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Laodicea on the Lycus

Coordinates:37°50′09″N29°06′27″E / 37.83583°N 29.10750°E /37.83583; 29.10750
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Ancient town in Phrygia, Asia Minor, now Turkey
For other places with the same name, seeLaodicea.
Laodicea on the Lycus
Λαοδίκεια πρὸς τοῦ Λύκου(in Greek)
Laodikeia(in Turkish)
Colonnaded street in Laodicea
Laodicea on the Lycus is located in Turkey
Laodicea on the Lycus
Shown within Turkey
LocationEskihisar,Denizli Province,Turkey
Coordinates37°50′09″N29°06′27″E / 37.83583°N 29.10750°E /37.83583; 29.10750

Laodicea on the Lycus (Greek:Λαοδίκεια πρὸς τοῦ ΛύκουLaodikeia pros tou Lykou;Latin:Laodicea ad Lycum, alsotransliterated asLaodiceia orLaodikeia) (modernTurkish:Laodikeia) was a rich ancient Greek city in Asia Minor, now Turkey, on the riverLycus (Çürüksu). It was located in theHellenistic regions ofCaria andLydia, which later became the Roman Province ofPhrygia Pacatiana. It is now near the modern city ofDenizli.

Since 2002, Pamukkale University has continued archaeological excavations, followed by intensive restoration work.[1]

In 2013 the archaeological site was inscribed in theTentative List of World Heritage Sites in Turkey.[2]

It containedone of theSeven churches of Asia mentioned in theBook of Revelation.[3]



Laodicea is situated on the long spur of a hill between the narrow valleys of the small riversAsopus andCaprus, which discharge their waters into the Lycus.

It lay on a major trade route[4] and in its neighbourhood were many important ancient cities; it was 17 km west ofColossae, 10 km south ofHierapolis.[5] and 160 km east ofEphesus. It was situated in the ancient region ofPhrygia, although some ancient authors place Laodicea in differing provincial territories, not surprising because the precise limits of these territories were both ill-defined and inconstant; for example,Ptolemy[6] andPhilostratus[7] call it a town of Caria, whileStephanus of Byzantium describes it as belonging to Lydia.


Bronze Roman medal (45 mm, 45.6 g) showingCaracalla's portrait and the emperor being greeted by city's citizens in the Agora during his visit to Laodicea ad Lycum (216/217 AD), in front of a two-columned temple with soldiers lined up on both sides.
Side of West Agora
Western Theatre after restoration in 2021
Temple 'A'

Laodicea on the Lycus was built on the site of an earlier pre-Hellenistic settlement, on a hill above theLycus river, close to its confluence with theMaeander.

Laodicea was founded byAntiochus II Theos, king of theSeleucid Empire, in 261-253 BC in honour of his wifeLaodice, together with several other cities of the same name.[8] According toPliny the Elder, the town was originally calledDiospolis, "City ofZeus", and afterwardsRhoas.[9] It soon became a wealthy city.[10] In 220 BC,Achaeus declared himself king of the region but was defeated byAntiochus the Great in 213 BC. Antiochus transported 2,000Jewish families to Phrygia fromBabylonia.[11] Many of Laodicea's inhabitants wereJews from this time, and Cicero records thatFlaccus[which?] later confiscated the considerable sum of 9 kg of gold, which was being sent annually toJerusalem for theTemple.[12][13]

After theBattle of Magnesia in 188 BC, when the Romans defeated the Seleucids, the Treaty of Apamea was signed, which gave control of the whole of western Asia Minor to theKingdom of Pergamon. With the death of its last king, its territory was bequested to Rome in 133 BC. It received from Rome the title offree city. It suffered greatly during theMithridatic Wars[14] but quickly recovered under the dominion of Rome. Towards the end of theRoman Republic and under the first emperors, Laodicea benefitted from its advantageous position on a trade route and became one of the most important and flourishing commercial cities of Asia Minor, in which large money transactions and an extensive trade in black wool were carried out.[15][16][17] Its renowned wealth is referred to in the Bible.[18]

During the Roman period, Laodicea was the chief city of a Romanconventus, which comprised 24 cities besides itself; Cicero records holding assizes therec. 50 BC.[19]

Strabo (64 BC - 24 AD) attributes the celebrity of the city to the fertility of the soil and the wealth of some of its inhabitants, amongst whom may have been Hiero of Laodicea, who adorned the city with many beautiful buildings and bequeathed to it more than 2000talents at his death.[20][21]

The wealth of its inhabitants engendered a taste for the arts of theGreeks, as is manifest from its ruins, and that it contributed to the advancement of science and literature is attested by the names of the scepticsAntiochus andTheiodas, the successors ofAenesidemus (1st century BC),[22] and by the existence of a great medical school.[23] Its wealthy citizens embellished Laodicea with beautiful monuments. One of the chiefs of these citizens,Polemon (r. 37 BC - 8 AD), became King ofArmenian Pontus (called after him "Polemoniacus") and of the coast roundTrebizond.[24] The city minted its own coins, the inscriptions of which show evidence of the worship ofZeus,Æsculapius,Apollo, and the emperors.

The area often suffered from earthquakes, especially from the great shock that occurred in the reign ofNero (60 AD) in which the town was completely destroyed. However, the inhabitants declined imperial assistance to rebuild and restore the city by their own means.[25]

The martyrdom ofLulianos and Paphos is believed to have happened here.

TheByzantine writers often mention Laodicea, especially in the time of theKomnenian emperors. In 1119, EmperorJohn II Komnenos and his chief military commander,John Axouch,captured Laodicea from theSeljuk Turks in the first major military victory of his reign.

It was fortified by the EmperorManuel I Komnenos.[26] In 1206–1230, it was ruled byManuel Maurozomes.[27] The city was destroyed during the invasions of theTurks andMongols.[28]

Christianity at Laodicea

The Church of Laodicea
Inside the Church
Water law inscription
See also:Early centers of Christianity § Anatolia

With its large Jewish community,[29] Laodicea very early became a seat ofChristianity and abishopric. TheEpistle to the Colossians mentions Laodicea as one of the communities of concern for Paul the Apostle.[30] It sends greetings from a certainEpaphras from Colossae, who worked hard for the Christians of the threePhrygian cities ofColossae, Laodicea ad Lycum andHierapolis.[31] Asking for greetings to be sent to the Laodicean Christians,[32] the writer requests that his letter be read publicly at Laodicea (Colossians 4:16) and that another letter addressed to the Laodiceans (seeEpistle to the Laodiceans) be given a public reading at Colossae.[33] Some Greek manuscripts of theFirst Epistle to Timothy end with the words: "Written at Laodicea, metropolis of Phrygia Pacatiana".[34] Laodicea is also one of theseven churches of Asia mentioned in theBook of Revelation.[35]

The first three bishops attributed to the see of Laodicea are very uncertain, their names recalling people mentioned in the New Testament:Archippus (Colossians 4:17); Nymphas, already indicated as bishop of Laodicea by theApostolic Constitutions of the last quarter of the 4th century[36] (a man named Nymphas or, according to the best manuscripts, a woman named Nympha is mentioned inColossians 4:15); andDiotrephes (3 John 9). After these three comes Sagaris, martyr (c. 166). Sisinnius is mentioned in the Acts of the martyr Saint Artemon, a priest of his church. Nunechius assisted at theCouncil of Nicaea (325). Eugenius, known by an inscription, was probably his successor. Constantius transferred the Arian Cecropius to the See of Nicomedia.[34]

When Phrygia was divided into two provinces, Laodicea became the metropolis ofPhrygia Pacatiana: it figures under this title in all theNotitiae Episcopatuum. Some twenty incumbents are known besides those already enumerated; the last occupied the see in 1450. Since then, the bishopric has become atitular see, listed asLaodicea in Phrygia by theCatholic Church,[37] which has appointed no furthertitular bishops to the see since the transfer of the last incumbent in 1968.[38]

Sixty canons of aCouncil of Laodicea, written in Greek, exist. The testimony ofTheodoret asserts this assembly was actually held,[39] the date of this assembly being much discussed. Some have even thought that the council must have preceded that of Nicaea (325), or at least that ofConstantinople (381). It seems safer to consider it after the latter. The canons are, undoubtedly, only a resume of an older text and appear to be derived from two distinct collections. They are of great importance in the history of discipline and liturgy; someProtestants have invoked one of them in opposition to the veneration ofangels.[34]

The site

Temple "A"
Roman bridge over the Asopos river near the site
West Baths
Stadium of Laodicea
Baths of the Gymnasium

The existing remains attest to its former greatness. Its many buildings include astadium,baths, temples, agymnasium, twotheatres and abouleuterion (Senate House). On the eastern side, the line of the ancient wall may be distinctly traced, with the Ephesus gate's remains; streets traverse the town, flanked by colonnades and numerous pedestals. North of the town, towards the Lycus, are manysarcophagi, with their covers lying near them, partly embedded in the ground, and all having long been rifled.

The West theatre has been recently restored (2022) with virtually complete banks of stone seats.[citation needed] Originally built in theHellenistic period, it held 8000 spectators and was used until the 7th c. AD.

Also, much of the vast 35,000 m2 west (or central)agora has been restored with many of its tall 10.8 m columns.[40] The 100 m long and 11 m high back wall is covered with frescoes and is considered important for world archaeology.

Particularly interesting are the remains of anaqueduct starting several km away at the Baspinar spring in Denizli and possibly having another more distant source. Unusually, to cross the valley to the south of Laodicea, instead of the usual open channel carried above the level of the city on lofty arches as was the usual practice of the Romans, an inverted siphon was employed consisting of a double pressurised pipeline, descending into the valley and back up to the city. The water pressure in the siphon at the bottom of the valley was a challenge without strong piping. The low arches supporting the siphon commence near the summit of a low hill to the south of the city where the header tank was located and thence continue to the first terminal distribution tank (castellum aquae) at the edge of the hill of the city, whose remains are visible to the east of the stadium and South Baths complex. The water was heavily charged with calcareous matter, as several arches were covered with a thick encrustation where leaks occurred later. The siphon consisted of large carved stone pipes; some were much incrusted, and some completely choked up. The terminal tank has many clay pipes of various diameters for water distribution on the north, east, and south sides, which were replaced in time because of the choking by sinter. To the west of the terminal is a small fountain next to the vaulted gate. The aqueduct appears to have been destroyed by anearthquake, as the remaining arches lean bodily on one side without being much broken. A second distribution terminal and sedimentation tank are visible 400 m north of the first, to which it was connected via another siphon of travertine blocks, and this one was bigger and supplied most of the city.

In 2015, a rare marble block was found with the inscription of the water law. Issued in 114 AD, it regulated the use of water imported from the mountains to Laodicea on pain of 5 to 12.5 thousanddenarii fines imposed for polluting water, destroying channels, or opening water pipes.

The stadium/hippodrome near the city's southern extremity is in a good state of preservation. The seats are arranged along two sides of a narrow valley, which was taken advantage of for this purpose and was closed up at both ends. Towards the west are considerable remains of an underground passage by which chariots and horses could be admitted into the arena, with a long inscription over the entrance.

Immediately north of the stadium lies a gymnasium complex coupled with twin baths peculiar to the region. It is linked to the south agora on its north side and abouleuterion. An inscription shows the ensemble was built forHadrian's visit in 135.

In 2019 a statue of Roman emperorTrajan was unearthed at the site.[41]

Notable people



  1. ^Laodicea, World Archaeology Issue 41
  2. ^"Archaeological site of Laodikeia".UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved19 June 2018.
  3. ^St. Paul,Ep. ad Coloss. ii. 1, iv. 15, foll.;Apocal. iii. 14, foll.
  4. ^Strabo 14.2.19.
  5. ^Antonine Itinerary p. 337;Tabula Peutingeriana;Strabo xiii. p. 629.
  6. ^v. 2. § 18.
  7. ^Lives of the Sophists i. 25
  8. ^Simon Hornblower; Antony Spawforth; Esther Eidinow (2012).The Oxford Classical Dictionary. OUP Oxford. p. 793.ISBN 978-0-19-954556-8.
  9. ^Robert Parker (2017).Greek Gods Abroad: Names, Natures, and Transformations. Univ of California Press. pp. 224–225.ISBN 9780520293946.
  10. ^Fant, Clyde E, and Mitchell G Reddish, 'Laodicea', A Guide to Biblical Sites in Greece and Turkey (New York, 2003; online edn, Oxford Academic, 12 Nov. 2020), Pages232–240
  11. ^Josephus,Ant. Jud., xii.3.4.
  12. ^CiceroPro Flacco 28-68
  13. ^"Laodicea".
  14. ^Appian,Bell. Mithr. 20; Strabo xii. p. 578.
  15. ^CiceroEpistulae ad Familiares ii. 1. 7, iii. 5
  16. ^ Strab. xii.8.16
  17. ^Vitruvius viii. 3.
  18. ^Revelation 3, 14-18
  19. ^Ciceroad Fam. iii. 7, ix. 25, xiii. 54, 67, xv. 4,ad Att. v. 15, 16, 20, 21, vi. 1, 2, 3, 7,In Verrem i. 30.
  20. ^Comp. Fellows, Journal written in Asia Minor, p. 280, foll.
  21. ^William Martin Leake, Asia Minor, p. 251, foll.
  22. ^Diogenes Laërtius ix. 11. § 106, 12. § 116.
  23. ^Strabo xii. p. 580.
  24. ^Strabo, Geography, 12.8.16
  25. ^Tacitus,Annals.xiv. 27.
  26. ^Nicet.Chon. Ann. pp. 9, 81.
  27. ^Peter Thonemann (2011).The Maeander Valley: A Historical Geography from Antiquity to Byzantium. Cambridge University Press. p. 5.ISBN 9781139499354.
  28. ^William Smith (1873).A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. Vol. 2. John Murray. p. 122.
  29. ^JosephusAnt. Jud. xiv. 10, 20;Hierocl. p. 665.
  30. ^Colossians 2:1
  31. ^Colossians 4:12–13
  32. ^Colossians 4:15
  33. ^Colossians 4:16
  34. ^abcSophrone Pétridès,"Laodicea" inCatholic Encyclopedia (New York 1910)
  35. ^Revelation 1:11,3:14–22
  36. ^Apostolic Constitutions, 7:46
  37. ^Annuario Pontificio 2013 (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013,ISBN 978-88-209-9070-1), p. 913
  38. ^Laodicea in Phrygia
  39. ^In Coloss,, ii, 18,Patrologia Latina, LXXXII, 619,
  40. ^Sacred agora unearthed in Laodicea
  41. ^"La ciudad antigua de Laodicea se hará subir a los estándares de Éfeso". 28 March 2019.
  42. ^Suda, omicron, 766
  43. ^abDiogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers, 9.116
  44. ^Greek Anthology Book 16.52

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related toLaodicea on the Lycus.
Wikisource has the text of the1911Encyclopædia Britannica article "Laodicea".
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