Scientist using an optical microscope in a laboratory
Theoptical microscope, also referred to as alight microscope, is a type ofmicroscope that commonly usesvisible light and a system oflenses to generate magnified images of small objects. Optical microscopes are the oldest design of microscope and were possibly invented in their present compound form in the 17th century. Basic optical microscopes can be very simple, although many complex designs aim to improveresolution and samplecontrast.[citation needed]
The object is placed on astage and may be directly viewed through one or twoeyepieces on the microscope. In high-power microscopes, both eyepieces typically show the same image, but with astereo microscope, slightly different images are used to create a 3-D effect. A camera is typically used to capture the image (micrograph).[citation needed]
The sample can be lit in a variety of ways. Transparent objects can be lit from below and solid objects can be lit with light coming through (bright field) or around (dark field) the objective lens.Polarised light may be used to determine crystal orientation of metallic objects.Phase-contrast imaging can be used to increase image contrast by highlighting small details of differing refractive index.[citation needed]
A range ofobjective lenses with different magnification are usually provided mounted on a turret, allowing them to be rotated into place and providing an ability to zoom-in. The maximum magnification power of optical microscopes is typically limited to around 1000x because of the limited resolving power of visible light. While larger magnifications are possible no additional details of the object are resolved.[citation needed]
There are two basic types of optical microscopes: simple microscopes and compound microscopes. A simple microscope uses theoptical power of a single lens or group of lenses for magnification. A compound microscope uses a system of lenses (one set enlarging the image produced by another) to achieve a much higher magnification of an object. The vast majority of modernresearch microscopes are compound microscopes, while some cheaper commercialdigital microscopes are simple single-lens microscopes. Compound microscopes can be further divided into a variety of other types of microscopes, which differ in their optical configurations, cost, and intended purposes.[citation needed]
A simple microscope uses a lens or set of lenses to enlarge an object through angular magnification alone, giving the viewer an erect enlargedvirtual image.[1][2] The use of a single convex lens or groups of lenses are found in simple magnification devices such as themagnifying glass,loupes, andeyepieces fortelescopes and microscopes.[citation needed]
A compound microscope uses a lens close to the object being viewed to collect light (called theobjective lens), which focuses areal image of the object inside the microscope. That image is then magnified by a second lens or group of lenses (called theeyepiece) that gives the viewer an enlarged inverted virtual image of the object.[3]
The use of a compound objective-eyepiece combination allows for much higher angular magnification:For an object of height,it can at most occupy an unmagnifiedangular size while remaining in focus,achieved when it is placed at thenear point distance of the eye (about 11 cm).The virtual image created by the compound microscope achieves an angular size of,where is the distance between the neighboring objective and eyepiece focal points.This is an angular magnification of.
Common compound microscopes often feature exchangeable objective lenses, allowing the user to quickly adjust the magnification.[3] A compound microscope also enables more advanced illumination setups, such asphase contrast.[citation needed]
There are many variants of the compound optical microscope design for specialized purposes. Some of these are physical design differences allowing specialization for certain purposes:[citation needed]
Stereo microscope, a low-powered microscope which provides a stereoscopic view of the sample, commonly used for dissection.
Comparison microscope has two separate light paths allowing direct comparison of two samples via one image in each eye.
Inverted microscope, for studying samples from below; useful for cell cultures in liquid or for metallography.
Fiber optic connector inspection microscope, designed for connector end-face inspection
Other microscope variants are designed for different illumination techniques:
Petrographic microscope, whose design usually includes a polarizing filter, rotating stage, and gypsum plate to facilitate the study of minerals or other crystalline materials whose optical properties can vary with orientation.
Confocal microscope, a widely used variant of epifluorescent illumination that uses a scanning laser to illuminate a sample for fluorescence.
Two-photon microscope, used to image fluorescence deeper in scattering media and reduce photobleaching, especially in living samples.
Student microscope – an often low-power microscope with simplified controls and sometimes low-quality optics designed for school use or as a starter instrument for children.[4]
Ultramicroscope, an adapted light microscope that useslight scattering to allow viewing of tiny particles whose diameter is below or near the wavelength of visible light (around 500 nanometers); mostly obsolete since the advent ofelectron microscopes
A digital microscope is a microscope equipped with adigital camera allowing observation of a sample via acomputer. Microscopes can also be partly or wholly computer-controlled with various levels of automation. Digital microscopy allows greater analysis of a microscope image, for example, measurements of distances and areas and quantitation of a fluorescent orhistological stain.[citation needed]
Low-powered digital microscopes,USB microscopes, are also commercially available. These are essentiallywebcams with a high-poweredmacro lens and generally do not usetransillumination. The camera is attached directly to a computer'sUSB port to show the images directly on the monitor. They offer modest magnifications (up to about 200×) without the need to use eyepieces and at a very low cost. High-power illumination is usually provided by anLED source or sources adjacent to the camera lens.[citation needed]
Digital microscopy with very low light levels to avoid damage to vulnerable biological samples is available using sensitivephoton-counting digital cameras. It has been demonstrated that a light source providing pairs ofentangled photons may minimize the risk of damage to the most light-sensitive samples. In this application ofghost imaging to photon-sparse microscopy, the sample is illuminated with infrared photons, each spatially correlated with an entangled partner in the visible band for efficient imaging by a photon-counting camera.[7]
The earliest microscopes were singlelensmagnifying glasses with limited magnification, which date at least as far back as the widespread use of lenses ineyeglasses in the 13th century.[8]
Compound microscopes first appeared in Europe around 1620[9][10] including one demonstrated byCornelis Drebbel in London (around 1621) and one exhibited in Rome in 1624.[11][10]
The actual inventor of the compound microscope is unknown although many claims have been made over the years. These include a claim 35[12] years after they appeared byDutch spectacle-maker Johannes Zachariassen that his father,Zacharias Janssen, invented the compound microscope and/or the telescope as early as 1590. Johannes' testimony, which some claim is dubious,[13][14][15] pushes the invention date so far back that Zacharias would have been a child at the time, leading to speculation that, for Johannes' claim to be true, the compound microscope would have to have been invented by Johannes' grandfather, Hans Martens.[14] Another claim is that Janssen's competitor,Hans Lippershey (who applied for the first telescope patent in 1608) also invented the compound microscope.[16] Other historians point to the Dutch innovator Cornelis Drebbel with his 1621 compound microscope.[11][10]
Galileo Galilei is sometimes cited as a compound microscope inventor. After 1610, he found that he could close focus his telescope to view small objects, such as flies, close up[17] and/or could look through the wrong end in reverse to magnify small objects.[18] The only drawback was that his 2 foot long telescope had to be extended out to 6 feet to view objects that close.[19] After seeing the compound microscope built by Drebbel exhibited in Rome in 1624, Galileo built his own improved version.[11][10] In 1625,Giovanni Faber coined the namemicroscope for the compound microscope Galileo submitted to theAccademia dei Lincei in 1624[20] (Galileo had called it the "occhiolino" or "little eye"). Faber coined the name from theGreek wordsμικρόν (micron) meaning "small", andσκοπεῖν (skopein) meaning "to look at", a name meant to be analogous with "telescope", another word coined by the Linceans.[21]
Christiaan Huygens, another Dutchman, developed a simple 2-lens ocular system in the late 17th century that wasachromatically corrected, and therefore a huge step forward in microscope development. The Huygens ocular is still being produced to this day, but suffers from a small field size, and other minor disadvantages.[citation needed]
The oldest published image known to have been made with a microscope: bees byFrancesco Stelluti, 1630[22]
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1724) is credited with bringing the microscope to the attention of biologists, even though simple magnifying lenses were already being produced in the 16th century. Van Leeuwenhoek's home-made microscopes were simple microscopes, with a single very small, yet strong lens. They were awkward in use, but enabled van Leeuwenhoek to see detailed images. It took about 150 years of optical development before the compound microscope was able to provide the same quality image as van Leeuwenhoek's simple microscopes, due to difficulties in configuring multiple lenses. In the 1850s,John Leonard Riddell, Professor of Chemistry atTulane University, invented the first practical binocular microscope while carrying out one of the earliest and most extensive American microscopic investigations ofcholera.[23][24]
While basic microscope technology and optics have been available for over 400 years it is much more recently that techniques in sample illumination were developed to generate the high quality images seen today.[citation needed]
In August 1893,August Köhler developedKöhler illumination. This method of sample illumination gives rise to extremely even lighting and overcomes many limitations of older techniques of sample illumination. Before development of Köhler illumination the image of the light source, for example alightbulb filament, was always visible in the image of the sample.[citation needed]
Modern biological microscopy depends heavily on the development offluorescentprobes for specific structures within a cell. In contrast to normal transilluminated light microscopy, influorescence microscopy the sample is illuminated through the objective lens with a narrow set of wavelengths of light. This light interacts with fluorophores in the sample which then emit light of a longerwavelength. It is this emitted light which makes up the image.[citation needed]
Since the mid-20th century chemical fluorescent stains, such asDAPI which binds toDNA, have been used to label specific structures within the cell. More recent developments includeimmunofluorescence, which uses fluorescently labelledantibodies to recognise specific proteins within a sample, and fluorescent proteins likeGFP which a live cell canexpress making it fluorescent.[citation needed]
Basic optical transmission microscope elements (1990s)
All modern optical microscopes designed for viewing samples by transmitted light share the same basic components of the light path. In addition, the vast majority of microscopes have the same 'structural' components[25] (numbered below according to the image on the right):[citation needed]
Theeyepiece, or ocular lens, is a cylinder containing two or more lenses; its function is to bring the image into focus for the eye. The eyepiece is inserted into the top end of the body tube. Eyepieces are interchangeable and many different eyepieces can be inserted with different degrees of magnification. Typical magnification values for eyepieces include 5×, 10× (the most common), 15× and 20×. In some high performance microscopes, the optical configuration of the objective lens and eyepiece are matched to give the best possible optical performance. This occurs most commonly withapochromatic objectives.[citation needed]
Objective turret (revolver or revolving nose piece)
Objective turret, revolver, or revolving nose piece is the part that holds the set of objective lenses. It allows the user to switch between objective lenses.[citation needed]
At the lower end of a typical compound optical microscope, there are one or moreobjective lenses that collect light from the sample. The objective is usually in a cylinder housing containing a glass single or multi-element compound lens. Typically there will be around three objective lenses screwed into a circular nose piece which may be rotated to select the required objective lens. These arrangements are designed to beparfocal, which means that when one changes from one lens to another on a microscope, the sample stays infocus. Microscope objectives are characterized by two parameters, namely,magnification andnumerical aperture. The former typically ranges from 5× to 100× while the latter ranges from 0.14 to 0.7, corresponding tofocal lengths of about 40 to 2 mm, respectively. Objective lenses with higher magnifications normally have a higher numerical aperture and a shorterdepth of field in the resulting image. Some high performance objective lenses may require matched eyepieces to deliver the best optical performance.[citation needed]
Some microscopes make use ofoil-immersion objectives or water-immersion objectives for greater resolution at high magnification. These are used withindex-matching material such asimmersion oil or water and a matched cover slip between the objective lens and the sample. The refractive index of the index-matching material is higher than air allowing the objective lens to have a larger numerical aperture (greater than 1) so that the light is transmitted from the specimen to the outer face of the objective lens with minimal refraction. Numerical apertures as high as 1.6 can be achieved.[26] The larger numerical aperture allows collection of more light making detailed observation of smaller details possible. An oil immersion lens usually has a magnification of 40 to 100×.[citation needed]
Adjustment knobs move the stage up and down with separate adjustment for coarse and fine focusing. The same controls enable the microscope to adjust to specimens of different thickness. In older designs of microscopes, the focus adjustment wheels move the microscope tube up or down relative to the stand and had a fixed stage.[citation needed]
The whole of the optical assembly is traditionally attached to a rigid arm, which in turn is attached to a robust U-shaped foot to provide the necessary rigidity. The arm angle may be adjustable to allow the viewing angle to be adjusted.[citation needed]
The frame provides a mounting point for various microscope controls. Normally this will include controls for focusing, typically a large knurled wheel to adjust coarse focus, together with a smaller knurled wheel to control fine focus. Other features may be lamp controls and/or controls for adjusting the condenser.[citation needed]
The stage is a platform below the objective lens which supports the specimen being viewed. In the center of the stage is a hole through which light passes to illuminate the specimen. The stage usually has arms to holdslides (rectangular glass plates with typical dimensions of 25×75 mm, on which the specimen is mounted).[citation needed]
At magnifications higher than 100× moving a slide by hand is not practical. A mechanical stage, typical of medium and higher priced microscopes, allows tiny movements of the slide via control knobs that reposition the sample/slide as desired. If a microscope did not originally have a mechanical stage it may be possible to add one.[citation needed]
All stages move up and down for focus. With a mechanical stage slides move on two horizontal axes for positioning the specimen to examine specimen details.[citation needed]
Focusing starts at lower magnification in order to center the specimen by the user on the stage. Moving to a higher magnification requires the stage to be moved higher vertically for re-focus at the higher magnification and may also require slight horizontal specimen position adjustment. Horizontal specimen position adjustments are the reason for having a mechanical stage.[citation needed]
Due to the difficulty in preparing specimens and mounting them on slides, for children it is best to begin with prepared slides that are centered and focus easily regardless of the focus level used.[citation needed]
Many sources of light can be used. At its simplest, daylight is directed via amirror. Most microscopes, however, have their own adjustable and controllable light source – often ahalogen lamp, although illumination usingLEDs andlasers are becoming a more common provision.Köhler illumination is often provided on more expensive instruments.[citation needed]
Thecondenser is a lens designed to focus light from the illumination source onto the sample. The condenser may also include other features, such as adiaphragm and/or filters, to manage the quality and intensity of the illumination. For illumination techniques likedark field,phase contrast anddifferential interference contrast microscopy additional optical components must be precisely aligned in the light path.[citation needed]
The actual power ormagnification of a compound optical microscope is the product of the powers of theeyepiece and the objective lens. For example a 10x eyepiece magnification and a 100x objective lens magnification gives a total magnification of 1,000×. Modified environments such as the use of oil or ultraviolet light can increase the resolution and allow for resolved details at magnifications larger than 1,000x.[citation needed]
Modern microscopes allow more than just observation of transmitted light image of a sample; there are many techniques which can be used to extract other kinds of data. Most of these require additional equipment in addition to a basic compound microscope.[citation needed]
Reflected light, or incident, illumination (for analysis of surface structures)
A 40x magnification image of cells in a medicalsmear test taken through an optical microscope using awet mount technique, placing the specimen on a glass slide and mixing with a salt solution
Optical microscopy is used extensively in microelectronics, nanophysics, biotechnology, pharmaceutic research, mineralogy and microbiology.[28]
In industrial use, binocular microscopes are common. Aside from applications needing truedepth perception, the use of dual eyepieces reduceseye strain associated with long workdays at a microscopy station. In certain applications, long-working-distance or long-focus microscopes[29] are beneficial. An item may need to be examined behind awindow, or industrial subjects may be a hazard to the objective. Such optics resemble telescopes with close-focus capabilities.[30][31]
Measuring microscopes are used for precision measurement. There are two basic types.One has areticle graduated to allow measuring distances in the focal plane.[32] The other (and older) type has simplecrosshairs and a micrometer mechanism for moving the subject relative to the microscope.[33]
Very small, portable microscopes have found some usage in places where a laboratory microscope would be a burden.[34]
The diffraction limit set in stone on a monument forErnst Abbe
At very high magnifications with transmitted light, point objects are seen as fuzzy discs surrounded bydiffraction rings. These are calledAiry disks. Theresolving power of a microscope is taken as the ability to distinguish between two closely spaced Airy disks (or, in other words the ability of the microscope to reveal adjacent structural detail as distinct and separate). It is these impacts of diffraction that limit the ability to resolve fine details. The extent and magnitude of the diffraction patterns are affected by both thewavelength oflight (λ), the refractive materials used to manufacture the objective lens and thenumerical aperture (NA) of the objective lens. There is therefore a finite limit beyond which it is impossible to resolve separate points in the objective field, known as thediffraction limit.[citation needed]Assuming that optical aberrations in the whole optical set-up are negligible, the resolutiond, can be stated as:
Usually a wavelength of 550 nm is assumed, which corresponds togreen light. Withair as the external medium, the highest practicalNA is 0.95, and with oil, up to 1.5. In practice the lowest value ofd obtainable with conventional lenses is about 200 nm. A new type of lens using multiple scattering of light allowed to improve the resolution to below 100 nm.[35]
Multiple techniques are available for reaching resolutions higher than the transmitted light limit described above. Holographic techniques, as described by Courjon and Bulabois in 1979, are also capable of breaking this resolution limit, although resolution was restricted in their experimental analysis.[36]
Despite significant progress in the last decade, techniques for surpassing the diffraction limit remain limited and specialized.[citation needed]
While most techniques focus on increases in lateral resolution there are also some techniques which aim to allow analysis of extremely thin samples. For example,sarfus methods place the thin sample on a contrast-enhancing surface and thereby allows to directly visualize films as thin as 0.3 nanometers.[citation needed]
SMI (spatially modulated illumination microscopy) is a light optical process of the so-calledpoint spread function (PSF) engineering. These are processes which modify the PSF of amicroscope in a suitable manner to either increase the optical resolution, to maximize the precision ofdistance measurements of fluorescent objects that are small relative to thewavelength of the illuminating light, or to extract other structural parameters in the nanometer range.[40][41]
3D dual color super resolution microscopy with Her2 and Her3 in breast cells, standard dyes: Alexa 488, Alexa 568 LIMON
SPDM (spectral precision distance microscopy), the basic localization microscopy technology is a light optical process offluorescence microscopy which allows position, distance and angle measurements on "optically isolated" particles (e.g. molecules) well below the theoreticallimit of resolution for light microscopy. "Optically isolated" means that at a given point in time, only a single particle/molecule within a region of a size determined by conventional optical resolution (typically approx. 200–250 nmdiameter) is being registered. This is possible whenmolecules within such a region all carry different spectral markers (e.g. different colors or other usable differences in thelight emission of different particles).[42][43][44][45]
Many standard fluorescent dyes likeGFP, Alexa dyes, Atto dyes, Cy2/Cy3 and fluorescein molecules can be used for localization microscopy, provided certain photo-physical conditions are present. Using this so-called SPDMphymod (physically modifiable fluorophores) technology a single laser wavelength of suitable intensity is sufficient for nanoimaging.[46]
3D super resolution microscopy with standard fluorescent dyes can be achieved by combination of localization microscopy for standard fluorescent dyes SPDMphymod and structured illumination SMI.[47]
Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy image of actin filaments within a cell
Stimulated emission depletion is a simple example of how higher resolution surpassing the diffraction limit is possible, but it has major limitations. STED is a fluorescence microscopy technique which uses a combination of light pulses to induce fluorescence in a small sub-population of fluorescent molecules in a sample. Each molecule produces a diffraction-limited spot of light in the image, and the centre of each of these spots corresponds to the location of the molecule. As the number of fluorescing molecules is low the spots of light are unlikely to overlap and therefore can be placed accurately. This process is then repeated many times to generate the image.Stefan Hell of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry was awarded the 10th German Future Prize in 2006 and Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2014 for his development of the STED microscope and associated methodologies.[48]
In order to overcome the limitations set by the diffraction limit of visible light other microscopes have been designed which use other waves.[citation needed]
It is important to note that higher frequency waves have limited interaction with matter, for example soft tissues are relatively transparent to X-rays resulting in distinct sources of contrast and different target applications.[citation needed]
The use of electrons and X-rays in place of light allows much higher resolution – the wavelength of the radiation is shorter so the diffraction limit is lower. To make theshort-wavelength probe non-destructive, the atomic beam imaging system (atomic nanoscope) has been proposed and widely discussed in the literature, but it is not yet competitive with conventional imaging systems.[citation needed]
STM and AFM are scanning probe techniques using a small probe which is scanned over the sample surface. Resolution in these cases is limited by the size of the probe; micromachining techniques can produce probes with tip radii of 5–10 nm.[citation needed]
Additionally, methods such as electron or X-ray microscopy use a vacuum or partial vacuum, which limits their use for live and biological samples (with the exception of anenvironmental scanning electron microscope). The specimen chambers needed for all such instruments also limits sample size, and sample manipulation is more difficult. Color cannot be seen in images made by these methods, so some information is lost. They are however, essential when investigating molecular or atomic effects, such asage hardening inaluminium alloys, or themicrostructure ofpolymers.[citation needed]
^abShmaefsky, Brian (2006)Biotechnology 101. Greenwood. p. 171.ISBN0313335281.
^Note: stories vary, including Zacharias Janssen had the help of his father Hans Martens (or sometimes said to have been built entirely by his father). Zacharias' probable birth date of 1585 (Van Helden, p. 28) makes it unlikely he invented it in 1590 and the claim of invention is based on the testimony of Zacharias Janssen's son, Johannes Zachariassen, who may have fabricated the whole story (Van Helden, p. 43).
^Robert D. Huerta, Giants of Delft: Johannes Vermeer and the Natural Philosophers : the Parallel Search for Knowledge During the Age of Discovery, Bucknell University Press - 2003, page 126
^A. Mark Smith, From Sight to Light: The Passage from Ancient to Modern Optics, University of Chicago Press - 2014, page 387
^Daniel J. Boorstin, The Discoverers, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group - 2011, page 327
^Riddell JL (1854). "On the binocular microscope".Q J Microsc Sci.2:18–24.
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^Kenneth, Spring; Keller, H. Ernst; Davidson, Michael W."Microscope objectives".Olympus Microscopy Resource Center.Archived from the original on 1 November 2008. Retrieved29 October 2008.
^Ollsson, Gustaf (2003)."Reticles". In Driggers, Ronald G. (ed.).Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering, Vol. 3. CRC Press. p. 2409.ISBN978-0-824-74252-2.
^"Microscopy".Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, Containing Its Transactions and Proceedings and a Summary of Current Researches Relating to Zoology and Botany (Principally Invertebrata and Cryptogamia), Microscopy, &c. 1906. p. 716. A discussion of Zeiss measuring microscopes.
^Courjon, D.; Bulabois, J. (1979). "Real Time Holographic Microscopy Using a Peculiar Holographic Illuminating System and a Rotary Shearing Interferometer".Journal of Optics.10 (3): 125.Bibcode:1979JOpt...10..125C.doi:10.1088/0150-536X/10/3/004.
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^Cremer, Christoph; Hausmann, Michael; Bradl, Joachim and Schneider, Bernhard "Wave field microscope with detection point spread function",U.S. patent 7,342,717, priority date 10 July 1997
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"Metallographic and Materialographic Specimen Preparation, Light Microscopy, Image Analysis and Hardness Testing", Kay Geels in collaboration with Struers A/S, ASTM International 2006.