Louis Philippe was the eldest son ofLouis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans (later known as Philippe Égalité). As Duke of Chartres, the younger Louis Philippe distinguished himself commanding troops during theFrench Revolutionary Wars and was promoted to lieutenant general by the age of 19 but broke with theFirst French Republic over its decision to execute KingLouis XVI. He fled to Switzerland in 1793 after being connected with a plot to restore France's monarchy. His father fell under suspicion and was executed during theReign of Terror.
Louis Philippe remained in exile for 21 years until theBourbon Restoration. He was proclaimed king in 1830 after his cousinCharles X was forced to abdicate by theJuly Revolution. The reign of Louis Philippe is known as theJuly Monarchy and was dominated by wealthy industrialists and bankers. During the 1840–1848 period, he followed conservative policies, especially under the influence of French statesmanFrançois Guizot. He also promoted friendship with Great Britain and sponsored colonial expansion, notably theFrench conquest of Algeria. His popularity faded as economic conditions in France deteriorated in 1847, and he was forced to abdicate after the outbreak of the French Revolution of 1848.
Louis Philippe was the eldest of three sons and a daughter, a family that was to have erratic fortunes from the beginning of theFrench Revolution to theBourbon Restoration.[citation needed] The elder branch of the House of Bourbon, to which the kings of France belonged, deeply distrusted the intentions of the cadet branch, which would succeed to the throne of France should the senior branch die out. Louis Philippe's father was exiled from the royal court, and the Orléans confined themselves to studies of the literature and sciences emerging from theEnlightenment.[citation needed]
Louis Philippe was tutored by theCountess of Genlis, beginning in 1782. She instilled in him a fondness forliberal thought; it is probably during this period that Louis Philippe picked up his slightlyVoltairean[clarification needed] brand of Catholicism. When Louis Philippe's grandfather died in 1785, his father succeeded him as Duke of Orléans and Louis Philippe succeeded his father as Duke of Chartres.
In 1788, with theFrench Revolution looming, the young Louis Philippe showed his liberal sympathies when he helped break down the door of a prison cell inMont Saint-Michel, during a visit there with the Countess of Genlis. From October 1788 to October 1789, thePalais Royal was a meeting-place for the revolutionaries.
Louis Philippe grew up in a period that changed Europe as a whole, and following his father's strong support for the Revolution he involved himself completely in those changes. In his diary, he reports that he took the initiative to join theJacobin Club, a move that his father supported.
Louis Philippe, Duke of Chartres, in 1792 byLéon Cogniet (1834)
In June 1791, Louis Philippe got his first opportunity to become involved in the affairs of France. In 1785, he had been given the hereditary appointment of Colonel of the Chartres Dragoons (renamed 14th Dragoons in 1791).[4] With war imminent in 1791, all proprietary colonels were ordered to join their regiments. Louis Philippe was a model officer, and demonstrated his personal bravery in two famous instances. First, three days after Louis XVI'sflight to Varennes, a quarrel between two local priests and one of the new constitutional vicars became heated. A crowd surrounded the inn where the priests were staying, demanding blood. The young colonel broke through the crowd and extricated the two priests, who fled. At a river crossing on the same day, another crowd threatened to harm the priests. Louis Philippe put himself between a peasant armed with acarbine and the priests, saving their lives. The next day, Louis Philippe dived into a river to save a drowning local engineer. For this action, he received acivic crown from the local municipality. His regiment was moved north toFlanders at the end of 1791 after the 27 August 1791Declaration of Pillnitz.
In the Army of the North, Louis Philippe served with four future Marshals of France:Étienne-Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre MacDonald,Édouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph Mortier (who would later be killed in anassassination attempt on Louis Philippe),Louis-Nicolas Davout andNicolas Oudinot.Charles François Dumouriez was appointed to command the Army of the North in August 1792. Louis Philippe continued to command his brigade under him in theValmy campaign. At the 20 September 1792 Battle of Valmy, Louis Philippe was ordered to place a battery of artillery on the crest of the hill of Valmy. The battle was apparently inconclusive, but the Austrian-Prussian army, short of supplies, was forced back across theRhine. Dumouriez praised Louis Philippe's performance in a letter after the battle. Louis Philippe was recalled to Paris to give an account of the Battle at Valmy to the French government. He had a rather trying interview withGeorges Danton, the Minister of Justice, which he later told his children about. Shortly thereafter, he was made Governor of Strasbourg.
While in Paris, Louis Philippe was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general. In October Louis Philippe returned to the Army of the North, where Dumouriez had begun a march into the Austrian Netherlands (nowBelgium). Louis Philippe again commanded a brigade, even though he held the rank of lieutenant general. On 6 November 1792, Dumouriez chose to attack an Austrian force in a strong position on the heights of Cuesmes andJemappes to the west ofMons. Louis Philippe's division sustained heavy casualties as it attacked through a wood, and retreated in disorder. Lt. General Louis Philippe rallied a group of units, dubbing them "the battalion of Mons", and pushed forward along with other French units, finally overwhelming the outnumbered Austrians.
Events in Paris undermined Louis Philippe's budding military career. The incompetence ofJean-Nicolas Pache, the newGirondist appointee of 3 October 1792, left the Army of the North almost without supplies. Soon thousands of troops were deserting the army. Louis Philippe was alienated by the more radical policies of theRepublic. After theNational Convention decided to putthe deposed king to death, Louis Philippe began to consider leaving France. He was dismayed that his own father, known then asPhilippe Égalité, voted in favour of the execution. Louis Philippe was willing to stay to fulfill his duties in the army, but he became implicated in the plot Dumouriez had planned to ally with the Austrians, march his army on Paris, and restore theConstitution of 1791. Dumouriez had met with Louis Philippe on 22 March 1793 and urged his subordinate to join in the attempt.
With the French government falling into theReign of Terror about the time of the creation of theRevolutionary Tribunal earlier in March 1793, Louis Philippe decided to leave France to save his life. On 4 April, Dumouriez and Louis Philippe left for the Austrian camp. They were intercepted by Lieutenant-Colonel Louis-Nicolas Davout, who had served at the Battle of Jemappes with Louis Philippe. As Dumouriez ordered the Colonel back to the camp, some of his soldiers cried out against the General, now declared a traitor by the National Convention. Shots rang out as the two men fled toward the Austrian camp. The next day, Dumouriez again tried to rally soldiers against the convention; however, he found that the artillery had declared itself in favour of the Republic. He and Louis Philippe had no choice but to go into exile when Philippe Égalité was arrested. At the age of 19, and already ranked as a Lieutenant General, Louis Philippe left France. He did not return for 21 years.
Early in his exile, Louis Philippe was a teacher of geography, history, mathematics and modern languages, at a boys' boarding school inReichenau,Switzerland.
The reaction in Paris to Louis Philippe's involvement in Dumouriez's treason inevitably resulted in misfortunes for the Orléans family. Philippe Égalité spoke in theNational Convention, condemning his son for his actions, asserting that he would not spare his son, much akin to the Roman consulBrutus and his sons. However, letters from Louis Philippe to his father were discovered in transit and were read out to the Convention. Philippe Égalité was then put under continuous surveillance. Shortly thereafter, theGirondists moved to arrest him and the two younger brothers of Louis Philippe,Louis-Charles andAntoine Philippe; the latter had been serving in theArmy of Italy. The three were interned inFort Saint-Jean (Marseille).
Meanwhile, Louis Philippe was forced to live in the shadows, avoiding both pro-Republican revolutionaries andLegitimist Frenchémigré centres in various parts of Europe and also in the Austrian army. He first moved toSwitzerland under an assumed name, and met up with the Countess of Genlis and his sisterAdélaïde atSchaffhausen. From there they went toZürich, where the Swiss authorities decreed that to protect Swiss neutrality, Louis Philippe would have to leave the city. They went toZug, where Louis Philippe was discovered by a group ofémigrés.
It became quite apparent that for the women to settle peacefully anywhere, they would have to separate from Louis Philippe. He then left with his faithful valet Baudouin for the heights of theAlps, and then toBasel, where he sold all but one of his horses. Now moving from town to town throughout Switzerland, he and Baudouin found themselves very much exposed to all the distresses of extended travelling. They were refused entry to a monastery by monks who believed them to be young vagabonds. Another time, he woke up after spending a night in a barn to find himself at the far end of a musket, confronted by a man attempting to keep away thieves.
Throughout this period, Louis Philippe never stayed in one place more than 48 hours. Finally, in October 1793, Louis Philippe was appointed a teacher of geography, history, mathematics and modern languages, at a boys' boarding school. The school, owned by a Monsieur Jost, was inReichenau, a village on the upper Rhine in the then independentGrisons league state, now part of Switzerland. His salary was 1,400 francs and he taught under the nameMonsieur Chabos. He had been at the school for a month when he heard the news from Paris: his father had beenguillotined on 6 November 1793 after a trial before the Revolutionary Tribunal.
Portrait of Louis Philippe (age 25) at the time of his stay in New York City (1797), originally painted byJames Sharples
After Louis Philippe left Reichenau, he separated the now 16-year-old Adélaïde from the Countess of Genlis, who had fallen out with Louis Philippe. Adélaïde went to live with her great-aunt thePrincess of Conti atFribourg, then toBavaria andHungary and, finally, to her mother, who was exiled in Spain. Louis Philippe travelled extensively. He visited Scandinavia in 1795 and then moved on to Finland. For about a year he stayed inMuonio, a remote village in the valley of theTornio river inLapland. He lived in therectory under the name Müller, as a guest of the localLutheran vicar. While visiting Muonio, he supposedly fathered a child with Beata Caisa Wahlborn (1766–1830) called Erik Kolstrøm (1796–1879).[5]
Somerindyke estate on Bloomingdale Road, near 75th St.
Louis Philippe's visit toCape Cod in 1797 coincided with the division of the town of Eastham into two towns, one of which took the name of Orleans, possibly in his honour. During their sojourn, the Orléans princes travelled throughout the country, as far south asNashville and as far north asMaine. The brothers were even held in Philadelphia briefly during an outbreak ofyellow fever. Louis Philippe is also thought to have met Isaac Snow ofOrleans, Massachusetts, who had escaped to France from a Britishprison hulk during theAmerican Revolutionary War. In 1839, while reflecting on his visit to the United States, Louis Philippe explained in a letter toFrançois Guizot that his three years there had a large influence on his political beliefs and judgments when he became king.
The three brothers sailed for Havana in an Americancorvette, but a British warship intercepted their ship in theGulf of Mexico. The British seized the brothers, but took them to Havana anyway. Unable to find passage to Europe, the brothers spent a year in Cuba (from spring 1798 to autumn 1799), until they were unexpectedly expelled by the Spanish authorities. They sailed viathe Bahamas toNova Scotia, where they were received by theDuke of Kent, son ofKing George III and (later) father ofQueen Victoria. Louis Philippe struck up a lasting friendship with the British prince. Eventually, the brothers sailed back to New York, and in January 1800, they arrived in England, where they stayed for the next fifteen years. During these years, Louis Philippe taught mathematics and geography at the now-defunctGreat Ealing School, reckoned, in its 19th-century heyday, to be "the best private school in England".[7][8]
Louis Philippe and his brothers were not officially received as royals at the British court, but they were able to blend in socially with the English aristocracy, and by November 1801 Louis Philippe admitted to his brothers that he was "putting down roots in the country".[9] By October 1803, his new loyalties led to a clash withCharles Philippe, Count of Artois (the future king Charles X), when he wore theHanoverian blackcockade in place of the French white cockade on inspecting French royalist volunteer troops in London.[10] In July 1804, he wrote to theBishop of Llandaff that global security and the future of humankind depended on England's resistance toNapoleon.[11] In the summer of 1807, he moved his residence fromTwickenham to the Duke of Kent'sCastle Hill Lodge.[12]
In 1808, Louis Philippe proposed toPrincess Elizabeth, daughter of King George III. His Catholicism and the opposition of her mother,Queen Charlotte, meant the Princess reluctantly declined the offer.[13]
On 15 April 1808, Louis Philippe departed fromPortsmouth forPalermo in the then British protectorate of Sicily viaGibraltar,Cagliari,Valletta (where his sole surviving brother, Louis Charles, died) andMessina, arriving on 20 June. He remained in Sicily in the pay of the BritishForeign Office until the BourbonFirst Restoration in 1814; he was last remunerated at the discretion ofLord A'Court, the British representative in Palermo, after July 1814.[14] In his role as a British agent, he initially prepared for a mission inMexico, where he was to act as the military adviser toLeopold, Prince of Salerno in inciting an anti-French rebellion with British naval support.[15] After the news of the outbreak of thePeninsular War reached Sicily in July 1808, he sailed for Gibraltar of his own initiative with the prince, but was directed to London and prohibited entry into Spain on pain of losing his allowance.[16] He passed the winter in Malta and returned to Sicily in March 1809 upon receiving British authorisation for a military campaign in Italy againstJoachim Murat, but instead he spent two months in Cagliari (from April to June 1809) trying to persuadeVictor Emmanuel I to launch an attack against Napoleon in thePo Valley.[17] During this time, he finally gave up on marrying Princess Elizabeth and unsuccessfully lobbied the Bourbons of Sicily to obtain theIonian Islands as a principality for himself.[18]
On 25 November 1809, Louis Philippe married PrincessMaria Amalia of Naples and Sicily, daughter of KingFerdinand IV of Naples andMaria Carolina of Austria, in Palermo. The marriage was controversial because her mother's younger sister was QueenMarie Antoinette, and Louis Philippe's father was considered to have a role in Marie Antoinette's execution. The Queen of Naples was opposed to the match for this reason. She had been very close to her sister and devastated by her execution, but she had given her consent after Louis Philippe had convinced her that he was determined to compensate for the mistakes of his father, and after having agreed to answer all her questions regarding his father.[19]
After the abdication of Napoleon, Louis Philippe, known asLouis Philippe, Duke of Orléans, returned to France during the reign of his cousinLouis XVIII, at the time of theBourbon Restoration. Louis Philippe had reconciled the Orléans family with Louis XVIII in exile, and was once more to be found in the elaborate royal court. However, his resentment at the treatment of his family, the cadet branch of theHouse of Bourbon under theAncien Régime, caused friction between him and Louis XVIII, and he openly sided with the liberal opposition.
Upon his return to Paris in May 1814, the Duke of Orléans was restored to the rank of lieutenant-general in the army by Louis XVIII. He was denied the title ofAltesse Royale (Royal Highness), although it was accorded to his wife. Louis Philippe had to settle for the lesserAltesse Serenissime (Serene Highness).[20] Less than a year after returning to France, he and his family were uprooted by the return of Napoléon from Elba, known as theHundred Days. On 6 March 1815, after the news of Napoléon's return to France reached Paris, Louis Philippe was dispatched toLyon with theComte d'Artois (the future Charles X) to organize a defense against the Emperor, but the hopelessness of the situation soon became apparent and he was back in the capital by the 12th. Thereafter, Louis XVIII made him commander of theArmy of the North. In the days after Napoléon entered Paris (March 20), Louis XVIII fled to Belgium and Louis Philippe resigned his commission, choosing to join his family in exile in England. This brought him further scorn from royalists because he did not join Louis XVIII in Belgium.[21] Napoléon was soon defeated in theBattle of Waterloo and Louis XVIII was restored to power, but Louis Philippe and his family only returned to France in 1817, after the wave of repression and recriminations had faded.
Louis Philippe was on far friendlier terms with Louis XVIII's brother and successor, Charles X, who acceded to the throne in 1824, and with whom he socialized. Charles X granted him theAltesse Royale title, and permittedLouis Henri, Prince of Condé to make Louis Philippe's fourth son,Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale, heir to the domaine ofChantilly.[22] However, Louis Philippe's opposition to the policies ofJoseph de Villèle and later ofJules de Polignac caused him to be viewed as a constant threat to the stability of Charles' government. This soon proved to be to his advantage.
Louis Philippe d'Orléans leaving the Palais-Royal to go to the Town Hall, 31 July 1830, two days after theJuly RevolutionKing Louis Philippe I taking the oath to keep the Charter of 1830 on 9 August 1830King Louis Philippe, Portrait byLouise Adélaïde Desnos (1838)
In 1830, theJuly Revolution overthrew Charles X, who abdicated in favour of his 10-year-old grandson,Henri, Duke of Bordeaux. Charles X named Louis PhilippeLieutenant général du royaume, and charged him to announce his desire to have his grandson succeed him to the popularly electedChamber of Deputies. Louis Philippe did not do this, in order to increase his own chances of succession. As a consequence, because the chamber was aware of his liberal policies and of his popularity with the masses, they proclaimed Louis Philippe as the new French king, displacing the senior branch of theHouse of Bourbon. For the prior eleven days Louis Philippe had been acting as theregent for the young Henri.
Charles X and his family, including his grandson, went into exile in theUnited Kingdom. The young ex-king, the Duke of Bordeaux, in exile took the title ofComte de Chambord. Later he became thepretender to the throne of France and was supported by theLegitimists. Louis Philippe was sworn in as King Louis Philippe I on 9 August 1830.[23] Upon his accession to the throne, Louis Philippe assumed the title ofKing of the French, a title previously adopted byLouis XVI in the short-livedConstitution of 1791. Linking themonarchy to a people instead of a territory (as the previous designationKing of France and of Navarre) was aimed at undercutting the Legitimist claims of Charles X and his family.
By an ordinance he signed on 13 August 1830,[n 1] the new king defined the manner in which his children, as well as his "beloved" sister, would continue to bear the surname "d'Orléans" and the arms of Orléans, declared that his eldest son, asPrince Royal (notDauphin), would bear the titleDuke of Orléans, that the younger sons would continue to have their previous titles, and that his sister and daughters would be styledPrincesses of Orléans, notof France. His ascent to the title of King of the French was seen as a betrayal by EmperorNicholas I of Russia. Nicholas ended their friendship. In 1832, Louis' daughter, PrincessLouise-Marie, married the first ruler of Belgium, KingLeopold I. Their descendants include all subsequent Kings of the Belgians, and EmpressCarlota of Mexico.
Louis Philippe ruled in an unpretentious fashion, avoiding the pomp and lavish spending of his predecessors. Despite this outward appearance of simplicity, his support came from the wealthybourgeoisie. At first, he was much loved and called the "Citizen King" and the "bourgeois monarch", but his popularity suffered as his government was perceived as increasingly conservative and monarchical. Because he owed his elevation to a revolution in Paris and a faction of liberal deputies in the parliament of Charles X, Louis Philippe's rule "lacked...the mystical appeal of itsDivine Right predecessor. Support for it was to a much greater degree conditional."[24][25] Unlike his predecessor, he did not have a dynastic legacy to draw on, so he turned to the glories of Napoleon I to prop up his own regime. He supported thereturn of Napoleon's remains to France and his son, theDuke of Joinville, brought the remains fromSaint Helena for reinterment atLes Invalides. The statue of Napoleon was returned to its spot atop theVendôme Column in 1833, and theArc de Triomphe, a monument to Napoleon's victories, was inaugurated in 1836. Louis Philippe also commissioned the creation of anational history museum at thePalace of Versailles, where famous Napoleonic battles were painted by important artists.[26]
In parliament, the narrow, property-qualified electorate of the time (only about 1 in every 170 citizens was enfranchised at the beginning of the reign) provided Louis Philippe with consistent support.[27] Under his management, the conditions of the working classes deteriorated, and theincome gap widened considerably.[citation needed] According to William Fortescue, "Louis Philippe owed his throne to a popular revolution in Paris, he was the 'King of the Barricades', yet he went on to preside over a regime which rapidly gained notoriety for political repression of the left, class oppression of the poor and rule in the interests of the rich."[28] In foreign affairs, it was a quiet period, with friendship with Great Britain.[29] In October 1844 he paid a visit toQueen Victoria atWindsor Castle. This made him the first reigning French king to set foot on English soil sinceJean II was imprisoned there after theBattle of Poitiers in 1356.[30]
Throughout his reign, Louis Philippe faced domestic opposition from various factions, ranging fromLegitimists, who supported the senior branch of the Bourbons over the Orléans branch, toRepublicans. This opposition, however, was weak and fragmented.[24] In the spring of 1832, a terrible outbreak ofcholera in Paris fueled resentment against the July Monarchy and reignited revolutionary fervor. Many Parisians blamed Louis Philippe and his government for their perceived inaction in the face of the epidemic. This resentment culminated in the short-lived Republican uprising called theJune Rebellion, in which insurrectionists took over a portion of central Paris. The rebellion was quickly crushed by a huge force of soldiers andNational Guards who descended on the city. Louis Philippe showed a cool resolve throughout the crisis, coming to Paris as soon as he was informed of the disturbances, greeting the troops, and going amongst the people.[31][32]
An industrial and agricultural depression in 1846 led to the1848 Revolutions, and Louis Philippe's abdication.[33] The dissonance between his positive early reputation and his late unpopularity was epitomized byVictor Hugo inLes Misérables as an oxymoron describing his reign as "Prince Equality", in which Hugo states:
[Louis Philippe had to] bear in his own person the contradiction of the Restoration and the Revolution, to have that disquieting side of the revolutionary which becomes reassuring in governing power ... He had been proscribed, a wanderer, poor. He had lived by his own labor. In Switzerland, this heir to the richest princely domains in France had sold an old horse in order to obtain bread. At Reichenau, he gave lessons in mathematics, while his sister Adelaide did wool work and sewed. These souvenirs connected with a king rendered the bourgeoisie enthusiastic. He had, with his own hands, demolished the iron cage ofMont-Saint-Michel, built byLouis XI, and used byLouis XV. He was the companion of Dumouriez, he was the friend ofLafayette; he had belonged to the Jacobins' club;Mirabeau had slapped him on the shoulder;Danton had said to him: "Young man!"
What is there against him? That throne. Take away Louis Philippe the king, there remains the man. And the man is good. He is good at times even to the point of being admirable. Often, in the midst of his gravest souvenirs, after a day of conflict with the whole diplomacy of the continent, he returned at night to his apartments, and there, exhausted with fatigue, overwhelmed with sleep, what did he do?He took a death sentence and passed the night in revising a criminal suit, considering it something to hold his own against Europe, but that it was a still greater matter to rescue a man from the executioner.[34]
Fieschi, a Corsican ex-soldier, attacked the procession with a weapon he built himself, avolley gun that later became known as theMachine infernale. This consisted of 25 gun barrels fastened to a wooden frame that could be fired simultaneously.[35] The device was fired from the third level of n° 50 Boulevard du Temple (acommemorative plaque has since been engraved there), which had been rented by Fieschi. A ball only grazed the King's forehead. Eighteen people were killed, including Lieutenant ColonelJoseph Rieussec [fr] of the 8th Legion together with eight other officers,Marshal Mortier, duc de Trévise, and Colonel Raffet, General Girard, Captain Villate, General La Chasse de Vérigny, a woman, a 14-year-old girl and two men. A further 22 people were injured.[36][37] The King and the princes escaped essentially unharmed.Horace Vernet, the King's painter, was ordered to make a drawing of the event.[38]
Several of the gun barrels of Fieschi's weapon burst when it was fired; he was badly injured and was quickly captured. He was executed byguillotine together with his two co-conspirators the following year.
1834 caricature of Louis Philippe turning into a pear mirrored the deterioration of his popularity (Honoré Daumier, afterCharles Philipon, who was imprisoned for the original)Alphonse de Lamartine in front of the Town Hall of Paris rejects the red flag on 25 February 1848, during theFebruary 1848 Revolution
On 24 February 1848, during theFebruary 1848 Revolution, King Louis Philippe abdicated in favour of his nine-year-old grandson,Philippe, comte de Paris. Fearful of what had happened to the deposed Louis XVI, Louis Philippe quickly left Paris under disguise. He rode in an ordinary cab under the name of "Mr. Smith". He fled to England with his wife on board apacket boat offered to him by the British consul atLe Havre.[39]
TheNational Assembly of France initially planned to accept young Philippe as king, but the strong current of public opinion rejected that. On 26 February, theSecond Republic was proclaimed. Louis Napoléon Bonaparte was elected president on 10 December 1848; on 2 December 1851, he declared himselfpresident for life and then EmperorNapoleon III in 1852.
Louis Philippe and his family remained in exile in Great Britain inClaremont, Surrey, though a plaque on Angel Hill,Bury St Edmunds, claims that he spent some time there, possibly due to a friendship with theMarquess of Bristol, who lived nearby atIckworth House. The royal couple spent some time by the sea atSt. Leonards[40] and later at the Marquess's home inBrighton. Louis Philippe died at Claremont on 26 August 1850. He was first buried at St. Charles Borromeo Chapel inWeybridge, Surrey. In 1876, his remains and those of his wife were taken to France and buried at theChapelle royale de Dreux, the Orléans familynecropolis his mother had built in 1816, and which he had enlarged and embellished after her death.
View of Port Louis Philippe, the oldestFrench colony in the South Pacific, referred to nowadays by itsindigenous name Akaroa
Port Louis Philippe (Akaroa), the oldestFrench colony in theSouth Pacific and the oldest town in theCanterbury Region of the New Zealand'sSouth Island was named in honour of Louis Philippe who reigned as King of the French at the time the colony was established on 18 August 1840.[52] Louis Philippe had been instrumental insupporting the settlement project. Thecompany responsible for the endeavour received Louis Philippe's signature on 11 December 1839 as well as his permission to carry out the voyage in line with his policy of supporting colonial expansion and the construction of asecond empire which had first commenced under him inAlgeria around a decade earlier.[53] The British Lieutenant-Governor Captain William Hobson subsequently went on to claim sovereignty over Port Louis Philippe.
As a further honorific gesture to Louis Philippe and hisOrléanist branch of the Bourbons, the ship on which the settlers sailed to found the eponymous colony of Port Louis Philippe was named theComte de Paris after Louis Philippe's beloved infant grandson,Prince Philippe d'Orléans, Count of Paris who was born on 24 August 1838.[53]
^Louis Philippe's 13 August 1830 Ordinance, relative to the surname (nom) and titles of his children and of his sister:Ordonnance du roi quidétermine les noms et titres des princes et princesses de la famille royale.
LOUIS PHILIPPE ROI DES FRANÇAIS, à tous présens et à venir, salut.
Notre avènement à la couronne ayant rendu nécessaire de déterminer les noms et les titres que devaient porter à l'avenir les princes et princesses nos enfans, ainsi que notre bien-aimée sœur,Nous avons ordonné et ordonnons ce qui suit :Les princes et princesses nos bien-aimés enfans, ainsi que notre bien-aimée sœur,continueront à porter le nom et les armes d'Orléans.
Notre bien-aimé fils aîné, le duc de Chartres, portera, comme prince royal, le titre de duc d'Orléans.
Nos bien-aimés fils puînés conserveront les titres qu'ils ont portés jusqu'à ce jour.Nos bien-aimées filles et notre bien-aimée sœur ne porteront d'autre titre que celui deprincesses d'Orléans, en se distinguant entre elles par leurs prénoms.
Il sera fait, en conséquence, sur les registres de l'état civil de la Maison royale, dans les archives de la Chambre des Pairs, toutes les rectifications qui résultent des dispositions ci-dessus ...
^Saucier, Corinne L. (1943).History of Avoyelles Parish. p. 27.
^Compare:"Ealing and Brentford: Education".British History Online.Great Ealing school was founded in 1698. ... A Mr. Pierce was succeeded as master in 1768 by his son-in-law the Revd. Richard Badcock Shury, rector of Perivale, whose son-in-law the Revd. David Nicholas became headmaster in 1791. Nicholas (d. 1829) and his sons the Revd. George, who left in 1837, and the Revd. Francis Nicholas spent large sums on buildings and achieved a wide reputation. ... The curriculum was that of a public school, ... and Louis-Philippe, later king of the French, taught geography and mathematics there in the early 19th century.
Collingham, H.A.C.; Alexander, R. S. (1988).The July Monarchy: A Political History of France, 1830–1848. Longman.ISBN0-5820-2186-3.OL2394831M.
de Flers, Robert (1891).Le Roi Louis Philippe: Vie Anecdotique 1773–1850 (in French). Paris: Librairie de La Société des Gens de Lettres.OCLC3741283.OL6918316M.
Fortescue, William (2005).France and 1848: The End of Monarchy. Routledge. p. 27.ISBN978-0-4153-1462-6.
Howarth, T.E.B.Citizen-King: The Life of Louis Philippe, King of the French (1962).
Jardin, Andre, and Andre-Jean Tudesq.Restoration and Reaction 1815–1848 (The Cambridge History of Modern France) (1988).
Lucas-Dubreton, J.The Restoration and the July Monarchy (1929).
Newman, Edgar Leon, and Robert Lawrence Simpson.Historical Dictionary of France from the 1815 Restoration to the Second Empire (Greenwood Press, 1987)online editionArchived 28 June 2011 at theWayback Machine.
Porch, Douglas. "The French Army Law of 1832."Historical Journal 14, no. 4 (1971): 751–69.online.