"Lucilius" redirects here. For the poet, seeGaius Lucilius.
Monument of Lucilia Polla and Marcus Murrius Saturius, dating to the first century AD. Santa Giulia Museum, Brescia.
Thegens Lucilia was aplebeian family atancient Rome. The most famous member of thisgens was the poetGaius Lucilius, who flourished during the latter part of the second century BC.[1] Although many Lucilii appear in Roman history, the only one known to have obtained any of the higher offices of the Roman state wasLucilius Longus, consulsuffectus in AD 7.[2]
ThenomenLucilius is a patronymic surname, derived from the commonLatinpraenomenLucius.[3] The satirist Lucilius is said to have come fromSuessa Aurunca, an ancient town of theAurunci, where a Latin colony was established in 313 BC.[4]
In the time of theRepublic, the surnames of the Lucilii wereBalbus andBassus, the former originally referring to one who stammers, and the latter referring to someonestout orsturdy. Later, inimperial times, we findCapito, given to one with a large or prominent head, andLongus, "tall".Rufus, commonly given to someone with red hair, appears on coins of the Lucilii, but thecognomen is not mentioned by any ancient writer. A number of the Lucilii are mentioned without a surname.[1][5]
Gaius Lucilius, the originator of Roman satire, lived during the second century BC, and is said to have served in the Roman cavalry underScipio Aemilianus during theNumantine War. When he died atNeapolis in 103 BC, he was honoured with a public funeral.[6]
Lucius Lucilius L. f., praetor about 91 BC, governor ofAsia.
Sextus Lucilius wastribune of the plebs in 86 BC. He was a partisan ofSulla, but the following year, with Sulla's enemies in control of the city, he was hurled from theTarpeian Rock by his successor, Publius Popillius Laenas.[9]
Gaius Lucilius C. f. Hirrus, a merchant from Pompeii, was tribune of the plebs in 53 BC. From 43, he was in Sicily with Sextus Pompeius.[12][13][14][15][16]
Lucilius Bassus, according to Cicero an author well known for his lack of literary merit. In a letter toTitus Pomponius Atticus, he writes of his panegyric uponCato the Younger, "I am well pleased with my work, but so is Bassus Lucilius with his."[18]
Lucilius, a partisan ofBrutus, who fought at theBattle of Philippi. During the retreat, he pretended to be Brutus in order to save his friend. Struck by his self-sacrifice,Marcus Antonius pardoned Lucilius, and the two became fast friends.[22][23]
Marcus Lucilius Paetus, amilitary tribune in the time ofAugustus. A tomb belonging to him and his sister, Lucilia Polla, was discovered in Rome, near theVilla Albani, in 1885. It is a round structure about thirty-four metres across, and believed to have been surmounted by a conical mound of earth seventeen metres high.[24]
Lucilius Longus, asenator, and a close friend ofTiberius. He was consulsuffectus for the last six months of AD 7. When Augustus required the latter to withdraw toRhodes, Lucilius was the only senator to accompany him. When he died in AD 23, Tiberius honoured him with acensor's funeral.[2][25]
Lucilius, a centurion killed in the Pannonian mutiny, AD 14. He was known asCedo Alterum ("Fetch Me Another"), for his tendency to break hisvitis during beatings.[26]
Lucilius Capito,procurator of Asia in AD 23. He was accused of corruption by the people of his province, and was tried in the Senate.[27][28]
Lucilia Polla, commemorated on a monument in the Santa Giulia museum atBrescia.
Lucilius Bassus, commander of a cavalry squadron in AD 69 underVitellius, who gave him command of the fleet atRavenna andMisenum. Disappointed at not receiving command of thePraetorian Guard, he went over toVespasian, to whom he delivered the fleet. Once established in power, Vespasian sent Bassus to pacifyCampania.[30][31]