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Matter wave

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Quantum mechanical waves describing matter
This article is about wave-like phenomena exhibited by particles of matter. For elastic waves propagating through material media, seeMechanical wave.

Part of a series of articles about
Quantum mechanics
iddt|Ψ=H^|Ψ{\displaystyle i\hbar {\frac {d}{dt}}|\Psi \rangle ={\hat {H}}|\Psi \rangle }

Matter waves are a central part of the theory ofquantum mechanics, being half ofwave–particle duality. At all scales where measurements have been practical,matter exhibitswave-like behavior. For example, a beam ofelectrons can bediffracted just like a beam of light or a water wave.

The concept that matter behaves like a wave was proposed by French physicistLouis de Broglie (/dəˈbrɔɪ/) in 1924, and so matter waves are also known asde Broglie waves.

Thede Broglie wavelength is thewavelength,λ, associated with a particle withmomentump through thePlanck constant,h:λ=hp.{\displaystyle \lambda ={\frac {h}{p}}.}

Wave-like behavior of matter has been experimentally demonstrated, first for electrons in 1927 and for otherelementary particles, neutralatoms andmolecules in the years since.

Matter waves have more complex velocity relations than solid objects and they also differ from electromagnetic waves (light). Collective matter waves are used to model phenomena in solid state physics; standing matter waves are used in molecular chemistry.

Matter wave concepts are widely used in the study of materials where different wavelength and interaction characteristics of electrons, neutrons, and atoms are leveraged for advanced microscopy and diffraction technologies.





At the end of the 19th century, light was thought to consist of waves of electromagnetic fields which propagated according toMaxwell's equations, while matter was thought to consist of localized particles (seehistory of wave and particle duality). In 1900, this division was questioned when, investigating the theory ofblack-body radiation,Max Planck proposed that the thermal energy of oscillating atoms is divided into discrete portions, or quanta.[1] Extending Planck's investigation in several ways, including its connection with thephotoelectric effect,Albert Einstein proposed in 1905 that light is also propagated and absorbed in quanta,[2]: 87  now calledphotons. These quanta would have an energy given by thePlanck–Einstein relation:E=hν{\displaystyle E=h\nu }and a momentum vectorp{\displaystyle \mathbf {p} }|p|=p=Ec=hλ,{\displaystyle \left|\mathbf {p} \right|=p={\frac {E}{c}}={\frac {h}{\lambda }},}whereν (lowercaseGreek letter nu) andλ (lowercaseGreek letter lambda) denote thefrequency andwavelength of the light,c the speed of light, andh thePlanck constant.[3] In the modern convention, frequency is symbolized byf as is done in the rest of this article. Einstein's postulate was verified experimentally[2]: 89  byK. T. Compton andO. W. Richardson[4] and by A. L. Hughes[5] in 1912 then more carefully including a measurement of thePlanck constant in 1916 byRobert Millikan.[6]

De Broglie hypothesis

Propagation ofde Broglie waves in one dimension – real part of thecomplex amplitude is blue, imaginary part is green. The probability (shown as the coloropacity) of finding the particle at a given pointx is spread out like a waveform; there is no definite position of the particle. As the amplitude increases above zero theslope decreases, so the amplitude diminishes again, and vice versa. The result is an alternating amplitude: a wave. Top:plane wave. Bottom:wave packet.

When I conceived the first basic ideas of wave mechanics in 1923–1924, I was guided by the aim to perform a real physical synthesis, valid for all particles, of the coexistence of the wave and of the corpuscular aspects that Einstein had introduced for photons in his theory of light quanta in 1905.

— de Broglie[7]

De Broglie, in his 1924 PhD thesis,[8] proposed that just as light has both wave-like and particle-like properties,electrons also have wave-like properties.His thesis started from the hypothesis, "that to each portion of energy with aproper massm0 one may associate a periodic phenomenon of the frequencyν0, such that one finds:0 =m0c2. The frequencyν0 is to be measured, of course, in the rest frame of the energy packet. This hypothesis is the basis of our theory."[9][8]: 8 [10][11][12][13] (This frequency is also known asCompton frequency.)

To find thewavelength equivalent to a moving body, de Broglie[2]: 214  set thetotal energy fromspecial relativity for that body equal to:E=mc21v2c2=hν{\displaystyle E={\frac {mc^{2}}{\sqrt {1-{\frac {v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}}}=h\nu }

(Modern physics no longer uses this form of the total energy; theenergy–momentum relation has proven more useful.) De Broglie identified the velocity of the particle,v, with the wavegroup velocity in free space:vgωk=dνd(1/λ){\displaystyle v_{\text{g}}\equiv {\frac {\partial \omega }{\partial k}}={\frac {d\nu }{d(1/\lambda )}}}

(The modern definition of group velocity uses angular frequencyω and wave numberk). By applying the differentials to the energy equation and identifying therelativistic momentum:p=mv1v2c2{\displaystyle p={\frac {mv}{\sqrt {1-{\frac {v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}}}}

then integrating, de Broglie arrived at his formula for the relationship between thewavelength,λ, associated with an electron and the modulus of itsmomentum,p, through thePlanck constant,h:[14]λ=hp.{\displaystyle \lambda ={\frac {h}{p}}.}

Schrödinger's (matter) wave equation


Following up on de Broglie's ideas, physicistPeter Debye made an offhand comment that if particles behaved as waves, they should satisfy some sort of wave equation. Inspired by Debye's remark,Erwin Schrödinger decided to find a proper three-dimensional wave equation for the electron. He was guided byWilliam Rowan Hamilton's analogy between mechanics and optics (seeHamilton's optico-mechanical analogy), encoded in the observation that the zero-wavelength limit of optics resembles a mechanical system – the trajectories oflight rays become sharp tracks that obeyFermat's principle, an analog of theprinciple of least action.[15]

In 1926, Schrödinger published thewave equation that now bears his name[16] – the matter wave analogue ofMaxwell's equations – and used it to derive theenergy spectrum ofhydrogen. Frequencies of solutions of the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation differ from de Broglie waves by theCompton frequency since the energy corresponding to therest mass of a particle is not part of the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation. The Schrödinger equation describes the time evolution of awavefunction, a function that assigns acomplex number to each point in space. Schrödinger tried to interpret themodulus squared of the wavefunction as a charge density. This approach was, however, unsuccessful.[17][18][19]Max Born proposed that the modulus squared of the wavefunction is instead aprobability density, a successful proposal now known as theBorn rule.[17]

Position space probability density of an initially Gaussian state moving in one dimension at minimally uncertain, constant momentum in free space

The following year, 1927,C. G. Darwin (grandson of thefamous biologist) exploredSchrödinger's equation in several idealized scenarios.[20] For an unbound electron in free space he worked out the propagation of the wave, assuming an initialGaussian wave packet. Darwin showed that at timet{\displaystyle t} later the positionx{\displaystyle x} of the packet traveling at velocityv{\displaystyle v} would bex0+vt±σ2+(ht/2πσm)2{\displaystyle x_{0}+vt\pm {\sqrt {\sigma ^{2}+(ht/2\pi \sigma m)^{2}}}}whereσ{\displaystyle \sigma } is the uncertainty in the initial position. This position uncertainty creates uncertainty in velocity (the extra second term in the square root) consistent withHeisenberg'suncertainty relation The wave packet spreads out as show in the figure.

Experimental confirmation


In 1927, matter waves were first experimentally confirmed to occur inGeorge Paget Thomson and Alexander Reid's diffraction experiment[21] and theDavisson–Germer experiment,[22][23] both for electrons.

Original electron diffraction camera made and used by Nobel laureate G P Thomson and his student Alexander Reid in 1925
Example original electron diffraction photograph from the laboratory of G. P. Thomson, recorded 1925–1927

The de Broglie hypothesis and the existence of matter waves has been confirmed for other elementary particles, neutral atoms and even molecules have been shown to be wave-like.[24]

The first electron wave interference patterns directly demonstratingwave–particle duality used electron biprisms[25][26] (essentially a wire placed in an electron microscope) and measured single electrons building up the diffraction pattern.Recently, a close copy of the famousdouble-slit experiment[27]: 260  using electrons through physical apertures gave the movie shown.[28]

Matter wavedouble slit diffraction pattern building up electron by electron. Each white dot represents a single electron hitting a detector; with a statistically large number of electrons interference fringes appear.[28]


Further information:Davisson–Germer experiment andElectron diffraction

In 1927 at Bell Labs,Clinton Davisson andLester Germerfired slow-movingelectrons at acrystallinenickel target.[22][23] The diffracted electron intensity was measured, and was determined to have a similar angular dependence todiffraction patterns predicted byBragg forx-rays. At the same time George Paget Thomson and Alexander Reid at the University of Aberdeen were independently firing electrons at thin celluloid foils and later metal films, observing rings which can be similarly interpreted.[21] (Alexander Reid, who was Thomson's graduate student, performed the first experiments but he died soon after in a motorcycle accident[29] and is rarely mentioned.) Before the acceptance of the de Broglie hypothesis, diffraction was a property that was thought to be exhibited only by waves. Therefore, the presence of anydiffraction effects by matter demonstrated the wave-like nature of matter.[30] The matter wave interpretation was placed onto a solid foundation in 1928 byHans Bethe,[31] who solved theSchrödinger equation,[16] showing how this could explain the experimental results. His approach is similar to what is used in modernelectron diffraction approaches.[32][33]

This was a pivotal result in the development ofquantum mechanics. Just as thephotoelectric effect demonstrated the particle nature of light, these experiments showed the wave nature of matter.


See also:Neutron diffraction

Neutrons, produced innuclear reactors with kinetic energy of around1 MeV,thermalize to around0.025 eV as they scatter from light atoms. The resulting de Broglie wavelength (around180 pm) matches interatomic spacing and neutrons scatter strongly from hydrogen atoms. Consequently, neutron matter waves are used incrystallography, especially for biological materials.[34] Neutrons were discovered in the early 1930s, and their diffraction was observed in 1936.[35] In 1944,Ernest O. Wollan, with a background in X-ray scattering from his PhD work[36] underArthur Compton, recognized the potential for applying thermal neutrons from the newly operationalX-10 nuclear reactor tocrystallography. Joined byClifford G. Shull, they developed[37]neutron diffraction throughout the 1940s. In the 1970s, aneutron interferometer demonstrated the action ofgravity in relation to wave–particle duality.[38] The double-slit experiment was performed using neutrons in 1988.[39]



Interference of atom matter waves was first observed byImmanuel Estermann andOtto Stern in 1930, when a Na beam was diffracted off a surface of NaCl.[40] The short de Broglie wavelength of atoms prevented progress for many years until two technological breakthroughs revived interest:microlithography allowing precise small devices andlaser cooling allowing atoms to be slowed, increasing their de Broglie wavelength.[41] The double-slit experiment on atoms was performed in 1991.[42]

Advances inlaser cooling allowed cooling of neutral atoms down to nanokelvin temperatures. At these temperatures, the de Broglie wavelengths come into the micrometre range. UsingBragg diffraction of atoms and a Ramsey interferometry technique, the de Broglie wavelength of coldsodium atoms was explicitly measured and found to be consistent with the temperature measured by a different method.[43]



Recent experiments confirm the relations for molecules and evenmacromolecules that otherwise might be supposed too large to undergo quantum mechanical effects. In 1999, a research team inVienna demonstrated diffraction for molecules as large asfullerenes.[44] The researchers calculated a de Broglie wavelength of the most probable C60 velocity as2.5 pm.More recent experiments prove the quantum nature of molecules made of 810 atoms and with a mass of10123 Da.[45] As of 2019, this has been pushed to molecules of25000 Da.[46]

In these experiments the build-up of such interference patterns could be recorded in real time and with single molecule sensitivity.[47]Large molecules are already so complex that they give experimental access to some aspects of the quantum-classical interface, i.e., to certaindecoherence mechanisms.[48][49]



Matter wave was detected invan der Waals molecules,[50]rho mesons,[51][52]Bose-Einstein condensate.[53]

Traveling matter waves


Waves have more complicated concepts forvelocity than solid objects.The simplest approach is to focus on the description in terms of plane matter waves for afree particle, that is a wave function described byψ(r)=eikriωt,{\displaystyle \psi (\mathbf {r} )=e^{i\mathbf {k} \cdot \mathbf {r} -i\omega t},}wherer{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} } is a position in real space,k{\displaystyle \mathbf {k} } is thewave vector in units of inverse meters,ω is theangular frequency with units of inverse time andt{\displaystyle t} is time. (Here the physics definition for the wave vector is used, which is2π{\displaystyle 2\pi } times the wave vector used incrystallography, seewavevector.) The de Broglie equations relate thewavelengthλ to the modulus of themomentum|p|=p{\displaystyle |\mathbf {p} |=p}, andfrequencyf to the total energyE of afree particle as written above:[54]λ=2π|k|=hpf=ω2π=Eh{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}&\lambda ={\frac {2\pi }{|\mathbf {k} |}}={\frac {h}{p}}\\&f={\frac {\omega }{2\pi }}={\frac {E}{h}}\end{aligned}}}whereh is thePlanck constant. The equations can also be written asp=kE=ω,{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}&\mathbf {p} =\hbar \mathbf {k} \\&E=\hbar \omega ,\\\end{aligned}}}Here,ħ =h/2π is the reduced Planck constant. The second equation is also referred to as thePlanck–Einstein relation.

Group velocity


In the de Broglie hypothesis, the velocity of a particle equals thegroup velocity of the matter wave.[2]: 214 In isotropic media or a vacuum thegroup velocity of a wave is defined by:vg=ω(k)k{\displaystyle \mathbf {v_{g}} ={\frac {\partial \omega (\mathbf {k} )}{\partial \mathbf {k} }}}The relationship between the angular frequency and wavevector is called thedispersion relationship. For the non-relativistic case this is:ω(k)m0c2+k22m0.{\displaystyle \omega (\mathbf {k} )\approx {\frac {m_{0}c^{2}}{\hbar }}+{\frac {\hbar k^{2}}{2m_{0}}}\,.}wherem0{\displaystyle m_{0}} is the rest mass. Applying the derivative gives the (non-relativistic)matter wave group velocity:vg=km0{\displaystyle \mathbf {v_{g}} ={\frac {\hbar \mathbf {k} }{m_{0}}}}For comparison, the group velocity of light, with adispersionω(k)=ck{\displaystyle \omega (k)=ck}, is thespeed of lightc{\displaystyle c}.

As an alternative, using the relativisticdispersion relationship for matter wavesω(k)=k2c2+(m0c2)2.{\displaystyle \omega (\mathbf {k} )={\sqrt {k^{2}c^{2}+\left({\frac {m_{0}c^{2}}{\hbar }}\right)^{2}}}\,.}thenvg=kc2ω{\displaystyle \mathbf {v_{g}} ={\frac {\mathbf {k} c^{2}}{\omega }}}This relativistic form relates to the phase velocity as discussed below.

For non-isotropic media we use theEnergy–momentum form instead:vg=ωk=(E/)(p/)=Ep=p(p2c2+m02c4)=pc2p2c2+m02c4=pc2E.{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {v} _{\mathrm {g} }&={\frac {\partial \omega }{\partial \mathbf {k} }}={\frac {\partial (E/\hbar )}{\partial (\mathbf {p} /\hbar )}}={\frac {\partial E}{\partial \mathbf {p} }}={\frac {\partial }{\partial \mathbf {p} }}\left({\sqrt {p^{2}c^{2}+m_{0}^{2}c^{4}}}\right)\\&={\frac {\mathbf {p} c^{2}}{\sqrt {p^{2}c^{2}+m_{0}^{2}c^{4}}}}\\&={\frac {\mathbf {p} c^{2}}{E}}.\end{aligned}}}

But (see below), since the phase velocity isvp=E/p=c2/v{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} _{\mathrm {p} }=E/\mathbf {p} =c^{2}/\mathbf {v} }, thenvg=pc2E=c2vp=v,{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {v} _{\mathrm {g} }&={\frac {\mathbf {p} c^{2}}{E}}\\&={\frac {c^{2}}{\mathbf {v} _{\mathrm {p} }}}\\&=\mathbf {v} ,\end{aligned}}}wherev{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} } is the velocity of the center of mass of the particle, identical to the group velocity.

Phase velocity


Thephase velocity in isotropic media is defined as:vp=ωk{\displaystyle \mathbf {v_{p}} ={\frac {\omega }{\mathbf {k} }}}Using the relativistic group velocity above:[2]: 215 vp=c2vg{\displaystyle \mathbf {v_{p}} ={\frac {c^{2}}{\mathbf {v_{g}} }}}This shows thatvpvg=c2{\displaystyle \mathbf {v_{p}} \cdot \mathbf {v_{g}} =c^{2}} as reported by R.W. Ditchburn in 1948 and J. L. Synge in 1952. Electromagnetic waves also obeyvpvg=c2{\displaystyle \mathbf {v_{p}} \cdot \mathbf {v_{g}} =c^{2}}, as both|vp|=c{\displaystyle |\mathbf {v_{p}} |=c} and|vg|=c{\displaystyle |\mathbf {v_{g}} |=c}. Since for matter waves,|vg|<c{\displaystyle |\mathbf {v_{g}} |<c}, it follows that|vp|>c{\displaystyle |\mathbf {v_{p}} |>c}, but only the group velocity carries information. Thesuperluminal phase velocity therefore does not violate special relativity, as it does not carry information.

For non-isotropic media, thenvp=ωk=E/p/=Ep.{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} _{\mathrm {p} }={\frac {\omega }{\mathbf {k} }}={\frac {E/\hbar }{\mathbf {p} /\hbar }}={\frac {E}{\mathbf {p} }}.}

Using therelativistic relations for energy and momentum yieldsvp=Ep=mc2mv=γm0c2γm0v=c2v.{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} _{\mathrm {p} }={\frac {E}{\mathbf {p} }}={\frac {mc^{2}}{m\mathbf {v} }}={\frac {\gamma m_{0}c^{2}}{\gamma m_{0}\mathbf {v} }}={\frac {c^{2}}{\mathbf {v} }}.}The variablev{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} } can either be interpreted as the speed of the particle or the group velocity of the corresponding matter wave—the two are the same. Since the particle speed|v|<c{\displaystyle |\mathbf {v} |<c} for any particle that has nonzero mass (according tospecial relativity), the phase velocity of matter waves always exceedsc, i.e.,|vp|>c,{\displaystyle |\mathbf {v} _{\mathrm {p} }|>c,}which approachesc when the particle speed is relativistic. Thesuperluminal phase velocity does not violate special relativity, similar to the case above for non-isotropic media. See the article onDispersion (optics) for further details.

Special relativity


Using two formulas fromspecial relativity, one for the relativistic mass energy and one for therelativistic momentumE=mc2=γm0c2p=mv=γm0v{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}E&=mc^{2}=\gamma m_{0}c^{2}\\[1ex]\mathbf {p} &=m\mathbf {v} =\gamma m_{0}\mathbf {v} \end{aligned}}}allows the equations for de Broglie wavelength and frequency to be written asλ=hγm0v=hm0v1v2c2f=γm0c2h=m0c2h1v2c2,{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}&\lambda =\,\,{\frac {h}{\gamma m_{0}v}}\,=\,{\frac {h}{m_{0}v}}\,\,\,{\sqrt {1-{\frac {v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}}\\[2.38ex]&f={\frac {\gamma \,m_{0}c^{2}}{h}}={\frac {m_{0}c^{2}}{h{\sqrt {1-{\frac {v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}}}},\end{aligned}}}wherev=|v|{\displaystyle v=|\mathbf {v} |} is thevelocity,γ{\displaystyle \gamma } theLorentz factor, andc{\displaystyle c} thespeed of light in vacuum.[55][56] This shows that as the velocity of a particle approaches zero (rest) the de Broglie wavelength approaches infinity.


Main article:Four-vector

Using four-vectors, the de Broglie relations form a single equation:P=K,{\displaystyle \mathbf {P} =\hbar \mathbf {K} ,}which isframe-independent.Likewise, the relation between group/particle velocity and phase velocity is given in frame-independent form by:K=(ω0c2)U,{\displaystyle \mathbf {K} =\left({\frac {\omega _{0}}{c^{2}}}\right)\mathbf {U} ,}where

General matter waves


The preceding sections refer specifically tofree particles for which the wavefunctions are plane waves. There are significant numbers of other matter waves, which can be broadly split into three classes: single-particle matter waves, collective matter waves and standing waves.

Single-particle matter waves


The more general description of matter waves corresponding to a single particle type (e.g. a single electron or neutron only) would have a form similar toψ(r)=u(r,k)exp(ikriE(k)t/){\displaystyle \psi (\mathbf {r} )=u(\mathbf {r} ,\mathbf {k} )\exp(i\mathbf {k} \cdot \mathbf {r} -iE(\mathbf {k} )t/\hbar )}where now there is an additional spatial termu(r,k){\displaystyle u(\mathbf {r} ,\mathbf {k} )} in the front, and the energy has been written more generally as a function of the wave vector. The various terms given before still apply, although the energy is no longer always proportional to the wave vector squared. A common approach is to define aneffective mass which in general is a tensormij{\displaystyle m_{ij}^{*}} given bymij1=122Ekikj{\displaystyle {m_{ij}^{*}}^{-1}={\frac {1}{\hbar ^{2}}}{\frac {\partial ^{2}E}{\partial k_{i}\partial k_{j}}}}so that in the simple case where all directions are the same the form is similar to that of a free wave above.E(k)=2k22m{\displaystyle E(\mathbf {k} )={\frac {\hbar ^{2}\mathbf {k} ^{2}}{2m^{*}}}}In general the group velocity would be replaced by theprobability current[57]j(r)=2mi(ψ(r)ψ(r)ψ(r)ψ(r)){\displaystyle \mathbf {j} (\mathbf {r} )={\frac {\hbar }{2mi}}\left(\psi ^{*}(\mathbf {r} )\mathbf {\nabla } \psi (\mathbf {r} )-\psi (\mathbf {r} )\mathbf {\nabla } \psi ^{*}(\mathbf {r} )\right)}where{\displaystyle \nabla } is thedel orgradientoperator. The momentum would then be described using thekinetic momentum operator,[57]p=i{\displaystyle \mathbf {p} =-i\hbar \nabla }The wavelength is still described as the inverse of the modulus of the wavevector, although measurement is more complex. There are many cases where this approach is used to describe single-particle matter waves:

Collective matter waves

See also:List of quasiparticles

Other classes of matter waves involve more than one particle, so are called collective waves and are oftenquasiparticles. Many of these occur in solids – seeAshcroft and Mermin. Examples include:

  • In solids, anelectron quasiparticle is anelectron where interactions with other electrons in the solid have been included. An electron quasiparticle has the samecharge andspin as a "normal" (elementary particle) electron and, like a normal electron, it is afermion. However, itseffective mass can differ substantially from that of a normal electron.[60] Its electric field is also modified, as a result ofelectric field screening.
  • Ahole is a quasiparticle which can be thought of as avacancy of an electron in a state; it is most commonly used in the context of empty states in thevalence band of asemiconductor.[60] A hole has the opposite charge of an electron.
  • Apolaron is a quasiparticle where an electron interacts with thepolarization of nearby atoms.
  • Anexciton is an electron and hole pair which are bound together.
  • ACooper pair is two electrons bound together so they behave as a single matter wave.

Standing matter waves

See also:Standing wave
Some trajectories of a particle in a box according toNewton's laws ofclassical mechanics (A), and matter waves (B–F). In (B–F), the horizontal axis is position, and the vertical axis is the real part (blue) and imaginary part (red) of thewavefunction. The states (B,C,D) areenergy eigenstates, but (E,F) are not.

The third class are matter waves which have a wavevector, a wavelength and vary with time, but have a zerogroup velocity orprobability flux. The simplest of these, similar to the notation above would becos(krωt){\displaystyle \cos(\mathbf {k} \cdot \mathbf {r} -\omega t)}These occur as part of theparticle in a box, and other cases such as in aring. This can, and arguably should be, extended to many other cases. For instance, in early work de Broglie used the concept that an electron matter wave must be continuous in a ring to connect to theBohr–Sommerfeld condition in the early approaches to quantum mechanics.[61] In that senseatomic orbitals around atoms, and alsomolecular orbitals are electron matter waves.[62][63][64]

Matter waves vs. electromagnetic waves (light)


Schrödinger appliedHamilton's optico-mechanical analogy to develop his wave mechanics for subatomic particles[65]: xi  Consequently, wave solutions to theSchrödinger equation share many properties with results of lightwave optics. In particular,Kirchhoff's diffraction formula works well forelectron optics[27]: 745  and foratomic optics.[66] The approximation works well as long as the electric fields change more slowly than the de Broglie wavelength. Macroscopic apparatus fulfill this condition;slow electrons moving in solids do not.

Beyond the equations of motion, other aspects of matter wave optics differ from the corresponding light optics cases.

Sensitivity of matter waves to environmental condition.Many examples of electromagnetic (light)diffraction occur in air under many environmental conditions. Obviouslyvisible light interacts weakly with air molecules. By contrast, strongly interacting particles like slow electrons and molecules require vacuum: the matter wave properties rapidly fade when they are exposed to even low pressures of gas.[67] With special apparatus, high velocity electrons can be used to studyliquids andgases. Neutrons, an important exception, interact primarily by collisions with nuclei, and thus travel several hundred feet in air.[68]

Dispersion. Light waves of all frequencies travel at the samespeed of light while matter wave velocity varies strongly with frequency. The relationship between frequency (proportional to energy) and wavenumber or velocity (proportional to momentum) is called adispersion relation. Light waves in a vacuum have linear dispersion relation between frequency:ω=ck{\displaystyle \omega =ck}. For matter waves the relation is non-linear:ω(k)m0c2+k22m0.{\displaystyle \omega (k)\approx {\frac {m_{0}c^{2}}{\hbar }}+{\frac {\hbar k^{2}}{2m_{0}}}\,.}This non-relativisticmatter wave dispersion relation says the frequency in vacuum varies with wavenumber (k=1/λ{\displaystyle k=1/\lambda }) in two parts: a constant part due to the de Broglie frequency of the rest mass (ω0=m0c2{\displaystyle \hbar \omega _{0}=m_{0}c^{2}}) and a quadratic part due to kinetic energy. The quadratic term causes rapid spreading ofwave packets of matter waves.

Coherence The visibility of diffraction features using an optical theory approach depends on the beamcoherence,[27] which at the quantum level is equivalent to adensity matrix approach.[69][70] As with light, transverse coherence (across the direction of propagation) can be increased bycollimation. Electron optical systems use stabilized high voltage to give a narrow energy spread in combination with collimating (parallelizing) lenses and pointed filament sources to achieve good coherence.[71] Because light at all frequencies travels the same velocity, longitudinal and temporal coherence are linked; in matter waves these are independent. For example, for atoms, velocity (energy) selection controls longitudinal coherence and pulsing or chopping controls temporal coherence.[66]: 154 

Optically shaped matter wavesOptical manipulation of matter plays a critical role in matter wave optics: "Light waves can act as refractive, reflective, and absorptive structures for matter waves, just as glass interacts with light waves."[72] Laser light momentum transfer cancool matter particles and alter the internal excitation state of atoms.[73]

Multi-particle experimentsWhile single-particle free-space optical and matter wave equations are identical, multiparticle systems likecoincidence experiments are not.[74]

Applications of matter waves


The following subsections provide links to pages describing applications of matter waves as probes of materials or of fundamentalquantum properties. In most cases these involve some method of producing travelling matter waves which initially have the simple formexp(ikriωt){\displaystyle \exp(i\mathbf {k} \cdot \mathbf {r} -i\omega t)}, then using these to probe materials.

As shown in the table below, matter wavemass ranges over 6orders of magnitude andenergy over 9 orders but the wavelengths are all in thepicometre range, comparable to atomic spacings. (Atomic diameters range from 62 to 520 pm, and the typical length of acarbon–carbon single bond is 154 pm.) Reaching longer wavelengths requires special techniques likelaser cooling to reach lower energies; shorter wavelengths make diffraction effects more difficult to discern.[41] Therefore, many applications focus onmaterial structures, in parallel with applications of electromagnetic waves, especiallyX-rays. Unlike light, matter wave particles may havemass,electric charge,magnetic moments, and internal structure, presenting new challenges and opportunities.

Various matter wave wavelengths
mattermasskinetic energywavelengthreference
Electron1/1823Da54 eV167 pmDavisson–Germer experiment
Electron1/1823Da5×104 eVpmTonomura et al.[75]
He atom, H2 moleculeDa50 pmEstermann and Stern[76]
NeutronDa0.025 eV181 pmWollan and Shull[77]
Sodium atom23 Da20 pmMoskowitz et al.[78]
HeliumDa0.065 eV56 pmGrisenti et al.[79]
Na223 Da0.00017 eV459 pmChapman et al.[80]
C60 fullerene720 Da0.2 eVpmArndt et al.[44]
C70 fullerene841 Da0.2 eVpmBrezger et al.[81]
polypeptide, Gramicidin A1860 Da360 fmShayeghi et al.[82]
functionalized oligoporphyrins25000 Da17 eV53 fmFein et al.[83]



Electron diffraction patterns emerge when energetic electrons reflect or penetrate ordered solids; analysis of the patterns leads to models of the atomic arrangement in the solids.

They are used for imaging from the micron to atomic scale usingelectron microscopes, intransmission, usingscanning, and for surfaces atlow energies.

The measurements of the energy they lose inelectron energy loss spectroscopy provides information about the chemistry and electronic structure of materials. Beams of electrons also lead to characteristic X-rays inenergy dispersive spectroscopy which can produce information about chemical content at the nanoscale.

Quantum tunneling explains how electrons escape from metals in an electrostatic field at energies less than classical predictions allow: the matter wave penetrates of the work function barrier in the metal.

Scanning tunneling microscope leveragesquantum tunneling to image the top atomic layer of solid surfaces.

Electron holography, the electron matter wave analog of opticalholography, probes the electric and magnetic fields in thin films.



Neutron diffraction complementsx-ray diffraction through the differentscattering cross sections and sensitivity to magnetism.

Small-angle neutron scattering provides way to obtain structure of disordered systems that is sensitivity to light elements, isotopes and magnetic moments.

Neutron reflectometry is a neutron diffraction technique for measuring the structure of thin films.

Neutral atoms


Atom interferometers, similar tooptical interferometers, measure the difference in phase between atomic matter waves along different paths.

Atom optics mimic many light optic devices, includingmirrors, atom focusing zone plates.

Scanning helium microscopy uses He atom waves to image solid structures non-destructively.

Quantum reflection uses matter wave behavior to explain grazing angle atomic reflection, the basis of someatomic mirrors.

Quantum decoherence measurements rely on Rb atom wave interference.



Quantum superposition revealed by interference of matter waves from large molecules probes the limits ofwave–particle duality and quantum macroscopicity.[83][84]

Matter-wave interfererometers generate nanostructures on molecular beams that can be read with nanometer accuracy and therefore be used for highly sensitive force measurements, from which one can deduce a plethora or properties of individualized complex molecules.[85]

See also



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