Marshall syndrome | |
Other names | Deafness, myopia, cataract, saddle nose-Marshall type[1] |
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Marshall syndrome and Stickler syndrome is inherited in anautosomal dominant pattern. |
Marshall syndrome is agenetic disorder of theconnective tissue[2] that can causehearing loss. The three most common areas to be affected are theeyes, which are uncommonly large,joints and the mouth and facial structures. Marshall syndrome andStickler syndrome closely resemble each other; in fact they are so similar, some say they are the same.[3][4] The condition is named for D. Weber.[5]
Myopia is the most common eye problem in Marshall syndrome. Cataracts also occur more frequently anddetached retina less frequently than in Stickler syndrome.Myopia also is the most common problem with the eyes inStickler syndrome. In the latter syndrome, extreme myopia may lead to severe eye problems such as detached retina more frequently than in Marshall syndrome.[citation needed]
The joint changes includehyperextensibility (double-jointedness) andarthritis. Babies and young children with Stickler syndrome usually have very hyperextensible joints. As an affected child gets older, they may experience pain and stiffness from overuse of a joint.Osteoarthritis of the large joints often develops during the third or fourth decade. The joint changes in Marshall syndrome are of the same type but to a lesser degree. There also may be changes in the bones that show up onX-ray but they generally are not a problem.[citation needed]
The most severe problem associated withStickler syndrome isPierre Robin syndrome. This refers to acleft palate resulting from a very small lowerjaw. During earlyfetal life, the roof of the mouth is normally open and the sides of thepalate have to come together to close. If the jaw is too small, there is not enough room for thetongue, which is then pushed up and gets in the way of the closing palate. Sometimes the chin is so small the baby has problems with eating and breathing if the tongue blocks the back of thethroat. Cleft palate is found less frequently in Marshall Syndrome than in Stickler syndrome but still more frequently than in the general population.[citation needed]
The facial features of Marshall Syndrome include a flat midface, the appearance of large eyes, short upturned nose, and a round face. The facial features of Stickler syndrome are less prominent but include a rather long flat face, and depressed nasal bridge.[citation needed]
Thehearing loss associated with Stickler syndrome can be progressive and usually involves the high frequencies. Sensorineural hearing loss has been reported in as many as 100% and as low as 20% of affected individuals. A conductive loss due tootitis can magnify an existing sensorineural loss and is a frequent problem for children with Stickler or Marshall Syndrome.[citation needed]
Stickler syndrome and Marshall syndrome have anautosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. However, there is a great deal of variation within and among families with regard to gene expression. Some may be more severely affected and others may be very mildly affected. Often these syndromes are not recognized in a family until a baby is born withPierre Robin syndrome or some members havedetached retinas orcataracts at a young age.[6]
Both syndromes where correlated with mutations in theCOL11A1 gene.[7]
Diagnosis is made based on features as well as by the very early onset of serious eye and ear disease. Because Marshall syndrome is an autosomal dominant hereditary disease, physicians can also note the characteristic appearance of thebiological parent of the child. A genetic test can be performed in Stickler syndrome diagnosis is made by doing a genetic test for the several collagen genes as well as other genes that are associated with Stickler as well as considering the presence and severity of Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia with association of reduced height and growth rate as well as other connective tissue features like skin hyperextensibility and poor wound healing. It is an area of active research, also thegenetic testing being expensive supports that the diagnosis is made depending on the features.[citation needed]
There is no medical treatment for either syndrome but there are some recommendations that can help with prevention or early identification of some of the problems. Children with either syndrome should have theirhearing tested, and adults should be aware that the hearing loss may not develop until the adult years. Yearly visits to anophthalmologist or othereye care professional who has been informed of the diagnosis of Stickler or Marshall syndrome is important for all affected individuals. Children should have the opportunity to have myopia corrected as early as possible, and treatment for cataracts or detached retinas may be more effective with early identification. Support for the joints is especially important during sports, and some recommend thatcontact sports should be avoided by those who have very loose joints.[citation needed]