Madam (/ˈmædəm/), ormadame (/ˈmædəm/ or/məˈdɑːm/),[1] is a polite and formal form of address forwomen in theEnglish language, often contracted toma'am[2] (pronounced/ˈmæm/ in American English[2] and this way but also/ˈmɑːm/ in British English[3]). The term derives from theFrenchmadame, from "ma dame" meaning "my lady". In French, the abbreviation is "Mme" or "Mme" and the plural ismesdames (abbreviated "Mmes" or "Mmes"). These terms ultimately derive from theLatindomina, meaning "mistress".[4]
After addressing her as "Your Majesty" once, it is correct to address theQueen of the United Kingdom as "Ma'am" with the British short pronunciation (rhyming with "jam") for the remainder of a conversation.[5] A letter to the Queen may begin withMadam orMay it please Your Majesty.[6][7] Other female members of theBritish royal family are usually addressed in conversation first asYour Royal Highness and subsequently asMa'am.[7]
Madam President orMadame President is a formal form of address for femalepresidents andvice presidents ofrepublics.[8][9][10][11]Madam Secretary is a formal form of address for afemale member of the United States Cabinet;[12][13] a femaleAttorney General of the United States is formally addressedMadam Attorney General.[14][15]Madam Speaker is a correct form of address for a femalespeaker of the United States House of Representatives (e.g.Nancy Pelosi),[16]British House of Commons (e.g.Betty Boothroyd),[17]Canadian House of Commons,[10] orCanadian Senate.[10]
In the United States, between the early 19th century and 1980, justices of the Supreme Court were formally calledMr. Justice (surname). In 1980, the title was dropped in "to avoid the awkward appellation 'Madam Justice'" in anticipation of a woman joining the court.[18] Plaques on chamber doorways reading "Mr. Justice" were removed afterSandra Day O'Connor joined the court in 1981.[19] Female members ofstate supreme courts were previously sometimes styled asMadam Justice, matching theMr. Justice formally used. JusticeRosemary Barkett of theFlorida Supreme Court disliked the title, since she was unmarried, and announced that she would simply be calledJustice Barkett, leading all the male justices to dropMr. from their forms of address.[20]
In Canada, the appellationMr./Madam Prime Minister andMr./Madam Minister is "often heard informally" forprime ministers andother ministers[10] but that is incorrect and Mr./Madam are not used in addressing a prime minister or other minister. Instead, they are addressed simply as "Prime Minister" or "Minister", as applicable.Madam is an appropriate title in conversation with a femaleGovernor General of Canada or female spouse of a Governor General on second and subsequent reference (after "Your Excellency" or "Excellency" is used on initial reference).[10] Female members of theSupreme Court are addressed by counsel in hearings as eitherMadam Justice orJustice; in writing, a female justice is addressed asThe Honourable Madame (Chief) Justice.[21] The same style is used for other female members of theCanadian federal courts.[10]
In thecourts of England and Wales, amagistrate is addressed as "Your Worship" or "Sir" (if male) or 'Madam' (if female).[22] A female judge of theDistrict Court may be addressed in writing asDear Judge orDear Madam, while a female judge of theHigh Court may be addressed asDear Madam orDearDame (first name) orDear Judge.[22] While in court, however, District Court judges are addressed asJudge (or according to title), and female High Court judges are addressed asMy Lady orMrs/Ms Justice (last name).[22]
Indiplomacy, eitherMadam Ambassador andAmbassador (lastname) is an appropriate formal mode of address for a femaleambassador.[10][11] In some countries, the wife of an ambassador also may be referred to asMadam Ambassador.[11][23] This is the case inFrench-speaking countries,[11] but not among U.S. diplomats or theforeign diplomatic corps in Washington.[23] In countries where the wives of ambassadors may also be titledMadam Ambassador, theForeign Service Institute advises U.S. diplomats to "refer to a female ambassador by her last name (Ambassador Jones) to avoid confusion and ensure that she receives her due respect."[11]Madam High Commissioner is an appropriate formal mode of spoken address for a femalehigh commissioner.[10] The titleMadam may also be used to address femalechargés d'affaires although titles "Mrs." or "Ms." may be used instead.[11]
Outside the settings of formal protocol, the termma'am may be used to address a woman with whom one is not familiar.[24][25] The term is "meant to convey respect and graciousness lightly salted with deference."[25] For example, waiters, store clerks, or police officers may use the term.[25] Unlikemiss, the termma'am tends to be used for older women, which is one reason some dislike the term.[24][25] Others dislike the term for other reasons, such as the distance it created between the speaker and the person addressed; the "whiff ofclass distinctions" implied; and "dismissive, stiff and drab" associations.[25] Others, such as etiquette authorityJudith Martin, defend the term as dignified.[25] Martin writes thatMadam (orMa'am) andSir are "all-purpose titles for direct address, as a foolproof way of conveying the respect due to people whose names escape you."[26]
There are regional differences in use; in the United States,ma'am is more commonly heard in theSouth andMidwest and less common on theEast andWest Coasts.[25]
"Ma'am" is commonly used as a verbal address for female officers ofinspector and higher ranks inBritish police forces.[27] The word is also used by junior personnel to address female superiors in theBritish Armed Forces.[28]
The use ofsir andma'am as forms of address for superiors are common in theUnited States armed forces.[29]U.S. Army andU.S. Air Force regulations state thatma'am is an appropriate greeting for junior personnel when rendering ahand salute to a female superior.[30][31] The use of formal modes of address such assir orma'am, ingrained in military culture, is distinct from the American corporate or civilian setting, where most co-workers refer to each other by first name and use of formal titles is considered awkward.[32] A 2017U.S. Army Human Resources Command publication noted that in theNorthern United States, "it is common to hear young to middle-aged women say, 'Don't call me ma'am,' as it is seen as a title reserved for older women."[32]
In theCanadian Forces, "ma'am" is a proper response when coming to attention to a female officer or chief warrant officer calling the roll.[33]
The titleMadame is commonly used in English for French-speaking women, e.g. "President and Madame De Gaulle."
The termsMadame Mao andMadame Chiang Kai-shek were frequently used in English to refer toJiang Qing (the wife ofMao Zedong) andSoong Mei-ling (the wife ofChiang Kai-shek), respectively;Madame approximated the Chinese respectful forms of address.[34][35][36]