Fifth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars
May is the fifth month of the year in theJulian andGregorian calendars . Its length is 31 days.
May is a month ofspring in the Northern Hemisphere, andautumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, May in theSouthern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent ofNovember in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa. Late May typically marks the start of the summer vacation season in the United States (Memorial Day ) and Canada (Victoria Day ) that ends onLabor Day , the first Monday of September.
May (inLatin ,Maius ) was named for theGreek goddess Maia , who was identified with theRoman era goddess of fertility,Bona Dea , whosefestival was held in May. Conversely, the Roman poetOvid provides a second etymology, in which he says that the month of May is named for themaiores, Latin for "elders", and that the following month (June) is named for theiuniores, or "young people" (Fasti VI.88 ).
May apples blooming. Common name given due to the plant's tendency to bloom in the month of May. Special devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary take place in May Eta Aquariids meteor shower appears in May. It is visible from about April 21 to about May 20 each year with peak activity on or around May 6. TheArietids shower from May 22 – July 2, and peaks on June 7. TheVirginids also shower at various dates in May.
Ancient Roman observances [ edit ] Under the calendar of ancient Rome, the festival ofBona Dea fell on May 1,Argei fell on May 14 or May 15,Agonalia fell on May 21, andAmbarvalia on May 29.Floralia was held April 27 during theRepublican era , or April 28 on theJulian calendar , and lasted until May 3.Lemuria fell on 9,11, and 13 May under the Julian calendar. TheCollege of Aesculapius and Hygia celebrated two festivals ofRosalia , one on May 11 and one on May 22. Rosalia was also celebrated atPergamon on May 24–26. A military Rosalia festival,Rosaliae signorum , also occurred on May 31.Ludi Fabarici was celebrated May 29 – June 1.Mercury would receive a sacrifice on the Ides of May (May 15).Tubilustrium took place on May 23 as well as in March. These dates do not correspond to the modernGregorian calendar .[citation needed ]
Emerald broochMay'sbirthstone is theemerald which is emblematic of love and success. Birth flowers are theLily of the Valley andCrataegus monogyna .[ 1] Both are native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe, and in the southern Appalachian Mountains in the United States, but have been naturalized throughout the temperate climatic world.
TheLily of the Valley Crataegus monogyna Mayflowers The "Mayflower"Epigaea repens is a North American harbinger of May, and the floral emblem of bothNova Scotia andMassachusetts . Its native range extends from Newfoundland south to Florida, west to Kentucky in the southern range, and to Northwest Territories in the north. Thezodiac signs areTaurus (until May 20) andGemini (May 21 onward).[ 2] [ 3]
The green ribbon is the international symbol of mental health awareness. (All Baha'i, Islamic, and Jewish observances begin at the sundown prior to the date listed, and end at sundown of the date in question unless otherwise noted.)
Labour Day: May 1
Sunday after Divine Mercy Sunday: May 5
Monday and Tuesday in the week following the third Sunday of Easter: May 6–7
Fourth Sunday after Easter: May 12
Fourth Friday after Easter: May 17
Third Sunday of May: May 19
Sunday preceding the Rogation days: May 26
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday preceding Feast of the Ascension: May 27–29
39 days after Easter: May 30
Wednesday after Pascha: May 1
Thursday after Pascha: May 2
Friday after Pascha: May 3
Saturday after Pascha: May 4
8th day after Pascha: May 5
2nd Tuesday of Pascha, or 2nd Monday of Pascha, depending on region: May 6 or May 7
2nd Sunday following Pascha: May 12
4th Sunday of Pascha: May 26
Wednesday after the Sunday of the Paralytic: May 29
Last Friday in April to the first Sunday in May [ edit ] Tuesday of First full week [ edit ] Wednesday of first full week [ edit ] Friday preceding Second Sunday in May [ edit ] Saturday closest to May 10 [ edit ] National Nursing Home Week (United States)Children's Day (Spain)Father's Day (Romania)Mother's Day (Anguilla , Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda,Bonaire , Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Croatia,Curaçao , Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Honduras,Hong Kong , Iceland, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Malta, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Suriname, Switzerland, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zimbabwe)State Flag and State Emblem Day (Belarus)World Fair Trade Day Third Weekend, including Friday[ edit ] Monday on or before May 24 [ edit ] Monday on or before May 25 [ edit ] Last Monday preceding May 25 [ edit ] May 24, or the nearest weekday if May 24 falls on a weekend[ edit ] Saturday closest to May 30 [ edit ] May, from theTrès Riches Heures du Duc de Berry May ,Leandro Bassano Rosa chinensis , the flower symbol of MayApril 29 toMay 5 in Japan, which includes four different holidays, is called "Golden Week ". Many workers have up to 10 days off. There is also 'May sickness', where new students or workers start to be tired of their new routine. (In Japan theschool year andfiscal year start on April 1.)Mayovka , in the context of the lateRussian Empire , was apicnic in the countryside or in a park in the early days of May, hence the name. Eventually, "mayovka" (specifically, "proletarian mayovka") came to mean an illegal celebration ofMay 1 by revolutionary public, typically presented as an innocent picnic.[ 37] May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 Anniversary of Dianetics (Church of Scientology )Europe Day (European Union )Liberation Day (Guernsey ), commemorating the end of theGerman occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II.Liberation Day (Jersey) , commemorating the end of theGerman occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II.Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War , continued from May 8.Victory Day observances, celebration of theSoviet Union victory overNazi Germany (Soviet Union ,Azerbaijan ,Belarus ,Bosnia and Herzegovina ,Georgia ,Israel ,Kazakhstan ,Kyrgyzstan ,Moldova ,Russia ,Serbia ,Tajikistan ,Turkmenistan ,Uzbekistan )Victory Day over Nazism in World War II (Ukraine)Victory and Peace Day (Armenia) marks both thecapture of Shusha (1992) in theFirst Nagorno-Karabakh War , and the end of World War II.May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 ^ "U101 College Search" . 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