TheMazzini Society was anantifascist political association, formed on a democratic and republican basis, situating itself within the tradition of theRisorgimento, and created in the United States byItalian-American immigrants in the late 1930s. It was named afterGiuseppe Mazzini, a leading figure of Italian reunification in the mid-19th century, who had worked from exile.
The Mazzini Society was founded byGaetano Salvemini inNorthampton, Massachusetts, on September 24, 1939; later on the journalistMax Ascoli became the president. Among its organizers was a group of republicans belonging to the antifascist resistance movementGiustizia e Libertà. Besides Ascoli and Salvemini, there wereTullia Calabi,Lionello Venturi, Michele Cantarella, Roberto Bolaffio, interim presidentRenato Poggioli,Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, andCarlo Tresca. Its newsletter was the periodicalMazzini News and laterNazioni unite ('Nations united').
With theGerman occupation of France in June 1940 many Italian antifascists, exiled beyond the Alps, were forced to emigrate again; they found refuge in theUnited States. Many of them joined the Mazzini Society: Aldo Garosci,Alberto Cianca, andAlberto Tarchiani, who came from Giustizia e Libertà;Randolfo Pacciardi, the political secretary of theItalian Republican Party, who founded the Mazzinian weekly periodicalLa Giovine Italia in Paris in 1937; and the former foreign ministerCarlo Sforza, who had belonged to the short-lived antifascistUnione Democratica Nazionale party and worked atLa Giovine Italia under Tarchiani's direction.
Tarchiani quickly assumed the position of secretary of the association. Through the Mazzini Society, Sforza and Tarchiani planned to obtain the support of the US government for the creation of an Italian National Committee as a form ofgovernment in exile, with the progressiveadvance of Allied troops in North Africa in 1941–42, as well as an "Italian legion" under Randolfo Pacciardi, who had commanded theGaribaldi Battalion in theSpanish Civil War and came to the United States in December 1941.[1]
This course of political action sought to nominate Carlo Sforza as leader of the Italian antifascist movement abroad and, implicitly, futurehead of government in an Italian liberal democracy liberated from both theFascist dictatorship and themonarchy.[2] The increasing prominence of Tarchiani and Sforza in the Mazzini Society consequently led to the progressive distancing of Gaetano Salvemini from active decision making.
At the same time, the Mazzini Society served as the organizer for a collection of funds for Italian antifascist exiles, though it ruled out a course of unified action with theCommunists. Randolfo Pacciardi was among those favorable to an accord with the Communists[3] but, being in the minority on this question, he quit the Mazzini Society in June 1942.[4]
The Mazzini Society had greater success in its relations with the Italian community of Central and South America, where an antifascist network and a "Free Italy" movement were formed, headquartered inBuenos Aires. The understandings between the Mazzini Society and Free Italy led to the organizing of an Italian-American Congress that took place from August 14 to 17, 1942, inMontevideo.[5] Pacciardi, although he had joined, was not able to participate due to lack of a valid passport.[6] Instead, Carlo Sforza attended the proceedings after having obtained authorization from the American authorities, presenting an eight-point agenda that was approved by over 10,000 attendees.[7] It proposed a free plebiscite for the Italian people to choose their form of government—in which the victory of the democratic republic was hoped for—and for Italy to join theAtlantic Charter and an organized international system of cooperation and solidarity.[8]
At the end of the proceedings, the conference approved by acclamation a concluding motion, in which was affirmed: "The conference ultimately trusts in Carlo Sforza, who has already assumed, by unanimous and spontaneous nomination, the position of spiritual head of the Italian antifascists and the task of forming an Italian National Council, giving him the authority to organize it in the most opportune conditions."[9]
Nonetheless, the US authorities' attitude toward this project did not go any farther than a tepid understanding, and the analogous contacts that they attempted with theUnited Kingdom had no success.
Between December 1942 and January 1943 there was an internal crisis in the association over an attempt atrapprochement with theSocialists andCommunists, proposed by the Italian-Americantrade unionists Girolamo Valenti,August Bellanca, and Vanni Buscemi Montana to form unitary committees, called Committees for Victory, in which anarchists likeCarlo Tresca[10] also took part. The following February Tarchiani and Cianca resigned, being opposed to dilution of the association's liberal democratic basis.[11]
After the July 1943Allied landing in Sicily, Garosci, Tarchiani, and Cianca sailed back to Europe on the transatlantic linerQueen Mary, which was converted into a troopship. Once inEngland, after a voyage that was not without uncertainties and dangers, they promptly put the clandestine Giustizia e Libertà radio into operation, broadcasting all day long attacks on the regime and on the monarchy that was guilty of having been complicit, and cooperating with the principal antifascist groups. In August Tarchiani and others in the group succeeded in sailing forItaly, landing—finally—atSalerno.
Authorization for Sforza to return to Italy was, on the other hand, subordinated by the US government (and in particular Under Secretary of StateAdolf A. Berle)[12][13] to the signing of a document by which the former foreign minister pledged not to oppose in any way the actions of theBadoglio government until the nation was completely liberated from the Nazis.[14][15][16] However, while Sforza narrowly and literally interpreted the document he signed, British Prime MinisterWinston Churchill held that loyalty toward the legitimate government must also extend to the person of the sovereign and the institution of the monarchy.[17][18] This disagreement with the British prime minister sank Carlo Sforza's aspirations to national leadership, as it entailed a real veto by the British over his nomination as President of the Council when theNational Liberation Committee leaned toward picking him as theBonomi government was about to resign in November 1944.[19][20]
Pacciardi was able to return to Italy only after the liberation ofRome on June 24, 1944. Tullia Calabi Zevi reported on theNuremberg Trials and returned to Italy in 1946. Gaetano Salvemini returned in 1949, after having obtainedAmerican citizenship, and finally retired to Italy in 1954. Renato Poggioli served in theUS Army as atranslator 1943–45 and remained in America after the war, becoming a fullHarvard professor in 1950; he died in California in 1963.