Indigenous peoples have inhabited what is now Manitoba for thousands of years. In the early 17th century, English and Frenchfur traders began arriving in the area and establishing settlements. TheKingdom of England secured control of the region in 1673 and created a territory namedRupert's Land, which was placed under the administration of theHudson's Bay Company. Rupert's Land, which included all of present-day Manitoba, grew and evolved from 1673 until 1869 with significant settlements of Indigenous andMétis people in theRed River Colony. Negotiations for the creation of the province of Manitoba commenced in 1869, but deep disagreements over the right toself-determination led to an armed conflict, known as theRed River Rebellion, between the federal government and the people (particularly Métis) of the Red River Colony. The resolution of the conflict and further negotiations led to Manitoba becoming the fifth province to joinCanadian Confederation, when theParliament of Canada passed theManitoba Act on 15 July 1870.
The nameManitoba possibly derives from eitherCreemanitou-wapow orOjibwemanidoobaa, both meaning'straits ofManitou, the Great Spirit'.[8] Alternatively, it may be from theAssiniboineminnetoba, meaning'Lake of the Prairie'[9][10] (the lake was known to French explorers asLac des Prairies). The name was chosen by Thomas Spence forthe new republic he proposed for the area south of the lake.Métis leaderLouis Riel preferred the name over the proposed alternative of "Assiniboia". It was accepted in Ottawa under theManitoba Act, 1870.[11]
Modern-day Manitoba was inhabited by theFirst Nations people shortly after thelast ice age glaciers retreated in the southwest about 10,000 years ago; the first exposed land was theTurtle Mountain area.[12] TheOjibwe,Cree,Dene,Sioux,Mandan, andAssiniboine peoples founded settlements, and other tribes entered the area to trade. In Northern Manitoba,quartz was mined to makearrowheads. The first farming in Manitoba was along the Red River, wherecorn and other seed crops were planted before contact with Europeans.[13]
In 1611,Henry Hudson was one of the first Europeans to sail into what is now known as Hudson Bay, where he was abandoned by his crew.[14]Thomas Button travelled this area in 1612 in an unsuccessful attempt to find and rescue Hudson.[15] When the British shipNonsuch sailed into Hudson Bay in 1668–1669, she became the first trading vessel to reach the area; that voyage led to the formation of the Hudson's Bay Company, to which the British government gave absolute control of the entire Hudson Bay watershed. This watershed was named Rupert's Land, afterPrince Rupert, who helped to subsidize the Hudson's Bay Company.[16]York Factory was founded in 1684 after the original fort of the Hudson's Bay Company, Fort Nelson (built in 1682), was destroyed by rival French traders.[17]
Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La Vérendrye, visited the Red River Valley in the 1730s to help open the area for French exploration and trade.[18] As French explorers entered the area, aMontreal-based company, theNorth West Company, began trading with the local Indigenous people. Both the North West Company and the Hudson's Bay Company built fur-trading forts; the two companies competed in southern Manitoba, occasionally resulting in violence, until they merged in 1821 (theHudson's Bay Company Archives in Winnipeg preserve the history of this era).[16]
Great Britain secured the territory in 1763 after their victory over France in the North American theatre of theSeven Years' War, better known as theFrench and Indian War in North America; lasting from 1754 to 1763. The founding of the first agricultural community and settlements in 1812 byLord Selkirk, north of the area which is now downtown Winnipeg, led to conflict between British colonists and the Métis.[19] Twenty colonists, including the governor, and one Métis were killed in theBattle of Seven Oaks in 1816.[20]
Rupert's Land was ceded to Canada by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1869 and incorporated into the Northwest Territories; a lack of attention to Métis concerns caused Métis leaderLouis Riel to establish a local provisional government which formed into the Convention of Forty and the subsequent electedLegislative Assembly of Assiniboia on 9 March 1870.[21][22] This assembly subsequently sent three delegates toOttawa to negotiate with theCanadian government. This resulted in theManitoba Act and that province's entry intoConfederation. Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald introduced theManitoba Act in theHouse of Commons of Canada, the bill was givenRoyal Assent and Manitoba was brought into Canada as a province in 1870.[23] Louis Riel was pursued by British army officerGarnet Wolseley because of the rebellion, and Riel fled into exile.[24] The Canadian government blocked the Métis' attempts to obtain land promised to them as part of Manitoba's entry into confederation. Facing racism from the new flood of white settlers from Ontario, large numbers of Métis moved to what would becomeSaskatchewan andAlberta.[23]
Numbered Treaties were signed in the late 19th century with the chiefs of First Nations that lived in the area. They made specific promises of land for every family. As a result, areserve system was established under the jurisdiction of thefederal government.[25] The prescribed amount of land promised to the native peoples was not always given; this led Indigenous groups to assert rights to the land throughland claims, many of which are still ongoing.[26]
The original province of Manitoba was a square one-eighteenth of its current size, and was known colloquially as the "postage stamp province".[27] Its borders were expanded in 1881, taking land from the Northwest Territories and theDistrict of Keewatin, but Ontario claimed a large portion of the land; the disputed portion was awarded to Ontario in 1889. Manitoba grew to its current size in 1912, absorbing land from the Northwest Territories to reach 60°N, uniform with the northern reach of its western neighbours Saskatchewan, Alberta andBritish Columbia.[27]
TheManitoba Schools Question showed the deep divergence of cultural values in the territory. The Catholic Franco-Manitobans had been guaranteed a state-supportedseparate school system in the original constitution of Manitoba, but a grassroots political movement among EnglishProtestants from 1888 to 1890 demanded the end of French schools. In 1890, the Manitoba legislature passed a law removing funding forFrench Catholic schools.[28] The French Catholic minority asked the federal government for support; however, theOrange Order and other anti-Catholic forces mobilized nationwide to oppose them.[29] The federalConservatives proposed remedial legislation to override Manitoba, but they were blocked by theLiberals, led byWilfrid Laurier.[28] Once elected Prime Minister in 1896, Laurier implemented a compromise stating Catholics in Manitoba could have their own religious instruction for 30 minutes at the end of the day if there were enough students to warrant it, implemented on a school-by-school basis.[28]
By 1911,Winnipeg was the third largest city in Canada, and remained so until overtaken byVancouver in the 1920s.[30] A boomtown, it grew quickly around the start of the 20th century, with outside investors and immigrants contributing to its success.[31] The drop in growth in the second half of the decade was a result of the opening of thePanama Canal in 1914, which reduced reliance ontranscontinental railways for trade, as well as a decrease in immigration due to the outbreak of theFirst World War.[32] Over 18,000 Manitoba residents enlisted in the first year of the war; by the end of the war, 14 Manitobans had received theVictoria Cross.[33]
During the First World War,Nellie McClung started the campaign for women's votes. On January 28, 1916, the vote for women was legalized. Manitoba was the first province to allow women to vote in provincial elections. This was two years before Canada as a country granted women the right to vote.[34]
After the First World War ended, severe discontent among farmers (over wheat prices) and union members (over wage rates) resulted in an upsurge ofradicalism, coupled with a polarization over the rise ofBolshevism inRussia.[35] The most dramatic result was theWinnipeg general strike of 1919. It began on 15 May and collapsed on 25 June 1919; as the workers gradually returned to their jobs, the Central Strike Committee decided to end the movement.[36] Government efforts to violently crush the strike, including aRoyal North-West Mounted Police charge into a crowd of protesters that resulted in multiple casualties and one death, had led to the arrest of the movement's leaders.[36] In the aftermath, eight leaders went on trial, and most were convicted on charges ofseditious conspiracy, illegal combinations, and seditiouslibel; four were deported under theCanadian Immigration Act.[37]
Canada entered theSecond World War in 1939. Winnipeg was one of the major commands for theBritish Commonwealth Air Training Plan to train fighter pilots, and there were air training schools throughout Manitoba. Several Manitoba-based regiments were deployed overseas, includingPrincess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. In an effort to raise money for the war effort, theVictory Loan campaign organized "If Day" in 1942. The event featured a simulatedNazi invasion and occupation of Manitoba, and eventually raised overC$65 million.[40]
Winnipeg was inundated during the1950 Red River Flood and had to be partially evacuated. In that year, the Red River reached its highest level since 1861 and flooded most of the Red River Valley. The damage caused by the flood led then-PremierDuff Roblin to advocate for the construction of theRed River Floodway; it was completed in 1968 after six years of excavation. Permanent dikes were erected in eight towns south of Winnipeg, and clay dikes and diversion dams were built in the Winnipeg area. In 1997, the "Flood of the Century" caused overC$400 million in damages in Manitoba, but the floodway prevented Winnipeg from flooding.[41]
In 1990, Prime MinisterBrian Mulroney attempted to pass theMeech Lake Accord, a series of constitutional amendments to persuadeQuebec to endorse theCanada Act 1982. Unanimous support in the legislature was needed to bypass public consultation. Cree politicianElijah Harper opposed because he did not believe First Nations had been adequately involved in the Accord's process, and thus the Accord failed.[42]
Glen Murray, elected in Winnipeg in 1998, became the first openlygay mayor of a large North American city.[43] The province was impacted by major flooding in2009 and2011.[44] In 2004, Manitoba became the first province in Canada to ban indoor smoking in public places.[45] In 2013, Manitoba was the second province to introduce accessibility legislation, protecting the rights of persons with disabilities.[46]
Manitoba is bordered by the provinces ofOntario to the east andSaskatchewan to the west, the territory ofNunavut to the north, and theUS states ofNorth Dakota andMinnesota to the south. Manitoba is at the centre of the Hudson Bay drainage basin, with a high volume of the water draining into Lake Winnipeg and then north down theNelson River into Hudson Bay. This basin's rivers reach far west to the mountains, far south into the United States, and east into Ontario. Major watercourses include theRed,Assiniboine, Nelson,Winnipeg,Hayes,Whiteshell andChurchill rivers. Most of Manitoba's inhabited south has developed in the prehistoric bed ofGlacial Lake Agassiz. This region, particularly theRed River Valley, is flat and fertile; receding glaciers left hilly and rocky areas throughout the province.[47]
The province has a saltwater coastline bordering Hudson Bay and more than 110,000 lakes,[48] covering approximately 15.6 percent or 101,593 square kilometres (39,225 sq mi) of its surface area.[49] Manitoba's major lakes areLake Manitoba,Lake Winnipegosis, andLake Winnipeg, thetenth-largest freshwater lake in the world.[50] A total of 29,000 square kilometres (11,000 sq mi) of traditional First Nations lands andboreal forest on Lake Winnipeg's east side were officially designated as a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site known asPimachiowin Aki in 2018.[51]
Extensive agriculture is found only in the province's southern areas, although there is grain farming in theCarrot Valley Region (nearThe Pas). Around 11 per cent of Canada's farmland is in Manitoba.[54]
Manitoba has an extremecontinental climate. Temperatures and precipitation generally decrease from south to north and increase from east to west.[55] Manitoba is far from the moderating influences of mountain ranges or large bodies of water. Because of the generally flat landscape, it is exposed to coldArctic high-pressure air masses from the northwest during January and February. In the summer, air masses sometimes come out of theSouthern United States, as warm humid air is drawn northward from theGulf of Mexico.[56] Temperatures exceed 30 °C (86 °F) numerous times each summer, and the combination of heat and humidity can bring thehumidex value to the mid-40s.[57]Carman, Manitoba, recorded the second-highest humidex ever in Canada in 2007, with 53.0.[58] According toEnvironment Canada, Manitoba ranked first for clearest skies year round and ranked second for clearest skies in the summer and for the sunniest province in the winter and spring.[59]
Southern Manitoba (including the city of Winnipeg), falls into the humid continental climate zone (Köppen Dfb). This area is cold and windy in the winter and often has blizzards because of the open landscape. Summers are warm with a moderate length. This region is the most humid area in the prairie provinces, with moderate precipitation. Southwestern Manitoba, though under the same climate classification as the rest of Southern Manitoba, is closer to the semi-arid interior ofPalliser's Triangle. The area is drier and more prone todroughts than other parts of southern Manitoba.[60] This area is cold and windy in the winter and has frequent blizzards due to the openness of theCanadian Prairie landscape.[60] Summers are generally warm to hot, with low to moderate humidity.[60]
Southern parts of the province, just north ofTornado Alley, experiencetornadoes, with 16 confirmed touchdowns in 2016. In 2007, on 22 and 23 June, numerous tornadoes touched down, the largest anF5 tornado that devastated parts ofElie (the strongest recorded tornado in Canada).[61]
Köppen climate types of Manitoba
The province's northern sections (including the city ofThompson) fall in thesubarctic climate zone (Köppen climate classificationDfc). This region features long and extremely cold winters and brief, warm summers with little precipitation.[62] Overnight temperatures as low as −40 °C (−40 °F) occur on several days each winter.[62]
Two sections of the province are not dominated by forest. The province's northeast corner bordering Hudson Bay is above thetreeline and consideredtundra. Thetallgrass prairie once dominated the south-central and southeastern regions, including the Red River Valley.Mixed grass prairie is found in the southwestern region. Agriculture has replaced much of the natural vegetation but prairie can still be found in parks and protected areas; some are notable for the presence of the endangeredwestern prairie fringed orchid.[67][68]
Manitoba's bird diversity is enhanced by its position on two major migration routes, with 392 confirmed identified species; 287 of these nesting within the province.[71] These include thegreat grey owl, the province's official bird, and the endangeredperegrine falcon.[72]
Manitoba's lakes host 18 species of game fish, particularly species oftrout,pike, andgoldeye, as well as many smaller fish.[73]
At the 2021 census, Manitoba had a population of 1,342,153,[74] more than half of which is in Winnipeg.[75] Although initial colonization of the province revolved mostly around homesteading, the last century has seen a shift towards urbanization; Manitoba is the only Canadian province with over fifty-five percent of its population in a single city.[76]
The largest ethnic group in Manitoba isEnglish (16.1%), followed byScottish (14.5%),German (13.6%),Ukrainian (12.6%),Irish (11.0%),French (9.3%),Canadian (8.4%),Filipino (7.0%),Métis (6.8%),Polish (6.0%),First Nations (4.5%),Mennonite (3.9%),Russian (3.7%),Dutch (3.3%),Indian (3.0%), andIcelandic (2.4%).[74] Indigenous peoples (including Métis) are Manitoba's fastest-growing ethnic group, representing 13.6 percent of Manitoba's population as of 2001 (some reserves refused to allow census-takers to enumerate their populations or were otherwise incompletely counted).[77][78]Gimli, Manitoba is home to the largestIcelandic community outside ofIceland.[79]
As of the2021 Canadian Census, the ten most spoken languages in the province included English (1,288,950 or 98.6%), French (111,790 or 8.55%), Tagalog (73,440 or 5.62%), Punjabi (42,820 or 3.28%), German (41,980 or 3.21%),[b] Hindi (26,980 or 2.06%), Spanish (23,435 or 1.79%), Mandarin (16,765 or 1.28%), Cree (16,115 or 1.23%),[c] and Plautdietsch (15,055 or 1.15%).[b][74] The question on knowledge of languages allows for multiple responses.
Most Manitobans belong to a Christian denomination: on the 2021 census, 54.2% reported being Christian, followed by 2.7%Sikh, 2.0% Muslim, 1.4% Hindu, 0.9% Jewish, and 0.8%Indigenous spirituality.[74] 36.7% reported no religious affiliation.[74] The largest Christian denominations by number of adherents were theRoman Catholic Church with 21.2%; theUnited Church of Canada with 5.8%; and theAnglican Church of Canada with 3.3%.[74]
Manitoba has a moderately strong economy based largely on natural resources. ItsGross Domestic Product was C$50.834 billion in 2008.[80] The province's economy grew 2.4 percent in 2008, the third consecutive year of growth.[81] The average individual income in Manitoba in 2006 was C$25,100 (compared to a national average of C$26,500), ranking fifth-highest among the provinces.[82] As of October 2009, Manitoba's unemployment rate was 5.8 percent.[83]
Manitoba's economy relies heavily on agriculture, tourism, electricity, oil, mining, and forestry. Agriculture is vital and is found mostly in the southern half of the province, although grain farming occurs as far north as The Pas. The most common agricultural activity is cattle husbandry, followed by assorted grains andoilseed.[84] Manitoba is the nation's largest producer ofsunflower seed and dry beans,[85] and one of the leading sources of potatoes. Portage la Prairie is a major potato processing centre.[86]Richardson International, one of the largest oat mills in the world, also has a plant in themunicipality.[87]
Manitoba's largest employers are government and government-funded institutions, includingcrown corporations and services likehospitals anduniversities. Major private-sector employers areThe Great-West Life Assurance Company,Cargill Ltd., and Richardson International.[88] Manitoba also has large manufacturing and tourism sectors. Churchill's Arctic wildlife is a major tourist attraction; the town is a world capital for polar bear andbeluga whale watchers.[89] Manitoba is the only province with an Arctic deep-water seaport, at Churchill.[90]
Manitoba's early economy depended on mobility and living off the land. Indigenous Nations (Cree, Ojibwa, Dene, Sioux and Assiniboine) followed herds of bison and congregated to trade among themselves at key meeting places throughout the province. After the arrival of the first European traders in the 17th century, the economy centred on the trade of beaver pelts and other furs.[92] Diversification of the economy came when Lord Selkirk brought the first agricultural settlers in 1811,[93] though the triumph of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) over its competitors ensured the primacy of the fur trade over widespread agricultural colonization.[92]
HBC control of Rupert's Land ended in 1868; when Manitoba became a province in 1870, all land became the property of the federal government, with homesteads granted to settlers for farming.[92] Transcontinental railways were constructed to simplify trade. Manitoba's economy depended mainly on farming, which persisted until drought and the Great Depression led to further diversification.[38]
CFB Winnipeg is aCanadian Forces Base at the Winnipeg International Airport. The base is home to flight operations support divisions and several training schools, as well as the1 Canadian Air Division and CanadianNORAD Region Headquarters.[94] 17 Wing of theCanadian Forces is based at CFB Winnipeg; the Wing has three squadrons and six schools.[95] It supports 113 units fromThunder Bay to the Saskatchewan/Alberta border, and from the49th parallel north to thehigh Arctic. 17 Wing acts as a deployed operating base forCF-18 Hornet fighter–bombers assigned to the Canadian NORAD Region.[95]
The two 17 Wing squadrons based in the city are: the 402 ("City of Winnipeg" Squadron), which flies the Canadian designed and produced de Havilland CanadaCT-142 Dash 8 navigation trainer in support of the 1 Canadian Forces Flight Training School's Air Combat Systems Officer and Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator training programs (which trains all Canadian Air Combat Systems Officer);[96] and the 435 ("Chinthe" Transport and Rescue Squadron), which flies the LockheedC-130 Hercules tanker/transport in airliftsearch and rescue roles, and is the only Air Force squadron equipped and trained to conductair-to-air refuelling of fighter aircraft.[95]
Canadian Forces Base Shilo (CFB Shilo) is an Operations and Training base of the Canadian Forces 35 kilometres (22 mi) east of Brandon. During the 1990s, Canadian Forces Base Shilo was designated as an Area Support Unit, acting as a local base of operations for Southwest Manitoba in times of military and civil emergency.[97] CFB Shilo is the home of the1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, both battalions of the1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, and theRoyal Canadian Artillery. The Second Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (2 PPCLI), which was originally stationed in Winnipeg (first at Fort Osborne, then in Kapyong Barracks), has operated out of CFB Shilo since 2004. CFB Shilo hosts a training unit, 3rd Canadian Division Training Centre. It serves as a base for support units of3rd Canadian Division, also including 3 CDSG Signals Squadron, Shared Services Unit (West), 11 CF Health Services Centre, 1 Dental Unit, 1 Military Police Regiment, and an Integrated Personnel Support Centre. The base houses 1,700 soldiers.[97]
After the control of Rupert's Land was passed from Great Britain to the Government of Canada in 1869, Manitoba attained full-fledged rights and responsibilities of self-government as the first Canadian province carved out ofRupert's Land.[98] TheLegislative Assembly of Manitoba was established on 14 July 1870. Political parties first emerged between 1878 and 1883, with a two-party system (Liberals andConservatives).[99] TheUnited Farmers of Manitoba appeared in 1922, and later merged with the Liberals in 1932.[99] Other parties, including the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), appeared during the Great Depression; in the 1950s, Manitoban politics became a three-party system, and the Liberals gradually declined in power.[99] The CCF became the New Democratic Party of Manitoba (NDP), which came to power in 1969.[99] Since then, the Progressive Conservatives and the NDP have been the dominant parties.[99]
The Legislative Assembly consists of the 57 Members elected to represent the people of Manitoba.[102] Thepremier of Manitoba isWab Kinew, who was elected in the 2023 provincial election.[103] The province is represented in federal politics by 14 Members of Parliament and sixSenators.[104][105]
Both English and French areofficial languages of thelegislature andcourts of Manitoba, according to section 23 of theManitoba Act, 1870 (part of theConstitution of Canada).[108][109] In April 1890, the Manitoba legislature attempted to abolish the official status of French and ceased to publish bilingual legislation. However, in 1985, theSupreme Court of Canada ruled in theReference re Manitoba Language Rights that section 23 still applied, and that legislation published only in English was invalid (unilingual legislation was declared valid for a temporary period to allow time for translation).[110]
Although French is an official language for the purposes of the legislature, legislation, and the courts, theManitoba Act does not require it to be an official language for the purpose of the executive branch (except when performing legislative or judicial functions).[111] Hence, Manitoba's government is not completely bilingual. The Manitoba French Language Services Policy of 1999 is intended to provide a comparable level of provincial government services in both official languages.[112] According to the 2006 Census, 82.8 percent of Manitoba's population spoke only English, 3.2 percent spoke only French, 15.1 percent spoke both, and 0.9 percent spoke neither.[113]
In 2010, the provincial government of Manitoba passed theAboriginal Languages Recognition Act, which gives official recognition to seven indigenous languages:Cree,Dakota,Dene,Inuktitut,Michif,Ojibway andOji-Cree.[114]
Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport, Manitoba's largestairport, is one of only a few 24-hour unrestricted airports in Canada and is part of theNational Airports System.[116] A new, larger terminal opened in October 2011.[117] It is the seventhbusiest airport in Canada by passenger traffic, serving 4,484,343 passengers in 2018,[118] and the 11th busiest airport by aircraft movements.[119] The airport handles approximately 195,000 tonnes (430,000,000 lb) of cargo annually, making it the third largest cargo airport in the country.[116] Winnipeg is a major sorting facility for bothFedEx andPurolator, and receives daily trans-border service fromUPS.[115]
ThePort of Churchill is the onlyArctic deep-water port in Canada. It is nautically closer to ports inNorthern Europe and Russia than any other port in Canada.[90] It has four deep-sea berths for the loading and unloading of grain, general cargo and tanker vessels.[115] The port is served by the Hudson Bay Railway. The port and railway came under complete community and Indigenous ownership in 2021, after AGT Food and Ingredients and Fairfax Financial transferred their shares in Arctic Gateway to OneNorth – a consortium of community and Indigenous partners which owned the other fifty percent of Arctic Gateway's shares.[120]
Public schools follow a provincially mandated curriculum in either French or English. There are sixty-five funded independent schools in Manitoba, including three boarding schools.[121] These schools must follow the Manitoban curriculum and meet other provincial requirements. There are forty-four non-funded independent schools, which are not required to meet those standards.[122] Public schools in Manitoba fall under the regulation of one of thirty-sevenschool divisions withinthe provincial education system (except for theManitoba Band Operated Schools, which are administered by the federal government).[123] In 2021, the provincial government announced a plan to merge all English-language school divisions into 15 regional catchment areas, overseen by a provincial education authority.[124]
TheMinister of Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport is responsible for promoting and, to some extent, financing Manitoban culture.[128] Manitoba is the birthplace of theRed River Jig, a combination of Indigenouspow-wows and Europeanreels popular among early settlers.[129] Manitoba's traditional music has strong roots in Métis and First Nations culture, in particular the old-timefiddling of the Métis.[130] Manitoba's cultural scene also incorporates classical European traditions. The Winnipeg-basedRoyal Winnipeg Ballet (RWB), is Canada's oldest ballet and North America's longest continuously operatingballet company; it was granted its royal title in 1953 under Queen Elizabeth II.[131] TheWinnipeg Symphony Orchestra (WSO) performs classical music and new compositions at theCentennial Concert Hall.[132]Manitoba Opera, founded in 1969, also performs out of the Centennial Concert Hall.
Le Cercle Molière (founded 1925) is the oldest French-language theatre in Canada,[133] andRoyal Manitoba Theatre Centre (founded 1958) is Canada's oldest English-language regional theatre.[134]Manitoba Theatre for Young People was the first English-language theatre to win the Canadian Institute of the Arts for Young Audiences Award, and offers plays for children and teenagers as well as a theatre school.[135] TheWinnipeg Art Gallery (WAG), Manitoba's largest art gallery and the sixth largest in the country, hosts an art school for children; the WAG's permanent collection comprises over twenty thousand works, with a particular emphasis on Manitoban and Canadian art.[136][137]
TheMorden Corn and Apple FestivalAssiniboine Park Pavilion
Festivals take place throughout the province, with the largest centred in Winnipeg. TheWinnipeg Folk Festival has an annual attendance of over 70,000.[152] TheFestival du Voyageur is an annual ten-day event held in Winnipeg's French Quarter, and is Western Canada's largest winter festival.[153] It celebrates Canada's fur-trading past and French-Canadian heritage and culture.Folklorama, a multicultural festival run by the Folk Arts Council, receives around 400,000 pavilion visits each year, of which about thirty percent are from non-Winnipeg residents.[153][154] TheWinnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival is an annualalternative theatre festival, the second-largest festival of its kind in North America (after theEdmonton International Fringe Festival).[155]
Winnipeg has two daily newspapers: theWinnipeg Free Press, abroadsheet with the highest circulation numbers in Manitoba, as well as theWinnipeg Sun, a smallertabloid-style paper. There are several ethnic weekly newspapers,[162] including the weekly French-languageLa Liberté, and regional and national magazines based in the city. Brandon has two newspapers: the dailyBrandon Sun and the weeklyWheat City Journal.[163] Many small towns have local newspapers.[164]
There are five English-language television stations and one French-language station based in Winnipeg. TheGlobal Television Network (owned byCanwest) is headquartered in the city.[165] Winnipeg is home to twenty-one AM and FM radio stations, two of which are French-language stations.[166] Brandon's five local radio stations are provided byAstral Media and Westman Communications Group.[166] In addition to the Brandon and Winnipeg stations, radio service is provided in rural areas and smaller towns byGolden West Broadcasting,Corus Entertainment, and local broadcasters.CBC Radio broadcasts local and national programming throughout the province.[167]Native Communications is devoted to indigenous programming and broadcasts to many of the isolated native communities as well as to larger cities.[168]
TheWinnipeg Jets celebrate their first regulation win in Winnipeg at the MTS Centre on 17 October 2011
Curling is an important winter sport in the province with Manitoba producing moremen's national champions than any other province, while additionally in thetop 3 women's national champions, as well as multiple world champions in the sport. The province also hosts the world's largest curling tournament in theMCA Bonspiel.[174]
Although not as prominent as ice hockey and curling,long track speed skating also features as a notable and top winter sport in Manitoba. The province has produced some of the world's best female speed skaters includingSusan Auch and the country's topOlympic medal earnersCindy Klassen andClara Hughes.[175]
^Ritchie, James AM; Brown, Frank; Brien, David. The Cultural Transmission of the Spirit of Turtle Mountain: A Centre for Peace and Trade for 10,000 Years. General Assembly and International Scientific Symposium. 2008;16:4–6.
^Flynn, Catherine; Syms, E Leigh. Manitoba's First Farmers. Manitoba History. Spring 1996;(31).
^Neatby, LH. Henry Hudson. In: Cook, Ramsay. Dictionary of Canadian Biography. online ed. Vol. 1. University of Toronto/Université Laval; 2013. p. 374–379.
^Eames, Aled. Sir Thomas Button. In: Cook, Ramsay. Dictionary of Canadian Biography. online ed. Vol. 1. University of Toronto/Université Laval; 1979. p. 144–145.
^abSimmons, Deidre. Keepers of the Record: The History of the Hudson's Bay Company Archives. McGill-Queen's University Press; 2009. ISBN978-0-7735-3620-3. p. 19–23, 83–85, 115.
^Stewart, Lillian. York Factory National Historic Site. Manitoba History. Spring 1988;(15).
^Zoltvany, Yves F. Pierre Gaultier De Varennes et De La Vérendrye. In: Cook, Ramsay. Dictionary of Canadian Biography. online ed. Vol. 3. University of Toronto/Université Lava; 2015. p. 246–254.
^Gray, John Morgan. Thomas Douglas. In: Cook, Ramsay. Dictionary of Canadian Biography. online ed. Vol. 5. University of Toronto/Université Laval; 2015. p. 264–269.
^Martin, Joseph E. The 150th Anniversary of Seven Oaks. MHS Transactions. 1965;3(22).
^abSprague, DN. Canada and the Métis, 1869–1885. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press; 1988. ISBN978-0-88920-964-0. p. 33–67, 89–129.
^Cooke, OA. Garnet Joseph Wolseley. In: Cook, Ramsay. Dictionary of Canadian Biography. online ed. Vol. 14. University of Toronto/Université Laval; 2015.
^Tough, Frank. As Their Natural Resources Fail: Native People and the Economic History of Northern Manitoba, 1870–1930. UBC Press; 1997. ISBN978-0-7748-0571-1. p. 75–79.
^abKemp, Douglas. From Postage Stamp to Keystone. Manitoba Pageant. April 1956.
^abcFletcher, Robert. The Language Problem in Manitoba's Schools. MHS Transactions. 1949;3(6).
^McLauchlin, Kenneth. 'Riding The Protestant Horse': The Manitoba Schools Question and Canadian Politics, 1890–1896. Historical Studies. 1986;53:39–52.
^Hayes, Derek. Historical Atlas of Canada. D&M Adult; 2006. ISBN978-1-55365-077-5. p. 227.
^Conway, John Frederick. The West: The History of a Region in Confederation. 3rd ed. Lorimer; 2005. ISBN978-1-55028-905-3. p. 63–64, 85–100.
^abBercuson, David J. Confrontation at Winnipeg: Labour, Industrial Relations, and the General Strike. McGill-Queen's University Press; 1990. ISBN978-0-7735-0794-4. p. 173–176.
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