According to the Indian census of 2011, there are approximately 33 million Malayalis in Kerala,[25] making up 97% of the total population of the state. Malayali minorities are also found in the neighboring state ofTamil Nadu, mainly in Kanyakumari district and Nilgiri district and Dakshina Kannada and Kodagu districts ofKarnataka and also in othermetropolitan areas of India. Over the course of the later half of the 20th century, significant Malayali communities have emerged inPersian Gulf countries, including theUnited Arab Emirates (UAE),Bahrain,Saudi Arabia,Oman,Qatar andKuwait and to a lesser extent, other developed nations with a primarily immigrant background such asMalaysia,Singapore, theUnited States (US), theUnited Kingdom (UK),Australia,New Zealand andCanada. As of 2013, there were an estimated 1.6 million ethnic Malayaliexpatriates worldwide.[26] The estimated population ofMalayalees in Malaysia in year 2020 is approximately 348,000, which makes up 12.5% of the total number of Indian population inMalaysia that makes them the second biggest Indian ethnic group in Malaysia, after theTamils. Most of theMalayalee population in Malaysia aged 18 to 30 are known to be either the third, fourth, or fifth generation living as a Malaysian citizen. According toA. R. Raja Raja Varma, Malayalam was the name of the place, before it became the name of the language spoken by the people.[27]
Malayalam, the native language of Malayalis, has its origin from the wordsmala meaning "mountain" andalam meaning "land" or "locality".[28] Kerala was usually known asMalabar in theforeign trade circles in the medieval era.[29] Earlier, the termMalabar had also been used to denoteTulu Nadu andKanyakumari which lie contiguous to Kerala in the southwestern coast of India, in addition to the modern state of Kerala.[30][31] The people of Malabar were known asMalabars. Until the arrival of theEast India Company, the termMalabar was used as a general name for Kerala, along with the termKerala.[29] From the time ofCosmas Indicopleustes (6th century CE) itself, theArab sailors used to call Kerala asMale. The first element of the name, however, is attested already in theTopography written byCosmas Indicopleustes. This mentions a pepper emporium calledMale, which clearly gave its name to Malabar ('the country of Male'). The nameMale is thought to come from theDravidian wordMala ('hill').[32][33]Al-Biruni (973–1048 CE) is the first known writer to call this countryMalabar.[29] Authors such asIbn Khordadbeh andAl-Baladhuri mention Malabar ports in their works.[34] The Arab writers had called this placeMalibar,Manibar,Mulibar, andMunibar.Malabar is reminiscent of the wordMalanad which meansthe land of hills.[35] According toWilliam Logan, the wordMalabar comes from a combination of theDravidian wordMala (hill) and thePersian/Arabic wordBarr (country/continent).[36] Hence the natives ofMalabar Coast were known asMalabarese orMalabari in the foreign trade circles.[29][35] The wordsMalayali andMalabari are synonymous to each other.[29][35] TheSkanda Purana mentions the ecclesiastical office of theThachudaya Kaimal who is referred to asManikkam Keralar (The Ruby King of Kerala), synonymous with the deity of theKoodalmanikyam temple.[37][38]
Malayalam is a language spoken by the native people of southwestern India (fromMangalore toKanyakumari) and the islands ofLakshadweep inArabian Sea. According to the Indian census of 2001, there were 30,803,747 speakers of Malayalam in Kerala, making up 93.2% of the total number of Malayalam speakers in India, and 96.7% of the total population of the state. There were a further 701,673 (2.1% of the total number) inTamil Nadu, 557,705 (1.7%) inKarnataka and 406,358 (1.2%) inMaharashtra. The number of Malayalam speakers inLakshadweep is 51,100, which is only 0.15% of the total number, but is as much as about 84% of the population of Lakshadweep. In all, Malayalis made up 3.22% of the total Indian population in 2001. Of the total 33,066,392 Malayalam speakers in India in 2001, 33,015,420 spoke the standard dialects, 19,643 spoke theYerava dialect and 31,329 spoke non-standard regional variations likeEranadan.[25] As per the 1991 census data, 28.85% of all Malayalam speakers in India spoke a second language and 19.64% of the total knew three or more languages. Malayalam was the most spoken language in erstwhileGudalur taluk (now Gudalur and Panthalur taluks) ofNilgiris district inTamil Nadu which accounts for 48.8% population and it was the second most spoken language inMangalore and Puttur taluks ofSouth Canara accounting for 21.2% and 15.4% respectively according to 1951 census report.[39] 25.57% of the total population in theKodagu district ofKarnataka are Malayalis, in which Malayalis form the largest linguistic group inVirajpet Taluk.[40] Around one-third of the Malayalis inKodagu district speak theYerava dialect according to the 2011 census, which is native to Kodagu andWayanad.[40] Around one-third of population inKanyakumari district are also Malayalis. As of 2011 India census, Mahé district of Union Territory of Puducherry had a population of 41,816, predominantly Malayalis.
Besides, the Malayalee citizens inMalaysia are estimated to be 229,800 in the year 2020 whereas the population of the Malayalee expatriates is approximately 2,000. They make up around 10 percent of the total number of Indians in Malaysia.
During the ancient period, the people of present-day Kerala were ruled by theChera dynasty ofTamilakam, with their capital at Vanchi.[45]
The Malayalis live in a historic area known as theMalabar coast, which for thousands of years has been a major center of the international spice trade, operating at least from theRoman era withPtolemy documenting it onhis map of the world in 150 AD. For that reason, a highly distinct culture was created among the Malayali due to centuries of contact with foreign cultures through thespice trade. The arrival of theCochin Jews, the rise ofSaint Thomas Christians, and the growth ofMappila Muslim community, in particular, were very significant in shaping modern-day Malayali culture. Later, PortugueseLatin Christians,Dutch Malabar, FrenchMahe, and BritishEnglish, which arrived after 1498 left their mark through colonialism and pillaging their resources.
In 2017, a detailed study of the evolution of the Singapore Malayalee community over a period of more than 100 years was published as a book: From Kerala to Singapore: Voices of the Singapore Malayalee Community. It is believed to be the first in-depth study of the presence of a NRI Malayalee community outside of Kerala.[46]
The wordMalayāḷalipi (Meaning: Malayalam script) written in theMalayalam script
Although disputed, the widely held view consider the Malayalam language to be descended from a dialect of early middleTamil Language spoken on the Malabar coast, and largely arose because of its geographical isolation from the rest of the Tamil speaking areas. TheSangam literature can be considered as the ancient predecessor ofMalayalam.[47]Malayalam literature is ancient in origin, and includes such figures as the 14th centuryNiranam poets (Madhava Panikkar, Sankara Panikkar and Rama Panikkar), whose works mark the dawn of both modern Malayalam language and indigenous Keralite poetry. Some linguists claim that an inscription found fromEdakkal Caves,Wayanad, which belongs to 3rd century CE (approximately 1,800 years old), is the oldest available inscription in Malayalam, as they contain two modern Malayalam words,Ee (This) andPazhama (Old), those are not found inliterary Tamil. Although this has been disputed by scholars who regard it as a regional dialect of Old Tamil.[48] The use of the pronounī and the lack of the literary Tamil-ai ending arearchaisms from Proto-Dravidian rather than unique innovations of Malayalam.[note 1] The origin ofMalayalam calendar dates back to year 825 CE.[50][51][52] It is generally agreed that theQuilon Syrian copper plates of 849/850 CE is the available oldest inscription written inOld Malayalam. For the first 600 years ofMalayalam calendar, the literature mainly consisted of the oralBallads such asVadakkan Pattukal (Northern Songs) inNorth Malabar andThekkan Pattukal (Southern songs) inSouthern Travancore.[47] The earliest known literary works in Malayalam areRamacharitam andThirunizhalmala, twoepic poems written inOld Malayalam.Malayalam literature has been presented with 6Jnanapith awards, the second-most for any Dravidian language and the third-highest for any Indian language.[53][54]
The modern Malayalam grammar is based on the bookKerala Panineeyam written byA. R. Raja Raja Varma in late 19th century CE.[85] World Malayali Council with its sister organisation, International Institute for Scientific and Academic Collaboration (IISAC) has come out with a comprehensive book on Kerala titled 'Introduction to Kerala Studies,’ specially intended for the Malayali diaspora across the globe. J.V. Vilanilam, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kerala; Sunny Luke, medical scientist and former professor of Medical Biotechnology at Adelphi University, New York; and Antony Palackal, professor of sociology at the Loyola College of Social Sciences in Thiruvananthapuram, have edited the book, besides making other contributions to it.
Tharavad, also spelled asTharavadu is theancestral home of aristocratic families inKerala, which usually served as the common house for thematrilinealjoint family system practiced in the state.[86][87] Each Tharavadu has a unique name. The Tharavadu was administered by theKaranavar, the oldest male member of the family.[88] He would be the eldest maternal uncle of the family as well. The members of the Tharavadu consisted of mother, daughters, sons, sisters and brothers. The fathers and husbands had a very minimal role to play in the affairs of the Tharavadu. It was a true matrilineal affair. The Karanavar took all major decisions. He was usually autocratic. However, the consent of the eldest female member of the family was taken before implementing the decisions. This eldest female member would be his maternal grandmother, own mother, mother's sister, his own sister or a sister through his maternal lineage. Since the lineage was through the female members, the birth of a daughter was always welcomed. Each Tharavadu also has aPara Devatha (clan deity) revered by those in the particular Tharavadu. Temples were built to honour these deities.
Kerala's society is less patriarchal than the rest of India.[citation needed] Certain Hindu communities such as theNairs,Muslims aroundKannur, Some parts of Kozhikode district andPonnani inMalappuram, andVarkala andEdava inThiruvananthapuram used to follow a traditional matrilineal system known asmarumakkathayam[89] which has in the recent years (post-Indian independence) ceased to exist. Christians, majority of the Muslims, Kerala's gender relations are among the most equitable in India and the Majority World.[citation needed]
Kerala, the ancestral land of the Malayali people, has a tropical climate with excessive rains and intensive solar radiation.[90] The architecture of this region has evolved to meet these climatic conditions by having the form of buildings with low walls, sloping roof and projecting caves.[90] The setting of the building in the open garden plot was again necessitated by the requirement of wind for giving comfort in the humid climate.[90]
Timber is the prime structural material abundantly available in many varieties in Kerala. Perhaps the skillful choice of timber, accurate joinery, artful assembly, and delicate carving of the woodwork for columns, walls and roofs frames are the unique characteristics of Malayali architecture.[90] From the limitations of the materials, a mixed-mode of construction was evolved in Malayali architecture. The stonework was restricted to the plinth even in important buildings such as temples. Laterite was used for walls. The roof structure in timber was covered with palm leaf thatching for most buildings and rarely with tiles for palaces or temples.[90] TheKerala murals' are paintings with vegetable dyes on wet walls in subdued shades of brown. The indigenous adoption of the available raw materials and their transformation as enduring media for architectural expression thus became the dominant feature of the Malayali style of architecture.[90]
TheKowdiar Palace, the palace of the Maharajah ofTravancore, was built with a traditional Malayali architecture style with a slight influence of early modern European elements
Nalukettu was a housing style in Kerala.Nalukettu is a quadrangular building constructed after following theTachu Sastra (Science ofCarpentry). It was a typical house that was flanked by out-houses and utility structures. The large house-Nalukettu is constructed within a large compound. It was called Nalukettu because it consisted of four wings around a centralcourtyard calledNadumuttom. The house has aquadrangle in the center. The quadrangle is in every way the center of life in the house and very useful for the performance of rituals. The layout of these homes was simple, and catered to the dwelling of numerous people, usually part of atharavadu.Ettukettu (eight halls with two central courtyards) orPathinarukettu (sixteen halls with four central courtyards) are the more elaborate forms of the same architecture.
Malayalis use two words to denote dance, which isattom andthullal.[92] The art forms of Malayalis are classified into three types:religious, such asTheyyam and Bhagavatipattu;semi religious, like Sanghakali and Krishnanattom; andsecular, such asKathakali,Mohiniyattam, and Thullal.[92]Kathakali andMohiniyattam are the twoclassical dance forms from Kerala.[93] Kathakali is actually adance-drama. Mohiniyattam is a very sensual and graceful dance form that is performed both solo and in a group by women.[93]Kutiyattam is a traditional performing art form from Kerala, which is recognised byUNESCO and given the statusMasterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.[94]Ottamthullal is another performing art, which is also known as thepoor man's Kathakali, which was created by the poetKunchan Nambiar as an alternative toChakiarkooth (another performing art), which was open only for higher castes to see.[95]Theyyam is a ritualistic art form of Malayalis, which is thought to predatehinduism and to have developed from folk dances performed in conjunction with harvest celebrations.Theyyam is performed as an offering to gods so as to get rid of poverty and illness.[96] Velakali is another ritualistic art form, mainly performed at temples in the festival time.Kolkali is a folk art in which dance performers move in a circle, striking small sticks and keeping rhythm with special steps.
Many ancient Malayali family houses in Kerala have special snake shrines calledKavu. Sarpam Thullal is usually performed in the courtyard of houses having snake shrines. This is a votive offering for family wealth and happiness. Kerala Natanam (കേരള നടനം) (Kerala Dance) is a new style of dance that is now recognized as a distinct classical art form evolved fromKathakali. The Indian dancerGuru Gopinath (ഗുരു ഗോപിനാഥ്) a well-trained Kathakali artist and his wife Thankamani Gopinath developed this unique form of dance.
Performing arts in Kerala is not limited to a single religion of the Malayali society.Muslim Mappilas,Nasranis Mappilas andLatin Christians have their own unique performing art forms.Duff Muttu, also known asDubh Muttu/Aravanamuttu[97] is a performing art form prevalent among the Muslim community. It is a group performance, staged as a social event during festivals and nuptial ceremonies.[97]
Oppana is a popular form of social entertainment among the Muslim community. It is a form accompanied by clapping of hands, in which both men and women participate.[citation needed]
Margamkali is a performing art which is popular among theNasrani Mappilas. It combines both devotion and entertainment, and was performed by men in groups.[98] Since 1980's women also have found groups. The dancers themselves sing themargamkali songs in unison call and response form.[98]Parichamuttukali is another performing art which is popular among Nasranis. This is an artistic adaptation of the martial art of Kerala,Kalaripayattu.[98]Chavittu nadakom is a theatrical art form observed mainly by Kerala Latin Christians, dating back to the second half of the 16th century.[98]
However, many of these native art forms largely play to tourists or at youth festivals, and are not as popular among ordinary Keralites. Thus, more contemporary forms – including those heavily based on the use of often risqué andpolitically incorrectmimicry andparody – have gained considerable mass appeal in recent years. Indeed, contemporary artists often use such modes to mock socioeconomic elites. Since 1930 when the first Malayalam filmVigathakumaran was released and over the following decade or two,Malayalam Cinema had grown to become one of the popular means of expression for both works of fiction and social issues, and it remains so.
Music formed a major part of earlyMalayalam literature, which is believed to have started developing by 9th centuryCE.[99] The significance of music in theculture of Kerala can be established just by the fact that in Malayalam language, musical poetry was developed long beforeprose.Kerala is musically known forSopanam. Sopanam is religious in nature, and developed through singing invocatory songs at theKalam ofKali, and later inside temples. Sopanam came to prominence in the wake of the increasing popularity ofJayadeva'sGita Govinda orAshtapadis. Sopanasangeetham (music), as the very name suggests, is sung by the side of theholy steps (sopanam) leading to thesanctum sanctorum of ashrine. It is sung, typically employing plain notes, to the accompaniment of the small, hourglass-shaped ethnic drum calledidakka, besides the chengila or the handy metallic gong to sound the beats.
Kerala also has a significant presence ofHindustani music as well.[101] The king of Travancore, Swathi Thirunal patronaged and contributed much to the Hindustani Music. Thepulluvar of Kerala are closely connected to the serpent worship. One group among these people consider the snake gods as their presiding deity and performs certain sacrifices and sing songs. This is calledPulluvan Pattu. The song conducted by the pulluvar in serpent temples and snake groves is called Sarppapaattu, Naagam Paattu, Sarpam Thullal, Sarppolsavam, Paambum Thullal or Paambum Kalam.Mappila Paattukal orMappila Songs are folklore Muslim devotional songs in the Malayalam language. Mappila songs are composed in colloquial Malayalam and are sung in a distinctive tune. They are composed in a mixture of Malayalam andArabic.
Film music, which refers toplayback singing in the context ofIndian music, forms the most important canon of popular music in India. Film music of Kerala in particular is the most popular form of music in the state.[101]
Vallam Kali is the race of country-made boats. It is mainly conducted during the season of the harvest festival Onam in Autumn. Vallam Kali include races of many kinds of traditional boats of Kerala. The race ofChundan Vallam (snake boat) is the major item. Hence Vallam Kali is also known in English as Snake Boat Race and a major tourist attraction. Other types of boats which do participate in various events in the race areChurulan Vallam,Iruttukuthy Vallam,Odi Vallam,Veppu Vallam (Vaipu Vallam),Vadakkanody Vallam, andKochu Vallam.Nehru Trophy Boat Race is one of the famous Vallam Kali held inPunnamada Lake inAlappuzha district of Kerala.Champakulam Moolam Boat Race is the oldest and most popular Vallam Kali in Kerala. The race is held onriver Pamba on the moolam day (according to theMalayalam Era) of the Malayalam month Midhunam, the day of the installation of the deity at theAmbalappuzha Sree Krishna Temple. TheAranmula Boat Race takes place atAranmula, near a temple dedicated toLord Krishna andArjuna. The President's Trophy Boat Race is a popular event conducted in Ashtamudi Lake in Kollam.
Thousands of people gather on the banks of the river Pamba to watch the snake boat races. Nearly 50 snake boats or chundan vallams participate in the festival.Payippad Jalotsavam is a three-day water festival. It is conducted in Payippad Lake which is 35 km from Alappuzha district of Kerala state. There is a close relation between this Payippad boat race and Subramanya Swamy Temple inHaripad.Indira Gandhi Boat Race is a boat race festival celebrated in the last week of December in the backwaters ofKochi, a city in Kerala. This boat race is one of the most popular Vallam Kali in Kerala. This festival is conducted to promoteKerala tourism.
Malayali cuisine is not homogeneous and regional variations are visible throughout. Spices form an important ingredient in almost all curries. Kerala is known for its traditionalsadhyas, a vegetarian meal served with boiled rice and a host of side-dishes. Thesadhya is complemented bypayasam, a sweet milk dessert native to Kerala. Thesadhya is, as per custom, served on a banana leaf. Traditional dishes includesambar,aviyal,kaalan,theeyal,thoran,injipully,pulisherry,appam,kappa (tapioca),puttu (steamed rice powder), andpuzhukku.Coconut is an essential ingredient in most of the food items and is liberally used.[102]
Puttu is a culinary specialty in Kerala. It is a steamed rice cake which is a favorite breakfast of most Malayalis. It is served with either brown chickpeas cooked in a spicy gravy,papadams and boiled small green lentils, or tiny ripe yellow Kerala plantains. In the highlands there is also a variety ofputtu served withpaani (the boiled-down syrup fromsweet palm toddy) and sweet boiled bananas. to steam theputtu, there is a special utensil called aputtu kutti. It consists of two sections. The lower bulkier portion is where the water for steaming is stored. The upper detachable leaner portion is separated from the lower portion by perforated lids so as to allow the steam to pass through and bake the rice powder.[103]
Appam is a pancake made of fermented batter. The batter is made of rice flour and fermented using either yeast or toddy, the local spirit. It is fried using a special frying pan calledappa-chatti and is served with egg curry, chicken curry, mutton stew, vegetable curry and chickpea curry.[104]
Muslim cuisine orMappila cuisine is a blend of traditionalKerala,Persian,Yemenese andArab food culture.[105] This confluence of culinary cultures is best seen in the preparation of most dishes.[105]Kallummakkaya (mussels)curry,Irachi Puttu (Irachi means meat), parottas (soft flatbread),[105]Pathiri (a type of rice pancake)[105] and ghee rice are some of the other specialties. The characteristic use of spices is the hallmark of Mappila cuisine. spices likeblack pepper,cardamom andclove are used profusely. The KeralaBiryani, is also prepared by the community.[106]
The snacks includeUnnakkaya (deep-fried, boiled ripebanana paste covering a mixture of cashew,raisins andsugar),[107] pazham nirachathu (ripe banana filled withcoconut grating,molasses or sugar),[107]Muttamala made ofeggs,[105]Chattipathiri, adessert made of flour, like baked, layeredChapatis with rich filling,Arikkadukka and so on.[105]
Malayalis have their own form of martial arts calledKalaripayattu. This type of martial arts was used as a defensive mechanism against intruders. In ancient times, disputes between nobles (naaduvazhis orVazhunors) were also settled by the outcome of a Kalaripayattu tournament. This ancient martial art is claimed asthe mother of all martial arts. The word "kalari" can be traced to ancientSangam literature.[108]
Anthropologists estimate that Kalarippayattu dates back to at least the 12th century CE.[109] The historian Elamkulam Kunjan Pillai attributes the birth of Kalaripayattu to an extended period of warfare between theCheras and theCholas in the 11th century CE.[109] What eventually crystallized into this style is thought to have been a product of existing South Indian styles of combat, combined with techniques brought by other cultures.[109] Kalaripayattu may be one of the oldest martial arts in existence.[110] The oldest western reference to Kalaripayattu is a 16th-century travelogue ofDuarte Barbosa, a Portuguese explorer. The southern style, which stresses the importance of hand-to-hand combat, is slightly different than Kalari in the north.[111]
^"*aH and *iH are demonstrative adjectives reconstructed for Proto-Dravidian, as they show variation in vowel length. When they occur in isolation they occur as ā, and ī but when they are followed by a consonant initial word then they appear as a- and i- as in Ta. appoẓutu 'that time'., : Te. appuḍu id. and Ta. ippoẓutu 'that time'., : Te.ippuḍu id. However, Modern Tamil has replaced ā, and ī with anda and inda but most Dravidian languages have preserved it."[49][page needed]
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^Indian Writing Today. Nirmala Sadanand Publishers. 1967. p. 21.Archived from the original on 24 August 2023. Retrieved18 November 2012.
^Mathrubhumi Yearbook Plus - 2019 (Malayalam ed.). Kozhikode: P. V. Chandran, Managing Editor, Mathrubhumi Printing & Publishing Company Limited, Kozhikode. 2018. p. 454.ASIN8182676444.
^abSciences, International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological (18 December 1980)."The Communication of Ideas". Concept Publishing Company.Archived from the original on 24 August 2023. Retrieved22 September 2016 – via Google Books.
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^abcdNettl, Bruno; Arnold, Alison; Stone, Ruth M.; Porter, James; Rice, Timothy; Olsen, Dale Alan; Miller, Terry E.; Kaeppler, Adrienne Lois; Sheehy, Daniel Edward; Koskoff, Ellen; Williams, Sean; Love, Jacob Wainwright; Goertzen, Chris; Danielson, Virginia; Marcus, Scott Lloyd; Reynolds, Dwight; Provine, Robert C.; Tokumaru, Yoshihiko; Witzleben, John Lawrence (18 December 1998).The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: South Asia : the Indian subcontinent. Taylor & Francis.ISBN9780824049461.Archived from the original on 24 August 2023. Retrieved18 October 2020 – via Google Books.