InGreek mythology,Magnes[pronunciation?] (Ancient Greek: Μάγνης) was aThessalian prince who later on became theeponymous first king ofMagnesia.
Magnes was the son ofZeus andThyia, daughter ofDeucalion, and brother ofMakednos.[1][2] In theBibliotheca, Magnes was placed in the later generation of theDeucalionides, for this time he was the son ofAeolus andEnarete and brother to Aeolian progenitors:Cretheus,Sisyphus,Athamas,Salmoneus,Deion,Perieres,Canace,Alcyone,Pisidice,Calyce andPerimede.[3]
Magnes married an unnamednaiad that bore himDictys andPolydectes.[4] The mother and the sons later emigrated and colonized the island ofSeriphos. Polydectes became king of the island while his brother Dictys, a fisherman would later receiveDanae and her sonPerseus.[5]
Thescholiast ofEuripides called Magnes' wife asPhilodice and his sons,Eurynomus andEioneus.[6] Otherwise,Eustathius named his wife as a certainMeliboea and mentioned one son,Alector, and added that Magnes called the town ofMeliboea at the foot of mountPelion after his wife and the country of Magnesia after his own name.[7]
Pierus, the father ofHyacinth by theMuseClio, was also called a son of Magnes.[8] According toTzetzes, the latter was also said to have fatheredLinus by Clio.[9][AI-generated source?]
Relation | Names | Sources | |||||||
Hesiod | Scholia on Euripides | Apollodorus | Hyginus | Pausanias | Eustathius | Tzetzes | |||
Parents | Zeus and Thyia | ✓ | |||||||
Aeolus and Enarete | ✓ | ||||||||
Aeolus | ✓ | ||||||||
Siblings | Macedon | ✓ | |||||||
Cretheus | ✓ | ||||||||
Sisyphus | ✓ | ||||||||
Athamas | ✓ | ||||||||
Consorts | Philodice | ✓ | - | - | |||||
Naiad nymph | ✓ | ||||||||
Meliboea | ✓ | ||||||||
Clio | ✓ | ||||||||
Children | Dictys | ✓ | ✓ | ||||||
Polydectes | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||||||
Pierus | ✓ | ||||||||
Eurynomus | ✓ | ||||||||
Eioneus | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||
Alector | ✓ | ||||||||
Linus | ✓ |