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Order of heavy-bodied ground-feeding birds
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Temporal range:Eocene-Recent,55–0 Ma[1][full citation needed]
Possible earlier origin based onmolecular clock[2]
Clockwise from top left:Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus),red junglefowl (Gallus gallus),golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus),red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa),Gunnison grouse (Centrocercus minimus),wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo),great curassow (Crax rubra),helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris)
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Temminck, 1820
Extant families


Galliformes/ˌɡælɪˈfɔːrmz/ is anorder of heavy-bodied ground-feedingbirds that includesturkeys,chickens,quail, and other landfowl. Gallinaceous birds, as they are called, are important in their ecosystems as seed dispersers and predators, and are often reared by humans for their meat and eggs, or hunted as game birds.

The order contains about 290 species, inhabiting everycontinent except Antarctica, and divided into fivefamilies:Phasianidae (including chicken, quail,partridges,pheasants, turkeys,peafowl (peacocks) andgrouse),Odontophoridae (New World quail),Numididae (guinea fowl),Cracidae (including chachalacas and curassows), andMegapodiidae (incubator birds likemalleefowl andbrush-turkeys). They adapt to most environments except for innermostdeserts and perpetual ice.

Many gallinaceous species are skilled runners and escape predators by running rather than flying. Males of most species are more colorful than the females, with often elaborate courtship behaviors that include strutting, fluffing of tail or head feathers, and vocal sounds. They are mainly nonmigratory. Several species have beendomesticated during their long and extensive relationships with humans.

The namegalliformes derives from "gallus", Latin for "rooster". Common names aregamefowl orgamebirds,landfowl,gallinaceous birds, orgalliforms. Galliforms and waterfowl (orderAnseriformes) are collectively calledfowl.

Systematics and evolution

Despite its distinct appearance, thewild turkey is actually a very close relative ofpheasants

The living Galliformes were once divided into seven or morefamilies. Despite their distinctive appearance, grouse andturkeys probably do not warrant separation as families due to their recent origin frompartridge- orpheasant-like birds. The turkeys became larger after their ancestors colonized temperate and subtropicalNorth America, where pheasant-sized competitors were absent. The ancestors of grouse, though, adapted to harsh climates and could thereby colonizesubarctic regions. Consequently, thePhasianidae are expanded in current taxonomy to include the formerTetraonidae andMeleagrididae assubfamilies.[3]

TheAnseriformes (waterfowl) and the Galliformes together make up theGalloanserae. They arebasal among the livingneognathous birds, and normally follow thePaleognathae (ratites and tinamous) in modern bird classification systems. This was first proposed in theSibley-Ahlquist taxonomy and has been the one major change of that proposed scheme that was almost universally adopted. However, the Galliformes as they were traditionally delimited are calledGallomorphae in the Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy, which splits theCracidae andMegapodiidae as anorder "Craciformes". This is not a natural group, however, but rather an erroneous result of the now-obsoletephenetic methodology employed in the Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy.[4] Phenetic studies do not distinguish betweenplesiomorphic andapomorphic characters, which leads tobasal lineages appearing asmonophyletic groups.

Historically, thebuttonquails (Turnicidae),mesites (Mesitornithidae) and thehoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) were placed in the Galliformes, too. The former are now known to beshorebirds adapted to an inland lifestyle, whereas the mesites are probably closely related topigeons and doves. The relationships of the hoatzin are entirely obscure, and it is usually treated as amonotypic order Opisthocomiformes to signify this.

The fossil record for the Galliformes is incomplete.[5]


Megapodiidae – megapodes (7 genera, 21 extant species)

Cracidae – chachalacas, curassows, guans (11 genera, 57 species)

Numididae – guineafowl (4 genera, 8 species)

Odontophoridae – New World quail (10 genera, 34 species)

Phasianidae – pheasants & allies (54 genera, 188 species)

Phylogeny of the Galliformes based a study by De Chen and collaborators published in 2021.[6] The number of species are from the list maintained byFrank Gill,Pamela Rasmussen and David Donsker on behalf of theInternational Ornithologists' Union.[7][8]



Galloanserae-like birds were one of the main survivors of theK-T Event, that killed off the rest of the dinosaurs. The dominant birds of the dinosaur era were theenantiornithes, toothed birds that dominated the trees and skies. Unlike those enantiornithes, the ancestors of the galliformes were a niche group that were toothless and ground-dwelling. When the asteroid impact killed off all non-avian dinosaurs, and the dominant birds, it destroyed all creatures that lived in trees and on open ground. The enantiornithes were wiped out, but the ancestors of galliformes were small and lived in the ground (unlike water forAnseriformes) which protected them from the blast and destruction.[9]

Fossils of these galliform-like birds originate in theLate Cretaceous, most notably those ofAustinornis lentus. Its partial lefttarsometatarsus was found in theAustin Chalk nearFort McKinney, Texas, dating to about 85 million years ago (Mya). This bird was quite certainly closely related to Galliformes, but whether it was a part of these or belongs elsewhere in the little-known galliform branch of Galloanserae is not clear. However, in 2004, Clarke classified it as a member of the larger groupPangalliformes, more closely related to chickens than to ducks, but not a member of thecrown group that includes all modern galliformes.[10] Another specimen,PVPH 237, from the Late CretaceousPortezuelo Formation (Turonian-Coniacian, about 90 Mya) in theSierra de Portezuelo (Argentina) has also been suggested to be an early galliform relative. This is a partialcoracoid of a neornithine bird, which in its general shape and particularly the wide and deep attachment for the muscle joining the coracoid and thehumerus bone resembles the morebasal lineages of galliforms.[11]

Additional galliform-like pangalliformes are represented byextinct families from thePaleogene, namely theGallinuloididae,Paraortygidae andQuercymegapodiidae. In the earlyCenozoic, some additional birds may or may not be early Galliformes, though even if they are, they are unlikely to belong to extant families:

  • Argillipes (London Clay Early Eocene of England)
  • Coturnipes (Early Eocene of England, and Virginia, USA?)
  • Palaeophasianus (Willwood Early Eocene of Bighorn County, USA)
  • Percolinus (London Clay Early Eocene of England)
  • Amitabha (Bridger middle Eocene of Forbidden City, USA) – phasianid?
  • "Palaeorallus" alienus (middle Oligocene of Tatal-Gol, Mongolia)
  • Anisolornis (Santa Cruz Middle Miocene of Karaihen, Argentina)

From the mid-Eocene onwards – about 45 Mya or so, true galliforms are known, and these completely replace their older relatives in the earlyNeogene. Since the earliest representatives of living galliform families apparently belong to thePhasianidae – the youngest family of galliforms, the other families of Galliformes must be at least ofEarly Eocene origin but might even be as old as the Late Cretaceous. TheichnotaxonTristraguloolithus cracioides is based on fossil eggshell fragments from the Late CretaceousOldman Formation of southernAlberta, Canada, which are similar tochachalaca eggs,[12] but in the absence of bone material, their relationships cannot be determined except that they are apparentlyavian in origin.

Modern genera of phasianids start appearing around theOligocene-Miocene boundary, roughly 25–20 Mya. It is not well known whether the living genera of the other, older, galliform families originated around the same time or earlier, though at least in the New World quail, pre-Neogene forms seem to belong to genera that became entirely extinct later on.

A number of Paleogene to mid-Neogene fossils are quite certainly Galliformes, but their exact relationships in the order cannot be determined:

  • †Galliformes gen. et sp. indet. (Oligocene) – formerly inGallinuloides; phasianid?[13]
  • Palaealectoris (Agate Fossil Beds Early Miocene of Sioux County, USA) – tetraonine?

List of major taxa

See also:List of Galliformes

For a long time, the pheasants, partridges, and relatives were indiscriminately lumped in the Phasianidae, variously including or excluding turkeys, grouse, New World quail, and guineafowl, and divided into twosubfamilies – thePhasianinae (pheasant-like forms) and thePerdicinae (partridge-like forms). This crude arrangement was long considered to be in serious need of revision, but even with modernDNA sequence analyses andcladistic methods, thephylogeny of the Phasianidae has resisted complete resolution.[14]

Palaeortyx skeleton,Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris

A tentative list of the higher-level galliformtaxa, listed in evolutionary sequence, is:[14][15]

The relationships of many pheasants and partridges were formerly very badly resolved and much confounded byadaptive radiation (in the former) andconvergent evolution (in the latter).[17] Thus, the bulk of the Phasianidae was alternatively treated as a single subfamily Phasianinae. The grouse, turkeys, true pheasants, etc., would then becometribes of this subfamily, similar to how the Coturnicinae are commonly split into a quail and a spurfowl tribe.[18] In 2021, Kimballet al. found the family to comprise three distinct subfamilies, with two containing multiple genera; these results were followed by theInternational Ornithological Congress.[15][19][20]

The partridge ofEurope is not closely related to other partridge-like Galliformes, as already indicated by itssexually dimorphic coloration and possession of more than 14rectrices, traits it shares with the other advanced phasianids. However, among these its relationships are obscure; it is unclear whether it is closer to the turkeys or to certain short-tailed pheasants likeIthaginis,Lophophorus,Pucrasia, andTragopan.[21] In 2021, Kimballet al. found it to belong to the subfamilyPhasianini, alongside the true pheasants.[20]



Living Galliformes based on the work by John Boyd.[22]

Galliformes classification
(New World quail)


Female (left) and malecommon pheasants:Sexual dimorphism is conspicuous in this species, one of the mostapomorphic gamefowl

As their name suggests they are chicken-like in appearance, with rounded bodies and blunt wings, and range in size from small at 15 cm (6 inches) to large at 120 cm (4 feet). They are mainly terrestrial birds and their wings are short and rounded for short-distance flight. Galliforms areanisodactyl likepasserines, but some of the adult males grow spurs that point backwards.

Gallinaceous birds are arboreal or terrestrial animals; many prefer not to fly, but instead walk and run for locomotion. They live 5–8 years in the wild and up to 30 years in captivity.[citation needed] They can be found worldwide and in a variety of habitats, including forests, deserts, and grasslands. They use visual displays and vocalizations for communication, courtship, fighting, territoriality, and brooding.

They have diverse mating strategies: some are monogamous, while others arepolygamous orpolygynandrous. Male courtship behavior includes elaborate visual displays of plumage. They breed seasonally in accordance with the climate and lay three to 16 eggs per year in nests built on the ground or in trees.

Gallinaceous birds feed on a variety of plant and animal material, which may include fruits, seeds, leaves, shoots, flowers, tubers, roots, insects, snails, worms, lizards, snakes, small rodents, and eggs.

These birds vary in size from the diminutiveking quail (Coturnix chinensis) (5 in) long and weighing 28–40 g (1–1.4 oz) to the largest extant galliform species, theNorth Americanwild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), which may weigh as much as 14 kg (30.5 lb) and may exceed 120 cm (47 in).

The galliform bird species with the largest wingspan and largest overall length (including a train of over 6 feet) is most likely thegreen peafowl (Pavo muticus). Most galliformgenera are plump-bodied with thick necks and moderately long legs, with rounded and rather short wings.Grouse,pheasants,francolins, andpartridges are typical in their outwardly corpulent silhouettes.

Adult males of many galliform birds have one to several sharp horny spurs on the back of each leg, which they use for fighting. In several lineages, pronounced sexual dimorphism occurs, and among each galliformclade, the more apomorphic ("advanced") lineages tend to be more sexually dimorphic.



While most Galliformes are rather reluctant flyers, trulyflightless forms are unknown among the extant members of the order. Though they are often mischaracterised as weak-flying, Galliformes are actually highly specialised for their particular flight style, bearing extremely powerful flight muscles, and some species are even migratory.[23] Adultsnowcocks are, however, flightless, requiring gravity to launch, although juveniles can still fly relatively well.[24]

Nonetheless, a few birdsoutside the Galliformes crown-group did produce flightlessness.

The genusSylviornis, a hugeprehistoricallyextinct species ofNew Caledonia, was flightless, but as opposed to most other flightless birds likeratites or islandrails which become flightless due toarrested development of their flight apparatus and subsequentlyevolve to larger size,Sylviornis seems to have become flightless simply due to its bulk, with the wing reduction following consequently, not being the reason for its flightlessness.

The gigantic Australianmihirungs, which may be closer to Galliformes than toAnseriformes as traditionally expected,[25] achieved flightlessness more traditionally, strongly reducing their wings and keel. They were massive herbivorous birds, among the largest avian dinosaurs of all time.

By contrast, the stem-galliformScopelortyx appears to have been more aerial than modern fowl, with a flight style more suited for gliding and soaring.[26]

Behaviour and ecology

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Most of the galliform birds are more or less resident, but some of the smallertemperate species (such as quail) domigrate over considerable distances.Altitudinal migration is evidently quite common amongstmontane species, and a few species of subtropical andsubarctic regions must reach their watering and/or foraging areas through sustained flight. Species known to make extensive flights include the ptarmigans,sage-grouse (Centrocercus), crested partridge, green peafowl, crested argus,mountain peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron inopinatum),koklass pheasant (Pucrasia macrolopha),Reeves's pheasant, and (Syrmaticus reevesii). Other species — most of theNew World quail (also known as the ‘toothed quail’), the enigmaticstone partridge (Ptilopachus petrosus) ofAfrica,guineafowl, and eared pheasants (Crossoptilon) — are all notable for their daily excursions on foot which may take them many miles in a given day.

Some Galliformes are adapted to grassland habitat, and these genera are remarkable for their long, thin necks, long legs, and large, wide wings. Fairly unrelatedspecies like thecrested fireback (Lophura ignita),vulturine guineafowl (Acryllium vulturinum), andmalleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) are outwardly similar in their body types (see alsoconvergent evolution).

Most species that show only limited sexual dimorphism are notable for the great amount of locomotion required to find food throughout the majority of the year. Those species that are highly sedentary but with marked ecological transformations over seasons exhibit marked distinct differences between the sexes in size and/or appearance. Eared-pheasants, guineafowl, toothed quail, and thesnow partridge (Lerwa lerwa) are examples of limited sexual differences and requirements for traveling over wide terrain to forage.

Winter ecology


Gallinaceous birds are well adapted to regions with cold winters. Their larger size, increased plumage, and lower activity levels help them to withstand the cold and conserve energy. Under such conditions, they are able to change their feeding strategy to that of a ruminant. This allows them to feed on and extract energy and nutrients from coarse, fibrous plant material, such asbuds, twigs, andconifer needles. This provides a virtually unlimited source of accessible food and requires little energy to harvest.

Food and feeding

Flock of adult and younghelmeted guineafowl foraging

Herbivorous to slightlyomnivorous galliforms, forming the majority of the group, are typically stoutly built and have short, thick bills primarily adapted for foraging on the ground for rootlets or the consumption of other plant material such asheather shoots. The young birds will also take insects.

Peafowl,junglefowl and most of thesubtropical pheasant genera have very different nutritional requirements from typicalPalearctic genera. TheHimalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus) has been observed digging in the rotting wood ofdeadfall in a similar manner towoodpeckers to extractinvertebrates, even bracing itself with aid of its squared tail. Thecheer pheasant (Catreus wallichi),crested argus (Rheinardia ocellata), thecrested partridge (Rollulus roulroul) and thecrested guineafowl (Guttera pucherani) are similar ecologically to the Himalayan monal in that they too forage in rotting wood fortermites,ant andbeetlelarvae,molluscs,crustaceans and youngrodents.

Typical peafowl (Pavo), most of thepeacock-pheasants (Polyplectron), theBulwer's pheasant (Lophura bulweri), the ruffed pheasants (Chrysolophus) and the hill partridges (Arborophila) have narrow, relatively delicate bills, poorly suited for digging. These galliform genera prefer instead to capture live invertebrates inleaf litter, in sand, or shallow pools or along stream banks. These genera are also outwardly similar in that they each have exceptionally long, delicate legs and toes and the tendency to frequent seasonally wet habitats to forage, especially during chick-rearing. Theblue peafowl (Pavo cristatus) is famed in its nativeIndia for its appetite for snakes – even poisonouscobras – which it dispatches with its strong feet and sharp bill. TheLady Amherst's pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae), green peafowl (Pavo muticus), Bulwer's pheasant and thecrestless fireback (Lophura erythrophthalma) are notable for their aptitude to forage for crustaceans such as crayfish and other aquatic small animals in shallow streams and amongst rushes in much the same manner as some members of the rail family (Rallidae). Similarly, althoughwild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) have a diet primarily of vegetation, they will eat insects, mice, lizards, and amphibians, wading in water to hunt for the latter.Domestic hens (Gallus domesticus) share this opportunistic behaviour and will eat insects, mice, worms, and amphibians.

During mating season, the malewestern capercaillie feeds mainly onbilberry leaves, which are toxic to mostherbivores

The tragopans (Tragopan),mikado pheasant (Syrmaticus mikado), and several species of grouse and ptarmigan are exceptional in their largely vegetarian andarboreal foraging habitats; grouse are especially notable for being able to feed on plants rich interpenes andquinones—such assagebrush orconifers—which are often avoided by other herbivores. Many species of moderate altitudes—for example the long-tailed pheasants of the genusSyrmaticus—also find a great deal of their daily nutritional requirements in thetree canopies, especially during the snowy and rainy periods when foraging on the ground is dangerous and less than fruitful for a variety of reasons. Although members of the genusSyrmaticus are capable of subsisting almost entirely on vegetarian materials for months at a time, this is not true for many of the subtropical genera. For example, thegreat argus (Argusianus argus) and crested argus may do most of their foraging during rainy months in the canopy of the jungle, as well. There they are known to forage onslugs,snails, ants, andamphibians to the exclusion of plant material. How they forage in the forest canopy during the rainy months is unknown.



Most galliforms are very prolific, withclutches regularly exceeding 10 eggs in many species. In contrast to most birds which are – at least for a particular breeding season –monogamous, galliforms are oftenpolygynous orpolygamous. Such species can be recognized by their pronounced sexual dimorphism.

Galliform young are veryprecocious and roam with their mothers – or both parents in monogamous species – mere hours after hatching. The most extreme case are theMegapodiidae, where the adults do not brood, but leaveincubation to mounds of rotting vegetation,volcanic ash, or hot sand. The young must dig out of the nest mounds after hatching, but they emerge from the eggs fully feathered, and upon leaving the mound, they are able to fly considerable distances.

Common species

See also:List of Galliformes by population

Grouse and ptarmigans -Family Tetraonidae

Grouse, ptarmigans, and prairie chickens are all chicken-like birds with short, curved, strong bills, part of the family Tetraonidae. This group includes 25 species residing mostly inNorth America. They are mainly ground-dwellers and have short, rounded wings for brief flights. They are well adapted to winter by growing feather "snowshoes" on their feet and roosting beneath the snow. They range in size from the 13-inch (33 cm) white-tailed ptarmigan to the 28-inch (71 cm) sage grouse. Their plumage is dense and soft and is most commonly found in shades of red, brown, and gray to camouflage to the ground. They are polygamous and male courtship behavior includes strutting and dancing and aggressive fighting for possession of females. The typicalclutch size is between seven and 12 eggs.

Turkeys -Family Meleagrididae

Turkeys are large, long-legged birds that can grow up to 4 feet (1.2 m) in height and weigh up to 30 pounds (14 kg) in the wild. They have a long, broad, rounded tail with 14–19 blunt feathers. They have a naked, wrinkled head and feathered body. The North American wild turkey –Meleagris gallopavo – has five distinct subspecies (Eastern, Rio Grande, Florida [Osceola], Merriam's, and Gould's). Hybrids also exist where the ranges of these subspecies overlap. All are native only to North America, though transplanted populations exist elsewhere. Their plumage differs slightly by subspecies, but is generally dark to black for males, with buff to cream highlights, and generally drab brown for females. The feathers are quiteiridescent and can take on distinct reddish/copper hues in sunlight. Their feathers are well defined with broad, square ends, giving the bird the appearance of being covered in scales. Males have a "beard" of coarse black bristles hanging from the center of their upper breasts and tend to have more vibrantly colored plumage than do females. They breed in the spring and their typical clutch size is between 10 and 12 eggs. Theocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata), a different species of turkey, currently exists only in a portion of theYucatán peninsula. After the 19th and early 20th centuries, wild turkey populations dropped significantly because of hunting and habitat loss. However, populations now flourish again due to hunting management and transplanting. The ocellated turkey, not commonly hunted, is currently threatened due to ongoing habitat loss in the Yucutan.

Pheasants, quail, and partridges -Family Phasianidae

The family is divided into four groups: 30 species of new world quail, residing betweenParaguay andCanada, 11 species of Old World quail inAfrica,Australia, andAsia, 94 species of partridges, and 48 species of pheasants. This family includes a wide range of bird sizes from a5+12 inches (14 cm) quail to pheasants up to almost 30 inches (76 cm). Pheasants and quail have heavy, round bodies and rounded wings. Though they have short legs, they are very fast runners when escaping predators.

Chachalacas -Family Cracidae

Chachalacas are found in the chaparral ecosystems from southernTexas throughMexico andCosta Rica. They are mainly arboreal and make their nests in trees 5 to 15 feet (1.5 to 4.6 m) above the ground. They are large, long-legged birds that can grow up to 26 inches (66 cm) long. They have long tails and are chicken-like in appearance. Their frail-looking yet sturdy nests are made of sticks and leaves. Their clutch size is three or four eggs. The males make a unique, loud,mating call that give them their name. Chachalacas feed mainly on berries, but also eat insects. They are a popular game bird, as their flesh is good to eat. They are also commonly domesticated as pets.


  1. ^Mourer-Chauviré; et al. (2013)."A new taxon of stem group Galliformes and the earliest record for stem group Cuculidae from the Eocene of Djebel Chambi, Tunisia"(PDF).Proceed. 8th Inter Nat. Meeting Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 20 October 2023.
  2. ^Kuhl., H.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Bakker, A.; Mayr, G.; Nikolaus, G.; Boerno, S. T.; Klages, S.; Timmermann, B.; Gahr, M. (2020)."An unbiased molecular approach using 3'UTRs resolves the avian family-level tree of life".Molecular Biology and Evolution.38:108–127.doi:10.1093/molbev/msaa191.PMC 7783168.PMID 32781465.
  3. ^Kimballet al. (1999), Dyke et al. (2003), Smithet al. (2005), Croweet al. (2006a,b)
  4. ^Smithet al. (2005), Croweet al. (2006a,b)
  5. ^Jackson, Christine E. (2006).Peacock. Reaktion Books. pp. 15.ISBN 9781861892935.
  6. ^Chen, D.; Hosner, P.A.; Dittmann, D.L.; O’Neill, J.P.; Birks, S.M.; Braun, E.L.; Kimball, R.T. (2021)."Divergence time estimation of Galliformes based on the best gene shopping scheme of ultraconserved elements".BMC Ecology and Evolution.21 (1): 209.doi:10.1186/s12862-021-01935-1.PMC 8609756.PMID 34809586.
  7. ^Gill, Frank; Donsker, David;Rasmussen, Pamela, eds. (24 December 2023)."Megapodes, guans, guineafowl, New World quail".IOC World Bird List Version 14.1. International Ornithologists' Union. Retrieved27 May 2024.
  8. ^Gill, Frank; Donsker, David;Rasmussen, Pamela, eds. (24 December 2023)."Pheasants, partridges, francolins".IOC World Bird List Version 14.1. International Ornithologists' Union. Retrieved27 May 2024.
  9. ^Quaillike creatures were the only birds to survive the dinosaur-killing asteroid impact
  10. ^Clarke (2004)
  11. ^Agnolinet al. (2006)
  12. ^Zelenitskyet al. (1996)
  13. ^SpecimenMCZ 342506. Aproximalhumerus of a bird larger thanGallinuloides: Mayr & Weidig (2004)
  14. ^abKimballet al. (1999, 2001), Croweet al. (2006a,b)
  15. ^ab"Taxonomic Updates – IOC World Bird List". Retrieved2021-08-01.
  16. ^abMcInerney, Phoebe L.; Blokland, Jacob C.; Worthy, Trevor H. (2024-06-02)."Skull morphology of the enigmatic Genyornis newtoni Stirling and Zeitz, 1896 (Aves, Dromornithidae), with implications for functional morphology, ecology, and evolution in the context of Galloanserae".Historical Biology.36 (6):1093–1165.doi:10.1080/08912963.2024.2308212.ISSN 0891-2963.
  17. ^Dykeet al. (2003)
  18. ^See e.g. the phylogenies in Kimballet al. (2006) and Croweet al. (2006a,b)
  19. ^Kimball, Rebecca T.; Hosner, Peter A.; Braun, Edward L. (2021-05-01)."A phylogenomic supermatrix of Galliformes (Landfowl) reveals biased branch lengths".Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.158: 107091.Bibcode:2021MolPE.15807091K.doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107091.ISSN 1055-7903.PMID 33545275.S2CID 231963063.
  20. ^ab"Galliformes".bird-phylogeny (in German). Retrieved2021-08-01.
  21. ^Kimballet al. (1999, 2001), Smithet al. (2005), Croweet al. (2006a,b)
  22. ^John Boyd's website[1]Boyd, John (2007)."GALLIFORMES- Landfowl". Retrieved30 December 2015.
  23. ^Gary W. Kaiser, The Inner Bird: Anatomy and Evolution Paperback – 1 Feb 2008
  24. ^Madge, Steve; McGowan, J. K.; Kirwan, Guy M. (2002). Pheasants, Partridges and Grouse: A Guide to the Pheasants, Partridges, Quail, Grouse, Guineafowl, Buttonquail and Sandgrouse of the World. A.C. Black. pp. 174–180.ISBN 9780713639667.
  25. ^Worthy, T., Mitri, M., Handley, W., Lee, M., Anderson, A., Sand, C. 2016. Osteology supports a steam-galliform affinity for the giant extinct flightless birds Sylviornis neocaledoniae (Sylviornithidae, Galloanseres). PLOS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150871
  26. ^Mourer-Chauviré, C.; Pickford, M. (2015). "Stemp group galliform and stemp group psittaciform birds (Aves, Galliformes, Paraortygidae, and Psittaciformes, family incertae sedis) from the Middle Eocene of Namibia".Journal of Ornithology.156 (1):275–286.doi:10.1007/s10336-014-1124-y.S2CID 16336177.

Further reading

  • Agnolin, Federico L.; Novas, Fernando E. & Lio, Gabriel (2006): Neornithine bird coracoid from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia.Ameghiniana43(1): 245–248.HTML fulltext
  • Clarke, Julia A (2004)."Morphology, Phylogenetic Taxonomy, and Systematics ofIchthyornis andApatornis (Avialae: Ornithurae)"(PDF).Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History.286:1–179.doi:10.1206/0003-0090(2004)286<0001:mptaso>;2.S2CID 84035285.
  • Crowe, Timothy M.; Bloomer, Paulette; Randi, Ettore; Lucchini, Vittorio; Kimball, Rebecca T.; Braun, Edward L. & Groth, Jeffrey G. (2006a): Supra-generic cladistics of landfowl (Order Galliformes).Acta Zoologica Sinica52(Supplement): 358–361.PDF fulltextArchived 2010-06-23 at theWayback Machine
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  • Mayr, Gerald; Weidig, Ilka (2004)."The Early Eocene birdGallinuloides wyomingensis – a stem group representative of Galliformes".Acta Palaeontologica Polonica.49 (2):211–217.
  • Smith, Edward J.; Shi, Li & Tu, Zhijian (2005):Gallus gallus aggrecan gene-based phylogenetic analysis of selected avian taxonomic groups.Genetica124(1): 23–32.doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.2001.tb01356.x (HTML abstract)
  • Zelenitsky, Darla K.; Hills, L.V. & Currie, Philip J. (1996): Parataxonomic classification of ornithoid eggshell fragments from the Oldman Formation (Judith River Group; Upper Cretaceous), Southern Alberta.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences33(12): 1655–1667.PDF fulltext
  • Bent, Arthur C. 1963. Life Histories of North American Gallinaceous Birds, New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
  • Eaton, Stephen W. 1992. The Birds of North America: Wild Turkey No. 22. The Academy of Natural Sciences; Washington DC: The American Ornithologists’ Union.
  • Forbush, Edward H. 1929. Birds of Massachusetts and Other New England States, Norwood Massachusetts: Norwood press.
  • Harrison, Kit and George. 1990. The Birds of Winter, New York: Random House.
  • Pearson, T. Gilbert, et al. 1936. Birds of America, New York: Garden City Publishing Company, Inc.
  • Peterson, M.J. 2000. The Birds of North America: Plain Chachalaca (Ortalis vetula), No. 550. The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
  • Robbins, Chandler S. et al. 1966. A Guide to Field Identification: Birds of North America, New York: Golden Press.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related toGalliformes.
Wikisource has the text of a 1920Encyclopedia Americana article aboutGalliformes.
Genera oflandfowl and their extinct allies
incertae sedis
    • See below ↓
Sylviornis neocaledoniae
    • See below ↓
Mitu mitu
    • See below ↓
Numida meleagris
Rollulus rouloul
185 living species in 32 genera
Birds (class: Aves)
Fossil birds
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