsa-ard (2020) Metarhizium guniujiangense (C.R. Li, B. Huang, M.Z. Fan & Z.Z. Li) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium huainamdangense Luangsa-ard, Mongkols., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium humberi C. Luz, L. Rocha & I. Delalibera, (2019) Metarhizium indigoticum (Kobayasi & Shimizu) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium kalasinense Tasan., Khons., Thanak., Mongkols. & Luangsa-ard (2017) Metarhizium koreanum Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium lepidiotae (Driver & Milner) J.F. Bisch., S.A. Rehner & Humber (2009) Metarhizium lepidopterorum W.H. Chen, Y.F. Han, J.D. Liang & Z.Q. Liang (2019) Metarhizium macrosemiae M.J. Chen & B. Huang (2022) Metarhizium majus (J.R. Johnst.) J.F. Bisch., S.A. Rehner & Humber (2009) Metarhizium megapomponiae Luangsa-ard, Tasan., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium minus (Rombach, Humber & D.W. Roberts) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium niveum Luangsa-ard, Tasan., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium nornnoi Luangsa-ard, Khons., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium novozealandicum (Driver & Milner) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium ovoidosporum Luangsa-ard, Khons., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium owariense (Kobayasi) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium pemphigi (Driver & Milner) Kepler, Humber & S.A. Rehner (2014) Metarhizium phasmatodeae Khons., Thanakitp. & Luangsa-ard (2020) Metarhizium phuwiangense Luangsa-ard, Mongkols., Himaman, Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium prachinense Tasan., Khons., Thanak., Mongkols. & Luangsa-ard (2017) Metarhizium pseudoatrovirens (Kobayasi & Shimizu) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium purpureogenum Nishi, S. Shimizu & Hiroki Sato (2017) Metarhizium purpureonigrum Luangsa-ard, Tasan., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium purpureum Luangsa-ard, Mongkols., Lamlertthon, Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium putuoense Yi Li, X.C. Zhao, Yu Wang & W.F. Lin (2023) Metarhizium reniforme (Samson & H.C. Evans) Luangsa-ard, Boucias & Hywel-Jones (2017) Metarhizium rileyi (Farl.) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium robertsii J.F. Bisch., S.A. Rehner & Humber (2009) Metarhizium rongjiangense W.H. Chen, Y.F. Han, J.D. Liang & Z.Q. Liang (2019) Metarhizium samlanense Luangsa-ard, Thanak., Tasan., Mongkols. & Hywel-Jones (2017) Metarhizium sulphureum Luangsa-ard, Khons., Thanakitp. & Samson (2020) Metarhizium synnematis Z.Q. Liang, H.L. Chu & T.C. Wen (2016) Metarhizium taii Z.Q. Liang & A.Y. Liu (1991) Metarhizium takense Tasan., Thanak., Mongkols. & Luangsa-ard (2017) Metarhizium truncatum Petch (1931) Metarhizium viride (Segretain, Fromentin, Destombes, Brygoo & Dodin ex Samson) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) Metarhizium viridicolumnare (Matsush.) Matsush. (1993) Metarhizium viridulum (Tzean, L.S. Hsieh, J.L. Chen & W.J. Wu) B. Huang & Z.Z. Li (2004) Metarhizium puerense Hong Yu bis, J. M. Ma & Z.Q. Wang 2024 Other reclassified species names [ edit ] M. glutinosum is now placed in theStachybotryaceae asAlbifimbria (Myrothecium ) verrucaria(Alb. & Schwein.) L. Lombard & Crous [ 5] species now placed in other genera in theClavicipitaceae include:[ 4] M. album Petch, 1931 and other names now assigned toM. anisopliae (see synonyms) M. aciculare H. Iwasaki, Tokiwa & Nonaka (2019) is nowKeithomyces acicularisM. carneum (Duché & R. Heim) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) is nowKeithomyces carneus M. khaoyaiense (Hywel-Jones) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) is nowPurpureomyces khaoyaiensisM. kusanagiense (Kobayasi & Shimizu) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) is nowYosiokobayasia kusanagiensisM. marquandii (Massee) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) is nowMarquandomyces marquandiiM. martiale (Speg.) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) is nowNigelia martialis(Speg.) Luangsa-ard & Thanakitp. [ 6] M. yongmunense (G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung & Spatafora) Kepler, S.A. Rehner & Humber (2014) is nowSungia yongmunensis Theteleomorphs ofMetarhizium species appear to be members of the genusMetacordyceps .[ 7] Metacordyceps taii (asCordyceps taii ) has been described as the teleomorph ofMetarhizium taii :[ 8] [ 9] a name that has now been restored.
Whether the other varieties ofM. anisopliae have their own teleomorphs is not yet clear. Some, if not most, strains ofM. anisopliae possibly have lost the capability of reproducing sexually.
The artificially grown fungi's spores are also used as a natural pesticide. Certain strains are advised against use in food-growing fields and in close proximity to water sources due to risk of their contamination.[ 10] [ note 1]
In the 1990s, theLUBILOSA research programme proved thatM. acridum in its spore form was effective in killing locusts and other members of the Acrididea families with no deleterious effects found in field trials on any nontarget species except for the domesticated silk wormBombyx mori .[ 11] It is currently produced as abiopesticide under the name Novacrid by the company Eléphant Vert in their factory inMeknès ,Morocco .[ 12] The same company recently (2019) obtained the licence to produce and market the original product developed by LUBILOSA, which is called Green Muscle. A third product, Green Guard, is produced by BASF ofAustralia for the control of Australian plague locusts and wingless grasshoppers.[ 13]
^ Sorokīn (1879)Veg. Parasitenk. Mensch Tieren 2 : 268. ^ Bischoff J.F.; Rehner S.A. Humber R.A. (2009)."A multilocus phylogeny of theMetarhizium anisopliae lineage" .Mycologia .101 (4):512– 530.doi :10.3852/07-202 .PMID 19623931 . Archived fromthe original on 2020-08-19. Retrieved2018-12-29 . ^ Saud, Z.; Kortsinoglou, A.M.; Kouvelis, V.N.; Butt, T.M. (2021)."Telomere length de novo assembly of all 7 chromosomes and mitogenome sequencing of the model entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium brunneum, by means of a novel assembly pipeline" .BMC Genomics .22 (1): 87.doi :10.1186/s12864-021-07390-y .PMC 7842015 .PMID 33509090 . ^a b Species fungorum searchMetarhizium (retrieved 27 April 2024)^ Lombard L, Crous PW (2016) in: Lombard, Houbraken, Decock, Samson, Meijer, Réblová, Groenewald & CrousPersoonia 36 : 177. ^ Luangsa-ard, Thanakitpipattana (2017) in: Luangsa-ard, Mongkolsamrit, Thanakitpipattana, Khonsanit, Tasanathai, Noisripoom, Humber.Index Fungorum 345 : 1. ^ Sung, G.-H.; Hywel-Jones, N.L.; Sung, J.-M.; Luangsa-ard, J.J.; Shrestha, B. & Spatafora, J.W. (2007)."Phylogenetic classification ofCordyceps and the clavicipitaceous fungi" .Studies in Mycology .57 :5– 59.doi :10.3114/sim.2007.57.01 .PMC 2104736 .PMID 18490993 . ^ Liang, Z.-Q.; Liu, A.-Y.; Liu, J.-L. (1991). "A new species of the genusCordyceps and itsMetarhizium anamorph".Acta Mycologica Sinica .10 :257– 262. ^ Huang B.; Li C.; Humber R.A.; Hodge K.T.; Fan M.; Li Z. (2005)."Molecular evidence for the taxonomic status ofMetarhizium taii and its teleomorph,Cordyceps taii (Hypocreales, Clavicipitaceae)" (PDF) .Mycotaxon .94 :137– 147. ^ "Metarhizium anisopliae strain F52 (029056) Biopesticide Fact Sheet" (PDF) . Pennsylvania:Environmental Protection Agency . June 1, 2003.^ Lomer, C.J.; Bateman, R.P.; Johnson, D.L.; Langewald, J.; Thomas, M. (2001). "Biological Control of Locusts and Grasshoppers".Annual Review of Entomology .46 :667– 702.doi :10.1146/annurev.ento.46.1.667 .PMID 11112183 . ^ Eléphant Vert company website ^ BASF website