Maars range in size from 20 to 3,000 m (66 to 9,800 ft) across and from 5 to 200 m (20 to 700 ft) deep.[2][3] Most maars fill with water to form natural lakes. Most maars have low rims composed of a mixture of loose fragments ofvolcanic rocks and rocks torn from the walls of thediatreme.[3]
The namemaar comes from aMoselle Franconian dialect word used for the circular lakes of theDaun area of Germany. The word evolved from its first use in German in the modern geological sense in 1819 and is now used in English and in the geological sciences as the term for the explosion crater, even if water from rainfall might always have drained from the crater after the formation event. This extension in meaning was due to recognising that the lake may no longer exist. Since maar lakes are formed after initially ground or subsurface water interacts with amagma intrusion to create an explosion crater, the name came to be used for the crater type as well.[Note 1] The present definition of the term[1] relates to both its common and scientific discourse use in language over two centuries. Depending upon context there may be other descriptors available to use in the geological sciences such as the term tuff ring ormaar-diatreme volcanoes.[4] These last are volcanoes produced by explosive eruptions that cut deeply into the country rock with the maar being "the crater cut into the ground and surrounded by an ejecta ring".[4] A 2011 geological clarification of a maar is "Maar volcanoes are distinguished from other small volcanoes in having craters with their floor lying below the pre-eruptive surface".[4]
Maar lakes, also referred to simply asmaars, occur whengroundwater orprecipitation fills the funnel-shaped and usually round hollow of the maar depression formed by volcanic explosions. Examples of these types of maar are the three maars at Daun in theEifel mountains ofGermany.
Adry maar results when a maar lake dries out, becomesaggraded orsilted up. An example of the latter is theEckfelder Maar. NearSteffeln is theEichholzmaar (also called theGussweiher) which has dried out during the last century and is being renaturalised into a maar. In some cases the underlying rock is so porous that maar lakes are unable to form. After winters of heavy snow and rainfall many dry maars fill partially and temporarily with water; others contain smallbogs or often artificial ponds that, however, only occupy part of the hollow.[citation needed]
The largest known maars are found atEspenberg on theSeward Peninsula in northwest Alaska. These maars range in size from 4 to 8 km (2.5 to 5.0 mi) in diameter and a depth up to 300 m (980 ft). These eruptions occurred in a period of about 100,000 years, with the youngest (the Devil Mountain Maar) occurring about 17,500 years ago. Their large size is due to the explosive reaction that occurs whenmagma comes into contact withpermafrost. Hydromagmatic eruptions are increasingly explosive when the ratio of water to magma is low. Since permafrost melts slowly, it provides a steady source of water to the eruption while keeping the water to magma ratio low. This produces the prolonged, explosive eruptions that created these large maars. Examples of the Seward Peninsula maars include North Killeak Maar, South Killeak Maar, Devil Mountain Maar and Whitefish Maar.[5]
The three maars at Daun (from front to rear): the Gemündener, Weinfelder and Schalkenmehrener MaarWeinfelder MaarSchalkenmehrener Maar
In theVolcanic Eifel there are about 75 maars. Both lake-filled and dry maars are typical, though the latter are more common. The last eruptions took place at least 11,000 years ago, and many maars are older, as evidenced by their heavyerosion and less obvious shapes and volcanic features.[8]
In Germany there are also several maars outside of the Eifel. A well-known example is theMessel pit, a former maar lake nearMessel in the county ofDarmstadt-Dieburg and which is known for its well preservedfossils. In addition in theSwabian Jura and theAlbvorland (the Swabian Volcano) there are maar-forming volcanoes. Because the over 350 eruption points were only active in the UpperMiocene 17 to 11 million years ago, all the maars, apart from the dry maar,Randecker Maar and the Molach, are only detectable geologically. In theOre Mountains nearHammerunterwiesenthal, the Hammerunterwiesenthal Maar formed about 30 million years ago during the Oligocene; the maar measures 2 kilometres from east to west and 1.4 kilometres from north to south.
In Central Mexico, the Tarascan volcanic field contains several maars in the states ofMichoacán andGuanajuato. TheRío Cuarto andHule maars are in Costa Rica. In Nicaragua is the maar of Laguna de Xiloa, part of theApoyeque volcano. From South America, there are known maars inChile (e.g.Cerro Overo andCerro Tujle in northern Chile).Jayu Khota is a maar inBolivia.
According to German Wikipedia's"Maar" article, in 1544 in his bookCosmographia,Sebastian Münster (1488–1552) first applied the word "maar" (asMarh) to theUlmener Maar and theLaacher See.[unreliable source] See: Sebastian Münster,Cosmographia (Basel, Switzerland: Heinrich Petri, 1544),p. 341. From p. 341:"Item zwen namhafftiger seen seind in der Eyfel / einer bey de schloß Ulmen / und ein ander bey dem Closter züm Laich / die seind sere tieff / habe kein ynflüß aber vil außflüß / die nennet man Marh unnd seind fischreich." (Also two noteworthy lakes are in the Eifel, one by the Ulmen castle, and another by the monastery at Laich ; they are very deep ; [they] have no streams flowing in but many flowing out ; one calls them "maars" and [they] are rich in fish.)
In 1819,Johann Steininger (1794–1874), a secondary-school teacher from Trier, coined the term "maar" in its modern sense. See: Steininger, J.,Geognostische Studien am Mittelrhein [Geological studies on the middle Rhein] (Mainz, (Germany): Kupferberg, 1819).
In 1825,George Julius Poulett Scrope (1797–1876) introduced the term "maar" into English. See: Scrope, G.P.,Considerations on Volcanoes (London, England: Philipps, 1825),p. 166.
Horst Noll, a geologist at the University of Köln (Cologne), Germany, said that the local termmaar might even have derived from the Latin wordmare (i.e. sea) and been introduced into local language during the Roman occupation of the West Eifel. See: Noll, H. (1967) "Maare und Maar-ähnliche Explosionskrater in Island. Ein Vergleich mit dem Maar-Vulkanismus der Eifel" (Maars and maar-like explosion craters in Iceland. A comparison with the maar-volcanism of the Eifel.), Special publication of the Geological Institute of the University of Köln, p. 1.
Wilhelm Meyer,Geologie der Eifel [Geology of the Eifel] (Stuttgart, Germany: Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1986), p. 311.
^Wilhelm Meyer."Die Geologie".Heimatjahrbuch 2006 (in German). Kreis Ahrweiler. Archived fromthe original on 2016-05-25. Retrieved2016-01-21. zuUngeklärte Herkunft des Rodder Maars
^Neumann, F.; Schölzel, C.; Litt, T.; Hense, A.; Stein, M. (2007). "Holocene vegetation and climate history of the northern Golan heights (Near East)".Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.16 (4):329–346.Bibcode:2007VegHA..16..329N.doi:10.1007/s00334-006-0046-x.S2CID129220670.
Formation of volcanoes - maar, animation on YouTube, Czech Geological Survey, 2019, duration 1 min 56 sec. English subtitles available. Retrieved 2025-02-04.