Amakhtesh (Hebrew:מַכְתֵּשׁ ([maχˈteʃ]), Hebrew plural:מַכְתְּשִׁים ([ˌmaχteˈʃim] –Makhteshim) is a geological landform found in theNegev desert of Israel and theSinai Peninsula of Egypt. A makhtesh has steep walls of resistant rock surrounding a deep closed valley, which is usually drained by a singlewadi. The valleys have limited vegetation and soil, containing a variety of different colored rocks and diversefauna and flora. The best known and largest makhtesh isMakhtesh Ramon.
Although commonly referred to as "craters", these formations are "erosion cirques" (steephead valleys orbox canyons). Craters are formed by theimpact of a meteor orvolcanic eruption, whereas makhteshim are created byerosion.[1]
The wordmakhtesh is the Hebrew word for amortar grinder (מַכְתֵּשׁ).[2] The geological landform was given this name because of its similarity to a grinding bowl.
Where a hard outer layer of rock covers softer rocks, erosion removes the softer minerals relatively quickly, and they are washed away from under the harder rock. The harder rocks eventually collapse under their own weight, and a crater-like valley structure is formed. In Negev and Sinai makhteshes, the hard rocks arelimestone anddolomites, while the inner softer rocks arechalk orsandstone.[3]
The center of the Negev is dominated by northeast-southwest anticlinal ridges. The crests of four ridges host five deep valleys surrounded by steep walls. The upper half consists of hard limestone and dolomite, and the bottom isfriable sandstone. Each valley, known as a makhtesh, is drained by a narrow river bed.[4]
The Negev has five makhteshes: Makhtesh Ramon, Makhtesh Gadol, Makhtesh Katan, and two small makhteshes onMount Arif, south of Makhtesh Ramon.
The two makhteshes in Sinai, Egypt, have no names for the basin, but their walls have several names includingJabal al-Manzur orGebel Maghara.[citation needed]
Several similar geological formations are also found in Wadi Rum in southern Jordan.[citation needed]