Mateba, a contraction of the Italian wordsMacchineTermo-Balistiche (Thermo-Ballistic Machines), was an Italian machine manufacturer based inPavia, Italy. It is better known for its low-barrelled revolver pistols that it produced under the leadership ofEmilio Ghisoni. After a change in ownership and poor sales, the Mateba company closed in 2005, but reopened in 2014 inMontebelluna under the ownership of Domenico Libro.[1] In 2022 this latest incarnation of Mateba was shut down, owing to allegations of fraud and violations of Italian firearms law.[1][2]
MTR Series - (MTR equals Ma Teba Revolver) family of double/single action all-steel revolvers in which Ghisoni placed the barrel as low as possible with the cylinder in front of the triggerguard and using high-capacity cylinders. The MTR series were designed for Rapid Fire competition shooting, with barrel weights, and the low muzzle to minimize climb;